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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Name: Trey LeBeau

Age: (15-18) 16

Gender: Male

Hero Name: Paradigm

Child Of: Gambit, mother unknown

Sexuality: Straight



Personality: Trey can be sly sometimes. Even sometimes tries to be sneaky and playful. When he's a hero, he maintains a cool, confident act like he would normally. He has a short temper, but manages to hold it and use that to fuel rage to make his power stronger.

Powers: to tap into the potential energy contained within an object and transform it into kinetic energy upon touching it. Charges an object and throws it at a target. The object releases this energy explosively on impact. He can charge non-living objects only. He also shares a little bit of his sister's magic ability, but he was only able to master two things: short ranged teleportation and walking on walls.

Weapons: carries around a bo staff that his father gave him. He uses playing cards for his kinetic charge power. His accuracy is as good as his father's.

Weaknesses: Most magic (Seeing as he only knows a litte magic), strong enemies, teamwork with anyone else but his sis. (He doesn't work well with others.

Favorite Passtimes: Listening to music, night time parkour, and hanging out with his sister.

Favorite Song: [media]


Name: Cordelia "Del" LeBeau

Age: (15-18) 16

Gender: Female

Hero Name: Aurora

Child Of: Gambit, mother unknown

Sexuality: Straight



Personality: Like her brother, Del likes to be known as sly and sneaky, though she takes her own characteristic by being such a flirt sometimes. She shares her brother's short temper, but manages to keep calm and use it as power later.

Powers: Magic- specifically she specializes in transformation magic, energy blasts, and summoning. She also has half of her brother's ability which is the same as their father: to tap into the potential energy contained within an object and transform it into kinetic energy upon touching it. She can only charge living objects.

Weapons: She usually usually fights with her magic, but she uses small knives sometimes.

Weaknesses: Powerful magic, teamwork with anyone else than her brother. (She doesn't work well with others.)

Favorite Passtimes: listening to music, hanging with her brother, night time parkour

Favorite Song: [media]


Other: As you can see, The twins are Gambit's children. As such, he taught them to speak fluent french and they even had his accent as well. They share only a portion of each other's powers, but it is unknown as to why. The also seem to control magic, most likely from the mother.

-How did they master their magic powers? Gambit is a part of the X-men. He has connections. Plain and simple.(Can be known as WIP if anyone doesn't like this)

-the kinetic charge powers come from their father. Trey got the ability to charge non-living, while Del got the ability to charge living things.

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Name: Noah

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Hero Name: Magnetron

Child Of: Polaris

Sexuality: Homosexual

Appearance(pic please!):



Noah is arrogant like his Grandfather but loyalty like his mother. Despite being arrogant Noah has a level head and is not someone to be angered easily.

Powers: Like his mother Polaris, Noah has the X gene that marked him as a mutant and again like his mother and grandfather he developed powers over magnetism, his power level is closer to his Grandfather than his Mother.

Weaknesses: Since Magneto, plastic and alternative weapons are more popular and this of course is a major weakness for Noah.

Favorite Pastimes: Noah, despite his appearance likes to read and sometimes likes to draw.

Favorite Song:


Name: Joy Voyevoda (RDJ)

Age: 42 (I think it would make it better for her to be older since she is supposed to be their mentor and Commanding Officer)

Gender: Female

Hero Name: The Boss

Child Of: OC

Sexuality: Asexual

Appearance(pic please!):

Personality: Joy does not behave as you might expect from a soldier. She absolutely loathes fighting and conflict, but she fights in order to make peace in the world. She is strong-willed and loyal to her allies, though they are few in number. She is very wise and posses a calm and collected demeanor. She cares deeply for Amelia, Allison, Tanya, and Liona, her being a mother-like figure to them. She is trying to redeem herself for past sins she has done in the war.

Powers: Increased speed, agility, and strength. She also has increased intelligence.

Weapons: Combat Knife, the machine gun (as seen above), She can deflect projectiles with a energy shield that she can project, it can easily stop bullets.

Weaknesses: The shield does not protect her from melee attacks and cannot stop immensely powerful projectiles, like bombs, rail gun shots, etc. She cares deeply for the girls, which can hurt her if they were captured or something, she would possibly make bad judgement calls to make sure that they would be safe.

Favorite Passtimes: Honing her abilities, training, gathering information

Favorite Song: danger line by Avenged Sevenfold

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Name:Logan Cooper



Anti-Hero Name: Bianor X

Child of:




<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/images.jpg.14f3dea30a4f639ef59568744070f913.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="58643" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/images.jpg.14f3dea30a4f639ef59568744070f913.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Without costume:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/download.jpg.44ce9e1d727f761daf44462ac52c6d54.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="58644" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/download.jpg.44ce9e1d727f761daf44462ac52c6d54.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/57a8c30521c38_download(1).jpg.03cb394e1741e214af51a02cd75e30cc.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="58645" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/57a8c30521c38_download(1).jpg.03cb394e1741e214af51a02cd75e30cc.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/57a8c30523874_download(3).jpg.a6cd32a757eb2d79b6a95a7d73dd1494.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="58646" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/57a8c30523874_download(3).jpg.a6cd32a757eb2d79b6a95a7d73dd1494.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality:Logan is very silent and quiet and mostly hangs around with his phone......when he is outside of his costume but when he is inside the costume he is very witty and very bubbly even though he works for both the evil and the good side he treats both sides equally and has the same amount of respect for both sides

Powers:Reality Warping (want to know what this means check here http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Reality_Warping )

Weapons:His power

Weaknesses:A Normal Human beings weaknesses like fire,poison and you get it

Favourite Passtimes:Playing with his powers

Favourite Song:Let her go by Passenger



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Name: Luna

Age: 2 years (Still a cub)

Gender: female

Size: Size of a full grown Great Dane

Species: Lucent Nargacuga (Rare Nargacuga species)

Classification: Flying wyvern (Also classified as psuedo wyvern)

Demeanor: She is a very curious creature, meaning she will explore her surroundings, like some cubs do. she is also very affectionate and caring for anyone who cares for her, and will be loyal to the end. But enrage her, be ready for a fight, since she is quick and agile.



(Yes, all nargacuga species have blades on their wings.)

Likes: The dark (Since nargacuga are all about stealth, unless they are spotted.), playing, exploring, and sleeping.

Dislikes: Ice, woken up from her sleep, robots, and those who are villainous.

Diet: Carnivorous.

Weaknesses: Ice, Loud noises, her eyes (since they glow when enraged, and give away her position when invisible.))

Abilities/powers: She has superhearing, allowing her to hear from 7 miles away (And sonic frequencies harm her due to this.), she is also granted Vast agility and speed, since she was built for killing quickly and quietly. she also has poison barbs on her tail that she can fling at her target, dealing massive damage from a distance. She can also turn invisible, since she has genes similar to cuttlefish, and also, when enraged, her tail spikes stand on end, allowing her to use her tail as a spike club. (This is bad, since her tail can sometimes get stuck on the ground.) @sitanomoto
Name: James Grove

Real Name: Dallas Spector

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Hero Name: The White Crusader or Crusader for short.

Hero appearance:

Appearance out of costume:(Sorry but this was the best i could find of what my guy looks like. Description: Black and short hair, Brown eyes, strong and tall build(6'5), quite handsome, and a bit of facial hair. Formal attire is usually black or red hoodie with jeans.)

Child of: Moon Knight,( though he does not use his father's emblem since his mother is christian.)

Personality: Dark, Quiet, Brave, Somewhat kind, and brutal. He has a hard time making friends since he rarely ever talks. In school he is always looking to stay out of the spotlight and in the shadows. When out of school he is still in the shadows but this time braking bones and installing fear into criminals, even people in jail wanna stay even longer because of what he can do. He rarely shows his face to anyone when out stalking the streets for rats and snakes (Criminals). He will help anyone in need of help but he also raids mob supplies and breaks up gang fights. He can be a good friend but you have to earn his trust first. If you ever make an enemy of him then….. you may want to leave the country.

Powers: He takes his fathers strength and immortality, but he has also picked up increased regen from his mother. He also has better vision and he can master any fighting style that he sees. His fighting styles are usually mixed martial arts such as Tae kwon do and Greco Roman. He can also parry, dodge, and counter any other moves when on the offensive or defensive. He also can survive warmer weather and has adapted to high or low areas.

Equipment: (some of the weapons he has have been confiscated from illegal trades or have been crafted by him) Throwing cross-
(carries 4 of these)

, Short sword-
(has two of these)

, Bo-staff-
(Designed with non-lethal shock tip to subdue an enemy, although it has a limited battery so he mainly uses the aluminum weapon to mainly bash and hit his opponents.)

, Grenade Luancher-
(Though he does have Lethal ammo types for this, he rarely uses them. The main types he uses are tear gas, smoke, and flare ammo types.)

, and a Grappling gun-
(he received this from an unknown person who has stated to be "Impressed" by his work.)

Weaknesses: His father's blood still runs in him so even though he has adapted to the heat he is still prone to temperatures -30 and below, this is why he wears special armor that has temeperature control. He is also still prone to fatal shots to the heart and head but his light armor reacts to fatal shots. His bones can be broken but they are just hard to break, altough when broken he has decreased mobility and/or strength in the limbs or body(without and with suit).

Favorite passtimes: Peaceful scenery and relaxing alone.

Favorite Song: No one knows this but he is a bit of a metal-head. [media]
(I am not going to say those few letters for i know not what they are xD . but i will say i have read and i agree to the rules.)
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Name: Bob Johnson


Gender: Male

Hero Name: White Star

Sexuality: Straight

Appearance(pic please!):

Full Armor:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/upload_2015-6-28_22-5-4.png.c9cbbe4b249c65b930d34558cdc43361.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="59267" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/upload_2015-6-28_22-5-4.png.c9cbbe4b249c65b930d34558cdc43361.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Without helmet:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/upload_2015-6-28_22-5-27.png.d9a4dd8ebcb85d2b264686b1cad1ed99.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="59268" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/upload_2015-6-28_22-5-27.png.d9a4dd8ebcb85d2b264686b1cad1ed99.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: He's a bit of a goofball and a clumsy screw up, but beyond that lies a loyal guy who just wants to prove himself.

Weapons: He has a pistol, rifle and sniper that all have multiple bullets, acidic, rubber, explosive, and the sniper even has a special bullet that allows him to mentally guide it to the target.

Weaknesses: At the end of the day he's just a guy with a gun in armor so yeah...Anything that would kill a human.

Favorite Pastimes: He typically just puts his headphones in and listens to music at max volume, besides that he's a Doctor Who fanboy.

Favorite Song:[media]

Oops, forgot, he also has an alien combat knife that can burn badly on contact



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Name: Terry Fitzgerald

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Hero Name: Nova

Child Of: No superhero parents

Sexuality: Straight




Personality: Terry has a very childish personality, which is usually accepted considering his age. Being part of the Nova Corps for only a week, Terry still has much to learn about his abilities. Due to both, well to put it bluntly he’s a cocky little @#!$. He believes that he can defeat anything and he never faced a real challenge before. Due to this as well, he has no strategy and throws any plans suggested out the window and just goes for it. He takes thrill in his work and usually goes into his hero form whenever he can just to fly around the world and encounter sights he’s never seen before. He is also naïve and ignorant, wanting most things to go his way and due to his childhood innocence he can be easily manipulated onto a side. Unless he believes that side is evil. Before receiving the helmet, he admired heroes and he thought he would never be one of them. Since he mostly watched Spider-Man and Nova fight he learned how to banter others while in battle and to just have a good time.


Universal Translation: He can translate any language, wether it’s alien or on Earth.

Cosmic Awareness: His helmet gives him the ability to see different scenarios. It also allows him to have the knowledge of most situations around him.

Flight: Pretty obvious.

Concussive Blasts: He is able to use his power to fire energy blasts.

Superhuman Strength: Pretty obvious.

Superhuman Speed: Pretty obvious.

Superhuman Durability: Pretty obvious.

Minimal Healing Factor: Pretty obvious.

Weapons: Nova Helmet

Weaknesses: He is dependent on his helmet and he can both be easily manipulated and he doesn’t know how to use his powers to the full extent. Though his greatest weakness is that he still attends school. (OH NO)

Favorite Passtimes: Flying and watching TV.

Favorite Song: Too many.
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Name: Trevor Nule

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Hero Name: Sapper

Sexuality: Straight

Personality: Cautious, convicted


Powers: Can sap any element (i.e smoke, electricity, water, etc.) and utilize it at his will.

Weakness: Worried about the damages his powers may cause. Feels he needs to prove himself to the rest of the superhero community

Favorite Passtimes: Hockey and Video Games

Favorite Songs: Izabella by Jimi Hendrix
[QUOTE="The Dragon Rider]Name: Noah
Age: 18

Gender: Male

Hero Name: Magnetron

Child Of: Polaris

Sexuality: Homosexual

Appearance(pic please!):



Noah is arrogant like his Grandfather but loyalty like his mother. Despite being arrogant Noah has a level head and is not someone to be angered easily.

Powers: Like his mother Polaris, Noah has the X gene that marked him as a mutant and again like his mother and grandfather he developed powers over magnetism, his power level is closer to his Grandfather than his Mother.

Weaknesses: Since Magneto, plastic and alternative weapons are more popular and this of course is a major weakness for Noah.

Favorite Pastimes: Noah, despite his appearance likes to read and sometimes likes to draw.

Favorite Song:



Hold up... Accepted, but isn't that Warren Peace from Sky High?
Morbuskid said:
Name: James Grove
Real Name: Dallas Spector

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Hero Name: The White Crusader or Crusader for short.

Hero appearance:

Appearance out of costume:(Sorry but this was the best i could find of what my guy looks like. Description: Black and short hair, Brown eyes, strong and tall build, quite handsome, and a bit of facial hair. Formal attire is usually black or red hoodie with jeans.)

Child of: Moon Knight,( though he does not use his father's emblem since his mother is christian.)

Personality: Dark, Quiet, Brave, Somewhat kind, and brutal. He has a hard time making friends since he rarely ever talks. In school he is always looking to stay out of the spotlight and in the shadows. When out of school he is still in the shadows but this time braking bones and installing fear into criminals, even people in jail wanna stay even longer because of what he can do. He rarely shows his face to anyone when out stalking the streets for rats and snakes (Criminals). He will help anyone in need of help but he also raids mob supplies and breaks up gang fights. He can be a good friend but you have to earn his trust first. If you ever make an enemy of him then….. you may want to leave the country.

Powers: He takes his fathers strength and immortality, but he has also picked up increased regen from his mother. He also has better vision and he can master any fighting style that he sees. His fighting styles are usually mixed martial arts such as Tae kwon do and Greco Roman. He can also parry, dodge, and counter any other moves when on the offensive or defensive. He also can survive warmer weather and has adapted to high or low areas.

Equipment: (some of the weapons he has have been confiscated from illegal trades or have been crafted by him) Throwing cross-
(carries 4 of these)

, Short sword-
(has two of these)

, Bo-staff-
(Designed with non-lethal shock tip to subdue an enemy, although it has a limited battery so he mainly uses the aluminum weapon to mainly bash and hit his opponents.)

, Grenade Luancher-
(Though he does have Lethal ammo types for this, he rarely uses them. The main types he uses are tear gas, smoke, and flare ammo types.)

, and a Grappling gun-
(he received this from an unknown person who has stated to be "Impressed" by his work.)

Weaknesses: His father's blood still runs in him so even though he has adapted to the heat he is still prone to temperatures -30 and below, this is why he wears special armor that has temeperature control. He is also still prone to fatal shots to the heart and head but his light armor reacts to fatal shots. His bones can be broken but they are just hard to break, altough when broken he has decreased mobility and/or strength in the limbs or body(without and with suit).

Favorite passtimes: Peaceful scenery and relaxing alone.

Favorite Song: No one knows this but he is a bit of a metal-head. [media]
(I am not going to say those few letters for i know not what they are xD . but i will say i have read and i agree to the rules.)

They stand for... "Robert Downey Jr."
Pyosimros said:
It's funny how I read the rules and I haven't said RDJ in any one of my CS xD



Son of Crota] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/13975-sitanomoto/ said:
@sitanomoto[/URL] Hi, I'm Crota! Never met you before, but I made Gambit's children! An honor to meet you, hope everything is going well!
Nice to meet you. Go, my children! Fulfill your destiny as the new Avengers!


sitanomoto said:


Nice to meet you. Go, my children! Fulfill your destiny as the new Avengers!
Don't be sarcastic with me @Crono.
Name: Silithia

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Hero Name: Predator Z

Child of: project resurrection (Oc not cannon)

Sexuality: straight





Then not under attack, Silithia can be quite kind and loving. It takes time for her to warm up to someone and it's a battle to get her not to kill you when her kids are involved. Silithia can get rather violent should someone try to attack her, but she can get brutal when someone even looks like they might attack her children. Those twins are her life and should anyone try to come between them, they will have one pissed mother dragon to deal with.

Silithia, in all her fury, is not a horrible beast. She can be calmed and will often avoid human contact, but when cornered, like any animal would she will defend herself. She's quite the pacifist now that she has two lived fully dependent on her, but she used to be quite aggressive and take more risks.


Silithia's powers stem from her rather crazy genetics. When she was simply an embryo, scientists within Area 51 gained the ability to harvest splice-able Dna particles for some characteristics off of fossils. Although they weren't complete enough for cloning, some things could be implanted onto a human fetus. Since Silithia was originally human she can "shut her powers off" and become a seemingly normal human girl. However once they come back on, out comes the real monster. A 'dragon' that's as tall as a 15 story building, longer than five school busses parked bumper to bumper and by far the largest predator that has ever walked the earth.

Some things that were spliced in:

Tyrannosaurus rex: Large eyes, the size of grape fruits allow for impeccable vision. As well as a strong skull that can easily bite down and crush bone with her six inch long teeth. She can also pull her head into an 's' shape and pull her tail up higher to run much faster.

Stegosaurus: 4, meter long, spikes on the end or her tail used for defense. Also blood vessel filled plates running down her spine that fill with blood and flush bright red when threatened. She carries herself much like a stegosaur in the way she walks. On four legs.

Spinosaurus: deadly sharp claws, long narrow snout with high nostrils. Her snout also has pressure sensors to make up for her blind spot. She can sense anything directly in front of her without even seeing it.

Brachiosaurus: long neck and her sheer size.

Sinraptor: Air sacs, used to constantly ensure a supply of oxygenated air, making running easier despite her massive weight. She also has the distinctive hook-like claw on her hind legs.

Unknown: Genetics work in a strange way and thus when they found a fossil that didn't match any others, the scientists decided to splice some pieces into her as well. The results were quite strange. She has six long horns on her head used for defense as well as clearing brush and trees, she also as unique flint-like back molars that she can click together and use an oily substance from a gland in the back of her throat to blast flames. She also has a set of wings that can support such a massive creature.

Weapons: Silithia actually doesn't carry anything.


- Safe-zone. With so many biological weapons, there's sure to be some places that she can't reach. In the area next to her flanks, under her belly and right in front of her nose are the safe zones. Find them and stay in them. Staying in front her her nose is risky because of the pressure sensors, but that that point just remain completely still. She will never notice your there unless you move.

- large caliber weapons and canons: sure her skin is tough, but she's not gun proof. Small bullets are like flies to her, but large guns and cannons balls will bring her down.

-balance: balance is key, such a massive weight is precariously balanced on four legs, take out two and she will fall. Get her over on her back and she'll never get up until she is pushed on her side. Pull her head too far back and she will be forced to walk backwards.

Space: fighting in a small area is hard for such a huge animal. If she has to level the ground she will, but this takes up time.

Swing: when swinging her horns or her tail spikes at someone, if they manage to dodge it, a weak point will be exposed. Either her throat or her flanks. She usually never swings her head and her tail at the same time but if she's fighting two assailants she may have no choice.

Small opponents: the larger the opponent is the more of an advantage Silithia has, however smaller, lighter opponents pose a problem. If they manage to get on her back they're is literally nothing she can do to throw the rider. And from there they have the advantage because between the plates on either side of her spine there is nothing to protect her. RdJ

Favorite past times: Silithia doesn't have much history with fun, she was really kind of tortured in that lab.

Favorite song: Failure- Breaking Benjamin (Dr. Crowley used to play it on the radio in the lab before she escaped.)
Name: Dru Bishop

Age: (15-18): 17

Gender: Male

Hero Name: Siphon

Child Of: Lucas Bishop and unknown

Sexuality: Pan

Appearance(pic please!):
(just without the M and a bit leaner.)

(in casual clothes)

(Any form is fine)

Personality: Happy go lucky has a relatively short attention span but a big heart. He likes to help his friends in any way that he can even if it might mean death for him. Dru has a strong beleif in doing things for himself unless it will hurt his friends.

Powers: Energy absorption and energy projection. He can absorb almost any type of energy and then use that energy in a variety of different ways. If he doesn't use the energy it will then augment his senses, strength and reflexes even further until he blows up from storing too much energy. certain forms of energy are dangerous to create so he ususally uses concussive energy in or on his weapons.

Weapons: a pistol and a rifle that can he can use to channel his energy through like ammunition and two knives that he can coat with various forms of energy. RDJ

Weaknesses: too much physical damage can kill him and too much energy at once can over charge him or cause him to black out. Also if he is low on stored energy he can use his own but that is dangerous as he can kill himself that way

Favorite Passtimes: Reading and practicing fighting

Favorite Song: it changes currently renegades of funk by rage against the machine

@sitanomoto fixed it
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[QUOTE="Son of Crota]Name: Trey LeBeau
Age: (15-18) 16

Gender: Male

Hero Name: Paradigm

Child Of: Gambit, mother unknown

Sexuality: Straight



Personality: Trey can be sly sometimes. Even sometimes tries to be sneaky and playful. When he's a hero, he maintains a cool, confident act like he would normally. He has a short temper, but manages to hold it and use that to fuel rage to make his power stronger.

Powers: to tap into the potential energy contained within an object and transform it into kinetic energy upon touching it. Charges an object and throws it at a target. The object releases this energy explosively on impact. He can charge non-living objects only. He also shares a little bit of his sister's magic ability, but he was only able to master two things: short ranged teleportation and walking on walls.

Weapons: carries around a bo staff that his father gave him. He uses playing cards for his kinetic charge power. His accuracy is as good as his father's.

Weaknesses: Most magic (Seeing as he only knows a litte magic), strong enemies, teamwork with anyone else but his sis. (He doesn't work well with others.

Favorite Passtimes: Listening to music, night time parkour, and hanging out with his sister.

Favorite Song: [media]


Name: Cordelia "Del" LeBeau

Age: (15-18) 16

Gender: Female

Hero Name: Aurora

Child Of: Gambit, mother unknown

Sexuality: Straight



Personality: Like her brother, Del likes to be known as sly and sneaky, though she takes her own characteristic by being such a flirt sometimes. She shares her brother's short temper, but manages to keep calm and use it as power later.

Powers: Magic- specifically she specializes in transformation magic, energy blasts, and summoning. She also has half of her brother's ability which is the same as their father: to tap into the potential energy contained within an object and transform it into kinetic energy upon touching it. She can only charge living objects.

Weapons: She usually usually fights with her magic, but she uses small knives sometimes.

Weaknesses: Powerful magic, teamwork with anyone else than her brother. (She doesn't work well with others.)

Favorite Passtimes: listening to music, hanging with her brother, night time parkour

Favorite Song: [media]


Other: As you can see, The twins are Gambit's children. As such, he taught them to speak fluent french and they even had his accent as well. They share only a portion of each other's powers, but it is unknown as to why. The also seem to control magic, most likely from the mother.

-How did they master their magic powers? Gambit is a part of the X-men. He has connections. Plain and simple.(Can be known as WIP if anyone doesn't like this)

-the kinetic charge powers come from their father. Trey got the ability to charge non-living, while Del got the ability to charge living things.


Where'd you go?

I miss you so

Feels like its been forever sience you've been gone

(You fought so hard for them to get involved that I didn't want you to be left out. Especially because I understand the struggle of starting out in this RP)

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