Avengers: Age of Youth


The Guy
Roleplay Type(s)
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<strong><span style="font-size:18px;">Character Creaton Rules</span></strong>



1. There is a four living character maximum, you may kill a character if you no longer wish to use him/her/it but you will have to wait a full 15 days before creating a new character to take the old character's spot.





2. Video Game/Anime characters. If you want to use the appearance of one that is totally fine, but we'd rather you not use the backstory or personality of that same character. Come up with your own, be original!





3. Special Characters, I.E. Characters from alternate dimensions or the future: There will not be an actual limit on these but keep it to a minimum, we'd rather not have five characters from five different futures or five different dimensions. If you'd like to collaborate with others to have a small team or duo of people coming from the same time/dimension that is fine. Just keep these to a bare minimum please, if it gets out of hand we will create a limit.





4. If you'd like to create a hero/villain's child but your unsure if they are open then you should check the overview tab, it has a post and list of characters. If that still doesn't help you can just ask in the OOC.





5. Having two canon characters as parents. While it's understandable to want it for specific pairings that are liked in the comics (or not), if possible try to limit it to one parent that is a hero/villain. Simply to allow more options for other Roleplayers and characters. UNLESS your really open to siblings and they aren't two of the more well-known parents.





6. Siblings. If you want to make a child character to a canon character that already has a kid it will be a sibling of an already created character. You need that member's permission to create a sibling and they have all the rights in the world to say no. Don't take a no to heart, some people just want an only child. :]





7. Canon/Parent characters are meant to be here as guest/secondary characters with limited usage. This is the New Generation of heroes so let's leave the old people to their old stuff. <img alt=" :P " data-emoticon="" height="20" src="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/tongue.png" srcset="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/tongue@2x.png 2x" title=" :P " width="20" /></p>




8. Op characters are strictly prohibited. We had a problem with them in the last RP (you know who you are!), so here we go: No god-like powers such as invulnerability. Your character MUST BE ABLE TO BE KILLED SOMEHOW. You can NOT lift mountains. You can NOT lay punches that kill a person first thing. No Gary Stues or Mary Sues. If you have a question on a power, come to me, <a contenteditable="false" data-ipshover="" data-ipshover-target="<___base_url___>/profile/16263-pyosimros/?do=hovercard" data-mentionid="16263" href="<___base_url___>/profile/16263-pyosimros/" rel="">@Pyosimros</a>,  <a contenteditable="false" data-ipshover="" data-ipshover-target="<___base_url___>/profile/14216-archon/?do=hovercard" data-mentionid="14216" href="<___base_url___>/profile/14216-archon/" rel="">@Archon</a>, or if you want to go to the tippy top, <a contenteditable="false" data-ipshover="" data-ipshover-target="<___base_url___>/profile/13975-sitanomoto/?do=hovercard" data-mentionid="13975" href="<___base_url___>/profile/13975-sitanomoto/" rel="">@sitanomoto</a>.





9. READ THE RULES IN THE OOC TAB. WE WILL KNOW IF YOU DO. (Due note that for the first two weeks many of the Canon Characters will be off-limits to allow people from the old Rp to claim their spot once again if they choose to return. So it may be a good idea to ask if the character you want to make a kid for is on hold or not. :3) <a contenteditable="false" data-ipshover="" data-ipshover-target="<___base_url___>/profile/16263-pyosimros/?do=hovercard" data-mentionid="16263" href="<___base_url___>/profile/16263-pyosimros/" rel="">@Pyosimros</a> and <a contenteditable="false" data-ipshover="" data-ipshover-target="<___base_url___>/profile/14216-archon/?do=hovercard" data-mentionid="14216" href="<___base_url___>/profile/14216-archon/" rel="">@Archon</a> would be the dynamic duo in charge of this area. You have to get through them to be accepted.










<strong><span style="font-size:18px;">CHARACTER SKELETON</span></strong>






Age: (15-18 for new characters. For characters brought over some might be 19-21.)









Child Of: (optional if parent is not Cannon)






Appearance(pic please!): (Hero and/or casual) (Any form is fine)















Favorite Passtimes:



Favorite Song:


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Name: Connor Rogers

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Alias: Captain America

Child Of: Steve Rogers

Sexuality: Homosexual

Personality: Recently Connor has been putting forward an effort in leadership, trying to better himself. Connor can be a bit outspoken and isn't afraid to let others know what he thinks no matter the cost. He doesn't have his dad's enhanced physical state so he trained hard to get to this point from a young age. Being the son of The Captain America leaves him wanting to make his parents proud, but he also doesn't want to let them down. He's not really good at knowing his limitations, that hasn't changed. Connor's stubborn and there had been a time where he'd tried to give just about anyone a chance but after multiple failures in this endeavor he's all but given up on the idea that anyone can change. Thrill seeking has become very prominent in Connor in the last year and a half, he goes looking for things to do more often than he ever used to.


Inhuman Ice Manipulation: This allows him the ability to collect moisture from the air and freeze it. He cannot freeze what he cannot touch, some part of Connor must be touching what he plans to freeze.

Basic Inhuman Enhancements: Enhanced Speed, Strength, Endurance, and Reflexes.


A vibranium shield much like his fathers.


Heat or Fire effect Connor by draining his energy and leaving him physically exhausted, while untested it's believed prolonged exposure could lead to death. As well as pushing himself too hard more often than he should.

Inhuman Weakness: Connor is more susceptible to disease because of his new Inhuman traits.

Favorite Passtimes: Reading in any park, racing on his motorcycle


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Hero Name:Carnage.

Child Of:Venom(Symboite)




Personality:Sadistic,Cruel,Bloodthirsty,Reckless,And stubborn. this is the best way to describe carnage as He give almost no mercy to his foes.

Powers:Physical strength greater then Spider-Man and venom combined,shape shifting abilities that allow him to project web like substances from any part of his body/Form weapons/Ability to plant thoughts into a persons head using a Symboite tendril,it can see anywhere around it(spider sense basically),he can crawl/walk/run across slick surfaces,Regeneration,Can launch parts of itself at enemies in the form of solid weapons(Darts,spears,knives,axes,etc.but disintegrate within ten seconds of leaving its body),he can warp his appendages into different arms/Legs/etc,can change size/Shape/color/Texture/Hardness of itself.and has absorbed a space Symboite in its time of being around,allowing it to persist without a host.

Weaknesses:vurnable to sound(smaller degree then venom),Extremley vurnable to heat,will usually take on foes stronger than him,large open spaces(cannot use webs to swing around),Rareley makes alliances/Allies, Is targeted by mostly everyone,Leaves trails for anyone to find,will avoid areas with fire/Areas with heros/villains that have some sort of ability of heat,cannot survive a week and a half without eating(Brains of course),takes time to recover from heat related damage,there are ,limits on its size/Hardness,only able to grow as tall as a two story house,and drinking to a size slightly bigger then a blood cell/only can become as tough as titanium.

Favorite Passtimes:Killing,eating,torturing,seeking for the next suitable host.

Other:Carnage his more open to talking then it was before,and has decided to help some of the new heros/villains so he has more people to fight/play with when they get older.

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Name: Cassie Stark

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Alias: Iron Girl

Child Of: Tony Stark and Pepper Potts

Sexuality: Sapiosexual/straight

Appearance(pic please!):

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/670849d5d59ac9da3674d014ff39fd7c.jpg.e65ad9e1bdd1a37b962bc46e3bdf7d2b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="134383" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/670849d5d59ac9da3674d014ff39fd7c.jpg.e65ad9e1bdd1a37b962bc46e3bdf7d2b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Hair color: Brown

Eye color: Bright Blue

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/7c52fdc63a673abd33a70734399591f9.jpg.e796519fdbccea8fecd6875b907add50.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="134384" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/7c52fdc63a673abd33a70734399591f9.jpg.e796519fdbccea8fecd6875b907add50.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Cassie is outgoing and rather arrogant like her dad, but she's also understanding like her mom. She's loyal to the death and an extreme adrenaline Junkie. She'll lash out if too much pressure gets put on her. Her Extremis-injected personality leaves her with mood swings.

Her family is her life. Threaten them and she'll give her life for them. Threaten her and she'll scoff it off.

She is beginning to doubt herself as a hero, tending to be more secretive than open to anyone else but Friday.


EXTREMIS-Induced quick healing,

Increased metabolism (can't get drunk or be drugged unless it's a SUPER HIGH dose)

Increased mental capacity (allows for greater multi-tasking)

Increased speed/strength


Suit she made herself (Mark XVII)

Friday, her version of Jarvis

Weaknesses: She's afraid of letting down or hurting her teammates. She is sometimes extremely stubborn and rebellious. She has a severe case of impulsivity. Her biggest fear is not being able to save her team. Plus, she's still a girl, so boys. The mention of her dad's death prior to his reanimation will send her into a rage... Insults on her or anyone she loves she will not tolerate... EXTREMIS-induced Hallucinations.... The name "BucketHead" or "Tin Can" greatly gets on her nerves. Threatening her family or other innocent lives will make her bendable and manipulatable by whoever is doing the threatening. She tends to trust people too much, believing in a second chance. Double the effect when she does get drunk/drugged due to the dosage.

Favorite Passtimes: Reading, writing, inventing things, upgrading her suit, spending time with her remaining teammates and studying science,

Favorite Song:

Holiday (Greenday)




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Eldkatla Lokidottir

'She wears trouble like a crown.'

Female, 20



Not something she has put as a priority, though unofficially getting a reputation as 'The Sorceress'


Her father is Loki, who raised her. Her mother is Lorelei, but she doesn't know that.


People are quick to point out her flaws: a vain and stubborn girl, more occupied satisfying her hedonism than worrying about anyone else. It doesn't worry her, if they are willing to underestimate her it is their own downfall they are orchestrating because, in truth, there is so much more. Though it's true there is nothing innocent about her: Eldkatla is amorous and sarcastic, having a dark sense of humour. However she is intelligent and sharp, able to win favour and fight wars with words alone, Machiavellian to the core. And it's the strangest thing, those who spend any amount of time in her presence describe an almost magnetic quality to her. Despite her penchant for chaos she seems to always be composed. That is not to say she does not anger, but it is not in anger that she should be feared. When she falls silent is when you should really begin to worry.



Eldkatla possesses physical abilities superior to humans, an increased lifespan, superhuman strength, immunity to terrestrial diseases, and resistance to conventional injury. She is also a quickly becoming a powerful sorceress with many magical abilities e.g. Magic Intuition, Illusion Manipulation, Potion Creation and Enchanted Allure.


Eldkatla was not made to fight on the battlefield, instead being more suited to stealth, and this is reflected in her weapons of choice. They are all beautiful and match one another, polished shining metal with intricate filigree carved into them: a set of throwing knives, a dagger, and for when she truly must fight she has a spear. But it's long been drilled into Eldkatla that her greatest weapon is herself, and a little poison always helps.


While she doesn't quite have the superiority inferiority complex to match her father (then again, who does) she was still raised by him, and that will do all kinds of damage to ones psyche. Between him and the company he kept during her childhood she felt little safety and was actively encouraged not to trust. And the gifts from her mother have left her more or less accepting a life with only desire, never love. Of course there is also the big blue elephant in the room which means a hot day is going to leave her miserable, fire will make her on edge, and being subjected to extreme heat is going to make her distressed to say the least.

Favourite Pastimes

If raised on Midgard her interests would have definitely earned her a reputation, but as it stands people are more fixed on the 'daughter of a malevolent god' thing. She thrives on attention and is manipulative to boot so is pretty successful at getting what she wants. Sleep has never been a friend of hers so if she can stay up all night dancing then she will. Obviously things are a little different on Asgard but not as much as people would think and she's had her fair share of drunken nights, so good she'll never remember them. Of course she has to wile away the days somehow so when not stealing secrets, seducing or spying she enjoys reading (the older the texts the better), riding horses and toying with potions and poisons.

Favourite Song

Primadonna - Marina and the Diamonds (but seriously the whole Electra Heart album is just her all over)

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Name: Jordan Grace

Age: 21 (Younger brother)

Gender: Male

Hero Name: Chaos

Child Of: Taskmaster

Sexuality: Straight

Appearance(pic please!):


Personality: Jordan has a very sarcastic nature and has the capacity to be kind to those who need it most. He is very untrusting so he doesn't willingly open up to anyone, choosing to deflect with wit and sarcasm. Jordan chooses not to be part of the Avengers as he has a Punisher-esque view on morals.

Powers: Healing factor, Molecular and Energy Manipulation

Weapons: Gauntlets forged in the heart of a star

Weaknesses: Jordan isn't what you'd call experienced, he only recently took to fighting and can be easily thrown off by tactics. While he has the potential to become a powerhouse in 10-15 years, but as of now he can only use his powers in ways that makes sense to him.

Favorite Pastimes:Meditating, Annoying people, reading, writing, not being captain america

Favorite Song: When They Come For Me by Linkin Park RDJ
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Peter Morales







Child Of:

Spider-Man (Miles Morales)







Much like any Spider-Man, he is a joker who jokes to hide his insecurity and annoy the people around him, including friends and enemies. He can make a joke about mostly anything. However, there is a limit, and that will be broken once his family is mentioned. After all, who do you care about most in this world? He will turn a lot more dark if anyone brings up hurting anyone he cares for. This is his darker stage. He made his suit because he realised this. Taking elements from the black Spidey suit and the classic one, he formed this as a subliminal message: "I may joke around, but I can still kick your ass." He hasn't really had any trauma in his life (Something to change quickly) so he doesn't have any other reason of being a hero other then it's fun.


  • Superhuman Strength

  • Superhuman Durability

  • Superhuman Agility

  • Superhuman Reflexes

  • Wall-Crawling

  • Spider-Sense

  • Venom Blast

  • Spider-Camouflage


Web-Shooters (Shield Edition-His fathers)


Inexperience-Being new to being a superhero, he is still bad at fighting and basic knowledge of criminals.

Favourite Passtimes:

Playing Basketball



Favorite Song:



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Name: Jason Grace

Age: 21 (older brother)

Gender: Male

Alias: Captain SHIELD

Child Of: Taskmaster

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Appearance(pic please!):


Personality: Where Jordan is sarcastic and refuses to answer questions about himself, Jason is very open and honest with everything he does. He has an unbreakable set of morals that he follows even if they could mean his death.

Powers: Telekinesis, Healing Factor, Photographic Reflexes

Weapons: Two Vibranium Shields

Weaknesses: His own moral code won't allow him to kill, He doesn't do too well when fighting ranged opponents

Favorite Passtimes: Training, Strategizing, Do goodery...

Favorite Song: [media]

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Name: Marcus Achilles Black

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Alias: Roman Avenger

Child Of: (optional if parent is not Cannon)

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Appearance(pic please!):



Marcus is good-natured, friendly, brave, and often willing to risk his life to save his friends, strangers, and even his enemies. Marcus has a sarcastic sense of humor and is funny in his writing.

Percy does not like nicknames or titles being given to him. His fatal flaw loyalty. Marcus, like most boys his age, has trouble talking to girls. It is said by Minerva that Percy's fatal flaw is personal loyalty. He will give up anything to save his friends and loved ones.







Weaknesses: Rashness, doesn't know when to quit

Favorite Passtimes: training in his powers

Favorite Song: Battle Scars
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Paige Parker









Child of:

Spider-Man (Peter Parker)

Favorite Passtimes:

Sleeping. Everywhere. Possible.

Favorite Song:








Name: Terry Carter Stark

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Hero Name: Ironlad

Clone Of: Cassie Stark

Sexuality: Straight

Appearance(pic please!):

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/animeUboysUanimeUguysU3910891U374U550.jpg.1f87aae6c8c38f9434984022377b012a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="111025" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/animeUboysUanimeUguysU3910891U374U550.jpg.1f87aae6c8c38f9434984022377b012a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Terry is outgoing and rather arrogant like Cassie, but he also has her understanding Nature. He is loyal to the death and an extreme adrenaline Junkie just like Cassie. He's also very flirtatious.

He has darkened quite a bit, becoming more manly than boyish.

Powers: None, unless you count being an absolute GENIUS a superpower.

Weapons: A Replica of Cassie's suit and Zero, his version of Jarvis.

Weaknesses: He has most of Cassie's weaknesses, but he's a boy, so girls. He is unaltered physically

Favorite Passtimes: Tinkering, flirting, watching TV, potatoing the couch (being a couch potato) listening to music.

Favorite Song: Handy (Weird AL Yankovic)



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Age: 18

Gender: Male

Alias:King of Roses

Child Of: None

Sexuality: Homosexual

Appearance(pic please!):


Normal:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/upload_2016-3-9_15-15-51.jpeg.b95177fceed8694910eb4ea0fbb1b085.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="111030" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/upload_2016-3-9_15-15-51.jpeg.b95177fceed8694910eb4ea0fbb1b085.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality:Isroh is questionably good. He has good intentions, just his follow through is a bit unorthodox. He usualy comes off as cold and cruel, but he has a sweet romantic side. Particularly tward boys with cute faces. He is usualy calm cool and collected, but one a sore nerve is hit, he can become an absolute psychopath. It is hard to gain his trust, but helping him find absolution is the best way to do so. But, be warned, break his trust and he will make you pay for it by blood.

Powers: Isroh has pioneered the art of the demon lotus. A flower grown naturally in hell to look like black roses with crimson stems with large thorns and vines like razor wire. Under normal conditions they are toxic, gash at the slightest touch and are in general a deadly plant. Using his specialized brand of magic he can manipulate the devil flowers to pop up anywhere He can harshen their stems and ensnare people in their painful grip. he can lash them like a whip or he can make their touch gentler and caressing.

Weapons: Katana carried at his hip.

Weaknesses: fire can burn away his vines. Copper metal touching his body will imobilize him. Silver to the heart will kill him, holy weapons work just as normal weapons do on him and inhibit his healing factor, forcing him to heal like a mortal. He's not bullet proof, but wounds from normal weapons heal quickly.

Favorite Passtimes: Hunting down the six men who murdered him and forced him into demonhood. Cello, piano and guitar.

Favorite Song: It had begun, starset.




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Name: Azazel Akihiro

Age: (15-18): 18

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Bisexual

Hero Name: Shadow of evil, Shadow Kid, Dark Heart.

Child Of: Mephisto (And also younger brother of Blackheart), and Itsu Akihiro

Appearance(pic please!):


(Armored Demon form, and has a japanese demon vibe to it.)

(His longsword, designed to give the cleanest of cuts. made in an unknown village in one of the small islands of Japan.)

(This is his gun, which is called Bootlegger. This is a sten smg with some cosmetic touch ups.)

Personality: Azazel is unlike any other spawn of Mephisto, and is very open about his heritage. He is even very extroverted, masochistic, and often mischievous and playful. But behind all this, he is lighthearted, friendly, and even hesitant to show his much hotter side (Demon form.)

but anger him, and you will literally experience hell on earth.

Powers:Shapeshifting,Pyrokinesis,Magical Manipulation,Regenerative Healing Factor, Almost limitless stamina, Ability to lift 100 tons, super speed, Superhuman Durability, ability to summon lesser or greater demons as well as necromancy, weapon summoning, and even immunity to toxins and poisons, as well as bacteria and viruses, he can even use telekenisis and telepathy.

Weapons: He can make any weapon in his spare time, and has mastered a vast arsenal of weaponry, but prefers to be up close and personal. He also has his fists, claws (Not shown), and even his intelligence. Although, he prefers Longswords, for he excels at being offensive and defensive at the same time. and the art of “Spirit strike”, which is an art that increases the power of his blade with every Fade Slash, going from white, yellow, and then red. Once at red, he will have to built it up again after 1 minute of mass power wears off. (Red increases power by 30%, while yellow increases by 10% for 3 minutes, and white is 5% for 5 minutes.)

Weaknesses: any holy symbols he touches, holy water, his own anger, and the thoughts of loneliness and his past, for his upbringing was rough. And even losing those who he loves dearly, since this will tear him apart at the emotional level.

Favorite Passtimes:Fighting crime, harvesting souls of sinners, and showing off to strangers.

Favorite Song: [media]

[/media], RWBY- From Shadows, This will be the day, and Monster hunter freedom unite Teostra theme (When in demon form), as well as the Shadows Of Evil song (BO3 zombies trailer song)
Robert Downey Jr. Is best Iron man @Crono @sitanomoto
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Name: Phoenix Brooks

Species:Dhampir (Vampire/human hybrid)

Age: 18

Gender: male

Hero Name: The Guillotine, Plague Knight (Recently dubbed so since his Mentor had died, and he was competent enough for the job.)

Child Of: Blade, and unknown mother from russia.

Sexuality: Straight

Appearance(pic please!):

He wears this 24/7

(Ever since he died, he had been living in the Underworld, apprenticing under an Alchemist who wore the same clothing, until the said Alchemist died of natural causes. Now he wears this over his actual clothing.)

Personality: He is Confident, and Stubborn mostly, But he is also rather EXPLOSIVE, meaning that he can easily be triggered to go into a bloodlust (This only happens when he is severely hurt, Physically or mentally, or even emotionally.) He is also willing to care and help anyone he can, especially his friends. He is also very secretive, and does not want anyone to know his true intentions on most things, even with what he is doing with a bunch of beakers and bottles he never used, and he is critical and always thinking. He can also be very helpful and generous on a good day, but can also be very Irate and moody on a bad day. But with being in the underworld for so long, He has become a bit unstable.


Enhanced strength: lift 100 tons

Enhanced speed: runs at the speed as a race car at max speed

Photographic memory: Only good for memorizing blueprints for anything, needs to be refreshed every few weeks.

Enhanced senses: Can hear from 70 miles away, smell anything from 20 miles, and see about 2x the distance of a normal person. But, the smell and hearing can be fooled by sonic disruption and with certain drugs that destroys the nose (Cocaine, etc.).

Predictive Visions: he has visions of future events minutes before they happen, lots of lives were saved this way.

Enhanced reflexes: Can dodge a bullet seconds after it is fired, unless the assailant can predict where he will dodge to. Aids in dodging things bigger than a bullet too.

Vampiric thirst: Drinks up to a gallon of blood to sate his thirst for 2 hours, and heal himself. But also eats like a normal human as well.

He can also walk in the sun without injury, unlike pureblood vampires. His human half negates ultraviolet injury from the sun.

Telepathy: Can communicate with anyone with his mind, when he does not want to use his voice. (which is the case most of the time).

Weapon mastery: He has also mastered many different weapon types, from swords to axes, guns to launchers.

Arcana Mastery:

In order to be a good alchemist, Phoenix had to practice Arcanic rituals, arts, ETC. Arcana master allows him to use certain relics to their fullest potential, such as the Staff of Surging, or doing different kinds of Bomb Bursts, which give him more Airtime, and have different abilities, depending on the burst he uses.

Weapons: can make many weapons, but prefers a mysterious pair of claws he was given to by his mother, as an heirloom from her side, also Bombs with different Fuses, casings, and powders. He also has a staff, as well as Arcanic relics that he uses in any situation.


Weaknesses: None, Except for the thirst for blood.

Favorite Passtimes: Training, Sharpening his blades, and forging new weapons for his friends (wich are made for display purposes, since they are really dull in the blade, purposefully so, unless requested to make them useable.) He even likes to make potions and bombs, as well as hanging with friends, and dancing.

Favorite Song (s):

Shovel Knight- Flowers of Antimony

Shovel Knight- Steel Thy Shovel

MHX- Dinovaldo Theme

SMASH! by Starbomb

We need a lil RDJ @Crono @sitanomoto
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Name:Alex Whitemin




Child Of:???


Appearance(pic please!):<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/images-12.jpeg.87bdab1861aed4176475f3be9889e134.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="111035" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/images-12.jpeg.87bdab1861aed4176475f3be9889e134.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality:Like the music he listens to Alex is upbeat and always moving. He rarely sits still for anything unless necessary. He's headstrong and has a hard time taking orders unless the person in charge proves themselves. He's friendly and is always up for some fun or competition or a good ol brawl.

Powers:Sound Wave-Alex can manipulate sound to launch sound waves at his enemies in order to push them back or cause extreme head aches or use the extreme vibrations to shatter stone or make metal vibrate.

Tempo-Alex can follow the tempo of someone he's fighting to dodge their attacks more easily but this requires him to focus on their movements and their movements only, if he loses sight of them or loses focus he has to start over

Audio Sync-By listening to his partner's heartbeat long enough Alex can sync his movements with theirs

Echo-Afterimages that copy whatever movement or action Alex did last he can set up a max number of five of these at once and delay them for 2 hours after setting them.

Weapons:Boom gloves-Gaulents made from a boom box Alex can charge his sound into them and release them in a burst when he punches.

Weaknesses:His attacks don't work it something sound proof is blocking him

Favorite Passtimes:Listening to music, Making music, Boxing

Favorite Song:No.5

Name:Blair Whitemin

Age: 17


Alias:Shadow Tamer

Child Of:???


Appearance(pic please!): <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/images-20.jpeg.62f8bbd798744ded515cee74cf43bd71.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="111036" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/images-20.jpeg.62f8bbd798744ded515cee74cf43bd71.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality:Alex's polar opposite she is quiet and keeps to herself until she enters a fight then she does a complete 180 turning sadistic. She talks to herself saying she is talking to the Shadows. She shows no mercy unless the Shadows tell her other everything Blair does she claims is what the Shadows tell her to do.

Powers:Shadow Talk-Blair can talk to shadows in order to learn what they've seen or heard. To do this she must form a contract with the shadow to do this she needs complete silence to hear the shadow

Shadow Tame-Blair can move any shadow she has formed a contract with bending them to her will. She can't form a contract with a shadow that belongs to someone.


Weaknesses:Needs shadows to use powers, she has a fear of intense light, no hand to hand knowledge

Favorite Passtimes:Cloud watching, reading

Favorite Song:Get low


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/2016-03-09-19-17-41--1238691408.jpeg.f18dd778f78b0b1eec62e431d76b0c13.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="111037" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/2016-03-09-19-17-41--1238691408.jpeg.f18dd778f78b0b1eec62e431d76b0c13.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Baldral Fandralson

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Alias: His Name

Child Of: Fandral and an Asgardian Barwench

Sexuality: Hetrosexual


Personality: Pretty boy and quick to draw his sword. He's not so much a hot head as he really wants glory and to live up to his father. His King tries to teach him to temper wisdom with strength, but he is young.

Powers: Strength, durability,

Weapons: A longsword and shield.

Weaknesses: He loses his powers if he loses his glasses.

Favorite Passtimes: Drinking, partying, and adventuring.

Favorite Song: The Tale of the Three (Asgardian song)

Name: Liam Maximoff

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Alias: Silverhawk

Child Of: Quicksilver

Sexuality: Demi-pansexual


Personality: A bit of a jerk to non teammates. His father wanted him to join a team, and his father still does not trust the X-Men. He is a bit wary of non-mutants, but he's a gentle guy. He has a desire for a relationship, but he's decided he's got time to be picky.

Powers: Super Intelligence, wears a rig that gives him speed.

Weapons: A pair of tonfa

Weaknesses: Brittle bones so he can't take a lot of hits. Not a frontline fighter.

Favorite Passtimes: Watching TV and playing card games.

Favorite Song: All You Need is Love


Age: 7 years


Child Of: Maul is of Venom Lineage

Sexuality: N/A



Personality: His temperance is that of a wild beast, he is often very docile, and a big softie. But tread in the wrong way around him, well….. let’s just say his name is not Maul for nothing. He also has a mind set of a 7 year old child, ever since he had met Finn, he has gotten better with communicating his thoughts and feelings.

Powers: One of the few symbiotes that have no need for a host, Strength that increases with how much rage he is holding, Superhuman leaping, used when running, which comes to Superhuman Speed, since he can run faster than a flying plane in the air, and can swim fast enough to create a whirlpool. His stamina increases as his rage increases. Regenerative healing factor (Which heals at Hulk’s pace, depending on wounds, but must consume to heal faster.) He can adapt to hostile environments, like the bottom of the sea, or the vacuum of space. He even has an air gland that oxygenates his lungs, and normalizes pressure, allowing underwater breathing. Due to his rage, and his rather disturbing thoughts, he has a psychic resistance. Genetic memory, Tendril generation, Able to make weapons on his body with black goo in his body, He also has Spider senses, and immunities to being sensed, with the exception of from other symbiotes. HE also has offspring detection, allowing him to detect other symbiotes. Shapeshifting, stretching and deforming. He also has Superhuman durability.

Weapons: His incredible jaws, his hands, and head, and claws.

Weaknesses: Fire, Sonic frequencies (The Venom symbiote used has been mutated to withstand Thunderclaps) and flowers (just present him with any flower, and he will calm down just by sniffing it, but will often go towards them when he sees them, causing him to be in plain sight, and easier to see. those who can manipulate him for their own gain, even though he will pick it up when it is too late.

Favorite Song: Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate Ceadeus theme, Monster Hunter 3 ultimate/ 4 Ultimate Zinogre theme, Monster hunter 3 ultimate Brachydios theme, and Monster hunter Freedom Unite Tigrex theme.

RDJ @Crono @sitanomoto
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Age: ??? assumed 18

Gender: Female

Alias: Rai

fourth horseman
Child Of: ---

Sexuality: straight

Appearance(pic please!):



Personality:Rai is a pretty cryptic girl and her speech often takes on double meaning. She is poetic and her words flow with one another so well its almost as if they were pre-prepared for speech. She is not mean or cruel like most other demons, rather confused as to why she exists. Why is she here!? was she a burning sinner or spawned for some purpose. All this she wishes to know, but she feels she has time to find all this out. Since her soul emits no wavelengths (which allows people to have sprate emotions) she is prone to feeling what other's soul's are putting off.


Summoning Grimora: Her horse. A demon horse. The horse is more powerful than the rider. Can't be killed, feels no pain, can run on an astrial plane (allowing him to defy gravity unless a rift has been formed) wickedly fast and can pull a semi truck. However, his energy is directly tied to Rais. if she dies, he dies too.


Demon magic and physiology; Her demon magic is limited to very beginner spells and incantations. summoning small spirits such as minor ghouls, weak poltergeists and lesser demons like imps are all in her wheelhouse. Her psysiology makes her feel no pain (except in cases noted in weaknesses), Strong enough to throw semi trucks, reflexes fast enough to catch flying arrows and the ability to see souls.

Bloodletting: Rai, as a demon of war, must eat souls to survive. she only takes souls of those she was contracted to. However a small amount of human blood can suffice, which she keeps in a vial between her teeth.

Weapons: Dual demon metal sythes. Demon metal is a material that can attack a person's strings to the mortal world if they weaken the person down. They can be used like regular scythes, but work most efficiently when she goes for the soul. The problem with going for the soul is that a soully sound person can resist it. Somone who has control of their souls can resist the ripple her sythes leave, meaning she must attack the body.


Summons: Her book of summons is currently missing. If somone manages to find it, they can summon her to use as a pawn 3 times before it disappears and reappears in a random location.

Silver; silver was once seen fit for only kings and holymen. therefore it scathes her at it's touch and burns.

copper; copper metal is known for disabling all demons.

contract; Contracting her services requires her to do as you wish... for a price. She requires your soul as payment. Better make your request worth it. She can also accept or reject.

salt ring: A ring of salt along her around her feet will trap her.

ward: demon proof wards prevent her from entering and exiting a place, as will exorcisms.

Holymen: Preachers, holy men and such have power over her. They simply tell her to leave, and she must. She canot attack them even if she wished to and she cannot see their souls.


inability to see faces: She sees souls, not outward appearances.

Favorite Passtimes: playing piano and pipe organ. Riding Grimora (the horse) around town.

Favorite Song: Planet Hell- Nightwish.
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Name: Finn Banner

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Alias: Smasher

Child Of: Bruce Banner

Sexuality: Pansexual


((Not created by me. Created by elena-nekrasova of DeviantART))


((Also not created by me. Created by Artgerm on DeviantART))

Personality: Finn's personality has undergone some change since he first started being a hero three years ago. While he still prefers for someone else to lead, he will take on a leadership role if the situation calls for it. He's a deep thinker and a bit of a 'philosophical soul'. He's quiet but when he wants to be heard he will be. He's very quick to earn peoples trust which means that he takes things like betrayal very seriously. Because of how traumatic his late teens were (with friends and acquaintances dying left right and center) he can be emotional and he experiences times of anxiety or minor PTSD because of it.

Powers: He has the ability to turn into a hulk like creature that he chose to call Smasher (sounds childish but he's grown attached to the name). In his Smasher form he has super strength, stamina, thick skin, and a high jumping ability.

Weapons: His intelligence


  • Manipulation (Smasher is weak to mental manipulation by telepathy)
  • Not as thick of skin as his father's 'Hulk'
  • Prosthetic left leg
  • Small and fast opponents as he's bigger which makes fighting small enemies difficult
  • RDJ (He would drop whatever he was working on or leave a fight to meet the guy)

Favorite Passtimes:

  • Being with friends
  • Learning
  • Listening to music

Favorite Song: Still The Phoenix by Fall Out Boy (some things never change)


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Ivory Dali






Undecided, not sure what he want to be called anymore

Child Of:

Some lady who died :P




Basic Apperance/Looks:



(This is for a more exact look of him for people who care)

His hair is done up in this fashion:


Also dyed in a bit of a pattern, like so:


Hero Clothes:


The above pic is only the first layer of three:

Second Layer:


Third Layer (The Emblem would be read, similar to above)









The reason he wears these layers and such is simply because it makes it easier to change into his costume. Most of it is his civilian outfit with some jacket so people know it's him


Although his original plan was to stay down south to finish schooling and pursue a career in music, he had a bit of trouble doing both and had to transfer back home. After coming back he seemed to be noticeably more content with his life, putting back on a costume when he felt he could handle the stress and still help his friends. Though is is overworked, underpaid, and unable to pursue his passions as much, he is still happy knowing he's around people who care. This however also means he has a bit of trouble getting motivation to take care of himself, he'll work hard to help his friends and such, but when it comes to something as simple as paying his rent, he slacks.


  • Wall Crawling
  • Web Slinging
  • Tendril Manipulation
  • Can manipulate his suit better than most to make structures like shields and such to an extent




Fire/Sonics ect. Will Probably kill him if done enough as at this point he is literally the suit, no bond or anything, he IS the suit on his skin

Favorite Passtimes:

Walking, bothering everybody in the tower, music making, studying, sleeping, watching anything RDJ related

Theme Song:


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Jaron Salvatore Keith






Child Of:

Terrence Keith (Father) Silvana Salvatore (Mother)



Appearance(pic please!):

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/image.jpeg.379724fa66a52e74dc0d68fbac01ab09.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="111047" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/image.jpeg.379724fa66a52e74dc0d68fbac01ab09.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Like most Italians, Jaron likes to flirt. He was quite skilled at it, he always seems to know just what to say to show that he's interested. Once thing that he hasn't seem to learn yet is to not be too aggressive, and too persistent, but sometimes it works. Now once he finds someone that falls for his flirting, Jaron doesn't just want a fling every time. Depending on the person, he would try to make a real relationship out of it.

Besides that Jaron likes to talk. Whenever he's not saving the world or something else important, he would like to talk, he finds talking to be kinda theroputic for him, especially is he talks to a friend. Jaron is also extremely thick-headed, sometimes finding his opinions to be the only right one. He can be impatient sometimes, it is bad how impatient he is, it's like he doesn't have any to begin with.


He can control the amount of kinetic force he can make with his body. So he can punch really hard, run really fast. And has currently slightly higher durability. He theorized that his body can also cancel out the force behind someone's hit, but nothing confirmed yet.


His fist. He can currently night at around 1885psi, which is the hardest punch on record, beating even Mike Tyson.

He wears a pair of boxing gloves, personally signed by RDJ, one of his favorite actors.


He doesn't have a immunity to ingesting poisons. He can still get illnesses. And with being hit, hitting him with a energy based weapon or bullet can go right through him and hurting him.

Favorite Passtimes:




Talking to people

Favorite Song





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Name: Serena Odinson

Age: 18 years old

Gender: Female

Alias: Goddess of Thunder or Lightning

Child Of: Thor Odinson

Sexuality: Heterosexual

status: Hero


Serena personality is very organized, clean, persuasive, flirtatious, courageous, helpful, dauntless, humble and sometimes stubborn when it comes to things. She is very blunt towards others and because of her bluntness she is often getting into trouble with the wrong group of people but she knows how to handle herself pretty well. She isn't a force to be reckoned with. At times she is easy to talk to and at times she isn't. Serena is very was and still is well educated and she is well mannered as well. She loves parties and during parties she has a bubbly personality that comes out but some would say it's the alcohol taking it's place. She will not let anyone get in her way of completing a task. Serena is pretty sweet, nice, and generous once you get to know her and she has this seductive calm voice that makes it easy to talk to others and persuade them as well but when you get her mad...run for the hills.



- Lightning manipulation

Energy absorption

- Thunder manipulation





(she doesn't have that long drape or cloth around her hip, it's just the suit. Also her suit color is a dark gold and dark red)


-Seeing others hurt

Favorite Passtime:

- Practicing her combat skills

- Practicing how to balance/use her powers

Favorite Song:



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Name: Augustus Von Doom

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Alias: {-REDACTED-}

Child Of: Victor Von Doom

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Appearance(pic please!):

Personality: Augustus is a demented man who went through literal Hell. His will power is amazing, when he sets his mind to a cause he will get it done or die trying. He loves to talk to others, explaining anything that interests him. He struggles to have friends and not fall back into the depressing pit he came from. He loves to act and toy around with people, trying to be happy. His plans normally fall apart, and as such he simply keeps things on basic, adaptable levels.


  • Living Celestial - Augustus drank from the grave a dying child, and gained the Soul of a Celestial. He can create objects, modify them, or even create life with his power.
  • Magic - Augustus can speak out many magical spells for his array of tasks.
  • CEO of DoomTech Inc.
  • Scientific Genius - Augustus is an expert at Biological sciencies as well as the arcane. He knows a good deal, enough to be considered a genius, but he is heavily specialized.
  • Staff, Spear, Sword and Gun expert


  • Venom Symbiote clone
  • Vibranium body armor
  • Lightning Staff


  • Cosmic Weakness - The power of cosmic that Augustus has can not be used to hurt another person directly.
  • Fragile - Augustus is surprisingly fragile. Due to his cosmic power up, his base body is 100% energy. If his suit is destroyed clean through at any point, it will have more then enough power to slaughter Augustus.
  • Knowledge - Augustus really only understands science and physics, everything else he knows much less about.
  • Terrible Handwriting - Augustus's signatures are never in cursive, which gives some people an opportunity to fake it much easier then others
  • Mentally Ill - Augustus has Insomnia, a mild case of Dementia and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.
  • Suicidal/Bad Chronic Depression - Augustus has been scarred for life ever since the Thantos accident, which messed with his head badly.
  • Lonely - Self explanatory

Favorite Passtimes: Running his business, relaxing, listening to music, enjoying his powers and spying on everyone else

Favorite Song: [media]

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Name: Dimitri maximoff

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Hero Name:

Child Of: Quicksilver and Chrystal

Sexuality: Straight

Appearance(pic please!):

Personality: Short tempered and quick witted

Powers: super speed, endurance, resistance to friction, and reaction time. Inhuman base abilities, such as being slightly stronger and more durable than most people. Pyrokenesis. Formerly (no longer) the powers of the sentry.

Weapons: none

Weaknesses: his body is slightly faster than his mind, so it's easy for him to trip or run into something

Favorite Passtimes:

Favorite Song: Derezzed by daft punk
Name: Lisa Sharpe

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Alias: Hypnas

Child Of: ?????


Sexuality: Straight

Appearance(pic please!):


Personality: Hypnas has gotten softer since meeting Dimitri. She's caring now and much more protective of her friends and family. She sometimes violent, as she is a recovering Villainess, but can reign herself in when need be. She's still flirtatious, but more in a good way than in a seductive way.


Sleep-Inducement: if eye contact is made and she wants to take care of them easily, the victim falls asleep for 20 minutes to five hours, depending on how long she wants them out.

Nightmares: again, if eye contact is made, she can make her victim see their worst fears, causing them to collapse and talk in their sleep. Crying is also a side effect if the nightmare is bad enough. The time varies depending on the person, but the minimum is eight minutes, maximum an hour and a half.

Willpower: she can use her mind to overcome most physical defects, like holding her breath for at least thirty minutes.

Telepathy: she can read minds.

Mind Wipe: A technique she used on Dimitri when he first became the Sentry. She takes the memories of a person and stores them in her Topaz necklace. If the person comes into physical contact with the necklace they regain some or all of their memories depending on how long they hold/touch said necklace.

Weapons: two guns and awesome martial arts skills.

Weaknesses: using her powers too much tires her out (and she usually only makes the person fall asleep for an hour or two, anything higher than that makes her weak-kneed), and she is still only human, so she can still be injured like a normal person. She also is extremely afraid of spiders.

Favorite Passtimes: Shooting practice, spending time with Dimitri, saving people.

Favorite Song:


Other: she keeps her topaz necklace with her at all times, uses it for memory wipes and memory storage.

Name: Lola Maximoff (to come in at another point in the RP. From the Future)

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Alias: Blur

Child Of: Dimitri Maximoff and Lisa Maximoff-Sharpe

Sexuality: Straight

Appearance(pic please!):

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/tumblr_o2pkbzhtaY1upju01o1_500.png.d045d0b3064e61836b396cd3c65259fc.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="113037" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/tumblr_o2pkbzhtaY1upju01o1_500.png.d045d0b3064e61836b396cd3c65259fc.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>Personality: Shy and quiet most of the time, a bit of a bookworm. She doesn't like to talk to people she doesn't know, but she won't hesitate to help someone who needs it.

Powers:Super speed and a little bit of Telepathy.

Weapons: two daggers that her mother had passed to her, some martial arts skills. (She prefers her speed)

Weaknesses: She has terrible hand-eye coordination, and she can't run as fast as Dimitri. She's quite sensitive and will break down if she's insulted to a point due to being he daughter of two mutants.

(She can take teasing from her parents and at times even teases them back)

Favorite Passtimes:

Reading, Singing(in private), spending time with her parents (she's always had fun with her dad and good relationship with her mom.) Spending time with the Stark Family, spending time with the Rogers family, spending time alone.

Favorite Song:





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