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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

I was joking though. Continue however you want. :P

I find it hilarious, however Connor not so much right now.

Just don't be surprised to get a shield to the face though...
LucianGrey7971 said:
Ivory- says he's gonna try and recruit Tech and Spyder, makes no attempt to do so
Stark Tower blew the fuck up and killed one of his freinds. Cut him some slack
So I might be eating cereal with spoiled milk. My nose is too stuffed to tell if it is or not...expiration date is tomorrow so I yolo'd. So if I die...well...ya know. xD

And if I get food poisoning for the third time I might just die anyways.
Well Im awake. I finally remembered what it was I wanted to do, @National, for convince sake, I relinquish control of Maria Hill to you, do whatever you want with that
OnyxTalon said:
OOC is there a recap please? im new here
Welcome to Rpnation then. :]

This is the ooc tab for the Rp. It's kind of a long recap but I can try to come up with something that's quick atleast. 1100 pages ya know. xD

The first big battle was against Massacre, who spawned hundreds of mini versions of himself I guess. City was ravaged, he killed Quicksilver and Iron Man and their children killed him in return. Meanwhile Alex Barnes was abducted by Hydra and Connor Rogers and Aedan went to Siberia to rescue him, without contact with any of the others.

Two months passed.

The New Avengers hadn't really stuck together after the deaths. Dimitri Maximoff and Cassie Stark shut themselves up in their own homes and everyone just really split off to do their own thing. The Siberia mission was a success after two months in the frigid country and the team started to re-form.

Marko Baltogan (Blackbolts son) had some orb that could see the future or something and he and Dimitri saw everyone dead at the hands of Thanos. Justice would become the next large enemy, claiming to only want to kill those who do wrong and those who will do wrong and the new Avengers without a leader or organization put a stop to him. But not before he managed to kill Thor.

Before the heroes could even wrap their injuries Joeseph Smyth swapped bodies with Perry Parker and had created a large mechanical spider army. And while they we're injured and tired he attacked. At the end of that they managed to swap their minds back. But there was a cost to all this fighting, civilians we're killed in the large scaled battle and a group of civilians angrily started throwing things. Eventually turning into a mob that attacked, the police we're called in and things only grew worse for the heroes with some being arrested.

This would lead to the Registration once again coming into effect and lines we're drawn, sides we're chosen. Many fights broke out throughout these months and questionable ethics we're put into question. Eventually Bob was killed saving his aunt Maria Hill, this pushed the woman to try and help end the act.

Before the act was finished Harry Osborn III managed to clone both Connor Rogers and Dimitri Maximoff, keeping them imprisoned at Osborn tower while their clones pretended to be them. Eventually it was found out and a showdown went down. Afterwards an alternate dimension Ivory showed up named Pyrite, he threw orders at Harry who didn't take kindly to it but knew he was outmatched and in an attempt to kill Pyrite flooded his tower with radiation, only ending in killing himself.

Weeks later Marko showed back up claiming they had only a week or two before Thanos arrived, but before they started to prepare that time was shortened to an hour. Thanos attacked New York killing hundreds of citizens as the heroes tried to evacuate them. Also blowing up two other states completely in the process. Marko sacrificed himself to send Thanos flying through space with his voice, far enough that the heroes would have two months to prepare for his return. In the aftermath Dimitri Maximoff took the mantle of leader of the new Avengers, which had been leaderless since Cassie Starks disappearance before the registration.

That's kinda where we're at now. We're just finishing up loose ends before a two month time skip that will start with everyone who will be fighting getting on a ship and heading to another planet for the final battle. Stark Tower was blown up as well as 'The Boss' an OC being killed in the blast.

I got all the big important stuff didn't I? :x


LokiofSP said:
(We have an OOC tab for future reference BTW, use that for out of character. Also check the update tab for what happened.)
The update tab is empty smart guy. :P
can you please update me cause ive read the main story but dont know what you have said , sorry

Oh damn,what will a guy like me with just a shotgun can do to help this mess :P
Noticed though

I'm kinda new at all these big role playing threads so I'm gonna need a little help :/

Sorry for that

Can someone help me join in the story

I don't know how should i begin
Okay well a couple of avengers stragglers are at stark tower kinda kickin it. You could come to stark tower to tell them you want to help out or to ask their help. Or you could just stop crime on the street and we could use one of our characters to notice yours and interact with you from there
Reaper said:
Okay well a couple of avengers stragglers are at stark tower kinda kickin it. You could come to stark tower to tell them you want to help out or to ask their help. Or you could just stop crime on the street and we could use one of our characters to notice yours and interact with you from there

Stark Tower went boom. Sooo nobody is there. xD
Reaper said:
That is rustlemania on my jimmies. Aight @OnyxTalon just go strewn level i guess because SOMEBODY had to destroy stark tower
Yeah. @Pink Gorilla


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