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Fandom Avatar: The Trial of Ten

I said there would be an example CS up at some point. However, there is no longer a need. @ThatGuyWithSouvlaki has done a good job on his CS of Kangling. Of course expansion is always welcome and encouraged, but if you are unsure if you're doing it right, check out Kangling's CS.
gogojojo331 said:
I like the theme. I love the 9IN version from rick and morty
Heard both, both are good but find cash just does it better.

CelticHero37 said:
I said there would be an example CS up at some point. However, there is no longer a need. @ThatGuyWithSouvlaki has done a good job on his CS of Kangling. Of course expansion is always welcome and encouraged, but if you are unsure if you're doing it right, check out Kangling's CS.
Thanks for that, i am normally not the best at CSs.
Alright posted my CS... well a bit of it. I need to finish it a little later on. Didn't get her personality and a few other bits down, I'll have to touch it up a bit when I get a chance. ^^
Hanarei said:
Alright posted my CS... well a bit of it. I need to finish it a little later on. Didn't get her personality and a few other bits down, I'll have to touch it up a bit when I get a chance. ^^
I must ask, do you speak German?
CelticHero37 said:
I must ask, do you speak German?
I admit... not really, but yes, totally was taking some elements form the German language, it seemed fitting given the nature of the family (yes... some of what is there is as lame as it sounds :P ) Figured it was a good way to give a cultural element of its own just through the context of it being more just a 'fluke' through an eccentric family. :P
Don't worry, your secret's safe with me ;) I did a double take when I saw that at first. Wasn't sure if I had read it correctly :P
That is what you get when you have a family that likes to 'do there own thing' and stand out in their own way. Screw old names, gotta come up with new ones to be initiative!
Hey there! I have a few things I want to clarify before I begin making a sheet. First, you said this is planned to be a slower moving, detailed RP, correct?

Second, are we allowed to play non-benders? The overview makes it seem that's not the case, but I just want to make sure.
Anyone currently working on character sheets is free to submit them. However, I will be closing the RP to newcomers soon.
Hmmm, and does the non-bender receive the same letter, or do they join the group some other way? Main reason I'm asking this is because the overview makes it known that the people selected are at the very least of notable skill, and I was wondering whether someone with no noticeable combat skills would fit.

Also, how 'soon' will this close?
cojemo said:
Hmmm, and does the non-bender receive the same letter, or do they join the group some other way? Main reason I'm asking this is because the overview makes it known that the people selected are at the very least of notable skill, and I was wondering whether someone with no noticeable combat skills would fit.
Also, how 'soon' will this close?
The non-bender would receive the same letter, that discrepancy is purposeful and will be addressed. Also, they are not necessarily chosen for their skills in combat, but it wouldn't hurt to have something. Don't worry about it closing though, you're allowed to post a CS.
Don't know if it's still allowed to post a CS. But I made my character so that she could do with or without bending and pretty much have the same background. Just in case there is need for a non-bender. It was a bit hard being vague about bending, but I managed...I think. She'd simply have grown up as part of the sandbending tribe, learning the styles of Shanxi Praying Mantis and Zui Quan without ever gaining the ability to bend.

And let's just pretend Zui Quan was around long before it was in actuality. A style that many drunkards used and some capitalized on.
Update 1: Hello everyone! I wish I could continue to accept applications from anyone who would be interested in this RP, but the fact of the matter is, it's designed as a five person adventure. So, I have officially closed the application process to new members. There will be one more person submitting an application who has contacted me via PM. Once that is done, I will finish up with my questions for each of you before making a decision. During my selection process, I might ask if you would be willing and comfortable switching a few things around. For example, gender or bender ability. This is all part of my search to construct the most dynamic team based on what I've seen. Because I like so much of what I see, it's going to be hard just to choose between characters. Thank you for taking the time to apply! I look forward to starting this RP!

Edit: After further observation and consideration, I have noticed that we have exactly twice as many applications as needed. That makes ten RPers. I am making no promises, but if I can work things out, I have an idea that might be able to include everyone.

@WickedKhaleesi @cojemo @sprouhtt @Hanarei @ThatGuyWithSouvlaki @Guydaguy @Robyn Banks @Tenebrous @gogojojo331 @Dai tenshi
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CelticHero37 said:
Update 1: Hello everyone! I wish I could continue to accept applications from anyone who would be interested in this RP, but the fact of the matter is, it's designed as a five person adventure. So, I have officially closed the application process to new members. There will be one more person submitting an application who has contacted me via PM. Once that is done, I will finish up with my questions for each of you before making a decision. During my selection process, I might ask if you would be willing and comfortable switching a few things around. For example, gender or bender ability. This is all part of my search to construct the most dynamic team based on what I've seen. Because I like so much of what I see, it's going to be hard just to choose between characters. Thank you for taking the time to apply! I look forward to starting this RP!
Edit: After further observation and consideration, I have noticed that we have exactly twice as many applications as needed. That makes ten RPers. I am making no promises, but if I can work things out, I have an idea that might be able to include everyone.

@WickedKhaleesi @cojemo @sprouhtt @Hanarei @ThatGuyWithSouvlaki @Guydaguy @Robyn Banks @Tenebrous @gogojojo331 @Dai tenshi
This is your rp. Do whatever you wish. We're just along for the ride.
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Curse it all. I am having so much trouble thinking of a name for my character. -_-

Anyone have any idea's for a earth bender?
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Update 2: Alright guys, here's what I'm looking at so far. I'll do a ten person RP where a girl and a guy are chosen from each element of bending. However, in order to do this, I'd need to switch something around. Those whose positions go uncontested are set if I can get this to work. However, for those that are contested. There are still two open positions in this setup if someone is willing to switch around. If you're willing to take one for the team and switch it up, please send me a PM with your preferences. It would be much appreciated. So, here's what I've got so far:

Male Waterbender: @gogojojo331

Female Waterbender: @sprouhtt

Male Earthbender: @Dai tenshi (?)

Female Earthbender: @cojemo / @WickedKhaleesi

Male Airbender: @Guydaguy

Female Airbender: @ThatGuyWithSouvlaki

Male Firebender: @Tenebrous

Female Firebender: @Robyn Banks

Male Nonbender: Open

Female Nonbender: @Hanarei

Once again, thank you all for the excellent applications! I did not expect to have this much trouble in my decision. For those of you that are safe, feel free to start conversations to discuss relationships between characters prior to the story if you think they would know each other (Hint: @gogojojo331 and @sprouhtt )
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