Avatar: The Descend of Kings.

"Well, I don't think you want to risk hurting either of them. I wouldn't either. Or me. I like my appendages where they are, thank you. Now, I'm going to go check the rest of the village out. I want to make sure no unfriendly eyes or ears are around. Don't tell anyone about what we've discussed." Soon picked up her cloak and wrapped it over her robes, pulling the hood up as she moved away from the bank.

The Air Nomad made her way up into the village, then found some high ground from which she could survey the region. That river really worried her. An attack could come right into the village that way, and it'd be difficult to defend against it.
When Soon left Iwaishi went back to perfecting his techniques, including a few more dangerous then the one he had used to take Soon by surprise. A couple of hours later he left, bidding Kantath farewell and thanking him for his assistance. As he headed back into town he noticed several suspicious characters attempting to look like they fit in. Too bad for them the small village was tight knit and everyone knew each other, making it very hard for an intruder to surprise anyone, especially Iwaishi. Iwaishi continued on through the town greeting everyone he met from the children to the animals. He counted at least fifty newcomers trying to fit in. He got to his home and locked the door behind him. He found Nara on the chair by the barely burning fire and Akota sleeping at the back entryway with the cat Soon had brought sleeping on his head. Iwaishi laughed a muffled laugh as to not wake them up and went to the kitchen putting the bag now empty of any food or liquids next to his icebox. He thought of the suspicious activity all over town and hoped it was just a new batch of refugees passing through. This happened once every few months and only a couple stay in there village as the rest move on heading towards Ba Sing Se most of the time. Iwaishi decided that must be what was going on and he quickly relaxed laying on the couch across from the back door and went to sleep.
((Angel and I did a little mucking about while planning for this RP, so this is hers and mine. :D ))

Only with a great deal of convincing was Iseul able to get herself out of the hammock she had strung between two trees by the river. The calm of the morning was almost enough to make the young woman delay the inevitable trip into the village by sleeping in even longer, but the logical part of her mind kept that from happening. As lackadaisical as her wanderings may have appeared, there was a reason for them, and sleeping through the day wasn’t one of them.

With a shake of her head, Iseul rid the last tendrils of sleep from her mind and walked to the river a few paces away. The sight of the village on the other side of the river was enough to invigorate her, and with an easy smile Iseul bounced on her heels as she watched fishing boats pass by. After several moments spent watching the bustling villagers go about their morning routines, Iseul returned to her campsite. Before packing up her belongings, she spent some time stretching out her arms and legs, enjoying the relief that came from all the small pops and creaks. There wasn’t much need for her to spend so much time working the fatigue and stiffness from her limbs, but after so many years of doing it each morning before training it was fully ingrained into her morning rituals.

Once everything was finally packed up, Iseul headed for the village and braced herself for the sensory overload it would present to her. So many sounds, so many people and things rushing by, it could be almost disorienting for her.


Around noon, the airbender decided to come down from her perch to begin a more thorough reconnaissance on the ground than she had done the previous night. Running around in the dark, and ducking down random alleys like a paranoid lemur didn’t exactly give one a good grasp of the layout. Nor of the people, and that was what Soon was truly interested in. She needed to check under every stone for revolutionary activity in River Village. There was no other way she could consider this an even remotely safe base out of which to work.

Soon made comprehensive mental notes of the faces of the major merchants, shopkeeps and the innkeeper. These were people who would know if something was amiss, if someone suspicious were to suddenly start lurking about the village. She’d been to small communities before, and she knew how they were operated. Everyone knew everyone, and everyone was probably related in some way or another. Which was why she went to the trouble of hiding her own face or simply avoiding being seen as much as she could; it wouldn’t pay for her to become the new stranger everyone was gossiping about.

Eventually she settled herself near a shop and made a show of buying a few supplies and making it look like she was provisioning herself. Just passing through, she silently told the villagers as they passed by. Nothing to see here. No airbenders or anything. She’d removed her hood to avoid looking too shady, but was careful to keep the cloak over her nomad garb.


Iseul flitted from merchant to merchant, examining prices and chatting idly with the locals. She had found over the course of her travels that the more she talked, the less questions people would ask. It mattered little what it was she would talk about, the people would still have their curiosity sated so long as she didn’t avoid conversation. Occasionally there were those who were insistent, but there was a way to work with the truth to change the topic.

“Traveling alone? Your parents must be worried!” A plump, matronly merchant looked at Iseul with concern and curiosity after a brief exchange, proving herself to be one of the more insistent types.

Iseul only chuckled, grinning as she looked over the breads the woman had in her stall. “Oh, I suppose they must be. I let them know I’m okay, though, with the occasional letter. Sometimes I’ll even send them a drawing of where I’ve been.” To help her change of topic, she pulled a piece of paper from her bag, upon which was a charcoal sketch of the village from the other side of the river. The merchant leaned over to look at it, smiling.

“How lovely! You could earn a living with talent like that.”

“Actually, that’s how I get money for supplies. If you’d like, though, I’d be willing to trade a few drawings for some bread.” Only a moment of thought was needed before the merchant nodded, and after all was said and done Iseul walked away with two loaves.

Several stalls later, Iseul stopped to view the wares of a vegetable stall. Another traveler was already there, made apparent by the cloak they wore, and Iseul gave her a smile and a nod before turning her attention to prices. Down the road, a commotion came from a shop as several people were tossed onto the street. The ensuing noise was enough to elicit a headache from Iseul, who was posed to leave to somewhere quiet, but another barrage of noise came from the opposite direction as a stall’s contents were emptied onto the street after a couple of children ran into it. Feeling a tad overwhelmed, Iseul rubbed her ears, trying to block out some of the sounds.


“Oh but they do like their noise around here. What do you suppose it going on?” Soon asked, not really looking up from her pack. She planned on leaving the goods at Iwaishi’s house, and blackmailing the innkeeper, who she had noticed was not the most upstanding of fellows, into letting her stay at the inn for free.


Iseul responded without thinking, the noises ricocheting around in her head. Everything was sharp and clear, but unrelenting and unable to be ignored. “The shop owner kicked out three people, and is yelling at one for stealing and the other two for fighting to cause distraction. The stall over there was knocked over by a boy and a girl; their mother—no, grandmother—is yelling at them for playing so recklessly, while the merchant is asking for help to clean up.” Closing her eyes with a frown, Iseul rubbed her temples.


“You’re pretty good. Ears like a fox, you have. So long as nobody’s killing each other over there.” Soon chuckled. It would have taken much harder listening on her part, and she probably would have had to move closer to hear each individual conversation. It definitely went to show you that constantly having torrents of air next to your head was not good for your hearing.

“So I guess you’re not from around here either. If you were, you’d know these people by name. I’m Soon. Also not from around here. You a scout or a tracker? You have that vibe about you.”

The water in River Village was clear unlike Sakari’s mind. She still had so much ground to cover with little to no idea what direction to go. River Village was a nice enough little town, perhaps she’d stay here for a while. It had been a while since she had been home; she missed the cold weather and her family. Although she didn’t miss the sexism and racism of the old ideals that the Northern Water Tribe still held, and Sakari didn’t see any of that in the Earth Kingdom. She had to remember that she was more than traveling; she was also on the run. She wasn’t sure if the revolutionaries had caught onto her scent yet but she had to avoid any sort of conflict with anyone because word traveled fast.

Sakari quickly turned her head when she heard a twig snap behind her. She jumped up as fast as she could into her fighting stance. Two men, who looked to be revolutionary soldiers had came up behind her. They were both wearing outfits decorated in red with gold emblems. Sakari had seen all sort of uniforms for revolutionaries, usually sorted by the element they bended. The colors seemed to be green for earth, Red for fire and grey for nonbenders. Sakari had not seen any air or water benders working with the Revolutionaries in her travels so far.

“We don’t get too many waterbenders through here.” One of the men said, looking directing into Sakari’s blue eyes. The other man strolled a few feet closer to Sakari, “Yeah, and word on the street is that the chieftain’s daughter is missing. Do you know anything about that?” Sakari shook her head, “No, Sir. I’m from Ba Sing Se,” she lied. Whether the two men really thought Sakari was the chieftain’s daughter wasn’t apparent; It was possible that they were bored and were looking for a way to entertain themselves. “Well, we’ll have to take you into custody just to be sure.” The men stepped forward, getting into their own fighting stances. Sakari looked desperately for a way out, not wanting to fight the two men.

Iseul smiled, in part from the fact that things were starting to quiet down. "I'm more of a wanderer, actually. Or maybe a 'searcher.' I'm looking my purpose, the meaning of my life. Answers to all those big questions, you know?" She placed her hands on her hips, looking up at Soon brightly. "What about you? You look like you're— did you hear that?" Her expression changing, Iseul looked over Soon's shoulder and towards the entrance to the forest near-by. Voices, which sounded none too pleasant, could be heard, blending in with the sounds of the wind.
Soon turned looked in the same direction. "I heard something. What is it?" By the way the girl's features suddenly shifted, she guessed it couldn't be anything good.
Iseul just shook her head, brow furrowing, before sprinting off towards where the sound had come from. It was revolutionaries causing trouble, but she knew better than to talk about them out loud. It was impossible to tell who was and who wasn't a supporter, and given the climate of the world no mistakes could be afforded.

The men made the first move, one shooting fire toward her feet and the other toward her head. They telegraphed their attacks and Sakari easily dodged them. She felt the heat from the fire brush by her ear when the first firebender sent another gush of fire her way. Using water from the river, Sakari bended the water to creep beneath their feet and freeze them to the ground. The hold wouldn’t last long, but thankfully river village was surrounded by water that Sakari could use if they continued to pursue her. Sakari rushed away from the men and into the city scape, hoping they wouldn’t continue the fight for fear of endangering civilians. However, when they followed Sakari into the market place she realized they didn’t care for the safety of the town or its people.

Luckily the two men were large and slow so Sakari could dodge their attacks smoothly, but she couldn’t run forever. Taking water from a jug at a merchant’s stall, Sakari whipped her water toward the men. By this time most of the village had ran inside, seeking cover from the battle.

Ooc| Hope you don’t mind if I shake things up a bit. Feel free to gm the NPC revolutionaries, or bring in one or two more ^-^

Soon fell in beside Iseul as they reached the fighting that had broken out.

"Hey! Leave her alone! Wouldn't you rather have me? You've been looking for Soon the Roamer, haven't you?"
Iseul tensed when Soon drew the attention of the revolutionaries. She had always avoided them, kept her head down when they caused trouble, and as a result she was always left alone. Seeing the violence with her own eyes, however, made it difficult to turn away. Was it better to be a coward and run, or was it better to be a fool and risk everything her family had done for her?

After a pause that lasted the beat of a heart, Iseul's pack slipped from her hand and she bolted off. To all appearances, it seemed as if she were running away as she ducked into an alley, but she made a sharp turn and returned to the street behind the revolutionaries. As an unusual quiet filled her, Iseul swiftly attacked one of the men, her fingers striking various points on his body with trained precision. The second man turned to attack, unleashing a wave a fire at her as the first man fell to the ground. Iseul ducked and rolled under the blast, narrowly avoiding it and ending up back at Soon's side.
Soon drew in a breath, instinctively working to cover the girl she'd met. The firebender didn't know what hit him as she unleashed the load from her lungs, hitting him with a wind so intense that he was lifted off his feet and carried backwards, losing any control of his firebending stance and blowing him all the way to the river.
Iwaishi woke with a start when he began to hear sounds of disturbance in the town square and marketplace. Sounds he had never heard in town before, sounds of battle. He stood up quickly and dressed just as fast. He opened the back door and saw off two or three doors down in the marketplace. There was fire being thrown around and men chasing a young women. Not only this but they were not caring who they hit. Iwaishi saw two others begin to join in the chase when their fire went wild and hit one of the young girls in the square with their mother. Iwaishi began to tremble with a rage he had not felt in many years. He ran towards the marketplace opening the gate in case Akota or Nara wished to help. But when he recognized his kindly landlord trying to stop the men and being struck down by fire something snapped. Iwaishi's rage broke over in a torrent and his eyes began to glow blue.
That can't be good... Soon felt the ground rumble, saw the glow from a few blocks over. "Guess that saves me the trouble of testing him." She whistled to get the attention of the other two girls as soon as she was sure the two rebels weren't getting back up. "Listen up! I'm gonna need you to trust me right now! See that light? It's coming from an earthbender in town and he may or may not be the Avatar; right now I'm thinking the former seems more likely! We need to find someway to contain him before he levels this place! I wouldn't ask but I can't do it alone without killing him."
A third revoloutionary who had been traveling with the group who was wearing grey being a Non-Bender had heard the commotion and decided to check on his comrades. He had snuck up behind Soon and Sakari and he had began spinning a chain with a strange spiked octagon shape on it, ready to crush them with it.

Out of nowhere a boy riding a Lion Armadillo jumped him and pinned him to the ground as it growled at him.

"Getting in trouble as usual I see, Soon."

The boy smiled at the airbender, his hair being kept out of his face by his headband as he had that cheeky smirk.

The Lion Armadillo continued to growl at the Rev. (Short for Revoloutionary, we don't need to write it out every time) as he bared her fangs at him.

He discreetly reached into his pocket as he pulled out some firecrackers and threw them out at Kira's face causing the Lion Armadillo to jump back in pain, slightly dazed as the Rev grabbed his chain and jumped back into attacking position reading to wallop them with his weapon.

(Sorry just wanted to get myself in and give us something to do till our Avatar can post again...)
Soon nodded and hesitantly returned the smile. "Right, thanks for the back-up... you!" She knew she recognised him from somewhere, but she didn't tend to keep track of people she met on the road. Her reaction wasn't to blast him off his feet, so he couldn't have been that bad.

That soldier with the chain, however, was a bit of a problem. She launched one air blade that severed the chain, followed by a pair of air punches that first unbalanced the man, then took him off his feet.
(Well you not even remembering my character defeats the point of them being friends so never mind that idea :P )

As the Rev's chain was cut his eyes widen in terror and after only a few punches he ran in terror knowing he was outclassed.

Zeke stuck his tongue at the man.

"Yeah, get outta here!"

He pet Kira on the head as she purred in delight and moved her head up.

"Good girl, well done. You showed that ugly Rev who is boss!"

She continued to purr and smile, baring her fangs.

He looked back to the airbender and her new "friends".

"So what is with that light from town, are they attack there as well?"

Suddenly two unnamed girls jumped to Sakari’s aid. The firebenders were distracted for the moment and whoever the girls were, they knew how to fight. Sakari knew that she had the skill to fight these men but she didn’t want to reveal her skill until she needed to. It seemed that Sakari had only escaped the men for a brief second until another one showed up. He was a non-bender, wearing the grey uniform and throwing knives. From the sounds behind Sakari, another revolutionary had joined the battle along with her new enemy.

Sakari cried out in pain after a throwing knife plummeted into her shoulder with extreme force. She pulled the knife out of her shoulder and ducked behind a low wall, giving herself enough time to heal the wound enough so she could fight. The non-bender was a lot more agile than the firebenders she had faced earlier. He slipped over the wall with grace continuing to attack with speed that almost matched Sakaris’. She evaded, dodged and slipped around her enemy until a swift kick to his ribcage and another water whip to his temples sent him to the ground.

The two girls who Sakari had seen earlier had now been joined by a boy of some sort, and they were now defeating the other non-bender. When Sakari saw the blue light, however, she raced to the center of town. There was no question in her mind as to what was happening. She had heard stories of the Avatar state, but had never seen it in real life. The Airbender was shouting instructions and Sakari responded. “If we can’t get to him physically, we must get through to his emotional side.” The revolutionaries that were once in the town square had now run off, either out of fright or to inform their superior of the return of the Avatar. Taking another look around, Sakari examined the damage. The rock walkways in the town was upturned and ragged from the earthbenders, wooden homes were on fire and injured littered the village ground. There must have been a small contingent of men and Sakari and the others were merely facing a small amount.

From what she could tell, the boy had gone into the Avatar State because he felt threatened; his home and the people he knew were being destroyed. “Stop! The fighting is over now, the enemy has fled!” Sakari yelled inching closer. Her words didn’t seem to be getting through to him. “Look!” She bended a very large amount of water from the river and drifted it over the town, concentrating on moving her hands and mind with the water. A light rain began to sprinkle over the village, putting out the fire on the houses. She could feel that she and the water were not two separate entities, but once force moving together. After a few minutes the rain stopped and Sakari was out of breath. She hoped that perhaps her temporary ‘allies’ had picked up on her plan. “We can fix this. But you need to stop before you hurt the people you’re trying to protect!”

Ooc| If you could, please length your response a bit! Thank you (:

Soon followed the Water Tribe girl quickly, yelling at the others to do what they could in getting the situation under control, hastily telling the firebender that the light was from the Avatar. She generated an air wheel and rode it through the town, putting out a few isolated fires that the waterbender had missed. She shifted the current horizontally and formed it into a spout to hold herself aloft and remove some of the debris from the square, positioning herself near the other girl in case the Avatar flew further off the handle.

"She's right! Iwaishi, they've run! We beat them! They're scared of you. If you don't calm down you could destroy this whole town!" She let herself drift to the ground, holding up her hands to show she meant no harm.

She stood beside the waterbender and looked the girl over. She could tell she was a very strong bender, and that was what she needed. In her studies of the Avatar State, Soon knew how quickly Iwaishi could get out of control. It would take either a lucky strike or the equivalent of several bending masters to subdue him. If nothing else, she hoped they'd be able to distract him long enough for that chi-blocker to sneak up on him.

"I don't suppose you can freeze a rampaging Avatar," she remarked to the waterbender sarcastically. She knew nothing they did would be all that effective.
Iseul was hesitant to follow the others to the center of the city where the Avatar was. After all, what could she do to settle him down? She could hardly keep herself calm and focused!

Conflicted, and irritated at herself for her confliction, Iseul rubbed her temples. This was not something she should involve herself in, but... what did it matter? By attacking a revolutionary with a wanted woman, she'd already earn herself a space on future wanted posters. Her options were quite few, now, and there wasn't much she could do about it. Sighing loudly, Iseul's shoulders dropped. There was no question about it, then, she'd already crossed a line and may as well continue going.

Her choices already made for her, Iseul grabbed her pack from off of the ground and headed for the center of the town where Soon and the waterbender were no doubt trying to help the Avatar.
Zeke raced along Kira through town using his Firebending to extinguish any extra extra fires along the way as he cursed under his breath.

"Those Revs give Firebenders a bad name! Come on Kira."

He called to her to ride faster as she raced through town following these girls, the avatar... Could it be true, he honestly didn't believe it. The avatar was missing, but the idea that they could find him and maybe he could help train him and end this stupid war... no, it couldn't be true. It wasn't true, but then he had to figure out this light...

As they got to the boy and he saw the power emanating from him as well as the light, Zeke was immediately overwhelmed as was Kira who had to take a step back and growl.

No he couldn't be the Avatar, Zeke had to tell himself again. He couldn't, but... he had to stop or he could destroy this entire town...

"Yo! You gotta stop, those Revs are gone. You can relax now... Relax! You have to relax or you are going to kill everyone you have ever cared about!!!"

He yelled out angrily as even Kira added her two cents letting out a loud roar to try and awaken the boy.
Iwaishi rage tripled with each person he recognized having been struck down. He had never felt such a powerful emotion before. It was like a thousand earthquakes being set off at once in his body. He shot thin laser thickness blasts of fire as hot as the center of a volcano at every firebender he saw hurting people. He began to throw small stone daggers and ice spears and blades of air all at once killing at least eleven fire benders as they tried to flee. The rage grew and grew as thousands of other voices and feelings of rage manifested in him from Avatar's past. The feelings of the pointlessness of killing someone innocent, the fact that they were always killed to get to himself, that he cant save everyone, and the world always lapses back into war. These as well as many other reasons drove him to kill those who had raised a hand to the innocents in his village, HIS VILLAGE!!!

That they would dare to do so was one of the worst mistakes they would make in their lives. As the last firebenders fled a small group who seemed to have helped some of the innocents tried getting to him. Should he let them? They could be impostors trying to kill him and the other people in his village. He got even angrier, the very ground around him breaking apart and floating in pieces around him. He sent a blast of concentrated fire out towards a girl with blue eyes as she said that he was endangering those he was trying to protect. At the last second before hitting her and consuming her with the flames he sucked them back in and redirected it skyward. As he looked back around himself he saw all the flames devouring his village. He began to wave his hands and close them as if juicing a fruit. As he did this the water in the air coalesced and rained down on the flames putting out the fire. The last thing he did was punch the ground with both hands before slowing rising with his palms downward and fingers curled. As he rose a wall around the village began rising and thickening straight out of the earth. As he did this it began to solidify into a carbon based metal. He finished as the wall rose around the village at one hundred feet high and forty feet thick. As he finished the wall surrounding the village he began to drift out of the avatar state. The last thing he saw before passing out was a small group of people both girls and guys circling around him, and then all was black.
Kira ran forward so Zeke could catch the Iwaishi just in time. He reached his arms out and caught the Earthbender in time just before his head hit the ground as his neck lay in his hands and arms cradling him like a child. It was hard to believe this now unconcious and vulenerable boy just showed this much power After the display he had just seen he was starting to believe, this boy is his hands was, could truly be the Avatar... All that power, maybe they could....

He looked to the girls, but he was also dangerous, he almost fried the girl with that fire, he wasn't ready yet, he didn't have the control. He needed to learn to control fire and Zeke was just the one to do it, he knew fire and he knew how to control it and aim at those it needed to be aimed at.

"We need to get him somewhere safe... Somewhere he can rest..."

It was all he could say, he was in such shock. He remembered his village being attacked, all the screaming, his screaming and... He shook out the pain, this boy might be the chance. Maybe they could end this war, this senseless genocide... They could stop the revoloutionaries and he could get his revenge, he knew what he had to do.

He had a path layed out before him and he would take it, Zeke's eyes burned with a new determination as he looked at the girls as hair blew across his face past his eyes. They were a part of this, to keep the boy safe so he could help this war he would need help, he would need them.

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