• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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Active [Azuran City-Ryke]-At your service!


RWBY Tuesdays
Roleplay Availability
I am not looking for any roleplays currently.
Roleplay Type(s)
  1. One on One
  2. Group
  3. Off-site
KURO NEKOMATA| Beastkin-Cat | Eccentric

Anime art style, Anime boy, Charming smile, elegant, butler, blue, black, and white color pale...jpg"Ugh...I'm BORED." Kuro plopped down onto her back, landing on a pile of old flour bags that had yet to be packed onto the ship. Another week at the docks with her Uncle, but this time she was left with the brunt of the work. There was no one to take most of the work like she had done before.

"Hey you burst one of those bags, and it's coming out of YOUR paycheck, Kuro." Her uncle Saldana scolded her. He lightly shoved her off the bags with the toe of his boot, and picked one up. "The faster we get this done, the sooner we can go home."

Ugh...that's what he says every time. And yet every time I end up staying over night for things like this! Kuro had chalked it up to her horrible luck impacting her days at the dock. She was never the prime target, it was always someone else having an unfortunate accident that would lead to a longer shift at the docks. As such, she'd been searching desperately for a new job. Something else to fill her days with to escape the monotony of working at the shipyard.

After her shift which HAD lasted much longer than she'd have liked, Kuro decided to stroll through Azuran City in her noble clothes rather than the shabby commoner clothing she had to wear for her job at the docks. As she window shopped, she spotted an advertisement tacked onto a tea shops door. One thing led to another, and now her prayers have finally been answered!

Lady Chamomile is a tea shop owner in Azuran City who's in desperate need of some new workers after her staff decided to go to a rival shop across the street. Kuro managed to convince her that she was a very well renowned service worker, and she even had the elegant clothing to prove it! Lady Chamomile was ecstatic when the day finally came for the other workers to appear. Kuro and Lady Chamomile stood in the empty dining hall ready to welcome them to their first day on the job.

Hi! Lolory here, welcome to this cute maid/butler cafe idea lol. Here are some rules.
  • 1. Posts are every Saturday, and if not Saturday, Sunday.

  • "Freeposting" is allowed which means your characters can interact and post whenever you want and there's no turn order. The only real rule is the post has to be at least a paragraph. Just be mindful of the weekend posting schedule however as the story itself might move on past whatever conversations or hijinks you're getting up to!

  • There are slight dice mechanics but they're very minor. You will have to roll in order to perform your duties as Maids and Butlers! If you roll too poorly you fail the task and the tea shop might close lol.

  • The RP will last for about at least a month but it's very simple so I don't see it lasting that long!

  • It doesn't matter the gender your character is, they can choose to be a maid or a butler. For example, Kuro is a woman but is also a butler!

  • All character types are welcome and we will treat this like a neutral zone so criminal/Monster titles and other such things will not be accounted for (Lady Chamomile is desperate okay)
If you have anymore questions just feel free to ask me!

Rosette Louvier

Rosette strolled through the crowded streets of Azuran City. Her mood was fantastic, and the weather fine. She was currently on her way to a new job, just a little thing to earn some spending money while she happened to be in town. She had spotted the ad plastered to the window of a tea shop when she had first gotten into town and seeing as she would be there for a time she had decided to apply. After all what could be easier than serving tea?

Thinking back on it; Lady Chamomile had seemed the desperate sort. A desperate Lady in need of a maid's expert aid, and if there was ever a thing Rosette loved, it was helping those in dire need of a capable and charismatic maid. In fact, the very thought of a possible head pat in addition to her wages set her heart to soaring. It wasn't long before she began to hum a tune as she cut through town with determined steps.

The closer she got to her destination the higher her spirits soared. Her steady steps soon transformed into delightful dancing as she whirled and twirled her way the through the crowd, all the while humming to herself cheerily as she clearly annoyed those around her with her dancing and dilly-dallying. Rosette paid them no mind though, instead choosing to add lyrics to the tune as a song soon joined her dancing.

" Day after day! Love turns grey!" she belted out to an elderly couple. " Like the skin of a dying man!"

" And night after night! We pretend it's alright!"
She sang to a little boy, holding his hands briefly before releasing him to whirl up behind his mother.

" But I have grown older and you have grown colder!" She sang into the stunned woman's ear " And nothing is very much fun anymore!"

Moving on down the street her words rang out merrily. " But I!...Can!... feel!...One of my turns coming on!"

" I!...Feel!"
She belted out as she neared the tea house. " Cold as a razor blade! Tight as a tourniquet! Dry as a funeral drum!"

As if by design, her last words found her leaning her back against the entrance to Lady Chamomile's tea house. There she quickly straightened herself before turning to face the door as if nothing at all had happened. Very politely she swept the door open, and entering gracefully, she gave the two people standing in the empty dining hall a deep curtsy.

" Rosette Louvier, reporting for duty." she declared, her voice both sweet and elegant. " and might I add; it is my great pleasure to do so."

Lolory Lolory Tau Tau

Rua Somueine
Common | <Beastial>


Rua poured through the job listings on the board, each one less suitable than the last. Baker? She didn’t know a thing about cooking with fire. Interior decorator? Sounded great until she realized it was code for ‘move heavy stuff into a mansion.’ Sewage worker? What was sewa— oh, heck no!

How very depressing.

… Speaking of depressing, that red-haired girl seemed awfully cheerful. That was a common surfacer servant uniform, no? She decided to follow for her a bit, eventually arriving at a tea shop. At first, she figured that was as far as she ought to go, but then her eye caught the job listing. Maids and butlers for a cafe? She wasn’t entirely clear what was expected of a maid or butler, but if it was looking pretty, she could do that pretty well.

"Hello?" she called in, timidly wandering through the door and filling the room with colorful light refracting through her… well, everything, pretty much. The place was cozy looking and made her feel relaxed immediately, which was impressive for a surface building. "I hope this isn’t a bad time, but I saw your job request, and I may be interested. Although, I’m not entirely sure how butlers and maids are meant to behave…"

Bit of an understatement, actually: she had no clue how they behaved! Then again, people always padded their résumés, right? She could learn quickly enough. "I’m very passionate about my work, though. I promise to do my best for this food eating business!"

Anime art style, Anime boy, Charming smile, elegant, butler, blue, black, and white color pale...jpg
Lady Chamomile welcomed the two newcomers with a wide smile. "Welcome! Welcome! I'm so glad to have helpers." She said excitedly. "Two maids and a butler should be well enough to help with the cafe. The point of this cafe isn't just to serve tea, but it's to bring a whole new experience to those who are uh...of lesser status! You'll be serving tea and cakes with a smile, and treating the customers like any noble in Azuran City, even if they aren't truly nobles."

Kuro looked at her with a raised brow, "Wait, so the people we're serving are just regular folk?"

Lady Chamomile nodded, "Yep! Oh, but if the cafe does well enough who knows? Maybe a real lord or lady actually will come in one day! Now, on to classifications. Kuro here has already decided to be a butler, and judging by you two's attire I assume you want to be maids? If that's the case, then I'll assign the both of you to different spots." Lady Chamomile pointed to Rosette. "You, Miss Rosette can handle greeting our dear guests at the door. You have lovely charm, and you can make them feel right at home the minute they walk in."

She then pointed to Rua, "And you, Miss Rua can be a host to any guests we seat! You'll be working alonside Kuro here. Once you've done a good enough job, we'll swap everyone around!"

And with that, the shop opened. There wasn't a long line of customers, but an older lady and her young daughter came in first. It was now up to Rosette to make the two ladies feel welcomed! Kuro was off grumbling as she was setting a table with Rua, upset that she hadn't been picked as the resident door greeter for the day.

[Tau roll a 1d6 to determine your greeting skills!]

Tau Tau heartspan heartspan
As Rosette rose from her curtsy she took a good look at her fellow team mate. At first she thought they were a very handsome cat-boy in a butler's uniform. However, as she studied the young man she came to realize that it was in fact a young lady. It took a few moments for her mind to process this new information. The girl did not carry herself as a proper butler, and Rosette had seen many butlers. The girl in fact carried herself more like a young nobleman trying to play at being a servant.

Rosette was just about to remark on it when the door chime sang out drawing her attention to another...Maid!!! This girl was like nothing she had ever seen. Light bent and blossomed from within a body that seemed to be made of clear jelly. Her beauty even made Rosette lose some of her natural confidence in her cuteness. Was this girl some monster pretending too be a human and failing miserably??? Was she a really real Jelly person??

Before any questions got answered, or remarks made, Lady Chamomile welcomed them. Explaining the details of the job before anyone had a chance to react. Then bang they were off to a start. Rosette had been chosen as a greeter and this was fine as far as she was concerned. Though she would have much rather liked to start by getting to work with one of her team mates. Nevertheless, she planned to put forth 10000000% effort.

" Don't worry Mistress Kuro, this Rosette is certain your fellow Lords and Ladies will be by to visit you." Rosette proclaimed trying to offer some consolation to what she had taken as Kuro's dissatisfaction with the clientele.

Rosette was going to go on when an older woman alongside her adorable daughter came in. Rosette was quick to end the conversation, and pull out all of the stops for their first visitor. She gave them her most grand curtsy, her head bowed ever so slightly in deference to them.

" Your Grace, This Rosette humbly welcomes you and the Young Mistress to Lady Chamomile's tea house." She stated, her voice honey sweet and dripping with professionalism. " Might this humble Rosette guide you to a seat? Here you will be served by the finest staff and taste of the finest treats."

When Rosette finished her speech she looked up, but only very slightly in order to take in the eyes of the young girl and to give her a conspiratorial wink.

Lolory Lolory Tau Tau

Rua Somueine
Common | <Beastial>


Rua hadn’t expected such a swift and smooth hiring process, but she sure was delighted to hear the lady’s words, her face perking up immediately. "I see! I ought to handle that quite well, as I am accustomed to working with nobility," Rua nodded eagerly. "Lovely to be working with you both: Kuro, Rosette. And thank you for the opportunity~" she added, copying Rosette’s curtsey, though in her case, her hair flared out more than the dress.

Work started off quickly, and she was assigned to the one with triangle ears. Rua had a hard time understanding this Kuro. The outfit, as she understood it, was commonly associated with male surfacers, as was short hair, but the triangle-eared one had a very soft face, voice, and certain shapes impolite to mention common among females.

Then again, surfacers never had the shapes Rua expected them to. Honestly, even Kuro’s ears were in the wrong spot! And— wait, had Rosette just called her Mistress?

… Well, surface-folk ought to know surface-folk best.

"Is something bothering you, Kuro?" she asked, carrying two plates with the same struggle one would expect of someone hauling heavy equipment. "Oh, but before you answer, I have an important question. Where I am from, it is often customary for servants to present their masters with a small bubble of air when returning home. Since air is abundant here, am I meant to pour water on them, and if so, where?"

The door to the tea shop once again chimed as Aqua entered the establishment. This was her first time in Azuran City so she took several wrong turns until she finally managed to find the place. She was clutching the advertising pamphlet for the job but now that she had arrived, doubt started to seeps back into her mind.

What was she doing here? She couldn't even speak one sentence without stuttering. She would probably just ends up embarrassing herself. Stupiiid! Still, she wanted to face her weakness. That's why she's here, she hoped the owner would at least give her a chance. She approached the only figure that didn't wear maid or butler uniform and showed the advertisement.

"I-I-Is there still spot o-open? I-I would like to help." She asked with an obviously nervous face. In her mind she already imagine what she would do once the owner casted her out. Maybe she would just go back to her workshop and locked herself in for the next three days.​
Anime art style, Anime boy, Charming smile, elegant, butler, blue, black, and white color pale...jpg
The lady and her daughter felt very welcomed by Rosette's welcome. "Wow, what great customer service!" The mother said, as they were lead to their small table. "Yes, we would like the afternoon tea special. I had no idea Lady Chamomile employed real maids to work in her shop now. I've never seen anything like it."

Lady Chamomile, meanwhile, greeted the newest girl who had also come in seeking employment just as the day began. "Hello dear! Yes, you're just in time. We already have a door greeter, so how about you help me in the back with setting up the tea trays?" She lead Aqua to the quaint looking kitchen area that wasn't all that complicated. But it might take a little skill to bake and make some of the tea cakes. Lady Chamomile gestured at the countertop already set with the proper ingredients. "We have to make one Afternoon tea platter, so let's try our best! You can work on the lemon squares, and I'll handle the tea cakes!"

As the kitchen became busy, Kuro quit her sulking as she lazily wiped a cloth over one of the tables to speak to Rua. "Oh nothing's bothering me...it's just I kind of wish I got to be the door greeter first! I have a lot of charm and wit, you know!" She explained. "And to answer your question uh...people on land at least don't particularly like getting wet. Especially in a tea shop. Right now, we should just wait for more customers to arrive...and look, there's one now! "

Just as Kuro had spoke, an older stuffy looking woman with rather expensive tastes walked into the tea shop. She had a particular uptight attitude, and seemed to be inspecting the surrounding area very dutifully. "Quick, let's set the table for her! She seems like a really rich noble woman!"

heartspan heartspan [Roll 1d6 to greet the stuffy Noblewoman]
Tau Tau [Roll 1d6 to set the table for the stuffy Noblewoman]
Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread [Roll 1d6 to bake some lemon squares!]
Once she had properly seated The mother/daughter duo and taken their order Rosette already had her next customer. The woman was looked uptight and rather stuffy but this was of no concern to Rosette who trotted over to the woman warmly greeting her as she preformed her deep and elegant curtsy.

" Greetings your grace, this Rosette bids you welcome to Lady Chamomile's Tea House." she said, her voice professionally sweet.

As she rose from her curtsy she flashed an inviting smile to the stuffy older woman.

" I am sure such a lovely person will find her tastes well met here." Rosette continued " We serve the finest treats and offer the finest service I assure you, Your Grace."

Rosette gestured invitingly into the establishment.

" If you would, please allow this Rosette to show you to a table." Rosette concluded.

This was much more tough than she had expected. Rosette knew very little of the business, Lady Chamomile, or any of the local things that might make her job much easier. Still she did her level best to provide all the proper courtesies as she had learned them.

Tau Tau Lolory Lolory Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread

Rua Somueine
Common | <Beastial>


Rua nodded her head slowly, as Kuro shared her feelings. "I see," she answered, thoughtfully. "I’m sure there will be time to switch roles. In the meantime, I will be sure to keep fluids away from the customers. It’s fortunate this cafe is not raining, or that might be very difficult."

She paused from setting the table to wave at the newcomer. "Hello, shy one," Rua called, before the girl swam away to help in the kitchen. A shame, she looked nice. Perhaps not greeter material, though.

It helped, having an example to follow. Plate in front of chair, utencils to the side, ontop of napkin. "Personally, I’m not fond of being dry." She was slow and methodical, but did manage to get most things in place… eventually. "It is very unpleasant. Anyway, is this correct?" she finally asked her tablemate, gesturing to the one seat she’d finished in the time it’d taken Kuro to complete the other three.
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"Y-yes! Thank you for the opportunity!" Aqua let out a long sigh of relief as she eagerly readied herself to start working. She gave the others employees a smile as she passed them in her way to the kitchen. She passed the hardest part of the job: talking to new people! She congratulated herself to achieve such interaction, this time without anyone behind her. This job was something that she force on herself to push herself beyond her own limit after all.

Now time to cook.

Aqua wasn't much of a baker, but she knew the recipe well enough to be able to cook it confidently. She started by mixing the flour, butter and sugar in one bowl and then beat it until it became a soft dough. Spread the dough in a square tray, making sure the bottom part of the tray was well-covered by the dough and then bake it for a few minutes until it becomes golden brown. This would become the base crust, she would like for it to be extra crispy.

Next she would makes the filling. She started by grating some lemon zest. She wasn't really sure how much lemon the customer would like it to be, but she prefer for it to be extra lemon-y. Gradually mix the zest, lemon juice, sugar, some flour and a few eggs, and whisk it until she got a properly-mixed sticky yellow mixture. She would then pour the filling onto the crust then bake it once more. Once done she would let it cool until the filling was firm enough before dusting powdered sugar on it.

"O-one batch of l-lemon squares, coming..."
Aqua meekly slided the lemon she made on the counter. Neatly cut into equally sized squares and arranged cutely on the plate.​
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Anime art style, Anime boy, Charming smile, elegant, butler, blue, black, and white color pale...jpg
The snooty looking noblewoman was blown away by the courteous way Rosette greeted her. "Hmph, I'm impressed that it seemed Chamomile has managed to hire actual maids for this...endeavor of hers." She said, taking her seat at the table. She quickly scrunched her face up at the way Kuro and Rua had set it. "Ugh, is this what you call 'excellent' seating? It's...adequate enough, I suppose. A lady of my stature isn't used to such mediocrity for afternoon tea."

Kuro then realized who this woman was, and she felt her blood go cold. "Oh no...Rua, come here, this is bad!" She quickly yanked the jellyfish girl away so they couldn't embarass themselves anymore in front of such a prestigious guest. "That's Madame Amaretto! One of the most uptight, fancy talking, reviewer in all of Azuran City! If we mess this up...we could be in a lot of trouble."

The tea shop could close, or worse! Madame Amaretto could write a less than exemplary review and they'd never get any kind of nobles in the door afterwards. Madame Chamomile came up to the two girls with a weary smile.

"I have full faith in my staff, you girls have got this in the bag I already know it! Look, Rua, how about you try to entertain our guest here. I have pre-selected a few high quality teas just for such an occassion as this!" She explained shortly. She gestured at a rolling cart of tea samples, a few different pots of tea had already been made and were waiting to be poured into a cup. "Kuro, you can be on door duty."

"Yes!" She celebrated with a fistpump, but then remembered where she was. "Uh-ahem I mean, of course I will do the best I can!" Madame Chamomile congratulated Rosette then.

"You've got stellar compliments already! How about you go and bring out those lemon sqaures that dear Aqua has prepared?" the mother and daughter who had ordered them were still waiting patiently. In the meantime, Lady Chamomile would return to the kitchen. She inspected the lemon squares a bit before they were brought out. "These are perfect, Aqua! You've got a knack for baking, it seems! We'll move onto something a bit more complicated though...I know, how about we prepare the Butternut Squash soup soon, it's apart of our savory afternoon tea set."

The kitchen went to work, and soon all of the maids (and their one butler) were prepared to take on a much more daunting task: Pleasing Madame Amaretto!

Madame Amaretto has arrived to the shop, she's Azuran City's number 1 critic for Tea shops and she's known to be INCREDIBLY hard to please. From this point on, any rolls below a 5 or 6 will get a pretty negative response, meaning you've got to try your hardest (and hope) that you can please Madame Amaretto enough to make her write a good review!

Tau Tau roll 1d6 to poor the expensive tea's for Madame Amaretto
heartspan heartspan roll 1d6 to bring out the Lemon Squares for the mother and daughter duo.
Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread roll to help prepare the Butternut Squash soup.
Rosette gave a polite curtsy to Lady Chamomile as she was complimented, a warm smile crossing her lips before resting in her ruby eyes. She then followed the woman into the kitchen eager to complete her next task. Head-pats were surely being earned she felt and allowed this to show in her easy smile. She waited patiently for Lady Chamomile to inspect the treats before taking a look herself.

" Oh goodness! These look so absolutely amazing!" She gushed as she took in the very delicious looking lemon treats. He mouth even watering involuntarily.

When she looked up at the cook she was surprised to see the new girl, whom she hadn't had time to greet owing to her busyness. She quickly offered the girl a warm and friendly smile.

" You are an amazing cook." she declared in unabashed confidence " I'm Rosette, it's a pleasure to meet you. I hope we get a chance to talk more when it slows a bit."

Her greeting complete, she dipped her head ever so slightly in apologetic professionalism before hurrying to carry out her order. She did her best to move cleanly, quickly, and carefully to her customers. Her best smile gracing her lips and shinning in her eyes as she made ready to serve the mother/daughter duo.

" This Rosette, humbly offers you our finest lemon squares." she declared as she arrived at the table. " Do enjoy these little slices of heaven."

Lolory Lolory Tau Tau Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread

"T-thank you! I-I will try my best!" Aqua smiled as she heard Lady Chamomile's compliment. She's glad the dessert she made was good enough. The next menu sounded more challenging though, and the way the atmosphere of the staff changed because of the supposed food reviewer made her even more anxious.

"T-T-Thank you, Rosette. I-I am Aqua, n-nice to meet you." She smiled back at Rosette and watched her go to attend the reviewer. Aqua always admires people with confidence like that, she hopes one day she would be able to talk clearly and confidently like her. For now, she should do her best with the next dishes.

Time to cook.

She loves soup, especially the ones with mushroom, but saying that she ever cook a butternut soup would be a lie. Opening the recipe book, she would try her best at following the instructions step by step. She would start by chopping the vegetables into small pieces before briefly frying the onion and the butternut together. Once its mixed enough, she would continue by mixing the various prepared herbs and then the vegetable broth into the mixture. The next several minutes were spent stirring the soup, until it was soft and mixed enough. She would then transfer the soup into the prepared bowl and decorated it with some parsley.

"B-butternut soup, c-coming..." Aqua meekly slided the soup she made on the counter. Hopefully this was good enough for the reviewer.​
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Rua Somueine
Common | <Beastial>


Rua threw the snooty lady a strange glance. Was there some sort of table decoration she’d missed or something? It was disheartening, just a bit, but she wouldn’t let it get to her.

"H-Hm? Reviewer…?" Okay, maybe she would. From the moment they’d touched, everything felt ominously off, and not only because she’d just gently stung Kuro’s hand through the glove. Rua shared a look of concern with the cat butler, even as her new employer tried to show far more faith in her than she had in herself. "W-well… of course, I will do my best…" was all she could say. "Good luck with greetings."

Lucky for her, Rua was quite familiar with tea! Sure, she might have understood ‘tea’ to be a flavored patch of spices you stick to your shoulder, but once you got used to the unique way of absorbing it through ‘mouth water,’ it really was the same stuff that was popular in Krustanton! She could do this!

Grabbing hold of the cart, she wheeled it up to the table, making sure the many fancy labels were plainly visible to Madame Amaretto, then curtsied in a manner that flared her hair out and truly reminded one of a jellyfish bobbing in the water.

"Blessed tides to you, milady. We have prepared a wide selection of fine tea from across the world," Rua smiled, holding a hand out to present the selection. After a brief moment, she took hold of the pot, and for a brief moment, was ready to pour it directly on the reviewer out of instinct, before Kuro’s sage advice snapped her out of it. She quickly snatched a cup and began pouring.

"On a hot day like today, may I humbly recommend a Lunewave blend? I imagine the cool, refreshing texture ought to feel quite pleasant!" Rua truly sounded delightfully enthusiastic about her tea, beyond simply acting for the job. She set the cup in front of Madame Amaretto, along with some optional sweeteners to the side. "Though perhaps I unduly prefer what reminds me of home. Was there anything else you wish to taste, milady?"
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Kuro could feel it in the air, something was about to go wrong horribly fast. And she was right, as once she made it to the door, a loud explosion could be heard from the kitchen. Unfortunately for Aqua, the soup she'd made was prepared with the wrong ingredient. Lady Chamomile hurried over to where the mess had been made, and quickly surveyed the area. Butternut Squash soup was everywhere on the walls and floor and counter! "Oh my Gods, what's happened?!" She asked as her eyes landed on Aqua who was definitely in the very midst of the soup explosion.

"Oh no, it seems I've mislabeled some of the seasonings...when I was reorganizing the kitchen before opening day, I put this bottle of 'ignition powder' in the same cabinet as the spices! Oh, this is totally on me, dear Aqua...I'm sorry." Lady Chamomile explained, though why she had a magical bottle of "ignition powder" simply laying around was unknown. "Needless to say, we should clean this place up. Here, I'll help you!"

Meanwhile, in the front room, disaster struck again as Rosette tripped and accidentally threw all of the lemon squares onto the new snooty food critic. Kuro peeked at the situation and cringed, knowing that things were going incredibly south incredibly fast, and they'd have to do something good or else the whole thing would fall apart!

Thankfully, even though the food critic was covered in lemon squares now, Rua did an excellent job at pouring the tea. And drinking something so exotic sounding was tempting to Madame Amaretto. It was enough to lessen her anger about the whole situation just a bit.

"Ah, we apologize Madame Amaretto! Don't worry, I'll go and clean up the lemon squares for you!" Kuro said as she hurried from the door to help clean everything up.

"Ugh, this has been the worst tea experience ever! I have a half mind to close this shop down forever and never return!" Madame Amaretto exclaimed. She quickly took out a notebook and began to furiously write in it. Kuro gulped, knowing that meant that she was probably drafting her review up at that very moment.

Tau Tau
heartspan heartspan
Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread

Kuro will Roll 1d6 to help clean up the mess. However, Kuro is canonically cursed with misfortune. Any roll she makes will be deducted by -1!
crying maid.png

The words left Rosette's mouth in a warm and friendly rush, but that was the signal for life to turn sideways. First the ground felt as if it was rushing away from her feet, encased as they were in her sturdy ankle boots. Her face contorted into a look of pure shock, ruby eyes going wide, and sweet small mouth agape. In a desperate attempt to catch her footing she staggered and stumbled elegantly and adorably forward. Yet, life was not going to give the dear and darling maid it's aid. Her top half flew forward but her feet flew backward as she reached take-off velocity.

Sweet and sugar coated golden squares exploded into the air. The sound of ignition powder flavored soup erupting in the background as the lemon squares, the honey sweet maid, and all luck and dignity flew into the air. To her horror Rosette watched as one after another the mother/daughter duo's lemon squares landed in slow motion on the food critic. some sticking , some bouncing harmlessly away. Then before she knew it she landed heavily on the floor. Her breath escaped from her in a single painful burst, and she lay on the ground stunned for a moment.

All around her life continued. Kuro was quick to rush over to help, and Rua still served the tea. Yet, as Rosette managed to make it up onto her knees, her body racked with pain, the words of the critic Madame Amaretto stabbed into her like a knife. Rosette, struggled to breath through the pain, and tried her best to make apologetic words come out. Though, an adorable and mournful sobbing erupted instead. Huge crocodile tears burst from her eyes, like a flooding river running over it's banks, as Rosette well and truly cried in displeasure and dismay.

Never in her life had Rosette failed so miserably, nor blackened the Louvier name so badly. When her family found out she would be grounded for sure, and to top it off Lilibeth would make fun of her. Then just as suddenly as they had started her tears dried up, and her eyes took on the thousand yard stare of a soldier lost to the madness of war. She stood up slowly, and methodically. Her unspoken thoughts creeping across her lips in a grim and crooked smile.

......I just need to get my rifle and everything will be fine
.......We don't need a Madame Amaretto
........Of course everyone else will have to go too, what a shame, but we can't leave witnesses

.........This Rosette didn't fail

Lolory Lolory Tau Tau Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread

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