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Fandom Avatar: The Trial of Ten

Update 4: That was quick! Ya hear that folks? I will be fixing everything up so that we can hopefully start tomorrow! I'm going to do a last minute look through. If you receive a PM that says you can start, you're free to make your first post! I will also post those officially accepted in the overview tab for your convenience. Thank you all for such good applications and being patient during this process! Get ready for the adventure of your lives!!

I'd also like to thank @cojemo for stepping up and offering to fill the spot we had missing. I look forward to RPing with you all!

@WickedKhaleesi @cojemo @sprouhtt @Hanarei @ThatGuyWithSouvlaki @Guydaguy @Robyn Banks @Tenebrous @gogojojo331 @Dai tenshi
If this was bothering anybody, it is now rectified! (When you have OCD, weird little discrepancies like this bug the heck out of you).

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/fv3UZn1454743005.jpg.3634c0191afe44ed2c38fe2bc0db0832.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="104176" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/fv3UZn1454743005.jpg.3634c0191afe44ed2c38fe2bc0db0832.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



  • fv3UZn1454743005.jpg
    118.5 KB · Views: 20
There, done with the new character. I think I actually prefer this one over the one I was going to make. I'd usually put a lot more into some things like his bio, but I don't want to take any longer than I already have.
gogojojo331 said:
I changed the title of the roleplay. Because before it was called "Avatar: Army of Five". Which didn't make sense with ten people involved.

cojemo said:
There, done with the new character. I think I actually prefer this one over the one I was going to make. I'd usually put a lot more into some things like his bio, but I don't want to take any longer than I already have.
Good to hear, although I would encourage you to add to your bio if you get any new ideas, because that's going to be important for this RP. That won't effect how quickly the RP starts, so you don't have to worry about that.
Ok so should I change her name to Deepali,Roshni,kasai,or Tejal?
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