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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

[QUOTE="Psychotic Dreams]just cause i can crack a joke doesn't mean i'm not going to take the roleplay seriously geez

That was a joke on my end. Sorry should have made it clear.

It's basically the opposite of what I described, so your good to post whenever
For your information Crono, we aren't going to have a wedding!

Because we don't believe in those out dated ideas thank you very much
Sorry I'm not good with sarcasm in the first place, and my friend explained to me it was a joke so I swear i'm not a dick, I just didn't understand

Name: stratos katsuchia

Age: (15-18) 18 years old

Gender: male

Hero Name: yin and yang

Child Of: yin and yang twins

Sexuality: straight/heterosexual

Appearance(pic please!): (Hero and/or casual)


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/57a8c443b2a1f_images(91).jpg.26ca978d4931942436c3b5723efa4ee7.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="71803" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/57a8c443b2a1f_images(91).jpg.26ca978d4931942436c3b5723efa4ee7.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality:stratos is a calm,outgoing, and loving person to which all play to help him in battles with his foes

Powers: yin and yang manipulation,magic, and enhanced speed, telekinesis, and creation (of buildings and objects)

Weapons: his fists

Weaknesses: his mind is weak and is vulnerable to mind control and illusions but not to a point of brain destroying

Favorite Passtimes: eating ice cream, sparring, making Ally's, talking to girls

Favorite Song: [media]



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[QUOTE="Pink Gorilla]Name: Jamie Hemon
Age: 18

Gender: Female

Hero Name: Quiet

Child Of: OC

Sexuality: Asexual

Appearance(pic please!):

Personality: Jamie is a very serious person. She will always try to matters into her own hands and deal with the problem herself. She is very quiet, because she is mute, hence the name. She is mute because she had her tongue cut out as a child when she back talked a superior, she was a child soldier. She can be very cold, but if you really earn her trust she will be nice to you.

Powers: All of her senses have been enhanced, other than taste... Her eyes have increased the most, being able to see even further away and in more detail what she is seeing. She can also naturally turn herself invisible in a puff of black smoke.

Weapons: Her customized sniper rifle as seen above, flash bangs, a large knife, and a backup pistol

Weaknesses: Her preference of doing things on her own can make her misjudge how serious a mission is and she has a hard time trusting her allies in combat, leading to her making independent decisions that could get her or others hurt

Favorite Passtimes: Watching things happen from a far up distance, listening to music

Favorite Song: Titanium by David Guetta ft. Sia

( Lol I just saw this and I was like "Oh my gosh she has an oc named quiet to! Except mine is technically a robot soldier assassin c: )
Name: Alfred Dminsky

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Hero Name: Techno

Child Of: Michael...well not really chilled more just a creation.

Sexuality: Straight

Appearance(pic please!):

Personality: he is kind but very clumsy and forgetful.

Powers: Technomagic

Weapons: all of Technology

Weaknesses: he forgets that he dosn't need tk eat and it causes him to glitch out and short circuit. He also seems to be really bad with his powers.

Favorite Passtimes: playing online games, spurring the web, watching TV.

Favorite Song: Bad apple.


Name: Diego Levi

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Villain Name: Om Nom

Sexuality: Straight

Appearance(pic please!): (I am creating an original picture for him so I shall posts it shortly, I understand ifbhe can't be accepted until I get the picture)

Personality: Sweet when he is not biting your head off.

Powers: Gluttony Embodiment

Weapons: his jaw.

Weaknesses: he is innocent and can be manipulated.....probably best if you feed him or he might eat you. Also Veronima is his very best friend so she is also his weakness.

Favorite Passtimes: eating.

Favorite Song: Just Eat It.


Name: Veronika Alkaev

Age: 18

Gender: female

Villain Name:(she is not publicly a villain because of this her villain name will be her pop star name) Anna Q

Sexuality: Pansexual

Appearance(pic please!):

Personality: She is manipulative and confident in herself.

Powers: Supernatural Beauty. She also possess the power to change into any human she has seen.

Weapons: Her charm.

Weaknesses: she has almost no fighting capabilities.

Favorite Passtimes: singing.

Favorite Song: If Today Was Your Last Day.

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Age: 18

Gender: Male

Anti-Hero Name: The Sinner

Child of: Death ( Darksiders 2)

Sexuality and Appearance




Corvus is a quiet yet hot headed guy, as he will get angry easily. He would cuss out in different languages while walking in a circle, accidentally break something, or just yell in general. When he is calm Corvus would be quiet, quite good with electronics as he knows how to hack into very difficult things. He is very anti-social as well but not towards his best friend/cousin.


  • Void Walker
  • Redemption
  • Soul Seer - No matter what form he is in, he can see how the person is feeling and see what they're souls look like. It's an advantage when it's really dark and he can't see in the dark


Armor/ Weakness


  • When you shine light at him in the eyes, he would be blinded for 10 minutes since his eyes are sensitive
  • When he is angry, he can't think straight so you can hurt him before he has a chance to attack back
  • He may be fast at running but his armor slows him down a bit

Favorite Pass Times

  • Sparring with Wolf ( Aka Odis)
  • Reading
  • Singing
  • Messing around with anything that has to do with hacking or creating stuff with metal and other materials

Favorite Song






Age: 18

Gender: Male

Anti-Hero Name: Wolf

Child of: Strife ( Darksiders )

Sexuality and Appearance



( Btw he has greenish yellow eyes)


Odis is a cheery and happy person, always seeing the good in life. He would hate to see people sad, as he would try to cheer them up to see them smile. Whenever his mood changes, he is unpredictable on what he is thinking or what his actions will lead to. Odis is a sensitive guy, since he would sometimes takes joke seriously depending on the joke.


He is an excellent marksmanship and at different types of hand to hand combat

  • Re energize = He can absorb electricity into his body and uses it to create weapons to fight with
  • Copy Cat = Okay this is rare for him to use but when he uses this power, he copies his enemies' moves/powers/weapons and uses it against them
  • He has more strength than an average human but he is not that strong
  • Angel's Cry = When he does a battle cry, even though his enemies can't see them little angels would appear and help him. Even though they look like 2'11 feet tall


Armor/ Weakness


  • He can't absorb to much electricity
  • Rubber ( It might seem stupid but that's his second one )

Favorite Pass Times

  • Sparring with Corvus
  • Star gazing
  • Fashion designs
  • War Ball or any kind of sport

Favorite Song


Name: Maxton Quill

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Hero Name: StarKid

Child Of: Peter Quill and Gamora

Sexuality: Bisexual

Appearance(pic please!):

(He has the visible genetics from peter, but the powers from gamora.)


Personality: Can be very happy and carefree, but at times of seriousness, His military instinct kicks in. He has been with the original Guardians of the Galaxy every since birth, and has learned a lot of skills from them, and Shield’s space defense branch. He is mostly protective, caring towards others, he is also very persistent, along with being very patient and understanding. However, he will act without thinking when pissed off.

Powers: He has superhuman Stamina and cannot feel any physical pain. He is fearless, and very fast, since he can run 2x that of an average sprinter. He is also a very excellent master with all weapons, allowing him to use alien weaponry of any kind, or any human weapons. He also has a healing factor, but it is enough to heal him from Bullet wounds and fractured bones. When recovering from broken bones, it is much faster than an average human.

Weapons: He carries a silenced SMG, silenced Magnum, and an M4 Colt Commando assault rifle.

Weaknesses: He can be very headstrong, and will charge at an enemy, Guns blazing. He also has some emotional and mental issues, such as Bipolar.

Favorite Passtimes: Stargazing, Listening to music, and Eating.

Favorite Song: Blurry by Puddle of Mudd, and Follow, by Incubus.

AI Sheet

Name: Ruby

Age: Made the day of Maxton’s birth. she is 18

Gender: Female

Hero Name:

Appearance(pic please!):


Personality: Motherly, protective, and very wise. She is what they call a Mother AI, Meaning that she has been there for Maxton, and has bonded with him emotionally. She is fairly reasonable, and can be a bit harsh at times. But she is honest, and will do anything to protect Maxton, and anyone else.

Powers: She can go into any computer system, And do anything from piloting a robot, to deactivating defences. She can also access any database with ease, so all info will be with her until given to the right hands.

Favorite Song: Hooked on a feeling, Robot Rock, Mh3u Brachydios theme, and mhfu Chameleos theme.
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Name: Rickey (Rick) Howlett

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Hero Name: Grizzly

Child Of: James Howlett a.k.a Wolverine

Sexuality: Heterosexual



Personality: Like his father, Rick is quick to anger. He is savage, very honourable, brave and noble. Despite this, he is also one of the most dangerous men in the world, mostly because he always tries to control his berserker and more savage side. Unlike his father, he is not a loner. He knows his limits and is willing to take help if he needs it.

Powers: Regenerative Healing Factor

Rick's most prominent power is his healing factor. This allows him to heal from virtually any injury at an incredibly fast rate. This allows him take hits from class 100+ characters and continue fighting. He can regrow missing limbs, organs and can even regenerate his entire skeleton. His healing factor grants him a high resistance to toxins and poisons. Large enough doses have proven effective at bypassing his healing factor. His healing factor prevents nerve strike attacks from working effectively on him as his healing factor bypasses the effect virtually instantaneously. His healing factor also grants him immunity to all Earthly diseases and it extends hiss lifespan. Ricks healing factor depends on his body's state. So if he lacks sleep and proper nutrition for a time, it slows his healing abilities drastically.

Superhuman Durability

He Possess Superhuman Durability. This is mostly because of his healing abilities.

Superhuman Acute Senses

Another one of Rick's prime abilities is his acute senses that are many time greater than that of a human being and even surpass that of most animals on Earth. He has the ability to see vast distances with complete clarity. This advanced eyesight also allows him to see in almost complete darkness. His hearing is also enhanced allowing him to hear from great distances as well as hear pitches that ordinary human beings cannot and even fight blindfolded.These abilities also allow Grizzly to recognize people by their scent. He is also one of the best trackers. He is able to track objects as well as human over very great distances. Grizzly is also a "human lie detector" as he can hear a person’s heartbeat increase when they lie and also identify certain changes in their body such as increase in perspiration.

Superhuman Strength

Grizzly is superhumanly strong. His strength easily ranges from beyond 800 pounds, but probably no more than 2 tons.

Superhuman Agility

Rick's balance and agility as well as his body coordination is beyond the capabilities of a human being at its peak and is well into the superhuman range. He can also jump nearly 30ft in the air unassisted.

Enhanced Speed

Rickey is able to move at low level superhuman speeds. He can attack faster than the human eye can follow His combat speed is more enhanced then anything else.

Superhuman Reflexes

He possesses enhanced reflexes. He can dodged bullets point blank, machine gun fire and even optic blasts.

Superhuman Stamina

Grizzly's healing factor is able to fight off fatigue toxins allowing him to exert himself for a long period of time before fatigue builds up.

Animal Empathy

Rick can understand the emotions of animals around them and communicate with them on a very basic level. He is able to show animals his intentions and actions so he would not be perceived as a threat to them.

Bone Claws

Grizzly possesses 6, 12 inch retractable bone claws. 3 are in each arm and are housed in his forearms. When extended they tear through the flesh in his knuckles but his healing factor heals the injuries virtually instantaneously. The bone claws are able to tear through most types of flesh and have been able to cut through stone and even steel.

Beast mode

Just as the name suggests, this is when Grizzly looses all control and reverts into an animal like creature. His appearance doesn't change, but his behaviour does. His strength, speed and senses whilst in beast mode. Whilst in it, he also ignores all pain he feels.

Weapons: Bone claws.

Weaknesses: Murumasa Blade

His father's direct weakness is a magical blade that has been endowed with the ability to halt accelerated healing factors. This blade has the ability to reduce healing factors many times and when receiving a very minor cut from the blade it takes days for it to heal when in normal circumstances it should have healed within a matter of moments.

Sensory Overload

Rick's senses can be overloaded as seen when he has stated whispers hurt him and when Hulk used his thunderclap to overload Rick's hearing sense. Despite this weakness, Grizzly's pain tolerance and healing factor allow him to push through attacks that should overload his senses like withstanding thunderclaps on multiple other occasions to the point that they don't even seem to effect him.


Carbonadium is a poisonous substance to him and could be potentially lethal.

Beast mode

Despite being an awesome ability, it is also a pretty big weakness. Due to him ignoring all pain, he doesn't know when he is at his limit. Just because he ignores it, doesn't mean he doesn't feel it. Also, he will attack anyone, friend or foe.

Favorite Passtimes: Training and riding around on his fathers motorcycle. (The RDJ)

Favorite Song: He doesn't really like music, but if he had to choose, he would have to say Demons by Imagine Dragons
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