Avatar: World's Balance [Inactive]

I added a few more rules. Please read them over in the first post of the OOC thread before replying. Now ready, set, GO!

Fists beat down on the table once, frustration present in everyone who attended the emergency city council meeting. Often these meetings were nothing more than the big wigs of Onyx city arguing over rights to ideas, budgets for the city as well as who owned what. Normal everyday items that held of no real importance to the average hard working Citizen of this City. However, the tone of today’s meeting was much more fierce, ferocious, and troubled.

The room was dark, individual shadows danced all over the walls as the fire behind the madam flickered and fought with the wind. The water within a cauldron boiled mildly as the flames licked the bottom of the pot. The anxiety within the room was enough to scare any small rodents away. But yet still at what appeared to be candle light, this meeting continued.


“THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE!!!” Screamed an older man. His frame bend slightly over the table he had just slammed his fist into. The glasses upon it rattled from the impact. The other 5 members of town remained silent as he spoke.

“This has been going on for a week Madam! And your forces have had zero luck finding any evidence to their location. Let my men...!”

He was cut off. The brown haired madam interrupted him fiercely, forcing her chair to go sliding back as she stood up. “ENOUGH! You may be on the council but everyone knows of your dark workings within our economy and as the head of the Triple Threats for Onyx City. Do not play us as stupid! I know exactly how inefficient my police force has been and no thanks to you!” Her teeth tightened, making a screech only heard by her.

She continued to speak as the other members remained silent. “However, what you failed to realize is that their inefficiencies are not because of skill or your men, but lack of evidence. No one witnessed anything, from all 5 kidnappings. There is no trace, Nothing. It’s as if they just got up and walked away.”

The older man sat back in his chair. A blood vessel appearing to nearly burst on his forehead in frustration. There was silence across the board.

A board in the floor creaked, though it was not a creak from any of the boards under the members that ruled Onyx City. Another, then another and slowly the heads of the council members turned towards the one entrance into this building.

Madam Elika spoke, “Eric, I asked you not to disturb us until...”


Oh? But I think you’ll want to hear what I have to say. Heh heh...

The Members of the council stood up immediately. The intrusion startled and angered them all at once. The screeching of chairs across the floor was deafening in the silence and Elika’s eyes grew wide with anger as well.


"Yes, to answer your first question. I am responsible for the 5 kidnappings... As well as the other 45 kidnappings that just happened beneath your very noses...”

Nearly all the council members spoke out, “Blasphemous!” “What?!” “Lies!!!”

The older man, Leader of the Triads of Onyx City reacted with violence, not words. Kicking his chair back, the Earthbender, stomped down, breaking the floor boards and a large piece of earth erupted in front of the hooded man. However without even moving so much as a hair, the metal holding their table together began to rumble.

“Bullshit!!” Yelled the man! “Give me my son back NOW!!!” He leaped slightly, locking his arm back to chunk that same piece of earth. His intent was to smash the invader. It would not be so.

The table that all of them were sitting at suddenly crumbled into pieces and the metal strapping came up and wrapped like a noose around the mans throat before nailing itself into the ceiling. The other pieces wrapped around the throats of those except Elika. Within seconds, the council members fell like flies, all unconscious. Through the shadows, the Hooded man could be seen smiling with pointed canines unlike any human.

Taking a step back, Elika readied to attack, waving her arms in swift motion, she pulled the boiling water from the cauldron behind her, however as she turned to thrust it, the man raised his hand and she stopped dead. The water fell to the floor, hissing as it met the cold wooden boards.Her entire body surged with pain and she squealed as her toes rose off the ground; her body floating in seemingly midair.


“H..how? Its.ts.s no..t full.l moonnn.” Elika barely managed the words.

“But it’s almost upon us, and my friend, well, he granted me... new powers. Heh heh. With the New avatar’s location still unknown, I think it’s time a new era started. Not of benders, or of humans... but of something else... Close to that of the avatar but better. And of our own making

He tilted his head only a little, but the light on his face shifted, and beneath the finely trimmed goatee, his eye shone much like a feline in the night, and its shape; sharp and narrow like one as well. This struck an instant of fear into Elika. How had a single person acquired this much power, and from where.

His grin turned into an evil ear to ear smile, “You feel it don’t you? Where my power originates from? Heh, common, indulge me. Focus Madam Elika...”

Suddenly her eyes grew large, but the mans play time was over. Moving his arm around, the other members stood up straight in the air. Their bodies up to the neck became engulfed with water, except for Elika’s and then instantly turned to ice when he clamped his fist shut. Launching his foot up, Earth rose and when he kicked, the mass pummeled Elika against the Wall, knocking her unconscious with the rest of the council.

“Foolish Sister.” he whispered, “You’ll bow at my feet when I'm finished. Everyone will.”


A few minutes later he arrived at the dock. “Update?”

“Your techniques worked flawlessly. When asleep, the children become entranced and silently followed our commands. Half of them were loaded into the tanker ship that originally came with celebration supplies. It left when it was scheduled, so they wont suspect it at all. And the second smaller cargo ship is leaving now.”

“Excellent,” He replied. “They will be the building blocks of our new army.”

The subordinate laughed lightly. Part in acceptance and part in fear.

“Board the ship, we’ll be long gone before anyone realizes what happened. All the blame will fall to my sister. Heh heh heh...” Everything was falling into place perfectly.



His technique truly was perfect. Even the children would wake up, having not remembered how they got their, or the events that led up to them being possessed and moving while asleep. On the cargo ship, it was ahead of schedule, sailing out in the clear open seas. Unhindered and unsuspecting.

A guard grabbed a clipboard off the wall. Flipping through a few papers, he looked at the kids awake in the cell. He wasn’t fond of what “that man” was doing, but if the outcome was what he promised, then it would be worth it in the end. Moving down the list he counted the names

Glancing into the cell on his left, there were 3 children, and on the list were 3 names. He was told just to make sure numbers matched so he paid no attention to their names.

Mei-Hua - Age: 11

Fiammetta - Age: 8

Zet - Age: 9

His eyes changed direction, from the cell, to the sheet in front of him, to the next cell over.

Wen Lu - Age: 11

Jun Tai-Li - Age: 10

Nao - Age: 11

The man sighed. Seeing those kids locked up in metal cages like that, it was only natural to feel inner turmoil. He placed the Clipboard back on wall and left.

Returning a few minutes later, he had a jug of water in one hand and a basket of rolls in the other. The least he could do was feed them. Placing the rolls on the floor inside the cell, and he poured water into two glasses and placed one inside each cell.

“Sorry but you have to share.” He said kindly as he was knelt over, watching them.



On the other ship, many many miles away, the other children were held in a large barred cage on the deck. The sun shone sharply through the bars and a breeze could be felt passing. The water was calm but they were riding the huge swells. Visual distance was only a couple meters in any direction. The guards were on edge.

“Calm yourself and stay sharp, The fire nation is prominent in these waters but we should be clear today.” Glancing down at his notes, he confirmed the number of children to his list.

Lin Xuan - Age: 11

Shiliin - Age: 8

Hotaru - Age: 11

Asuka - Age: 10

Avani - Age: 11

Ting Ting - Age 10

As he eyed them, he was sure they were hungry. But for now they would have to starve. At least until they arrived at land in 2 days. The ship hit a large wave and ocean water sprayed the cage lightly.
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"Meizen?" Little Jun asked looking for her Air Bison as soon as she registered that she wasn't in a dream but in a cold cell... with two boys she didn't know. The young airbender got up and walked to the bars, confused as to where she was. Her initial concern wasn't on her stomach but on her air bison, who at this point was still pretty small but about the size of a small elephant, not quite adult, not quite yet, about two more years. "Meizen..." Jun plopped herself on the floor, a bit of air cushioning her fall. She stared at the bread and the single glass of water. 'How did I get here? Where's Meizen? Mom? Dad? Chacha? Oh this better not be another Fire Nation Pirate Group!' Jun thought to herself. Her thoughts were going rampant and crazy, she couldn't tell whether to be scared, sad, or angry. But she was going on angry. And she could hardly air bend when she was angry. Just how did she get here any ways?

Jun began to rack her brain with thoughts on what she did the day before. She was helping care for Chacha and she played with Meizen. She also gave two male children who were trying to steal from her family two atomic wedgies, one for each of them. She meditated with her mother and father while they tried to calm their young daughter as she was troubled since two years ago when all of them were attacked by fire nation pirates. However she was proud of her air nomad tattoos and her hair had grown back since it was shaved off to receive them. As the day began to end, her memory began to blur...what happened last night? Why couldn't she recall it right away? Who were these boys? And due to the guard guy speaking from what seemed to be a list...there seemed to be more children, but just how many? Where was Meizen? Where was home? Where were they? Why are they there?
Avani Royce:

Her side hurt, a strange feeling that was more uncomfortable then painful as she shifted around in her half-conscious sleep. Reaching no results that were good enough she grumbled softly and figured that Fia had somehow climbed into her bed yet again with some of her toys. It had happened on occasion since the nurse didn't allow Fia to sleep with her when she had bad dreams. It was best to ignore it, if Fia had had bad dreams then it was something she could deal with when it was morning. She shifted again, rolling onto her other side so that she could wrap a warm arm around the small body that was next to her. That was when she heard a low groaning type growl that came from not far away. This was a rather particular noise, something that she knew wasn't supposed to happen in her room. Still she ignored it, her hand coming up to block out the red blotches that moved across her eyelids as the ground underneath her rocked slightly.

It wasn't until the soft breeze kissed her cheek that she realized something was wrong. Not only was her room not supposed to rock back and forth like that but it shouldn't have had sunlight or a breeze either. She must have been outside, but how could that have been? Groaning, she felt her leg twitch slightly as she pulled herself from sleep.

"Calm yourself and stay sharp, The fire nation is prominent in these waters but we should be clear today.” A voice called as she finally got her eyes to push open. They felt heavy, the lids drooping dangerously back down for a second until she spotted the tangle of blonde hair that she cuddled. Fia has black hair. She let out a scream of reproach as she sat up, her head spinning with the abruptness of the motion. She had to wait a minute before her eyes adjusted to the brightness of the blaring sun but when they finally did she found herself more confused then she had ever been in her life. Scrambling to her feet she rushed to the bars that surrounded them, slamming into the warm metal as she shook it without much success in breaking free.

"What is going on!" She snapped desperately at the man just outside the bars of her cage, "Where..?" She didn't understand what was going on, she most certainly didn't remember getting onto a boat. Her eyes flashed around, her mind reeling as she took in the large deck for the ship. Men bustled here and there as they pass by her, their eyes refusing to meet her own. "WHERE IS MY SISTER?" She bellowed. Her heart fluttered, fear gripping it as she thought of her sister somewhere without her. Fia was just a little girl, what was happening to her right then? Her father, did he know that she was gone? The others in the town, were they alright? Was there a raid on Onyx City? Was she a war prisoner now? She didn't understand, she was so confused that she felt like crying but wouldn't. She would never cry. Earthbenders didn't cry.

Fiammetta Royce:

"Avi, I want to sleep more," She moaned as the faint voice filled her ears. She was tired, her eyes didn't want to open but eventually she got them to peel back. She took in the dim surrounding that were around her but not seeing her sister's prominent form she let her eyes drift back closed in an attempt to sleep again. She was very tired after all, so tired that she didn't care she wasn't in her room anymore. Her brows furrowed slightly, she wasn't in her room. Opening her eyes again she sat up, her body leaning on one arm as her other hand rubbed the sleep from her eyes.

"Avi?" She called out, hearing the metal echo back at her eerie in return. This wasn't normal, perhaps Avi was playing a joke on her? No, Avi is to grown up to play jokes. She shook her head, shuffling her limps around for a minute until she was able to stand and stretch. When she was up and able to get a good look at the room her heart fluttered a bit. She wasn't in a room, but a cell. Two other people, boys whom looked vaguely familiar even though she couldn't really place them. Perhaps she had seem them when in town with her sister and Nanny Kyo, not that it really matter much anyways since she was more interested in the bars that blocked the entrance to the small chamber. She was in a cage. She remembered when her Nanny had taken them on a trip to see father's job. They had been shown the tiny cages that the bad people were kept in. Nanny Kyo said they were cells. Had she done something wrong? She didn't remember doing anything. Were they mad because of the bug that she left in father's pants?

"Um..." She called as found her way to the bars, stepping over the two boys as she went, "I'm sorry for the bug." She continued, "I'll be good so you can let me out now." She wondered if Avi was somewhere out there in the dim room, she suspected that she was. She knew that Avi would come any minute to let her out, she never made Fia stay in timeout for to long after all.
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Ting Ting

Whoosh....Whoosh... That was the sound that Ting Ting awoke to. It was almost in peaceful in a way. That is, until reality kicked in. She felt a radiating pain in her joints and it began to swell louder and louder. She began to lift herself up slowly and it all went down hill from there. Vertigo set in and her head spun wildly. Oh, how she hated boats... She could feel her wavy black hair matted to the side of her head, and in a painful motion, ruffled it up. Her eyes began to open now, blinded by the harsh morning sun. Her skin felt raw from the sea air mixed with the heat of the suns rays. In short, she felt plain gross.

"Where the heck am I," she whispered to herself. She was taking in every bit of her surroundings now. A cage, a ship, the open seas... not good. She took account the other people in the cage, the other prisoners. She felt better that she wasn't alone. Her hearing picked up now, tuning into a girl yelling on the other side of the cage. Something about her sister. 'Poor girl,' she thought.

Ting Ting couldn't sit there anymore. She slowly crawled to all fours, stretching in the downward dog pose. With a sigh of relief, she stood up and leaned against the bar. The feel of the cold hard steel finally set her off. She brought her hands up to her face and wept, tears stinging her eyes, dampening her hands. She had a very low tolerance level and she just wanted to be home with Mama... She felt like she was losing her mind. She looked up at the other girl in the cage. "We have get out of here..."
Cargo Ship - Mid Day

It had only been a few minutes since the guard had placed some water and bread rolls for the young children. He leaned back against the bare, metal wall opposite of the cells. His arms cross and his brows loose and sad. He had a son back home and the thought of anything happening to him killed him, but yet here he was, doing exactly that to someone else's children. How could he ever live with himself. But at the same time, poverty was abundant and pay was pay regardless of where it came from.

For the children this man would look much like a guard but of an unmarked nation. His clothing was black, with no hints of red, green, yellow or blue. Only black, shades of grey and white. His face was rugged, unshaven for nearly 2 weeks but clean bathed. Their situation was very particular and possibly out of grasp for their young minds.

The girl in the first cell spoke softly, “Meizen?” She asked the empty cell, as if looking for her mother or father. She repeated herself once more, confused and lost.

The mans hand came up and fiercely gripped temples; his heart felt heavy, throbbing with pain. It would not stop here, as another voice echoed softly in the cold, desolate cell next over.

“Um, I’m sorry for the bug, I’ll be good so can you let me out now?”

The man nearly choked on his own heart. Tripping over his own foot as he turned, stepping quickly he reached the corner and turned it. His hand gripping the corner and his body spinning around before the wall reverberated with a smack as his back hit. The guard choked again before grasping across his own mouth as if suffocating someone; making sure not a peep could be heard by the children. Tears flooded his eyes, sending streams down his cheeks and it felt like his body convulsed as he tried to suppress his emotions to no avail.

Another guard came down the hall to the man's location, “Hey... hey, Mav, what’s wrong?” He asked in a voice of manner that felt like he could of been yelling in these cold lonely bowels of a ship. However the man just kept standing there, holding the wall so fiercely, his knuckles were completely white.

“Common man? Did those kids do something? What..."

“Stop it!” The first guard shouted, “How can you act like nothing is wrong! Yes Something is wrong! We just kidnapped nearly 50 children from a village!” The distress and trembling in his voice easily gave away his emotional state even to the children. “And we saw what he did! Half these kids wont even survive the procedure!!”

“Calm down Mav. I feel the same! But this is for the future you know th..” He was interrupted again.

“Would you give up your own damn son to that bastard?!?!?” He shot out at the second guard. The guards face expressed exactly what it meant to. Shock and awe and fear at that fact. The fact that any one of those kids could just as likely be their own. The man took a step back before his own emotions made his legs fail and to the floor he collapse.

Sitting there against the wall, the second guard ground his teeth. “Of course I wouldn’t...” He answered. “But that's not the point. How is anything going to chance unless someone changes it.” Grasping a pipe upon the wall, he forced himself back to his feet. “We do this, so our kids don’t have to.”

“But that doesn’t make it right!” Both of them remained silent for awhile as they let their emotions cool.


Small Frigate [tugboat]

The main guard and captain turned and walked to the back of the ship. Looking at his gauges and settings, he confirmed they were headed in the right direction with his officer. Heading in a zip zag pattern they would meet up with the Cargo ship, mid sea, in about 3 hours. This was primarily to stay hidden in this area of the sea. It was known to have huge swells and make visibility low while not being necessarily rough waters. Had they gone in a straight line, they would arrive at the ship in only 30 minutes.

Following his trail he came back up to the cage and to the bow of the ship. After standing there awhile, watching the seas with hawk like eyes, a cry rang out.

“What is going on? Where... WHERE IS MY SISTER” Cried the small female child.

The captain turned around on a dime, like a predator catching the scent of his prey. His eyes slanted, hands folded behind his back and step after step, his discipline shone through till he reached the cage.

He stood up straight, military like and looked down with judging eyes at the two children who had awoken.

“Quiet, the both of you. I will not have your insolence upon my vessel. You may not feel or understand why you are where you are, but you’re all bound for greatness. You may be sad now, but I assure you, with time, the world will hold you on high.” He spoke to them like adults, uncaring if they understood him or not because that was the truth he believed in. That was the way the world would change, as it always did; with risk there is reward. Their lives only mattered if they could become the prodigies he spoke of. "But if you continue, I will silence you."

Turning around, the man still stood firm, clipboard in hand behind him, without realizing it the documents could of been read by the children if they noticed or cared to in their distraught state.

These documents had a list, with the children on the other ship, as well as the names of 39 other children which had been taken from Onyx City. It also had a map that showed their current location and their destination. Literally the middle of no where, and up around the earth kingdom around to the far side, behind that of Ba Sing Se would be where they were headed upon the meet. There was also another mark on the map, for the Other ship they were to meet with in a few hours.


Cargo Ship - Mid Day

As the two guards continued to calm their nerves around the corner, little did they notice that something particular was happening. The ship shifted heavily to one side, as if the ocean swells had gotten large. This roll was of no alarm to the two guards though. For the children however, it may of caused them to lose balance.

As their attention shifted back to the bars in front of them, they may have noticed something out of the ordinary.

A small, bright light came through the floor of the metal paneling of the hallway. While this light should of normally drawn the attention the adults, it did not.


This light, kind of bluish-green in nature, fluttered around softly, almost like that of a butterfly. Even its shape took that of nearly a butterfly without solidifying. Just fluidly moving, naturally fluttering as if air itself. In its movement, it wandered in between, or rather, through the metal bars of the cage, coming over to Jun first. It stopped just above her, before softly coming down, as if to rest on her nose. As it touched her, the feeling was not physical but emotional, as if it had connected with her soul and her eyes closed.

While searching and gathering her memories, recent and ago, its colors fluttered bright and deep red with anger and sadness while swiftly turning green, blue and purple for the moments of splendor and love. Its aura was soothing and calming; much like when one is laid to bed with a soft pillow and caress by their mother. The spirit allowed memories of a beautiful field, green and lush, quieted by only the wind and the sun, with trees in full bloom. The place, unknown by the child but recognized as peaceful and serene. Lifting ever so slightly the spirit quickly jolted and disappeared through the wall into the other cell.

As the spirit appeared inside the other cell it quickly moved infront of Fiammetta. Flying around the child quickly a few times, it came done and latched onto the child's hand, and in an instant, transformed into their pet wolf. Her hand now on the scruff of its neck. The creature nuzzled and loved on Fia much like the real one would have. It instilled hope and love with every touch, allowing the pleasant memories of her childhood to flood her. And while it felt like a lifetime, in just a mere few seconds the spirit fluttered back into a butterfly before going back through the bars into the main walkway. As suddenly as it appeared, the light took off and sailed almost instantly through the side of the ship.

The two men, now more calm than before, had stopped talking and were about to go back to their post as the huge deafening sound of metal on metal screeched and reverberated through the hallways, followed by an explosion on deck. The ship rolled fast and ferociously to the opposite side this time. Both the men and the children flew against the opposing wall of the ship and them their cell. The children not hitting nearly as hard.

The other man however, flew all the way across the path. Sailing a good 20 feet through the air before impacting. His body crumpling pipes and breaking ribs from the crash. The guard tumbled to the floor with a loud “thud” and the sound of a light metallic object hitting the floor bounced. The sound tinged again, and again, and again before ringing as it spun on end. It spun for what seemed like an eternity before finally losing stability and clanking to a stop.

There it sparkled in the damp dull light of the hallway. Just out of reach of either child, but clearly in the floor. Not just a key, the key.


Small Frigate [tugboat]

A man came running out of the control room, panicked and frightened.

“Sir! Sir! The Frigate.. It’s.. its... Been attacked!!”

The captain turned around, confusion written all over his face. “By who?” He asked the young communications officer.

“They don’t know! But they sent out a mayday for us!”

“Hmm.” Replied the captain as his hand came up to his chin and he pondered any plans of action. “This could be a trap...”

“They said it's not a trap sir, and that we should assist immediately!”

The Captain glanced at his Officer dully. He was sure if this man was stupid, or being serious. Either way. If those children were lost, their leader would not be pleased. “We have no choice! Radio the Freighter. Tell them we are changing course and that we will be there in thirty-five minutes.”

The young officer nodded and ran back into the control room. A few seconds later the ship turned hard to starboard. The shift rocking the vessel and splashing a large swell against the boat, mist sprayed everyone on deck, including those in the cell.

OK. I know you gals arent dumb but i feel like putting this here to be clear.

Go for a posting spree. I left a good portion open for all three of you to go back and forth. Jun and Fia need to figure out a way to escape and try to get to the surface of the ship and Tingting and Avani can spend this time to possibly get to know each other.

As long as you are posting and posting in regards to what i set up and with each other I will not move the story along until your ready. So have fun and get to know each other :P If not this rp will be very short >.>

Also I Dont worry about the other children on the ship, you may interact but do not bunny any player characters. I will deal with them so if they ever wish to return they can.

Also II if needed. i will play any guards if you want me too. If not feel free to npc them yourself.

ALSO III I am so sorry for the wall of text... ._.
Avani Royce:

She was clutching the bars, screaming wildly, when she noticed movement on the other side of her. It seemed another one of her cellmates had woken up, she watched as the girl stretched and ventured over to where Avani clung to the cage. Suddenly, and quite surprisingly, the girl began to weep. Making a noise, Avani turned to her in an attempt to sooth her but unsure of how to do that. She had no experience with emotions other then her own and that of her sisters. The only problem was that Fia rarely had a reason to cry, she was a very happy - rambunctious - child. Whenever Fia cried she could always be calmed with a song or a treat, but as she stood their helplessly no song came to mind. The girl's gaze then lifted, her eyes red from the sudden crying.

"We have to get out of here..." She muttered barely loud enough for Avani to hear. She bite her lip, her eyes shooting around the cage and deck that they were on. She agreed that they needed to escape but that wasn't exactly the problem, she had not idea how to do it. Even if they could get out of the cage, how would they get off the boat? They were surrounded by walls of rocking water. She was just about to speak up when a shadow was cast over her, her eyes finding that it was created by a sneering man who now stood over them.

“Quiet, the both of you." He stated as eyes narrowed with annoyance, "I will not have your insolence upon my vessel. You may not feel or understand why you are where you are, but you’re all bound for greatness. You may be sad now, but I assure you, with time, the world will hold you on high." Avani didn't like this man, not one bit. As he spoke her hand tightened its grip around the bar she held. "But if you continue, I will silence you." He then turned, his back now facing them as she let out a gruff breathe. She wanted very much to voice her displeasure in the situation but she knew that probably wasn't the best idea. Wrapping an arm around the girl, she led her to the opposite side of the cage and sat her down.

"We'll be fine." She whispered in the most soothing voice she could, "I'm sure everyone in Onyx city are looking for us right now. My father is part of the military, he will rescue us." She then offered a small smile, one that was a bit difficult to put on her face. The truth was Avani wasn't sure if the people of Onyx City were okay, or even if they had realized they were gone. Surely her father would have, and if not then Fia most certainly would. It was a difficult situation.Not wanting the girl to see her smile falter she turned around, returning to the opposite side of the cage so that she could pace it's length. She had a funny way of coming up with ideas, usually the more she moved the better her mind worked. Fia always laughed at her because earth was supposed to be an unmoving and calm Being, which Avani was not when the time pressed on her.

Glancing at the man, she made a face at his back. She wished that they were surround rocks, that way she could deal with him and the rest of the people who imprisoned them. She wished that she could bend metal, she had been practicing for the past couple weeks but without much luck. She frowned, her eyes turning away for a split second before the flashed back to the man. She stopped in her tracks, her eyes flicked on the papers he held on the clipboard behind his back. Documents were a better name for them, lists of names. Swallowing hard, she bent down slightly and tilted her head to the side so that she could make out the writing. She caught her own name along with five others she presumed were the names of the children currently held prisoner with her there. She then spotted a second list, just below, with quite a few more names. Perhaps there was another boat, the thought made her heart plummet. Where was Fia? She couldn't see her name on the list but the man's fat hands were covering quite a few of the tiny words sprawled over the white sheet of paper. She shook her head, deciding to look over the rest of it instead.

Glimpsing back at the other girl, she touched her finger to her lips just in case she thought of saying something. The last thing Avani needed was the man to turn around and see her spying on his documents. She then turned back to the lists and what looked to be a map. She remembered ones her father had in his study, these ones were very similar.

"Ba Sing Se..." She mumbled under her breath when she spotted the small round dot marking the city. She had been born there, the Earthbending capital of the world. Her heart fluttered slightly, excitement in simply seeing they'd be close to it. It looked like the trip would be long though, even after they stopped off at the little red X that was marked as well. She blinked a few times. It seemed the X, with was the route they had to be taking, was completely out of the way. If they were aiming for the Ba Sing Se area then it would have been better to do a straight shoot. She wondered what it meant but found it to risky to snoop any longer. Straightening, Avani ducked to the other side of the cage and plopped down next to the girl.

"Looks like we are going to the Earth Nation," She whispered quietly.  
(Oh my lordy... that turned out really long! I'll post for Fiammetta a bit later!)
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Rocking. Water lapping on the sides. The smell of fresh salt and clear skies. Darkness. Oh, that was just his eyes being closed. He kept them closed. The sight of where he might be may upset his balance as it is. He slowly slid up from his prone position to a seated one, his legs folded. Resting his hands on his knees, he gave a calm, drawn out "Hmmmmmm.", before deciding that it was time that he opened his eyes. He winced almost immediately, as a shrill cry of "WHERE'S MY SISTER?!" pierced his eardrums ftom beside him. He was more used to the windchimes than yelling voices. Some people just don't know how to stay calm. Achieving his bearings, he noted that he was indeed, as he had predicted previously, on a boat. A small tugboat to be exact, from the size of the deck. He yawned, not missing a beat from whom he identified as the humble captain of the humble vessel. His warm smile returned to his face as he slowly warmed up to the atmosphere. About forty or so children had been kidnapped over the course of the past few months, he remembered, with no indication where they have disappeared to. Looks like he was about to find out where. "Aw, man, the sun's pretty hot today, huh?" he commented with nary a speck of emotion in his voice except curiousity as he shaded his eyes and looked at the sun at its high noon position. Quite blatantly choosing not to notice the girls beside him, Lin Xuan Feng of the Lin family stood up and took in a deep breath, drawing his hands upwards on his chest, and focused his energy to his palms.

"Ba Sing Se.....Earth Nation...." Xuan could hear the girl say, despite her best efforts to whisper. The cage's acoustics were remarkable, he had to admit. He slammed one palm on the bar of the cage, then another. His first hand gripped the bar in a claw-like grip. With the second hand still on the bar, he pulled the first back as if to rip out the bar with his bare hands. No such luck. He laughed jovially, and wiped the sea salt off his face with his long sleeves and sat back down on the floor of the cage again, flicking his braid behind his shoulder and watched, quietly, calmly. Fate plays odd hands, and she always favoured those with better karma. He didn't know about the others in the cage with him, but he thought he had pretty good karma to earn a place in Fate's eyes.
Asuka's eyes suddenly shot open, her breaths coming out is short raspy gasps. Something was wrong, something was wrong... Her eyes darted around the darkness, hoping to find an indication, a sign, anything to tell her where she was. But all she could see was darkness and shadows, and the only sound she could hear was the thumping sound of her heart, like the hooves of horses beating against the plains where she would watch them for hours. "Aunty PomIi? Uncle YeLiu?" she called out, her voice quivering. She wasn't in her small room in the pharmacy, neither was she in the stable where she would usually fall asleep with Yui, her messenger hawk. She closed her eyes and took a shaky breath, calm down, being scared won't do you any good, think, feel, observe. That's what her Aunty PomIi always told her. She could faintly smell the sea, and she could feel whatever she was trapped in rocking back and forth, the motion slightly dizzying. And from the faint sounds of water splashing against steel, she figured that she was on a boat out on the open sea.

"Ba Sing Se... Earth Nation..."

Her eyes snapped open, and she finally adjusted to the light. Huddled against the side of the cage was a few girls, one of their whispers carried softly through the cage, despite her efforts to keep quiet. " Ba Sing Se?" Asuka furrowed her brows, what were they doing? Is that where the boat was headed? WHAM! She jumped, the noise jolting her out of her flurry of frantic thoughts. WHAM! She looked to her side and noticed a boy for the first time. He had slammed his palms onto the bars, then with his first hand he gripped a bar tightly, attempting what seemed like to rip the bar off. When he couldn't, he just laughed and sat back down. Asuka stared at him oddly, but decided not to say anything about it. Finally, she got up and wandered from her dark corner closer to the bars. She reached out and grabbed the cold metal in her tiny hands, her eyes blank. When she finally spoke, it was barely above a whisper, " Why are you taking us?" Suddenly, all the fears that were trapped inside her flooded out, " Why? WHY? TELL ME!" She had no doubt that she probably looked like some frantic animal pounding against the bars of the enclosure. A tear streamed down her face and her voice caught in her throat, she slid down onto her floor, her arms still holding limply onto the bars, " Please...just take us home..."
Hotaru Koizumi

The light was too bright making the small girl mutter out complaints as she shifted on to her side. She had to wake up to prepare the shop before seven o'clock, do some laundry and cook breakfast for both herself and Nao yet she wanted to lay in what she presumed to be her bed. Weird enough, the small bed was rougher than usual and her pillow was gone. A cold breeze graced her arms making the girl wonder where her blanket was. A groan escaped her lips as she sat up with her eyes slowly opening. "Nao ~ You better not have my pillow ag-"

"What in the world..." Hotaru whispered as she stared at her surroundings, a cell. A cell which she doesn't remember being in and the fact that Nao wasn't there proved that fact even further, he was the last thing she saw before she fell asleep. The young girl was beyond shocked as she wondered if they finally had enough of her, perhaps they decided that she was to never be seen again. Shiwomotarasumono, the word echoed in her mind for so long that she barely noticed when another girl screamed. At least she wasn't alone.

Hotaru let her eyes wander over the cell as a few faces came to her attention. She recognized some of the children in the boat, like Lin Xuan for example and she barely recognized the very loud Avani, seeing them made her frown. Wasn't Avani's father some kind of military man?

“Sir! Sir! The Frigate.. It’s.. its... Been attacked!!” Hotaru had not even been able to even properly take in the situation as a man came running with the news, her hair flying wildly around her as she wished to be home again. Even if she was hated, she loved the time she spent with her idiots for friends. A small gasp erupted from her lips as she felt the mist on her bare shoulders. Her hair getting slightly damp. Life never favored her, it seemed.

She sighed deeply as they all went mad, Lin started to bang on the cage, Avani confirming her fathers position and Hotaru just couldn't hold her voice in as she screamed in frustration. It had helped her a few times in the past, letting it all out; so she stood up and screamed and screamed and screamed some more before running out of breath. It drowned out all sounds as her shriek echoed in her ear, soothing her soul. Once she finished, she noticed a few shocked gazes from the guards and tried to brush it off by coughing awkwardly.

"S-shouldn't we see if we... If we can bend?" She muttered out at last as she slumped down on the floor, staring at the cage bars. She tried to act 'cool' and 'calm'. Hotaru, for one, would not show some arrogant kidnapper that she was afraid; even if she trembled at the very moment. But even when she tried to play confident, her voice came out like a mouse; barely there. "I mean, you guys are obviously worried about where we are going, though have you thought about the fact that we are indeed stuck in a boat? Water surrounding us? W-Water-bender + water usually goes together, no?"

Nao Yukimura

The sway of the boat and the smell of metal wasn't unfamiliar to Nao, no, he was far too used to it to care but the fact that instead of a woodsy smell and the sound of Hotaru's cooking in the background made him sigh in frustration as he acted. He was to be 'asleep' for now, not knowing what sort of danger he was in nor where Hotaru was, heck; the boy didn't even remember how he got here in first place. Neither did he feel comfortable knowing that Shirayuki wasn't there. That little animal would surely go insane if he wasn't there. Nao was immersed in his thoughts that he couldn't pay attention to the sound of footsteps and when a voice suddenly spoke up, his whole body shook in shock.

His eyes popped open and his gaze rested on the water in front of him. The rolls were not of importance as he crawled over, taking the water for himself. He could starve for days, months even but without water, he'd wither like a flower. Nao was even prepared to steal the water on the other side, as two other girls came to his view. One was younger then him without doubt, and he wasn't quite certain with the other one. Their exclamations, in his eyes, were useless until the guard reacted to it. This opened up a few options to the young Nao. Maybe he could even make the man get him out of here with a few tears and sad stories?

Pondering on whatever he could do, he took a small sip from the cup, ignoring his surroundings. He knew that if he tried to test out his bending he may be able to break free from the clutches of the boat. The sea was even to his benefit, as there was indeed sand at the bottom and sand was bendable. Yet, he needed to test this theory but to do so; he needed to distract some guards.

Nao couldn't help but wonder if the Fates favored him as the very second his mind rushed through the solution of the situation, a blue butterfly-like energy stirred up the room. It settled on the two girls before flying away, granting an explosion merely a few seconds later. Nao chuckled as he took one long gulp of water before throwing the cup on the floor. He just needed some sort of timing and he could metal-bend that crap over here.
Ting Ting

It was all to much for Ting Ting to handle, being here on a god forsaken boat, stolen away from her home, traveling quite a long distance away. At least the others were kind, one in particular being Avani. Ting didn't know just how old Avani was or even her name, but she must have been older, as she was much more mature and even seemed wiser. As wise as a child can be that is. She definitely liked this girl. The way she comforted her was almost sisterly. She clearly wasn't to full of emotions though, being an Earth Bender and all.

Ting Ting sat there and watched intently as Avani spied on the captain, looking at his papers. The sheer number of the children kidnapped was enough to give someone the chills. How could they come in so covertly and kidnap fifty children? These people clearly meant business, and apparently their was an even bigger frigate they were supposed to meet up with, no doubt filled with more children. Ting Ting resisted the urge to throw a small flame at the captains rear end, but what would that do besides anger him, and make it worse for them?

A small chuckle escape from Ting Tings lips when Avani help up a finger to her lips. It sort of lightened the mood, seeing a child her age sneaking up on the old captains paperwork. She looked around and noticed that almost everyone was starting to awaken. There was another girl who had the same reaction as her, more or less, who began crying, and what seemed to be a tough guy who made a failed attempt at ripping the bars apart, which also led Ting Ting to chuckle. 'They're certainly taking this a lot better than me... how can they be so calm,' she wondered to herself.

"S-shouldn't we see if we... If we can bend?" Ting Ting listened intently to the girl. She had a point, but from what she saw, no one here was a water bender. "I'm a fire bender, and not a very good one at that, there is no way I could melt these bars. The only thing I could do is make us go from being in a metal cage, to being in a searing hot metal cage..." She felt hopeless and quite frankly useless in that moment, but hearing that the large frigate that they were scheduled to meet had been attacked, gave her hope. Now they were on course for a different ship, which bought them a half an hour more time...
Xuan closed his eyes and rested his hands, palms upwards, on his knees again, sifting through his thoughts in the darkness, shutting out most of which was occuring around him. His attempt at ripping the steel bars out weren't for naught. He had, for one, identified their actual strength and their condition. They were strong, if not a bit worn. Which was enough for him. Many a child had probably struggled against these bars, and none succeeded. The evidence was there, however, scratch marks on the surface, several chips on where the bars connected with the cage's roof and floor. Honestly, if he were strong enough, if he had absolute strength, he wouldn't be trapped inside here. In fact, he wouldn't even be here. He had, no, NEEDED strength. He needed power. Enough to--


A cacophony of screams jerked him out of his thoughts. Once again, he felt that wind chimes would be a great addition to this dingy boat. He opened one eye and peered at the source of the screams. One was an unfamiliar dark haird girl, who seemed to be of Fire Nation origin, like he. More the merrier, he thought cheerily. The other was a more....familiar one. The tan skin, dark hair, the lack of grace in spite of her lithe physique. Hotaru Koizumi, Fire Bender. She could stand to be a little less of a screamer.

"Sh-shouldn't we see if...if we can bend?"

"I'm a fire bender, and not a very good one at that, there is no way I could melt these bars. The only thing I could do is make us go from being in a metal cage, to being in a searing hot metal cage..."

"Tsk tsk, what a pessimistic lot we are," Xuan thought aloud. "I don't know much about bending, seeing I have zero of it, but I'm sure the fire wouldn't raze us to nothing but charred skeletons. But you're right in one circumstance. This cage was built to last. No amount of fire-punching or -kicking will do any sustainable amount of damage. I doubt there's space for the fancy moves either." Xuan closed his eyes again and continued smiling rather peacefully. "I say we wait. Currently, we are trapped like rabbits. Our time will come when the lock springs open. I hope you guys haven't been stealing or lying. Karma has its hand in Fate's lots." He gave a soft laugh and studied the cage's design. No external padlocks. Locked by an in-built lock, huh? Hmmmmmm. He watched the guards patrolling the deck. It wasn't long before they were to be called to help the frigate. Patience makes a better man.
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"I say we wait. Currently, we are trapped like rabbits. Our time will come when the lock springs open. I hope you guys haven't been stealing or lying. Karma has its hand in Fate's lots."

She turned her head towards the source of the voice, and her eyes once again landed on the boy. This time, she managed a smile. His words registered in her blurry haze of a mind somehow. He was right, there wouldn't be any use bursting into hysterics or yelling about it. For now, they had to conserve their energy. The boy might not seem much older than she was, but he was wiser. She inched away from the bars and approached the others, curious. Most of the others were unfamiliar to her, and the only person she'd recognized was Avani. She'd seen her with her father, who was a man from the military, a few times when she had travelled to Onyx Valley with the old couple. She considered the option of bending like one of the girls suggested, but like the other said, the only thing they could do was turn the bars into searing hot ones and most likely burn themselves. And if they tried anything funny they'd probably set the entire ship on fire.

When she'd heard that the large frigate that they were scheduled to meet had been attacked, she perked up and turned to the boy, trying her best to whisper, " Do you think we could escape then? While most of the guards are trying to fix the commotion?"
The spirit that had landed on Jun's nose, the one that sensed her emotions, had rendered Jun calm. It was an unusual feeling but at that point, a welcome one. It was so calming that Jun didn't feel angry at the Selfish boy for drinking all the water and not sharing it. Soon after, Jun felt the pounding of the ship before she got slammed to the wall, though not as bad as the guards who were most likely like the Fire Nation Pirates and dead. Jun had saw the key that dropped from one of the now deceased guards and she stood up. She made an airbending motion and began the moves needed to bring the key to her so she could unlock the door. It was a simple motion and once she got the key, she carefully brought it up to the lock and twist it.

The lock opened soon after and Jun pushed the door open. She began to head to the other cell where she had heard other children there. She was on her way to free them. While walking she talked to the boys "You two should get up, the ship may be sinking now." And on her way to the other children she spoke "Everyone up, I'm coming to unlock your locks, we need to get out of here and free any children we can as well as get off this ship." She was soon at their cell and tried the keys again, hoping they would work on the other cell's lock, where Fia and the other two were.
Frigate[tug boat]

Children were often annoying, but screaming and yelling and crying and overall trying to use their emotions to get their way was expected. After the Ship changed its course, the Captain simply stood at the bow of the ship facing the cell, watching them panic. His patience had hit the peak.

“ENOUGH!” He yelled at the children. “Quiet your dabbling! I will not have...”

And without rhyme or reason, the sea rose in front of ship. It seemed to be out in far enough in front but as it rose higher and higher, the water began to effect the ship raising it up towards the sky. Not at an obscene angle but enough the captain turned as the shadow engulfed the small ship.

“Quickly men! Attack! It’s..” He was interrupted by a young soldier screaming.

His arm raised, pointed as the razor teeth broke the water! “ITS A GREAT WHITE SHARK SQUID!!!”

These animals were almost completely legend. Only heard of coming when fishers abused the waters; polluting, overfishing, or pirating. They were ferocious creatures, 3 stories tall, twice as long as any Fire Nation vessel. They were solid white in color, actually translucent in parts. Though unlike a squid the mantle portion of it are entirely like a shark head with huge, metal piercing razor teeth, and the tentacles wrap around with the tips also having razor teeth that saw and tear nearly anything it touches.

The Shark squids head, with its top teeth, where already over the front third of the ship, which meant that it was already doomed. As it rose higher the head came down. The ship rose up out of the water entirely as the jaw closed. Within a second, the ship was severed in two, the back half, with the Cell on deck came crashing into the water.

The cell upon the deck screeched as it slid all the way back into the communications room. It broke the glass and battered the children, yet the cell remained undamaged. Tentacles rose up from the water and wrapped around the aft of the ship pulling partially down under water with its weight. The waves now crashed up on the deck, soaking the children. As the aft sank a little more, the entire remaining portion of the deck was beneath of water by a few inches.

Without a thought, it was every man for itself, and the ship had already be entirely abandoned.
Jun quickly made it to the other cell and soon turned the key to the lock. Soon the lock clicked open and Jun removed the lock to the cell before opening it for the other children. At least the cell nearby. After she opened that cell, she looked around their immediate surroundings. The guard, before he died, said they captured fifty children. Jun wondered if said kidnapped children where all here on this ship. If so, then they were in danger of dying and would need saving. The young airbender looked around and normally would be angry and upset but that spirit made her calm. Calm...

Jun felt like she could air bend easier, however right now wasn't a safe place for it as unsteady as this rocking horse of a ship was. Jun wondered if it was that blue spirit that did this somehow? Regardless, if a spirit feels the humans are invading the area, then they had to leave. So first thing was find children, if any where here and still among the land of the living. Second step was to get off this ship in one piece. Then finding home would be sometime after.

Jun remained in the proximity of the other children, she closed her eyes and tried to picture which was the best way to go. The guard came from the doorway, but did that way lead up or down? They needed to go up considering they didn't fall onto the ceiling meaning the ship hadn't capsized.
Fiammetta Royce:

She was tired and the dragging out of time that Avi didn't appear was starting to scare her. Huffing a little sigh of unhappiness she plopped herself down on the floor by the cage and pressed her face against it, trying to get an angle where she could see down the hall. Wiggling her face a little, she struggled to look around but only saw a room over darkness. It wasn't until the shouting started that Fia realized that perhaps she wasn't alone in the place after all. Blinking as she tried to make out the words she shook her head slightly and stepped back, it was no use trying to see. Even if she did get a good line of sight it was so dark that it was a useless endeavor. A thought suddenly clicked in her head, a grin moving across her face as she took in a deep breathe. She could firebend and there would be light, it was simple. She had been practicing with that Fire Nation man that lived down the road, Avani said that he was going to teach her many cool firebend tricks. She blinked, remembering that only the Fire Nation man could make fire out of nothing. He told her that it was a very power Firebending trick, one she'd be able to do if she practiced enough. With her thought depleted she let out a hiccupping cry, her hands going to her eyes as they rubbed around the annoying sensation of swelling tears. That was when she noticed the room had gotten a bit lighter, making a face she looked around. She hadn't been causing that, right? Of course not, the light was in the next cell over. Shuffling to her feet, she pressed herself against the bars once again, her face squeezing between the bars in a somewhat painful fashion. She stood there for several moments before giving up, the cool blue light that danced in the next cell was interesting but she was unable to see what it was.

"Drat." She grumbled crossing her arms, "I wonder wh-" She paused as her eyes widened. The cell had been enveloped in a calming blue light, the source a pretty blue bug that fluttered through the wall. Giving a joyful giggle she started forward, her hand reaching out to touch it. She hadn't ever seen anything like this before, it did rather resemble the bug that Avi had pointed out to her once though. It's a butterfly, Fia. Avi's voice said in her mind, Isn't is pretty? Fia nodded happily. It was very pretty, so pretty she wanted very much to catch it. She knew that Avi would be very pleased if she brought this back for her. Maybe she wouldn't be as mad about the bug Fia had left in father's pants. She was just about to place a finger on it when it moved out of her reach, taking it's time to drift around her a few times quickly before it landed on her arm. At first Fia was surprised, and then slightly scared, until it's form changed before her eyes. Shifting into the small black form of Ciar, her small Dire Wolf pup that Avi had given her for her birthday. Squeeling slightly in delight, she hugged the wolf to her as it started wiggling excitedly. She was very happy to see him, she had missed him terribly. Cuddling against the warm dark fur, she pressed her cheeks into it with a pleasant giggle. For reasons that Fia didn't understand she felt as though every pleasant memory of her life moved through her at that time, leaving her a warm and lovable feeling that she held onto as Ciar changed back into the pretty blue butterfly.

"Oh! Wait," She cried as the butterfly moved toward the wall, "Don't go." It was to late, it had vanished into the wall. Fia walked to where it had disappeared in an attempt to follow it but instead of seeping through the wall like the butterfly did her face met with the cold metal causing her to fall backwards onto her bottom. Moaning she rubbed her face as her eyes waters. She hadn't expected the wall to be so solid, but she supposed she wasn't a butterfly so she couldn't do things like that. She was sniffing slightly, holding back frustrated tears, when the loud noise filled the room. She was just about to get to her feet then the floor jerked, flinging her sideways as a frightening noise filled her ears. She slammed into the wall, her back stinging from the impact for a few moments as she looked around in confusion. What had just happened? She was pondering this when the found of wind whished through the room, followed by the jiggle of keys. Fia blinked, her body instinctively stand as she went to the bars just in time to see the form of another girl appear outside them.

"Everyone up. I'm coming to unlock your locks," The girl instructed as she wiggled the keys in the door, "we need to get out of here and free any children we can as well as get off this ship." Fia was silent, unsure of what to do as she looked from the now opened cell to the place where the butterfly had disappeared. She knew that if Avi was there then she'd be instructed to stay where she was; that she was there for a reason. However, since Fia couldn't think of a reason she gave a little smile to the girl and skipped out of the cell; her eyes searching around the metal halls as she paused at the doorway just beyond. The girl behind her was thinking, her face twisted in concentration. It seemed to Fia like she was trying to solve a riddle, Avi had often made strange faces like that when given a riddle for homework. She had never understood any of them, but it wasn't like this was a riddle or anything. The girl had said they need to get out, so that was what they would do.

"Alright," Fia said suddenly clapping her hands together, she then turned right and pointed, "Let's go that way!" She then started marching along, uncaring as to whether the other children would follow or not.
Riyoshi was caught upon a boat and imprisoned within a cage. He was not fond of this, but the men that caught him only caught him off guard. They were lucky that they had caught him off land. Sitting within his cage nice and silent, he listened to his surroundings. Soon, he heard a male voice command others to attack something off ship, A great white shark squid.

“This is my chance.”

Riyoshi soon stood up and grabbed a hold of the bars. Shaking back and forth, Riyoshi began to make as much noise as possible.

“OVER HERE! Let me out of here!” Riyoshi yelled out as he kept shaking the cage.

((Let me know if i need to change anything.))
"Do you think we could escape then? While most of the guards are trying to fix the commotion?"

Blatantly ignoring the captain of the ship who came thundering over, Xuan opened one eye, the one closest to the girl who spoke, and gave a conspiratorial smile. "No, no, not yet. Where are we going to swim if we get out of here anyway?" As if on cue, the boat rocked violently as the waters began to froth and churn. Lo and behold, the surface of the water broke to reveal the legendary beast that was the great white shark squid. Xuan noted that it was only white, and great, but didn't really possess the 'shark' qualities, as a tentacle crashed onto the deck, sending splinters of wood everywhere. Shouldn't it be called a "Great White Squid" instead? The 'shark' part seemed so out of place. He was about to voice out his observation when the tugboat was lifted out of the water, and he saw the razor sharp teeth set upon the squid's mantle.

"Oh, so that's the 'shark' part," he nodded away as the boat snapped in half and his side crashed down onto the water. The sea brushed against his clothing.

"I sure hope all of you know how to swim." Xuan stood up, whipping the tails of his Oriental clothing behind him. He grabbed the boy who futilely tried to grasp the guards attention and pushed him behind. "Would you kindly excuse me? I hardly think at a time like this, these mercenaries would listen to reason." He traced a semi circle with his frontmost foot, until it was behind his torso, his hands tightening into the claws he had formed earlier, as he readied himself in an offensive stance, one arm drawn back.

He exhaled, stomped his foot forwards, clenching his fists at the same time and punched the lock of the cage. The metal piece that held the gate shut gave way and broke, sending the cage door flying open. Xuan gave a satisfied laugh and stepped outside, holding the door open for the rest. "Ladies and gentleman, if you would please proceed in an orderly fashion." If there was any panic in him, he was doing his darndest not to show it. So much that it seemed as if he didn't mind getting kidnapped and have a squid break his kidnapper's craft. So much it seemed as if he was....enjoying it.
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Cargo ship

Right as the ship seemed to start to settle down, again something struck it with tremendous force and the ship lurched to the other side, however this time it did not stop. The ship creaked and moaned as it rolled. Some guards who had come down to find the children escaping, only stood for a second before the ship turned completely on its side. They fell through the air, attempting to grab the children but missing by mere inches.

The one guard landed on his back grunting as he did so and the other somehow miraculously landed on his feet. Splashing a little, he smirked as he looked down to see a little water then back up when he figured how to stop the children, Rotating his arms in a figure eight, he gathered some water by his side, then rotated them sharply up. The water around him started to jet straight up about to strike the kids from below and freeze them in place.

But, a tunnel of condensed water spewed from the hallway taking out both men and washing them away. The children were clear once again for this moment, but the water was quickly rising on them and they would now have to climb to get to the hallway, to head up to the deck.
Jun saw Fia begin to go in one direction before suddenly the ship began to turn on it's side taking a few more guards with it. Now with the ice, and the water melting the Ice, Jun decided to use strong windbending to help shatter and seperate the ice. She was able to free open a cell where a waterbender and the young boy Riyoshi was. Jun was able to free them too and she worked to get herself and the others to the hallway. Jun used her airbending to send herself to the railing of the hallway which had the stairs. She then worked to use her airbending to pull the other children to safety while the active waterbender worked to keep the water at bay by bending it. Riyoshi, Fia, Zet, Mei-Hua, Wen, Nao and the others were all at the stairs now and both the child water bender and Jun both worked with their bending to get everyone up the stairs to the deck. From what Jun saw, there were no more children there so the kidnapped children must be on the other boat. She was eager to see if Meizen was somewhere on deck if not she wished to use her whistle.

The calmness was beginning to wear down the more the boat was rocked but Jun fought to try to make that last. It was hard and she was no master at it. But that spirit it seemed to want to help them and it seemed to be trying its best to shield them from the severity of the damage. Regardless, the children were now free and at the Deck.
Ting ting stayed silent most of the time, listening to the others rattle off ideas. Getting out of the cage was obviously step one, but then what? Being the person that she was, she just sat there, staring off into the distance, her eyes wide with worry. Her main focus was why they were going to earth nations capitol.

While deep in thought, Ting ting was interrupted by the captain's incessant yelling. She wanted to admit to say something, do something, anything at this point. However, he quickly became the least of her worries.

Out of the water came a beast of amazing size. Ting ting had never heard of such a creature, not being much of a sea girl. She instantly clung to the bars of the cage and screamed a blood curdling scream. Before she knew it the boat was in two, and the cage was sinking into the deadly waters. It wouldn't be a slow process either. Her body had already slammed into the wall of bars on impact. She became disoriented quickly, but she could make out the boy from before, busting the cage door. She shook her head and regained consciousness and with that, she clawed her way out of the cage like an animal of sorts. They would get out of the cage... but then what?
Hotaru Koizumi

Hotaru chuckled at the girl as she mentioned her bending skills; she had thought of bending her own way out of the cage with her fire but then again, she supposed the kidnappers weren't that stupid. She had instead nodded absentminded; wondering if Nao was okay, if that annoying tiger hadn't drowned and if she would ever return to their side. She even asked herself how easy it would be if Nao was here; he'd bend her right out of this situation with his metal-bending. He'd comment on her stupidity for letting herself get kidnapped then ruffle her hair as comfort. Would she never see him again? Never see that jealous white tiger, that stupid Shirayuki which had left her with a few to many scars. Maybe fate decided that she deserved this.

Heck, she was even proved right when Lin decided to mention Karma; her very nemesis. It had a tendency to come at her at the worst times, knocking her down a notch before leaving her stranded. She felt even worse when the kidnapper thought he had the right to order them to be silent. Hotaru's eyes turned into slits as she gave the man a cold glare; who was he to dare silence them? He had brought this upon himself by taking them away!

"You will not have wha-" She didn't even have the chance to finish her sentence as the ship seemed to rise and then she saw it. The white squid was nothing less then terrifying as she pondered on if she should accept her death or fight back. Hotaru had a minuscule chance of winning the battle, like 0,000000001% and she knew it. Her heart pounded furiously against her ribcage as she swallowed any words which threatened to spill out. She was starting to regret every 'bad' deed she had done in life.

Like that one time she stole a cookie from the cookie jar, when she had destroyed the whole kitchen trying to make a special dinner for her parents or that one time when she decided that staying in her small tree-house for the night was a good idea to then wake up to posters of her face all over town. She even regretted kicking Shirayuki down the stairs when the tiger had tried to kill her with its claws.

But then, Lin Xuan happened as Hotaru was on the verge of accepting death, letting her body follow the cage through its adventures until the boy busted them out. Unable to sit quietly, gave him a shy glance of appreciation for a mere second. "I... I suppose we could try to fight that thing and get ourselves killed or find a waterbender and get out of here? I vote no for anyone outside our group, reasoning with panicking sea-men usually never works out..."

She had almost whispered it out but hoped at least Lin would hear as she stood next to the boy. Her eyes were nothing but wary as they observed the situation. At times like this she would always ask Nao for his opinion but for once, he wasn't there to help her.

{I'll post Nao in a few hours!!!}
Just as the boy finished speaking, the boat started rocking violently, waves splashed and roared. Her eyes widened in surprise, and she held onto the bars to stop herself from toppling over. " What's hap-", before she could finish her question, the surface of the sea broke and she watch wide-eyed, both filled with awe and fear, as a creature rose above them, towering into the night sky. She'd seen a drawing of the monstrous creature before, Uncle YeLiu had told her it was a beast of legend, the fearsome Great White Shark Squid, one of the most ferocious creatures who roamed the deep seas. Of course back then she had only thought that it was a myth, an old sailor's tale. But looking at it now, she was most certain that it was in fact, real. She wasn't sure if she should've been excited or wary.

She watched as it brought down a gigantic tentacle and hit the deck, puncturing a great gaping hole in the wood. The ice cold water bit her skin as it sprayed all over the cell, drenching her hair and clothes in salty seawater. She felt the cell slip as the humongous creature lifted the tugboat with its razor-teeth lined mantle, and snapped it in half without as much as a thought. She cringed and gripped onto the bars tightly their half fell and hit the water hard, the deck already sinking a few inches into the water.

She vaguely heard him say something about swimming. " Well, I guess now would be a good time, wouldn't it?" she chirped. But when she turned around, the guy had already broke the lock, and the metal door was lying a few feet away. Getting up, she walked over to the others to quickly help them up, " Quick, the boat is sinking. We have to get off." Sure enough, the water had already reached their calves and was slowly rising. She looked up at the boy who was laughing as he stepped outside, and couldn't help but crack a grin as well, " I'm Asuka, by the way. Though it seems to be quite an odd moment for an introduction, doesn't it? "

"I... I suppose we could try to fight that thing and get ourselves killed or find a waterbender and get out of here? I vote no for anyone outside our group, reasoning with panicking sea-men usually never works out..."

Asuka turned towards the girl who had just gotten out from the cell as she spoke to the boy, and she thought about it for a while. Great white shark squids are known to be usually peaceful creatures, only turning ferocious and attacking those who abused the waters. It would be a better choice to find waterbenders and get away. She opened her mouth to say so, and quickly shut it. Most people never really paid attention to her anyway, and she just had to learn to live with that. Instead, she concentrated on scanning the crowd for any noticeable waterbenders.
"Lin Xuan Feng. Pleased to make your acquaintance. Hardly a romantic meeting, yes." Xuan nodded to the girl who introduced herself as Asuka. "But to know a new name is to gain knowledge. And knowledge is power. Power is always wanted." He started busying himself admiring the sight of the squid as it whipped angrily at the ship, stepping to one side as the tentacle snaked around one poor mercenary and dragged him overboard. He was submerged by the water for a few seconds, before being thrown like a ragdoll from under the water into the air. With a snap, the squid devoured him, leaving nothing but blood and a severed arm, which plummeted into the water with a 'plop' that might have sounded comical had it not been in this situation. Xuan's facial expression sunk slightly, like the boat he was standing on.

"I... I suppose we could try to fight that thing and get ourselves killed or find a waterbender and get out of here? I vote no for anyone outside our group, reasoning with panicking sea-men usually never works out..."

Hotaru's voice was barely heard above the ruckus, and Xuan turned to look at her, his smile fading slightly into one of emotionless worry. "We're but children. Given the panic and the rather unsightly situation we are in, I doubt any of us can bend well enough to carry us somewhere. That is, if any of us were Water-benders." Xuan strode back into the cage and dragged a still unconscious blond boy out of the bars of the cage. In spite of his rather slim stature, he lifted the boy onto his shoulder and returned to the group, a rather serious line set on his lips. "This boat wasn't meant to survive long trips through deep straits. Land is nearby. However, seeing as this boat is used for underhanded transactions, it needs to sail far enough from the jurisdiction of any naval force." He sighed and furrowed his brows. "Think we can make the swim?"

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