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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Name: Daniel Smythe

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Villain Name: Slaughter

Child Of: The Slaughter symbiote is the child of the Toxin symbiote and so the grandchild of the Carnage symbiote and the great-grandchild of the Venom symbiotic. Danny's parents are regular people...

Sexuality: Danny is heterosexual, Slaughter is asexual



Personality: - Slaughter: Mean, sadistic, brutal, child-like in some respects

- Danny: Kind, laid back, nerdy, a bit of a jokester


  • Superhuman strength, durability, endurance and reflexes
  • Organic "webbing"
  • Regenerative healing factor
  • Ability to cling to most surfaces
  • Limited shapeshifting, including the ability to shape shift his limbs into weapons, and camouflage
  • Immunity to Spider Sense

Weapons: Slaughter symbiote

Weaknesses: The Slaughter symbiote is extremely sensitive to thermal and sonic attacks, like all symbiotes

Favorite Passtimes: - Slaughter: Killing, killing, killing and more killing.

- Danny: Reading, playing videogames, hanging out with friends

Favorite Song: Duality - Slipknot

A like means accepted, right?

Name: Steve Rogers Schaub

Age: (15-18) 16

Gender: Male

Hero Name: Lightning Rod

Child Of: Butterball and Non Cannon Heroine

Sexuality: Hetero

Appearance(pic please!)


Personality: Absolutely loves being a hero, just like his Dad at his age. He's trained to be a hero since he was 6 and knows how to fight and dreams of fighting alongside his heroes like Falcon, Luke Cage, and Spiderman. Fighting with their kids is something he's more than willing to settle with and will gush over the exploits of the more well known heroes. He's an unabashed superhero fanboy and loves that he's one of them.

Powers: His Father, fearing another issue with powers like his own, took the teachings that led MVP to be the apex of normal humans and raised him to be the same, though not quite as good. Strangely, he did not inherit his father's invulnerability, but his mother's bioelectric pulses that can speed healing or cause momentary paralysis.

Weapons: Two steel rods.

Weaknesses: Water. If he's soaked he can't use his powers and he has to eat 5 times the normal calories or suffer hypoglycemia.

Favorite Pastimes: Training and trying new foods.

Favorite Song: Graveyard D'jour- Mushroomhead

Drumonkey said:
Name: Fahy Strange
Age: 18

Gender: Male

Hero Name: Doctor Strange

Child Of: Stephen Strange

Sexuality: Straight

Appearance(pic please!):


(Any form is fine)

Personality: Calm and rarely one to act Fahy tends to spend his time meditating, expanding his knowledge or fighting bad guys from alternate planes.

Powers:energy projection and manipulation, matter transformation, animation of inanimate objects, teleportation, illusion-casting, mesmerism, thought projection, astral projection, dimensional travel, time travel and mental possession

Weapons:himself but he is adept at martial arts and various weapons

Weaknesses:Science and stronger sorcerers/ magic users

Favorite Pastimes: Reading writing and exploring magical realms.

Favorite Song: Scared by 3 days grace

Other: he is young so he doesn't have full control of his powers technically he is sorcerer supreme Jr. he can do almost anything his father can but he isn't as adept or powerful as him.

Doctor Strange's kid is taken
Name: Rayne Kallor

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Hero Name: Ori Galaxy

Child Of: Star Man and Dream Girl

Sexuality: Straight

Appearance(pic please!):

Her hero form: Has the same look as her mother

Personality: An observer, has mix emotions, Rayne loves the rain, she doesn't really like small talk but would hold a conversation every now and then with someone. It would be rare if she tells a joke or laugh, but she would smile. When she is around people, she would be interested on the task at hand as well as other things but would get distracted easily at times.

Powers: has the power make any object she chooses extremely heavy especially herself, travel between universes by using her costume, super-strength, speed, and durability.

Weapons: Her powers, and a staff that has engraved stars in it which shoots out a bright white beam

Weaknesses: Has to be careful or else she creates a black hole

Favorite Passtimes: Learning about space and time, listening to music, and drawing about anything space related

Favorite Song: [media]

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LokiofSP said:
Doctor Strange's kid is taken
Actually Karcen replied to my message saying she wouldn't be returning.

So I took her character off the list...assuming that's what I was meant to do...so that would mean the spots open right? :o

Also I never saw these messages til now cause National's cute Crojo tag. x3
Name: Fahy Wilson

Age: (15-18) 18

Gender: Male

Hero Name: Kidpool

Child Of:Deadpool

Sexuality: Pansexual

Appearance(pic please!):

(Any form is fine)

Personality: Erratic and often described as eccentric, most people find him hard to understand and hard to follow his thought process. Funny or at least tries to be. has two voices in his head.

Powers: Enhanced senses and physical attributes and enhanced healing also immune to psychic attack

Weapons: Almost anything but uses two lightsabers he got from kidpool mainly

Weaknesses:his temper and personality often get him killed which takes time to get up and walk away from along with his mental instability he often forgets things or gets lost in doing things.

Favorite Pastimes: Killing, cracking jokes, finding miscellaneous adventures

Favorite Song:
Blarg222 said:
Name: Joe Sheridan

Gender: Male

Hero Name: Pyro

Child Of: Non-Cannon

Sexuality: Asexual

Appearance(pic please!):

(Any form is fine)

Personality: He likes to keep to himself due to his strange form, though if you want a conversation then he'll give you one.

Powers: Made of flaming magma, can project flames and throw fireballs. He can also use his ability for flight. He can also cool down which allows him to move around and interact with others without burning them,

Weapons: Himself

Weaknesses: Liquid Nitrogen, Subzero Temperatures

Favorite Passtimes: Reading Playing Video games

Favorite Song: [media]

(God damn. Heatblast is love, heatblast is life.)
Name: Strout (A word mix i made, his name meaning Strong Sprout)

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Hero Name: Strout

Child Of: Groot

Sexuality: N/A

Appearance(pic please!):


Personality: Gentle and caring. He loves the company of animals, much like his father Groot. However, this gentle giant does have a bad side, since he can get angered if he is disrespected, or any of his friends are disrespected, there he is unpredicatble.

Powers: Regeneration, Since he is a walking tree, he can regrow limbs, or even his entire body in time. He can also come back from the dead if a piece of him is planted in a pot. Once back to his original size, he will be better than ever.

He can talk to plants, mainly trees.

Super strength, He can lift up to more than a whopping 12 elephants.

Weapons: Fists, Other flora, and his anger.

Weaknesses: Fire.

Favorite Passtimes: Walking around, exploring, and being in company of animals and humans.

Favorite Song: Hooked on a feeling and Come get your love.
Name:John Theron



Hero Name:Redeemer

Child Of:Steve and Maria Theron,both deceased when John was 11,raised and mentored by Frank Castle aka The Punisher


Personality:funny,selfless,insecure,emotionally unstable,tends to break stuff when angry, curses a lot,hard to trust people but loves the ones he opens up


Weapons:Machete,Sawed off shotgun,44 magnum

Weaknesses:over confidence,mediocre to good martial art skills(mma)

Favorite Passtimes:Gaming,binge watching

Favorite Song:Carry on my wayward son
Name: ???

Age: ???

Gender: Female

Villain Name: Haven

Child Of: YOU HAVE NO IDEA!!!!

Sexuality: ???

Appearance(pic please!):

Personality: She rarely speaks. She is obedient to Skull Face.

Powers: Enhanced Strength

Weapons: The gun as seen above, a machete, and pointed claw-like blades on her boots. Her suit can also allow her to jump long and high distances and be able to stick to walls.

Weaknesses: Her suit is not bullet proof or knife proof.

Favorite Passtimes: Training, accomplishing missions.

Favorite Song:???
Name: Axel

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Hero Name: His Name

Child Of: N/A

Sexuality: Yes

Appearance(pic please!):

(Any form is fine)

Personality: Usually pretty quiet until he get's mad and goes into battle mode. He'll look really sweet one moment and be a fighting machine the next, tendency to be a little bit of a sociopath

Powers: Convincing, Strength, "Battle Mode" Personality

Weapons: Hands, Random Sharp Objects He Can Find, Things he can use for defence

Weaknesses: blows can be pretty harsh if he isn't in "battle mode", Abdominal area

Favorite Passtimes: Music Related Things, Practicing his Convincing Deceits

Favorite Song: King For A Day (Sleeping with Sirens Ft. Vic F.)
[QUOTE="Psychotic Dreams]Basically pansexual, with attemptive humor

Oh.... Yeah this is a serious RP. All we do is talk about politics and the stock market.

You take that humor and bundle it at the door mister

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