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Fandom Avatar: The Resurgence

@Miss Ditzy

I was planning to give Rufus some knowlegde about the old benders, due to his reading addiction he found a single book about it with some basic info about the element and some info about Kyoshi, Roku, Aang and Korra.

If you approve with this, we could work out the things he knows? Otherwise he just knows the 100 years of Darkness war
@gogojojo331 that's fine, as long as you have all the stuff in your CS. But what I meant was what element they bent or if they are a nonbender. (personally I wouldn't suggest making a firebender because we already (technically) have 3. So right now this is me politely asking that they not be a firebender.)

@Savagai It wouldn't be scholar level or primary source level knowledge, but he can be familiar with the ins and outs of what the "legends" say.
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I'm interested I guess. Could I be a metal bender?
@Kirko "you guess?" Where's the enthusiasm at?! lol jk, anyway sure a metal bender sounds fine to me. ^^
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Miss Ditzy] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/6388-gogojojo331/ said:
@gogojojo331[/URL] that's fine, as long as you have all the stuff in your CS. But what I meant was what element they bent or if they are a nonbender. (personally I wouldn't suggest making a firebender because we already (technically) have 3. So right now this is me politely asking that they not be a firebender.)
@Savagai It wouldn't be scholar level or primary source level knowledge, but he can be familiar with the ins and outs of what the "legends" say.
Mine was a waterbender in training.
Miss Ditzy] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/6388-gogojojo331/ said:
@gogojojo331[/URL] @Kirko @DialgaMatthewa
Just a polite little poke to see if you are still interested in joining and the progress on your characters if you are. I will try waiting for you if you need a little more time.

Now this message is for everyone: I am currently working on the first post and I am just making sure if everyone is going to be meeting up at the same place for the beginning of the rp (Meaning you have all gotten the strange dream telling you to meet at the mysterious location.). If you are planning on doing something slightly different or have any other questions, please let me know now so I can accommodate the changes.
I am. I am also focusing on a Naruto RP I am currently in. My character is going to be a detached politician who is obsessed with power.
gogojojo331 said:
Mine was a waterbender in training.
Sounds good! But just reminding you that everyone will technically be "in-training" because they will only just learn they can bend in the beginning of the RP. No one will know that they can bend prior to that.

DialgaMatthewa said:
I am. I am also focusing on a Naruto RP I am currently in. My character is going to be a detached politician who is obsessed with power.
That's fine! I understand that doing multiple Rps can be hard. I'll also talk to you later about connecting your character with the main bad guy I had planned. But for now just fill out the CS like everyone else.
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this is him

gogojojo331 said:


Mi Hin

Nickname (Optional):

Gender: Male

Hair Color:Black

Eye Color: Blue

General Appearance:

View attachment 230886

Tribe: Water

Important Relations (Optional): Biological parents Mother (Mei) And Father (Jin) and Brother (Sica)


Element (Optional):Water

Level of Bending Expertise: None

Favored Bender Abilities: None

Personality (Description):

He is the definition of cocky and brash. He has a knack of rushing headfirst into danger if he believes he can handle it, and most times, he can't. Hotheaded, and harboring a short temper, he could easily get into an argument and lose. His fighting style is fierce and frenetic, which while making him unpredictable, burns his energy fast. He also harbors deep seated issues about his past he feels uncomfortable about bringing up. It's complicated his life more than you can think.

Biography (Description):

He was born to a small tribe of water-benders, in the south pole. Brought up to be a strong hunter and to take up the role as father and leader of the tribe, he was taught the basics of fighting and hunting. This was all he knew for a while, lacking any form of formal schooling and has been called a Savage by his fire nation captors. His life seemed great until something happened. The Fire Nation attacked his area, obliterating them in an instant, and took those who didn't die as hostages or ship slaves. For months, he endured dehumanizing and terrible torture. Eventually, fate intervened as the ship was attacked and the ship crashed on the shores of the north pole, where he took the first opportunity to escape, and he ran toward the nearest shelter.He has lived with a foster family ever since.

Notable Possessions (Optional): Platypus Bear claw Necklace and sword


Possible Spirit Animal (Optional):

Other Notes:

Theme Song (Optional):


gogojojo331 said:


Mi Hin

Nickname (Optional):

Gender: Male

Hair Color:Black

Eye Color: Blue

General Appearance:

View attachment 230886

Tribe: Water

Important Relations (Optional): Biological parents Mother (Mei) And Father (Jin) and Brother (Sica)


Element (Optional):Water

Level of Bending Expertise: None

Favored Bender Abilities: None

Personality (Description):

He is the definition of cocky and brash. He has a knack of rushing headfirst into danger if he believes he can handle it, and most times, he can't. Hotheaded, and harboring a short temper, he could easily get into an argument and lose. His fighting style is fierce and frenetic, which while making him unpredictable, burns his energy fast. He also harbors deep seated issues about his past he feels uncomfortable about bringing up. It's complicated his life more than you can think.

Biography (Description):

He was born to a small tribe of water-benders, in the south pole. Brought up to be a strong hunter and to take up the role as father and leader of the tribe, he was taught the basics of fighting and hunting. This was all he knew for a while, lacking any form of formal schooling and has been called a Savage by his fire nation captors. His life seemed great until something happened. The Fire Nation attacked his area, obliterating them in an instant, and took those who didn't die as hostages or ship slaves. For months, he endured dehumanizing and terrible torture. Eventually, fate intervened as the ship was attacked and the ship crashed on the shores of the north pole, where he took the first opportunity to escape, and he ran toward the nearest shelter.He has lived with a foster family ever since.

Notable Possessions (Optional): Platypus Bear claw Necklace and sword


Possible Spirit Animal (Optional):

Other Notes:

Theme Song (Optional):


Looks pretty good though there are going to be some things that you'd have to add/tweak. Mainly the background since unfortunately the water tribes, earth kingdom, air nation, and fire nation no longer exist. Properly that is. There are still areas populated by people in small villages run by families or bandit gangs. But there are no higher governments above those (the exception being within the Neo Republic of Nations.) You can have your character come from outside the city (which I forgot to mention to everyone else. Sorry! ><) as long as they are in the city at the time of the rp.

Aside from that you only need to add a few more pieces and move some things to match the Character Sheet for the rp so I can accept him. ^^
Just something I came up with. Even though there's an earth bending master, could there be an exclusive metal bending master?
When i say earthbending master that's just the person who is specifically chosen to help teach the avatar that element, since they will be more naturally skilled in it. (Idk if anyone else understood what i meant by that and I apologize for not making that clearer before either.) But your character can be the one specifically best at metalbending, sure if that's what you meant.
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@SilverFlight Well I actually play more mercy or pharah xD But Tracer is definitely a personal favorite of mine in terms of actual character.

@Savagai That'd probably be a good idea lol.


I'll finish up the first post later today guys and hopefully we'll be ready to start by then! ^^
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Miss Ditzy] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/3029-silverflight/ said:
@SilverFlight[/URL] Well I actually play more mercy or pharah xD But Tracer is definitely a personal favorite of mine in terms of actual character.
@Savagai That'd probably be a good idea lol.


I'll finish up the first post later today guys and hopefully we'll be ready to start by then! ^^
Awesome ^^

I love playing Tracer. I'm not too shabby at Roadhog, Lucio and Mei either. Great game. xD
I will get the start finished up as soon as I can (I am currently on my phone so I don't want to deal with that right now.) But you can expect it within the next hour or so. @gogojojo331 @DialgaMatthewa Not rushing you guys with your characters but just reminding you that I have to accept your characters before you can hop in and rp.

So before we start some things to note:

-I prefer quality over quantity. I know I said I want you to be active but one really nice post a day is better to me than 5 lack-luster posts. Also remember that this is detailed-casual. So 1+ paragraph per post.

-Remember that I am the high and mighty GM. You have all signed your souls to me and play by my rules. (lol jk, but seriously. My say will always be final. I will always try to keep things fair.)

-Avoid too many 1x1 tangents. include people!

- Any NPC that I bring in can only be controlled by me. If I bring one in that probably means that they will/can contribute a decent amount to plot so keep them in my possession. (You are allowed to make/control your own NPCs to do things like asking around or if they're from your character's backstory and you want to bring them up.)

- You are allowed to make secrets among one another if you feel like it.

- Romance is fine as long as both parties are fine with that. (But develop their relationship before making it official)

- I am honestly both pleasantly surprised and relieved to see that we have an equal amount of elements (and nonbenders) and genders. So that's nice. (I also noticed that a lot of the characters are either arrogant, stubborn, reckless or a mixture of those. I can't wait to see how this bunch of troublesome teenagers will actually save the world xD )

- So with that said, let's do this and have some fun!
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update: Getting held up by a few things at the moment, so I'll have to finish the starter a little later. But it'll be up as soon as it's done.

When the first post comes up, would you guys not spam too much? I know this is an awesome roleplay, but for me as European it is just somethings too difficult to catch up.

Like now, it's 1 in the morning, and I won't wake up before 11 cause I had a party.

I'd really like if you guys keep that in mind :)
Sure, I'll post only once before I see a post from you. Seems like a fair standard.
I love how most of you guys are reckless, arrogant little hotheads and then Kalista's just over here like "So...um..."

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