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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

LokiofSP said:
Where'd you go?
I miss you so

Feels like its been forever sience you've been gone

(You fought so hard for them to get involved that I didn't want you to be left out. Especially because I understand the struggle of starting out in this RP)
awww, someone misses me. (I just don't know where to come back in at. there were i think 9 pages ahead of where i was in one day and it;s pretty overwhelming..
[QUOTE="Son of Crota]awww, someone misses me. (I just don't know where to come back in at. there were i think 9 pages ahead of where i was in one day and it;s pretty overwhelming..

(How about this, make a post and I can say Maria Hill was prepping them for combat)

Like hand to hand and up close
LokiofSP said:
(How about this, make a post and I can say Maria Hill was prepping them for combat)
Like hand to hand and up close
that works for me! I'll get right on it. Weird though, they're more ranged fighters. Well, Paradigm is debatable.
Name: Rayna Alieyev

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Hero Name:

Child Of: DNA acquired from Black Widow and Captain America

Sexuality: Straight

Appearance(pic please!):





Personality: Rayna is a very insular person, distrustful of everyone unless they prove their loyalty to her. Despite her appearance she is technically 18 years old since the Super serum and Red Room experimentation had her body advanced to a "Prime" stage where she would be perfect.

Powers: She has enhanced strength and endurance from Captain America's DNA while she has received the same training as Natasha Romanoff

Weapons: she is well versed in the latest technology from various private sources as well as her clients. She is also well trained in the use of poisons and how to cancel their effects.

Weaknesses: Despite all of her training and experience Rayna is still human meaning she is not invincible.

Favorite Pastimes: Rayna is always keeping up with her training to keep herself in prime condition.
Oh hell yeah! Finally, another experiment from the Russians. At least Alex won't be the only one xD

Trimis de pe al meu HTC Desire 510 folosind Tapatalk
hahahaha i removed clair because I saw that the pro-registration side did not have a lot of people so I was going to have Rayna be hired by SHIELD to the pro side
Name: Cindy Gunns

Age: (15-18) 18

Gender: female

Hero Name: The Big Sister

Child Of: Adopted child of Namor (since she was found at 16 fleeing the ruined city of rapture.)

Sexuality: straight

Appearance(pic please!):

Name: Cindy Gunns

Age: (15-18) 18

Gender: female

Hero Name: The Big Sister

Child Of: Adopted child of Namor (since she was found at 16 fleeing the ruined city of rapture.)

Sexuality: straight

Appearance(pic please!):
the cage on her back is for when she is transporting small children

and no, she does not have wings.

Personality: shy, curious, and often serious. But sometimes she is very flirty and very giggly, and very loyal and caring to her peers and friends.

Powers: her powers come in bottles, literally. In her home city of rapture, under the sea. Her powers are made with a magical chemical known as Adam, which allows you to have superpowers, or change genetic coding. Eve powers her abilities made by Adam.the powers range from shooting bolts of energy to summoning a swarm of wasps from her hands. Each power is a gene in a bottle, and can switch them out with the others show owns in any gene banks. Yes, there are some in the surface world hidden from the public eye. She is given a map of their locations, and allows her to swap genes for any situation.

Weapons: her bayoneted wrist gun/ harvester, ranged powers, glass shattering scream, and her hands.

Weaknesses: being zapped, since it paralyzes her briefly, little children, cockiness, and her anger.

Favorite Passtimes: swimming, babysitting children when out of her suit, fighting crime at night, and eating.

Personality: shy, curious, and often serious. But sometimes she is very flirty and very giggly, and very loyal and caring to her peers and friends.

Powers: her powers come in bottles, literally. In her home city of rapture, under the sea. Her powers are made with a magical chemical known as Adam, which allows you to have superpowers, or change genetic coding. Eve powers her abilities made by Adam.the powers range from shooting bolts of energy to summoning a swarm of wasps from her hands. Each power is a gene in a bottle, and can switch them out with the others show owns in any gene banks. Yes, there are some in the surface world hidden from the public eye. She is given a map of their locations, and allows her to swap genes for any situation.

Weapons: her bayoneted wrist gun/ harvester, ranged powers, glass shattering scream, and her hands.

Weaknesses: being zapped, since it paralyzes her briefly, little children, cockiness, and her anger.

Favorite Passtimes: swimming, babysitting children when out of her suit, fighting crime at night, and eating.
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Name: Janet Fury

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Hero Name: None

Child Of: Nicholas Fury Jr.

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Appearance(pic please!):

Personality: Unlike her father, Janet is a little more playful and easy going. She tends to be carefree outside of work and generally is a nice lady. She is however very passionate about striving to be better, both intellectually and athletically. Knowing that most of here comrades have god like powers, it has become more of a need to be as strong as her genetics will allow.

Powers: Janet has a mixture of Super Solider Serum and Infinity Formula that is laced to her very own DNA, thus creating a perfect form of both. Though the super solider serum isn't quite like Captain America's, being impossible to replicate it fully, its the closest that SHIELD scientists could get to the real thing. With that said, it helps her physical abilities comes as close as possible to Captain America's without being either a direct relative, or having the actual procedure done to her. Near inhuman stamina, endurance, and strength, it has helped her reach far beyond a normal human's capabilities. The Infinity Formula however is in its full fruition, perhaps even more so than her father's. Her regeneration capabilities are beyond that of her father's, able to recreate limbs, albeit no where near as fast as Wolverine or Deadpool, but to the point that she can regenerate and use the limb within a few days. The full extent of the slowed aging process is yet to be seen as she is still quite young, but its to be expected that it will be better than her father's as well. Backing up her physical capabilities is her intelligence level, being far greater than her father. Though not quite on par with someone like Tony Stark or his daughter, she does have an advanced knowledge of strategic planning, both combative and logistic. She also has a deep understanding of both mechanical and electrical engineering, being able to both design and build her own power suit. Due to her father's personal mentoring and training, she has become an expert marksman and hand to hand combatant. To sum it up, she exceeds her father in almost every way, with himself only beating her in actual experience.



Her self constructed power suit is used on a daily basis to ease even normal movements that she will make, like lift her arm, walk, etc. It's also a strong armor that deflect bullets from both pistols, assault rifles, and can withstand small explosions from grenades with minor damage. The helmet is "sheathed" within the suit when not in use. It comes with a simple HUD and a wide range of internal systems for basic comfort. Such things like stable internal pressure, a smaller more efficient portable life support system, temperature regulation, and a communications system.

Bretta M9


M4 Carbine


Weaknesses: No matter what kind of serums are laced to her on a genetic level, she is still human. She will combat people who are more or less gods, so these augmentations only give her a little more of a chance than her own father.

Favorite Passtimes: Listening to her favorite indie bands

Favorite Song: John Newman- I need to know (right now)
Name: Jamie Hemon

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Hero Name: Quiet

Child Of: OC

Sexuality: Asexual

Appearance(pic please!):

Personality: Jamie is a very serious person. She will always try to matters into her own hands and deal with the problem herself. She is very quiet, because she is mute, hence the name. She is mute because she had her tongue cut out as a child when she back talked a superior, she was a child soldier. She can be very cold, but if you really earn her trust she will be nice to you.

Powers: All of her senses have been enhanced, other than taste... Her eyes have increased the most, being able to see even further away and in more detail what she is seeing. She can also naturally turn herself invisible in a puff of black smoke. She can drink water through her skin and use photosynthesis so that she can sit in one sniper spot for a long period of time.

Weapons: Her customized sniper rifle as seen above, flash bangs, a large knife, and a backup pistol

Weaknesses: Her preference of doing things on her own can make her misjudge how serious a mission is and she has a hard time trusting her allies in combat, leading to her making independent decisions that could get her or others hurt

Favorite Passtimes: Watching things happen from a far up distance, listening to music

Favorite Song: Titanium by David Guetta ft. Sia
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Name: N/A

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Hero Name: Tech

Child Of: Taskmaster

Sexuality: Pansexual

Appearance(pic please!):

Personality: enigmatic, hyper, a bit insane and trigger happy

Powers: Genius

The ability to control, interface, modify and create Technology. A side power due to this is her unbelievably fast reflexes clocking in at .0037

Weapons: Backpack connected to portal that connects to the 'Techery,' a really stupid name for her armory

Weaknesses: She is completely human, other than her reflexes she's limited by what her human body can do....and Oreos...and Vegetables

Favorite Passtimes: Hacking, Annoying Jordan, Love making

Favorite Song: Get Jinxed
Name: Alexander 'Xander' Summers

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Hero Name: Braniac

Child Of: Cyclops and Emma Frost

Sexuality: Straight

Appearance(pic please!):


Personality: Easy going, somewhat of a slacker, a bit of a jokester, casually smart (in that he is quite smart, not exactly genius level but above average, but doesn't show it much)

Powers: Telepathy, telekinesis, psionic blasts

Weapons: None, his mind is the only weapon he needs.

Weaknesses: Can get mental feedback from a stronger mind or from over exerting himself that will leave him unconscious, suffers from bad headaches on a day to day basis which can cause him to be unfocused.

Favourite pastimes: Gaming, hanging out with the other guys at the institute, dodging training

Favourite song: The Undertones - Smarter Than U

Also uh... RDJ or something? eh...

Hey uh... could I have the whole like Diamond Skin thing that Emma Frost has as well, except it's a latent power that only activates when he's in extreme physical danger?
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RiddleWrappedEnigma said:
Name: Alexander 'Xander' Summers
Age: 16

Gender: Male

Hero Name: Braniac

Child Of: Scott Summers and Emma Frost

Sexuality: Straight

Appearance(pic please!):


Personality: Easy going, somewhat of a slacker, a bit of a jokester, casually smart (in that he is quite smart, not exactly genius level but above average, but doesn't show it much)

Powers: Telepathy, telekinesis, psionic blasts

Weapons: None, his mind is the only weapon he needs.

Weaknesses: Can get mental feedback from a stronger mind or from over exerting himself that will leave him unconscious, suffers from bad headaches on a day to day basis which can cause him to be unfocused.

Favourite pastimes: Gaming, hanging out with the other guys at the institute, dodging X training

Favourite song: The Undertones - Smarter Than U

Also uh... RDJ or something? eh...

Hey uh... could I have the whole like Diamond Skin thing that Emma Frost has as well, except it's a latent power that only activates when he's in extreme physical danger?
I don't see a problem with it
RiddleWrappedEnigma said:
Cool thanks. That way I don't just get mercilessly pummelled at close range.
No it's understandable, just know that lated on when the one who started this forum comes back, you may have to change things. Due to her being sick, we're accepting people, but if she tells you to change something when she sees your post, you have to
Name: Samuel King

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Hero Names: Featherwing (when small) and Titan (when big)

Child Of: Eric O'Grady (Ant Man III) and Veronica King (a SHIELD agent)

Sexuality: Bisexual

Appearance(pic please!): Hero:


Personality: Kind, selfless, loyal, can get flustered easily, kind of naive, shy with new people, very friendly with people he trusts, has some major daddy issues

Powers: Suit allows him to shrink down to 0.25 mm whilst retaining his strength from his normal height and grow to 25 feet without any side effects whilst gaining strength in proportion to his height. The suit also allows him to fly and shoot energy blasts when small. He can also communicate with insects and control them with his helmet. Genius level intellect. Taught hand-to-hand combat and basic weapons training by his mother.

Weapons: Self-made Ant-Man style suit and helmet.

Weaknesses: When he's small he can be squished and when he's big his Achilles tendons are vulnerable. Also out of the suit he's just your average human.

Favorite Pastimes: Tinkering on things, exploring in small size, reading, listening to music, helping people

Favorite Song: Elton John - Tiny Dancer
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(I thought it was stupid the way I did it before, so I'm updating it to fir more what she now is)

Name: Fortune Johnson

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Hero Name: None

Sexuality: Bisexual


(Casual. stitches not there.....Because magic)


(I like the term vigilante more, so vigilante appearance:)


Personality: How do I put this nicely?....... She's a complete bitch, she will boss you around, order you to do things (Especially of she knows she has leverage) and even IF you can somehow get through that and become something of a friend to her, she will tease you MERCILESSLY and when you even DARE tease her back she will guilt you so hard.

All of this makes it surprising to know she's actually very devoted to her friends, you see, she never really had any due to her personality so she's VERY clingy and will always be by your side. She's also very adventurous and outgoing, she'll be the first with you to do something stupid and new, and the last to leave your side.

Powers: She can separate her limbs (Including her head) at will, she can't really run out of blood either, she also has Bob as something of a Stand from Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, these things are VERY complicated so I made an entire section to explain them.

Weapons: None

Weaknesses: Although something like dismemberment wouldn't work, a simple stab, burn, drown, ect. would kill her

Favorite Passtimes: Traveling, walking,music (Making and listening) and video games and junk food.

Favorite Song: [media]


  • A Stand protects its user, like a guardian. The name comes from "standing by" the user, sometimes using their powers without direct orders in order to protect the user, and by extension, themselves.
  • A person can have only one Stand
  • Stands can be inherited.
  • A Stand is part of its user, and damage is reflected between the two. Usually, if a Stand's leg is cut off, its user will lose their leg as well. Certain aspects of some Stands, such as the armor of Silver Chariot, are immune to this effect.
  • Stands may only be seen by Stand users
  • A Stand's energy of power is inversely proportional to their operating range. The further a Stand is from its user, the weaker it becomes – Long-range Stands and/or Stands' long-range abilities are simpler in mechanism.
  • Stands are usually bound to their user's body.
  • When a Stand User dies, their Stand disappears with them.
  • When a Stand is defeated, their user dies.

(Allot to take in, I know)

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Dossier...As done by Jordan

Name: Emile Durvhast

Age: 18

Height: 6'9"

Weight: 324 lbs...of sheer, UNGODLY muscle

Gender: Male

Hero Name: Spyder

Child Of: Miranda Durvhast and Emile Durvhast Sr

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Appearance(pic please!): Normal





Powers: Web slinging, wall crawling, heightened senses and reflexes, blah blah Spiderman crap, here's where it gets interesting: Emile has a second set of retractable hollow teeth that injects an acidic poison into his victim's system, which he then drinks, leaving behind an empty dried up husk...y'know, like that myth about how spiders eat. In addition, he has the distinct ability to hide spiders in his body and call on them when needed...a pretty good intimidation factor if you ask me...CREEPY

Weapons: Fists of spider-like steel...it also helps that he has brass knuckles hidden in his gloves.

Weaknesses: Unlike Spiderman, Spyder's senses only work once something enters a 10 foot radius, not exactly leaving him with a lot of wiggle room...y'know...unless he SEES it. Although he has the agility of Peter Parker, he still is a big man and has a hard time using his agility in tight spaces

Favorite Passtimes: Eating, Playing Videogames, Spending my god damn money...

Favorite Song: Falling Sky by RED


Name: Olivier Rumlow

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Child Of: Crossbones

Hero Name: Crossbones

Sexuality: Straight

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/.original.jpg.347ba3e8d8311875e071ab7fc607ef5f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="62347" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/.original.jpg.347ba3e8d8311875e071ab7fc607ef5f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Polite, Kind and ruthless when she needs to be

Powers: One of the best marksmen and hand to hand fighters around

Weapons: Desert Eagles, Barrett M107 .50 Cal, AK-47, Katanas, Daggers and Taskmaster's energy inducer

Weaknesses: Completely human, has retired herself from fighting

Favorite pastimes: Reading, Training, Being a Maid

Favorite Song: Immortals by Fall Out Boy



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Charon (the reason for his lack of a last name is because his parents, whose identity is yet to be discovered, abandoned him. He was close to death from dehydration when an orphanage found him and took him in. It is thought that he was thrown out of a moving car as he had a head injury and did not remember anything.





Hero Name:

Shadowing (Shadow + Wing. The definition of the word shadowing also fits quite nicely.)

Child Of:

None, not a child of any canon characters.




<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/image.jpg.526643679e2ec336fc4d7c8b703ed225.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="63581" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/image.jpg.526643679e2ec336fc4d7c8b703ed225.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Charon is surprisingly cruel and merciless compared to other heroes, to a point where it seems he's more fitting to be a villain, though he's kind enough to make up for that. He is cunning and always tries to use the opponnt's weakness to his advantage, even if he can already beat them easily enough without doing so.


Charon has the ability to manipulate others using their shadows. This works best against those who are weaker than him, although it's usefulness will be reduced against those who are either stronger, or equally strong as him, being reduced to a little twitching, movement of the eyes and eyelids, etc. He also possesses the ability to manipulate the shadows themselves, being able to attack. The shadows controlled by him is sharp, hard and solid, unlike ordinary shadows.

He is able to become invisible to the naked eye by merging with the shadows and can quickly travel from one place to the other using shadows by going through one shadow and popping out through a shadow of choice. He cannot travel too far however.

This is not, however, why he is called 'Shadowing'. He is called this because of the pair of pitch black, ethereal and shadow-like wings on his back which can be toggled on and off at will, though this will only make them invisible and they will still be there, making him look like he's levitating if he flies while they are hidden.


Charon uses no weapons, and instead fights with his powers and martial arts alone. This does sometimes put him at a disadvantage against those with weapons, though only if they're very strong.


Charon cannot use his powers if there is no light, since without light, not shadows would be cast. He is drastically weaker without his powers but can still put up quite a fight with his speed and agility. Though the lack of light does not disable his wings, which are permanent, this makes him unable to use any other power, including the ability to move about by going through shadows, making him unable to escape easily. Ironic how a hero with the name 'Shadowing' would need light to use his powers.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/image.jpg.fbcaf446a7c06cfa1deec311f75f338d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="63582" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/image.jpg.fbcaf446a7c06cfa1deec311f75f338d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

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Favourite Pastimes:

Charon mostly spends his time, resting and conserving his energy in the dark, though he does occasionally go for a walk. He is also seen reading, though it does not seem like he does much else.

Favourite Song:

Link Park - Krwling (instrumental)

(I get the feeling that this is how @sitanomoto would react to a person who hasn't read the rules. RDJ)​

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/image.jpg.d376f6c86cada6cac3cab0880bf9addd.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="63579" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/image.jpg.d376f6c86cada6cac3cab0880bf9addd.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Apparently @sitanomoto was last seen 2 July... She did give someone else the right to accept/reject new characters right?



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LokiofSP said:
Name: Sarah Reilly
Age: 16

Gender: Female

Hero Name: Mystery

Child Of: Ben Reilly and Luara Kinney

Sexuality: Pansexual

Appearance(pic please!):

Personality: Free sprited and a jokester when she can be, solider the rest of the time when she isn't that. She will follow any order from a superior without question because after all, that's what a good solider is.

Powers: She posses her mothers regenerative abilities along with heightened senses. She also has a sixth danger sense and organic webbing.

Weapons: none

Weaknesses: Anything her healing factor can't heal fast enough (Like lava for example)

Favorite Passtimes: Pranking people, getting to know her parents, hunting down her brother

Favorite Song: Ghost by Mystery Skulls

(Time travel.,.. Yeah I did it.)
Damn, she looks kawaii.



Carter Rogers





Villain Name


Clone Of

Connor Rogers




Carter is impatient, being born...or created at an already advanced age and having the memories of someone else frustrates him. His memories tell him he's Connor, but the decisions Connor made we're not the ones he himself would have made. Boyscout, goody goody, caring, he cannot stand Connor and what he stands for and will do anything to hurt or destroy anything or anyone he cares about. The city, it's people, friends, family, Avengers, but moreso the person Connor is, his idealism, and what he strives to be. Just the specific type of thinking in general.


Super Soldier Serum: Enhanced Physical State, Moderate Healing Factor




He can be easily frustrated or a short fuse, especially if called a clone or a copy. Carter gets some pretty bad headaches occasionally, compliments to the cloning process. He's also known to having a big mouth, which tends to screw him over

Favorite Passtimes

Impersonating Connor and ruining his image/reputation

Running his mouth


Favorite Song

Kill Everyone by Hollywood Undead

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Crono said:



Carter Rogers





Villain Name


Clone Of

Connor Rogers




Carter is impatient, being born...or created at an already advanced age and having the memories of someone else frustrates him. His memories tell him he's Connor, but the decisions Connor made we're not the ones he himself would have made. Boyscout, goody goody, caring, he cannot stand Connor and what he stands for and will do anything to hurt or destroy anything or anyone he cares about. The city, it's people, friends, family, Avengers, but moreso the person Connor is, his idealism, and what he strives to be. Just the specific type of thinking in general.


Super Soldier Serum: Enhanced Physical State, Moderate Healing Factor




He can be easily frustrated or a short fuse, especially if called a clone or a copy. Carter gets some pretty bad headaches occasionally, compliments to the cloning process. He's also known to having a big mouth, which tends to screw him over

Favorite Passtimes

Impersonating Connor and ruining his image/reputation

Running his mouth


Favorite Song

Kill Everyone Hollywood Undead


(Holy hell, your choice in song is amazing. I happen to like that song.)

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