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Fandom Avatar: The spirits solution RP thread

Kaya listened curiously. She did not need much convincing the fire lord was a terrible person or that he would throw out his son, she thought he would be more intelligent over power hungry. No one would convince her that a power hungry king allowed orders conducted under his name without him knowing or ordering them. However, she was not surprised. "Some royal family, you have there." She commented. "Was Zuko the reason you..." She trailed off not sure how much she should say in the ship. However, her tone and small sly grin showed clear indication that she though Liliana was sweet on the prince. It was reductive and cliché but it was so for a reason. She had done some stupid things for a girl or two in her tribe. The reminder made her sad, but the memory only remained a short time.
Liliana rolls her eyes "One, there's already someone else he likes, who likes him back. Two, I have absolutely no say in those matters whatsoever, you may have grown up in a close knit community, but you'll learn a hard lesson once we actually get you to the city." she says and opens a door "Two guards will be outside your door at all times, no contact with Haru, he's too sympathetic and don't even bother trying to use whatever liquid we give you to escape." she warns the girl.
As Liliana mention harus name he sneezes twice as he sneezes he makes a mark on his journal. He sigh after " Dam I made a mess of my journal someone must be talking about me" he thinks about going to see Liliana but he decides not too.
Kaya chuckled, seemingly remaining defiant against Lilianna's threat of hard lessons. "Oh looks like i struck a nerve there. Poor girly. Unrequited love is always hard. Well... At least it shows you fire nation lot are human behind it all. Also, you are cure when you're all threatening." She winked at her. However, she did resist, simply walking into her room and turned to face her. "I will promise I will be a good water tribe girl." She added, and waited for the door to close before looking around. She had to prepare her plan, going through the two guards was possible even without her water bending but she rather avoids it if she had to. No vents or anything, she could use instead... Well it seemed the front door was the only option. She had to bide her time and pick the right moment.
"Idiot." Liliana mumbles as she walks to the edge of the ship, watching the waves, the plan, while it has some flaws, was almost fool proof, except the guards had to leave the door "Maybe..." she trails off, her eyes scanning the soldiers, she has supplies on this ship, if a fire breaks out there she's sure every soldier on the ship, except Haru maybe, would go to put it out because they didn't want to sink, the problem would be starting a fire there. Then she remembers only she and Kaya know Haru can firebend, so he could set the fire, there are no lanterns or candles so by logical mean he couldn't have done it.
He gets up from the table and he sits on his bed and meditates. He then focus on fire bending by trying to snap his fingers to create a flame on his fingers. He tries multiple times but fails. He starts to get frustrated " come on why is it not working. " He then tries again and a single flame appears on his index finger. He smile " yes it works! " He then rips a piece of paper from his diary and lits on fire. He quickly goes out to throw it into the sea, hoping no one sees the paper and him
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After a while Liliana walks passed Haru's room and she knocks before opening the door "One, please be careful, two I need you to check the supplies we still have on board." she tells him and she adds quietly "Make sure no fires are set." before walking off to check up on Kaya "I hope the trip hasn't been too boring considering you were stuck here the entire time." she says, she puts the tray of food she had gotten down and says "Tea's good, you should try it, I learned from the best.", she had put a spare key in teapot instead of actual tea, better not take any chances.
He gets out of his room and looking abit confused on why he had to check. He slow opens the door of supplies room and pops quickly pops his head to see if there is anyone in and then enters.
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In the dark room he sat within his cell in waiting. He had been meditating deeply since his capture at the hands of the Fire Nation scum, and now he was at sea on their ship. He would be cursing them and all they live for, but now was the time for a clear mind. Although, he had overheard talks with the previously imprisoned girl but her time here in a cell was over. How lucky she was. He hadn't taken the time to really get a look at her to remain concentrated, only seeing the blue clothes she wore. Water tribe... He did catch a glimpse of another though. A Fire Nation girl who had made an appearance at some point. Caomei did not know what game she was playing at, but he knew trusting her was foolish. The girl known as Kaya however, seems to be said fool.

"How could anyone trust scum like that...?" He asked himself as he shifted from the state he had remained since being thrown in here. It was completely necessary that he do so if he wanted to be freed. Still meditation allowed him to make the impossible come easy, and as long as he committed to it this time, he was certain he could escape.

Caomei stood at long last, his shaggy hair falling around his face and blocked his eyes as he took a long, deep breath. His feet slid across the floor as he took paces towards the bars that kept him here. Solid iron bars that would seem impossible to escape from to anyone who was a non-bender such as himself, but he has discovered a power that goes beyond the four elements. He took a widened stance exhaling slowly and concentrated on the bars. With two firm strikes, the martial artist put everything he learned to use against two bars next to one another. Almost miraculously, the bars had become bent at a single point where his fists collided, now with enough space to easily slip through. Step one was complete, step two was trickier.

He turned and stepped through his cage and made his way outside to find two soldiers with the pointed helmets of pure evil. "Fire nation scum..." He lowered his stance once again as they quickly realized what was going on.

"A prisoner has escaped!" One announced out loud before also widening his stance, ready to bend a fireball. But with the speed of a viper, Caomei quickly slid across the hard metal floor and scooped the man's feet out from under him. With a quick strike, Caomei slammed his hand into his chest, pinning him to the floor with ferocity. Several strikes to the torso later, Caomei gave the second soldier a decisive blow to the face that sent him flying backwards. The one who put down first was unwilling to give up, and with a quick forward punch let out a ball of fire towards the prisoner.

While ducking under the attack, Caomei perfectly emulated the movement of the fire bender, too striking with his fist, placing it perfectly center with the man's chest sending him into a wall like the other had. Step two was now too complete. He hated the idea of it, but he had no choice but to don the armor of his foes to blend in and move across the ship freely. He had no idea what to do now, perhaps search for a particularly out of place water girl. He was now on the move.
He enters the supplies he quickly looks for anything to start a fire, he finds some pieces of paper. He rubs his hands to warm them up " come on hands don't let down" he starts snapping his fingers to to start a fire on a finger but it is not working, he take a deep breathe and snaps his fingers and a flame appears on his index finger. "Yes! " He lights the paper and puts the paper in the middles of the supplies. He waits until he can see some of the supplies catch on fire before he leaves. He leaves the supplies room and walks back to his room to wait for Lilianas signal
Kaya eyes softly opened, hearing Lilliana enter her room. "Haven't you heard of knocking?" She asked jokingly, moving out of her meditative stance and sitting on the side of the bed. She looked on curiously as Liliana brought in some tea for her. "Eh, it is no igloo or tepee, but I can't complain considering it could be worse, I am surprised you would serve that sort of thing yourself. Aren't you worried i might use the tea to escape?" She asked, the way she phrased that question and the intention making it clear she was wondering if there was some aid to her escape within it. Why would she take care of her tea and meal personally otherwise?
"I would be worried, but these ships hadn't been made to ensure waterbenders can't escape." Liliana says before walking out and she closes the door, locking it with her own key. As she passes the supply room she stops seeing smoke, guess he got the hint after all "Alright what idiot set fire to our supplies?!" she yells while she enters the deck, making everyone jump and panic "Put it out now!" she orders. The general on the ship also has the two guarding Kaya's room come to douse the fire, so the door is unguarded and Kaya has the key "That should be enough of a signal for Haru." she mumbles.

Iroh stops Caomei "Ah should've known you would be able to escape." he deadpans, instead of going to the usual fire bending stance he doesn't move "I do advise you to get back to the cells because I will not be as easily defeated as those soldiers." he points out, its no threat "Besides, if you had paid attention you would realize you were on a ship heading away from the fire nation lands, people really don't pay enough attention these days.

ThatGuyWithSouvlaki ThatGuyWithSouvlaki gankma gankma ZackStop ZackStop
Kaya did not reply just watched the fire nation leader leave. Part of her wanted to learn more about her and pitted the state affairs that made them on opposite sides. Likely once she had escaped it would be unlikely they would meet. However there was they fact of their duel bending abilities, what is chance or fate that made them meet and be similarly capable? Would they keep her apart from long?

As the door opened she heard some faint commotion before the door close? Was that trouble? She wondered. Regardless she picked up a little of food and eat it before wrapping up the rest for her escape. She picked up the tea pot and shook hearing something knocking the side. She opened the lid and saw the key. She smiled and as she bedded the boiling water out and picked up the key. Returning the water, she moved to the door and tested the key. It opened easily and so she took a moment to peek outside.

No one was about and she could here some nice from the other side. Was it her opportunity? Might as well. She descided, she formed the tea water into an ice knife in her hand and slowly and quietly moving to the opposite direction of the commotion. She just needed to get to the deck and have access to ther sea.
Caomei pulled at his collar in this uncomfortable suit of armor while making his way down the hallway. It wasn't too heavy but it was constricting, especially in the stuffy helmet where the eyeholes were way too small for his taste. It was long walking in a tunnel where all around him was a void. He had no idea how these fire nation dogs fought in these things, but he may soon find out.

As he turned the corner he heard a man behind him. An old, shorter man was speaking to him and somehow knew he was an escaped prisoner despite him dressed head to toe in the same armor as any foot soldier. It was baffling but he still kept his cool and remained there for a moment, letting the man speak to his back. But why the elder was lecturing him he did not know.

"I don't give a damn where this ship is heading..." Slowly, the young man turned to face Iroh a harshness building in his voice. "...not like I chose to be captured did I?" The simple notion that he wasn't being perceptive grinded his gears. One thing the once feared general was correct about however was the ease Caomei could dispatch him. He was not one to strike down an elder, even if that elder was fire nation scum. It would only leave him with moral qualms. "Don't waste my time old man. Just stay out of my way." He warned, before turning once more to leave. He hoped the old fire bender did not make himself an enemy.
Sadly enough for Kaya the only route would be towards the engines of the ship, a route which happens to pass by Liliana's room, where all Kaya's stuff is stored.

"No, but you choose to escape and steal a uniform." Iroh says as he surrounds Caomei with flames "And don't try to chi block me, also you should care, because there is literally nowhere you can go." he adds, they were on open waters, freezing open waters, even if Caomei could get out of the ship there was nowhere to go "So you either come with me or we will have to do this the hard way, your choice."
He walks back toward his room. He couldn't believe he actually used his fire bending for something and he feels a bit of a rebel for doing something he shouldn't be doing. As he heads back to his room he wonders what to do next. Should he go see liliana or check up on kaya.
He was strangely persistent for an old man. He built like someone who would much rather spend his time peacefully, drinking tea, playing pai sho, but fire benders at heart are ruthless monsters. Perhaps Caomei was willing to accept that they couldn't all be bad. That some could have a heart, but he was wrong.

"Old age hasn't granted you tranquility it seems. I do have a soft spot for the elderly, but..." He slowly removed the helmet he stole off of the soldier, letting his dark shaggy locks free. It was freeing even after being in it for a short time. He felt the gentle heat coming from the ring around him, the crimson lights bringing back the memories of his tarnished home. It fueled his body with rage as fiery as the enemy's weapon. "...but a cruel monster never does change, does he?" With that sneering remark he gave the helmet a light toss in the air, and emulating the acrobatics of fire bending, Caomei struck it with his foot.

A vicious velocity sent the helmet straight over the flames and towards Iroh's center of mass. It gave the old man something else to worry about while buying Caomei some time to traverse the wall of flame. The young martial artist landed after his flying kick and transferred the momentum into a punch. Generating enough force to part the fire, he made a mad dash down the hall.
Iroh sighs as he blocks the helmet before using more fire to block Caomei "And you need to stop pretending you know everything." he says, he really didn't wanna hurt this kid, the fire nation was ruthless to those opposing them, even their own people, of course outsiders saw everyone as the same, a big mistake on Caomei's part, especially since he's running the wrong way "But if you'd rather freeze to death out there then it's your choice, not mine.".

Liliana walks to Haru, watching the soldiers run around trying to douse the fire "Well, not much we can do now can we?" she asks, sure she could douse the fire herself and would, if this wasn't part of the plan "Though after this it's back to one." she mumbles.
He looks at her " I guess we just wait to get rescued?" He stretches. " I'm going to head back to my room" he walks back to the direct of his room. He hears two people shouting and fighting and he sees iroh and caomei are fighting. He Stops, and mumbles to himself" should I go help or should I go back to Liliana to tell what is happening? "
It soon became apparent to Kaya that she was going deeper into the ship rather than to the deck. Why did the fire nation insists to make their ships so big and maze like. What is wrong with a simple canoe or boat? Still she had to keep moving forward, checking each door for any potential out. Eventually coming across to Liliana's room.

She spotted her water skin and rushed to it without a second thought, feeling a great relief to have it returned. She placed in on her belt and tried to figure out her next move. She exited and found herself in the engine room. She cursed as she was almost seen by the engineers trying to get the ship moving again. She dipped behind some machinery.

Thinking quickly and having no other answers she decided that if she could not find an answer, she could certainly ask for it. She opened her water skin before knocking on the metallic machinery to attract an engineers attention.
Sadly enough for the engineers Kaya hit a weaker part of the machinery and cuts it open, causing screams and yells from the engineers as they flee the room, heading towards deck and yelling that the engine's gonna explode, this causes a chain reaction, the soldiers yelling and throwing themselves overboard while there's still a short while before it actually happens "Get back in there and fix it, you can use your firebending to fix the pipe!" a general scolds one of the engineers. Liliana watches it unfold with her arms crossed, honestly, this plan was working even better with idiots like this on the ship "Haru!" she yells, he shouldn't be in the ship itself when it exploded.
He hear lilana call his name and heads back to her then he sees soliders in the water, he realized what was about to happen. He says to liliana " we got to go". He extends his hand to help her jump off
Kaya curse feeling her hand go through what she thought was firm metal when she was merely attempting a light tap. Steam shot out from the hole, almost scolding her hands if she did not barely remove it in time as she tried to duck away. Pipes continued to burst as well as further machinery began to explode around her, she rushed out as best she can to get out of the worsening situation. She cursed as she rushed out barely avoiding the gets of steam and trying to end it away if it came a little too close to comfort. She made it out of the engine room and rushed at the opposite direction she took to get there, facing the fire nation was better than dealing with the exploding machinery.

To her relief she finally saw sunlight once she reached a some step, the explosion behind her only getting louder. If people were after her or moving past her she did not care, just tried her best to get out on deck and get off the ship as soon as possible. She just reached the edge of the ship and prepared for herself to dive into the water.
Liliana chuckles "I appreciate the gesture, but I can manage." she says and she hears the explosions getting louder so she vaults over the railing of the ship, using airbending to give herself a tiny boost and she really hopes someone is nearby since that is basically the only unknown factor in the entire plan. She does send a fireball in the air to signal that they need the help before she lands in the water just as the ship explodes.
He mumbles " I offered" he jumps off the boat as well and lands in the water and cries for help.

On zukos boat far off. A soldier on the deck sees a fireball in the distance, he takes a binoculars and looks in it. He gasps " my goodness" he sees the small fire nation boat on fire and multiple soldiers floating round it. he runs to zukos.

Zukos, meditating, the soldier comes into his room. In a angry voice " what do you want" the soldier abit shaky voice" zuko there's a fire nation boat in the distance up in flames. There are multiple soldiers floating in the sea. Zuko remembers that Liliana was on that boat with the water bender. He gets up " tell the captain to go there now and fast".

The captain hears the command and the boat goes to the small boat on fire.

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