Avatar: World's Balance [Inactive]

She watched wide-eyed at the gory scene that was playing out in front of her. Good lord. The squid was definitely not up to playing nice. She watched as it grabbed two other sailors and lifted them high up into the air, their robes flying around them as they screamed, it then proceeded to hurl one of them into his mouth while it brought the other down into the water with such force she was certain she could hear his bones crack. Nope, definitely not nice. With an effort, she tore her gaze away from the bloody but surprisingly captivating scene and forced herself to think. She considered Xuan's words carefully, he was right. To stay and fight would be a fruitless effort, and would certainly mean certain death. As for waterbenders-

" I don't see any waterbenders," Asuka said grimly, her brows furrowing in concern. That left her with the last, but the most likely to get them out alive, option- swimming. She bit her lip, weighing the options, not that there was much to think about. But swimming possibly miles to land without the help of a waterbender? It was a tough feat, especially to most firebenders who've never really been exposed to the unpredictable nature of the sea. If a storm started raging while they were halfway to land, there was no guarantee that most of them would make it out alive.

But what else could they do? Stay and drown? "No," she said to herself, " I can't just give up. Even if I died, at least I died trying." Finally, mustering all the courage she had and thinking of the old couple who were probably waiting for her return. She had to try, even if she didn't make it, she wouldn't stand to be a sitting duck while she waited for the impending doom. With a new-found strength, she turned towards Xuan, her eyes burning with determination, " We have to, it's the only choice we have. I won't just sit here and wait for my death."
Nao Yukimura

Nao was shocked. S-H-O-C-K-E-D, shocked as in something that jars his mind. This had not been rare the past few days as Hotaru had a tendency to surprise the boy with her antics but the fact that he was, literally, swept along with these fools annoyed him. He didn't even have the chance to bend his way out of the mess before the two girls, one which was younger then him even, decided that they would lead them to safety. They had not only taken their time unlocking the cells but in fact, this girl had used airbending to get her way out of trouble. Opportunity opened up in his eyes, as a waterbender joined their little crew. Nao could live with some extra baggage if he had those two to his advantage.

They had probably not seen him as anywhere near harmful nor powerful as he had kept a 'fragile' body since he was five due to his mothers order. She had always said that 'If they believe you to be weak, they have fallen into your trap; seize that opportunity and crush their future!'. Though this time he wasn't exactly crushing their future, he was indeed proving himself to be strong as he took his stance on deck.

Inhale, exhale, strengthen, weaken, feel, listen. Inhale, exhale, strengthen, weaken, feel, listen. Inh-

Like a chant of comfort, the words echoed in his mind. Slowly his tense body relaxed and with a fluid movement he had adjusted his comrades position on the boat with his metal-bending. "I'd advise you guys to not move from that side of the boat." His soft yet dark voice followed the wind as a small wave nearly took him away. Sighing he flicked his now wet hair from his eyes, letting his bright eyes wander to his feet; he regained his previous stance but now his feet appeared to be underneath the metal, secured from the harsh water and its current.

He repeated the chant under his breath for a second before placing his right arm over his left; this caused one of the metal cargo boxes to flatten out and with a small smile, he quickly shook the contents away from the box. Another deep breath and he shifted his left arm to a boxing stance; it neatly tucked to his side with his fist pointing upwards. The cargo box moved over to him smoothly.

Nao would perhaps taken things slower had it not been for another wave and sighing he mentally apologized to his previous Earthbending masters. They had always told him to be calm, as the most capable earthbender only striked when he had found the right time; whether it been within seconds or hours. Instead he changed from simple moves to fast, fluid ones. One would not believe he was bending, as he seemed to dance to some unknown beat; moving his body left and right, and what not.

This dance made a rather large metal body from six cargo boxes, mended into one with their sides bending upwards, and half a cargo box went into making something that resembled bench-like seats. There was small handle-like holes on the sides of the boat and with three more movements, Nao had connected some of the boats railings to the inside of the boat in between the 'seats', so those that sat in the middle of the bench-like seats could also hold onto something.

Ignoring everything around him, Nao returned to his normal posture before turning around to the gals and guys. "If possible, I'd like you guys to shut your little mouths and listen for a second. I need quiet and I need Shirayuki; that means I need to search the boat with some good-ol' metal bending!" He widened his eyes mockingly as the last part of his sentence was obvious sarcasm, "Sit in the boat or drown here, I don't really care... Well Miss Air and Ser Water, I wouldn't mind you guys aiding me while I try to keep the boat usable during our trip! Ah, I should also mention that our trip isn't home but ~ to find some of our other companions which I suspect are likely in the former situation we were in."

Nao loved how he tended to make his voice 'sing' to them, as if they were three-year old children learning how to count to ten.
Frigate [Tug Boat]

The scene before the children was violent and terrifying. Surely the only thought was that this creature was going to devour them, with the ship. Swimming would not be available choice for escape as the tentacles of the beast churned the waters, swatting and consuming the men in the water one by one, with the precision of a human using chopsticks. In just a matter of minutes the children would be next.

On this day, Fate was not against them, regardless of what they thought.

As the last pirate was consumed, the beast seemed to have its fill of flesh. The churning waters slowed, the waves mild down, and even the ocean swells had stopped. The giant creature just stood there, towering the boat, and its last occupants. It had no eyes that could be seen so what were its plans?

Two of the smaller tentacles came up gently out of the water and as if floating in mid air hovered over the cage. The razored claws and its suction cups gripped the top of the cage. However, with the finesse of a loom weaver, it tilted the cell. Any remaining children would have slide from it gently and once the cell was empty, the beast slowly began to sink into the deep blue sea; with it, it took the metal prison. Within seconds, the beast was gone, and with it, every adult had been punished. All that remained was the battered half a ship and the children upon the great empty ocean.

While the ship was battered somehow, it had enough air trapped within its sinking hull to stay afloat, though for how long was unknown. Most the deck was under at least a foot of water except for the very most bow portion of the Frigate. The communications room was completely trashed from the attack; no help would come from here and worst of all, in a container on the bow, only half a days rations for 2 people remained.

For all intents and purposes, being hundreds of miles from the nearest land, the ship and the children upon it were lost at sea.


Cargo Ship

As everyone reached the door that lead to the deck, the ship had slowly rolled back to its normal upright position. Though the aft and bow of the ship were engulfed in flames, something or someone had set off explosions and those were what was heard as their were in the bowels of the ship. But now, on deck even with flames and black smoke the ship was eerily absent of anyone.

Now with the structure of the ship unknown, a young metal bender was tearing apart the ship looking for something. Some of the decking tore back like a tin can at the grace of an opener, while other cages were pulled apart like a child pulling a doughnut apart with two fingers, Easy and carefree.

After about the third time of the child mindlessly pulling the ship apart there was a huge, obnoxiously loud moan. It wailed for nearly 10 seconds before there was snap, snap. With 7 or 8 more snaps, and not bones snapping, no like the sound of metal being ripped apart by shear force the cargo ship suddenly shifted about 5 feet down in the center. It dropped so suddenly that the children left the deck before crashing back down with it a second later. With it a noxious cloud of gas escaped smelling strongly of sulfur. As well, some coal somehow managed to bounce out from the crevice in the ship, landing near the children's feet.

The little water bender turned his head to look at the crevice, the coal and while it was not easily viewable, flames would lick the edge of the crevice every so often. But his attention was caught by a loud banging that had began directly off to the groups right. The metal paneling began to deform and bulge. Something was trying to get out.

Another hit, then another, the rings rang out and after another one, long claws could be seen penetrating the paneling. With one more hit, what ever it was would surface.
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Zet follows around the events, not speaking much. He had been awoken when the boat began to roll side to side, and he's been wondering what happened. His black hair is a mess, and he seemed a bit withdrawn. He felt something was missing. Something ... Important. Now, he stares at the ground, to his right. Whatever is missing is supposed to be right there, at his side ... What was it...? He suddenly hears a sound that might come from a wolf cub. He looks around, as if expecting to see something good. When nothing happens, and nobody else seems to hear it, he looks at the ground again. Then, it hits him. Where is Tem? Where is that shaggy little porcupine-wolf that he's had for almost a year now? The porcupine-wolf that's stuck with him through thick and thin. The pet whose company he enjoys even if he can't pet him for fear of being pricked by the quills.

"Wheeerrreee's Teeeemmmmmm?" he whines, looking down at his feet, not realizing he said that out loud.
Jun got really upset when Nao spoke down to her, however if she lost her cool now none of them would be able to breathe. Summing up her last bit of calmness, followed by a release of negative emotions, she began to dance fluidly, in more fluid motions than Nao's constipated dance that somehow woke -something- up. She began to spin, walking more towards the fire without coming near to burn it. Her spinning began to form a vortex in the hopes of sucking up all the smoke and fire into this vortex without sucking up her or the other children.

Like Nao before her, Jun too got lost in her bending dance. And if to prove it she began to break dance and spin very fast as the vortex encased her without lifting her. It begain the inhale and swallow the smoke and fire while whirling above the ships Masts. Jun hoped that it was big enough to take all the smoke and fire then disperse it high above them without harm like...like fireworks.
Fiammetta Royce:

It seemed the other children hadn't followed her, not that it matter much as Fia was lightly tossed sideways from the unusual tipping of the boat. She let out a small noise as this happened, then giggled as she got to her feet. It seemed she was standing on the wall, since the boat had tipped itself sideways. She looked around herself in amusement, glancing back the way she had come before continuing in a random direction. It wasn't until she reached a fork in the halls that she paused, squatting to look down the hallways below her. It looked like a well of metal, reaching downward until taking another turn that she could barely make out. She wasn't old or wise but she knew that if she fell down that it would most likely hurt her. So it was no use then, she'd either have to climb down it or jump the space and continue down the hall she was on. She smiled, a mischievous looking one, as she eyes the space. She most likely could have made it even with her short legs. Behind her she heard commotion of sorts that she figured was either the other children or the guards of this place. She would have to move soon, or she might get caught again. Straightening, she placed her hands on her hips as she continued to look downward. She was about to back up to try and clear the space when she noticed the little staircase about halfway down the gap. It was hidden pretty well in the darkness, a singular space in the wall with a dim flickering light just beyond it was the only thing that notified her of it. It seemed, to Fia, that this was a staircase that led upward; though she couldn't be sure because she was standing on a wall.

"So we climb down there then." She said, plopping down on her butt and scooting toward the edge. She then rolled over on her belly, draping her legs over the ledge as she wiggled her feet about until they touched the little pipe. Grabbing the pipe with her feet, she lowered herself until she could take hold of it with her hands as well. As soon as she let go of the ledge she began slipping downward, her hands gripping the pipe like a pole as she rocketed downward; stopping at a place were the pipe was secured to the wall. If she continued down like this she'd be there in no time. She repeated the process again, lowering herself and sliding until she found herself just above the stair shaft. She smiled, gripping the ledge and swinging her body downward to propel herself into the stairs. She had been right, it appeared the stairs were going upward, which made her challenge a little less hard. Since she was on the wall all she had to do was walk down the oddly diagonal hallway until she reached the upper hall. It appeared the same, except this one was much better lit due to the torch at her feet.

"FIRE!" Fia chimed happily prying the torch from the wall, "I'm glad to see you." Holding it upward, she gazed up ad down the hallways. Not sure which direction she should take now. She supposed that if she followed the other torches they would eventually lead her out. Spotting a flickering light in the distance she wandered off toward it, her path lit the dotted light along the way. She was about at another staircase then the whole place moaned, rocking slightly and then tipped yet again. Fia rocked with it, flying downward to smack into the floor with a painful noise. She torch clattered to the ground next to her, sizzled, and went out. She made a face at that, engulfed in darkness once again before getting to her feet and continuing in the direction she was going. She had no clue if she was up, down, sideways, or otherwise but all she knew was another light was up ahead. She paused before the next torch, it seemed that she was right side up again.

She giggled, "It's like a funhouse." Fia placed herself in a stance, the memories of her days with Mr. Firebender coming back to her as she moved her hands in precise motions. Before her the fire dance, stretching the flames reached out like a living thing before a section of it separated from the rest. It paced itself, flying through the air like a bright snake as she directed it to moved around her coming to a stop in her hands. She had to admit that she was getting better at this, the practice had been helping a lot. With a nod of her head and the fire in her hand she set off, her mind fixed on keeping the fire going more then wear she was going as she ran soundly into the wall. Rebounding backwards, she let out a cry as the fire flashed dangerously and went out.

"Well... drat." She grumble getting to her feet as she looked at what she had run into. It hadn't been a wall, but a door. Grabbing hold of it she tugged, surprised at the weight as she struggled to pull it backwards revealing the bright sunlight just beyond. She let out a joyous giggle, figuring she had opened the door enough as she sucking in a breath and squeezed through it. She found herself on the deck, coming up across from where the other children were already standing. She let out a defeated groan, how had they beat her to the deck? Not that it mattered much as she spotted another figure, that of a boy whom pounded the ship to destruction not far from her. Her eyes widened, her head turning from side to side as she looked from the children to the boy.

"What in the name of Aang is going on?" She commented, watching as the others danced around with their bending moves. It seemed as though they planned to put the fire out, didn't they know she was a firebender? Grumbling she starting forward, planning to help when the boat jerked again, springing her forward to land at their feet. She was just about to complain to them when she spotted the wall, her eyes widening as it bent dangerously like something was trying to break free. She then scrambled to her feet, wondering if she should help with the fire or prepare to fight. If it came down to it she would fight, but it seemed the fire was more dangerous at that moment. Looking over at the airbender, she sighed and shook her head. Fia then got to her feet, looked over at the girl before closing her eyes. She had been taught that before she could bend fire she needed to learn how to control it, something that had taken up almost three years of her life trying to get down. Now, however, it seemed like it would be quite handy. Her feet slid apart, firmly placing themselves on the firm metal under her feet as her hands went upward. She began the motions slow, letting her body fall into the bending that had become more natural to her then breathing. She hoped that it would work, that her technique would be strong enough to take down this fire. She had done others, none comparing to this one it heat and strength, but she would continue no matter the price.

Just like the torch in the hallway, the flames began to dance. Swaying slightly as she moved her hands through the practice motions she had done day in and day out for years. She was eight, she figured she wasn't strong enough to put the flames out; but with the airbender also creating a vortex it should have been easier. The flames sprang to life suddenly with the air above it and Fia trying to will the flames to her power. She figured that it would be best to use the air to her advantage, bending it upward she dispersed most of the flames in to as they shot upward toward the sky. This only worked for so much though, it left behind a fire that Fia knew she could easily take care of. Eyes widening in determination she started forward, twirling in the form she had seen her teachers do countless times. She had never tried these moves before but they are only more complicated versions of the stances she had mastered. Swinging her tiny limps around as she closed her eyes, she manipulated the flames upward drawing them close to her until she were capture in her control above her head. Then, with one final movement, her eyes flashed open and she swung her arms sideways as the wave of warmth enveloped her. The flames plumed toward her, separated, and flickered into a wave of warm air.

"Right," She said, dusting her hands off as little sparkles of flames puffed from each clap. She then turned to look at the other children, a grin on her face. "That was fun."


Fia is using the pipes as a fire-pole that she'd sliding down... if you didn't understand
Avani Royce

She was deep in thought as the others talked, their comments brushing through her mind without much comprehension. She was racking her brain for any way to get free from that blasted cage, anything would do. Dragging her knees higher up to her chest and wrapping her arms around her legs she made a face before placing her chin on her knees, eyes glazed over with worry. She wondered where Fia was, if she was safely back in Onyx City with her father or not. She wished very much she could see the names that the man's fat hand had been covering, it would have been better for her. Still she feared trying to look again as she sauntered over to yell at them once again. She made a face, glancing up at his meaty face with disgust. She could hear the others continue to chat once he had turned to do, loosing herself in thought again. This was interrupted by the screaming of what she assumed was one of the other children. A look of annoyance flashed across her face as she looked up from the metal panel of the floor, her plan was to yell at them but nothing came out as she felt the boat shutter beneath her and the soft spray of ocean. Suddenly the floor jerked, tilting and sending the cage flying backward.

Letting out a shrill cry, she felt the cage collide with something and was showered in the piercing sharpness of falling glass. She brought her hands up to protect her head as the boat shifted again, drawing her attention to the monster that was rising above them like a towering building. Avani's eyes widened, frozen with over whelming feelings while she stared at the large beast. Her ears began to ring, her eyes widening, and her body moving on her own as she scrambled to her feet and pressed herself to the back of the cage, not bothering to worry about the cuts she had received from the glass shards. Slowly the boat moaned, snapping so that their side went crashing into the sea with a splash of water.

"I sure hope all of you know how to swim." Avani hadn't thought that anything could get any worse but this boy had proved her wrong, her eyes flashing to him suddenly as a sense of panick washed over her.

"Swim?" She questioned, "I'm an earthbender! Do you know what rocks do in water? They SINK." Her comment came upon deaf ears though as the boy was already preoccupied in doing something else. Approaching a wildly screaming boy, the one who had spoken before pushed him aside with an airy confidence. After that Avani stopped caring, her eyes flying back up to the beast that was causing havoc on the split boat. A chaotic mess of men ran about screaming as if they were about to die, and Avani had no doubt that they actually might have been about to die. Tentacles flew everywhere, flinging various bodies aside as if they were rag dolls. She prayed desperately that it wouldn't notice them, she hoped that if she stayed in the cage it would be fine. Though if the squid didn't get her, the water would drown her for sure. It had risen up to her knees now, rocking around her legs as the chaos of motions around them.

"Ladies and gentleman, if you would please proceed in an orderly fashion." Her eyes flashed over to the group, the boy whom she was increasingly interested about, had somehow opened the lock and was now standing with the cage door open. Her eyes widened as they others exited the cage, starting into a conversation that Avani didn't care much about. She was working out what they would do if they left the cage, which was the only thing that made her feel safe at the moment. They were talking about swimming again, did they realize they could be miles from shore? Obviously they didn't since they kept bringing it up again and again. It didn't matter to Avani, she wouldn't jump into the water willingly. When the chaos of screaming men vanished with the last dead pirate the monster sat there, a small tentacle reaching out and lifting the cage she was in. She let out a little groan, know that it was just her luck the monster would go for her next. However it seemed it didn't have the taste for earthbender because as the cage titled she found herself slipping down the cold metal, landing in the shallow water with a little splash before the monster to sink into the dark waters again. She was stunned, her eyes wide as she sat in the knee deep water.

"I could have died," She mumbled numb as she got to her feet, "We could have died..." She was a bit speechless as her eyes flashed around at the situation. Realizing she was in water, Avani let out an unhappy noise before trudging up the slanted boat deck to the dry area. Once reaching it she plopped down on her bottom, glaring out at the miles of blue sea around her. She wished she could metal bend, she could make herself a boat out of this scrap metal if she could. She shook her head and looked toward the other children, wondering if they had come up with some better idea then her pointless one.
Out of the cage now, Ting Ting plopped down in the shallow water of the wrecked tug boat. Her eyes were wide and she began to twitch in one eye. Water. It was definitely not Ting tings favorite. There was absolutely no way she could have swam all the way to shore.

Ting ting stood up now, her legs feeling like jello, and she trudged through the water, plopping down next to Avani, the only other person she had talked to. As far as common interests, they both didn't like the water, and that was about it. They were both quite different in terms of bending, but she still liked her none the less. They seemed to have the same thought processes.

Laying back, Ting ting became quickly annoyed with the others. They almost died, there miles from land, they don't even know why they're there, and they want to sit around and smile and introduce themselves. It just didn't seem practical, and she had a very low tolerance level. "So... anyone know to make a boat, cause we can't swim," she pointed out, referring to Avani.
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This role play has been marked "inactive". Inactive role plays are defined as "role plays showing 0 activity within a 30 day period".

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