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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Pyromaniac said:

I survived because the fire inside me burned brighter than the fire around me.

Name: Layla Jean Grey

Gender: Female

Child Of: Jean Grey - Summers

Villain Name: The Black Phoenix

Age: 18

Sexuality: Demiromantic Heterosexual



Personality: Layla never really fit in with the other kids growing up. She was always different, and her mother knew that. Layla is what you would call a spawn of Satan. Mischievous, devilish, and straight up rude, this girl is not someone to mess with. Other villains have tragic back stories, reasons to be the person they are, but her? She simply destroys things because she wants to. A complete opposite of her mother, Layla uses her powers for terrible deeds and isn't afraid to do otherwise. With a terrible temper, she isn't one to cross when she's in one of her "moods."

Favorite Pastimes:

- As a child, she set small animals on fire.

- Now as an adult, she sets bigger things on fire like buildings and people

- She has a hobby for singing though

- She loves classical music, but she doesn't mind alternative rock

- Most of the time, she's setting things on fire

Favorite Songs:

- It's hard to choose, but something by Fall Out Boy or Panic! At the Disco


Pyrokinesis: pretty self explanatory, she can control the element of fire and any aspects of fire such as lava

Fire Mimicry: She can set herself on fire

Wing Manifestation: She has wings

- The Phoenix Force: the main reason she has these extreme powers. What was once originally fused with her mother, was passed down to young Layla, who uses its powers for destruction.

- Solar Empowerment: Just fancy wording meaning that when she's in sunlight, she's a bit more stronger


Most of the time, Layla uses her powers, but if she's in moonlight, or it's night time, she uses knives attached to a knuckle.


Weaknesses: As a fire elementalist, anything to do with water is an extreme weakness to her. Even if she's close to a body of water, she will feel her powers begin to draw back. Of course it depends on how large the body of water it is. For example, a small puddle wouldn't affect her as much as a river or a nearby ocean. Another weakness is the night. Because her powers are half drawn from the sun, if it's night time or if she is not in contact with the sun, her powers are weakened by 50%.

*I'm new to this site, so if I've skipped any topics, I'm so sorry! Also, RDJ*

Yohoo @LucianGrey7971, just thought I'd let you know what's gonna happen to ya ;P
LucianGrey7971 said:
Ironically Jordan doesn't call himself Phoenix or the Phoenix Force. He called himself Chaos
I kinda want Jordan to turn bad...just because it would give him the ability to flaunt his powers. I think I'll use her to do that. "Power? You think your little fraction of our power makes you strong? Allow me to show you TRUE strength...I'll show you fire and life INCARNATE"
LucianGrey7971 said:
Name: Jordan Grace
Age: 18

Gender: Male

Hero Name: Chaos

Child Of: N/A

Sexuality: Straight

Appearance(pic please!):

Personality: Jordan has a very sarcastic nature and has the capacity to be kind to those who need it most. He is very untrusting because he himself holds a dark secret that could possibly make the Avengers turn on him so he doesn't willingly open up to anyone, choosing to deflect with wit and sarcasm

Powers: Healing factor, Molecular and Energy Manipulation

Weapons: Gauntlets forged in the heart of a star

Weaknesses: Jordan isn't what you'd call experienced, he only recently took to fighting and can be easily thrown off by tactics. While he has the potential to become a powerhouse in 10-15 years, but as of now he can only use his powers in ways that makes sense to him.

Favorite Pastimes: Brooding, Meditating, Annoying people, reading, writing, Brooding in Space

Favorite Song: When They Come For Me by Linkin Park RDJ
Since then we've found out he's the Phoenix Force, and has three cloned children he didn't know about. Two of which are very, dare I say....DETERMINED
Name: Esperanza O’Hara

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Hero Name: Spider Woman 2099

Child Of: Miguel O’Hara

Sexuality: Bisexual

Appearance(pic please!):


(this is her suit, which was handed down by her father.)

Personality: Insecure, and always trying to avoid others when she can. She is very shy, and not very outgoing. But, there are lots of things that tick her off, but for the most part, she is kind, caring, and even understanding.

Powers: Superhuman Strength: Able to carry 10 tons, and leap 30 feet in a single bound.

Superhuman speed: able to run at speeds beyond a human’s natural limits.

Superhuman stamina: Less fatigue toxins are produced when moving, she can exert herself for hours before the toxins impair her.

Superhuman Reflexes and Agility

Superhuman Vision: Beyond that of a normal human, she can see much further, and much clearer than anyone else. What may appear as a blur, she can see clearly.

Accelerated Healing Factor and Longevity

Talons and Fangs: Due to her Father’s mutation, she has these two traits that secrete Paralyzing venom that is not toxic, and allow her to climb like a spider.

Web Generation

Superhuman Endurance: Basically able to walk away with often fatal injuries, and appear virtually unharmed. Like falling from a huge height, and able to walk with broken ribs, and massive fractures everywhere.

Accelerated Decoy: She can move fast enough to allow a body double to appear for enemies to attack.


Gliding: She can glide using the Light air foil on her suit, since it is made of a low concentration of Anti-Gravity Particles.

Weapons: Webbing, Fangs and talons.

Weaknesses:Eyes extremely sensitive to light, speech difficulty.

Favorite Passtimes: Watching the moon rise, swinging around, and listening to music.

Favorite Song:

Monster Hunter X- Osutogaroa phase 1 theme


Any Hollywood Undead Song, etc.

RDJ @sitanomoto
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Name: Ray Aldnoah

Age: Unknown

Gender: Male

Hero Name: Ranger

Child Of: Scorn

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Appearance(pic please!):


(Any form is fine)

Personality: Ray can often seem robotic as he doesn't often display actual emotions. It's not that he doesn't have them or that they are locked away. He just never allows himself to show emotions never allows them to cloud his mind. Most expressions he wears are often fake and have no true emotion behind them, one could ay they are not sincere.


High-Tech Symbiotic Exoskeleton

Weaknesses: RDJ @sitanomoto

Favorite Passtimes: Designing new armors, improving armors, and generally working with tech armor

Favorite Song: [media]

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Name: Taylor

Age: (15-18)

Gender: Female

Hero Name: Silver

Child Of: Angel

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Appearance(pic please!): (Hero and/or casual)


( Ignore crown; armor silver)

Personality: Taylor is very quiet, and doesn't talk to others unless they talk to her. She loves to fly, and will do it any time she has time. She loves books, and watching people from a distance, just to see why they do what they do.

Powers: She can fly (duh), and she has extremely good hand-to-combat



Weaknesses: Her wings are very fragile, and if they get hurt, she can't fly.

Favorite Pastimes: Reading, flying, drawing

Favorite Song: N/A

Name: Bailey Barnes

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Hero Name: Agent Barnes (She's an agent so...)

Child Of: Bucky Barnes (Is he taken?)

Sexuality: Straight

Appearance(pic please!):

(Any form is fine)

Personality: Shy, doesn't seem to smile that much, normally reads or watches tv. Doesn't talk unless she's comfortable with the person

Powers: Cybernetic arm

Weapons: Guns

Weaknesses: Her time at HYDRA

Favorite Passtimes: Watching tv, at the shooting range, or reading

Favorite Song: Don't Stop Me Now by Queen
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