Avatar: The Descend of Kings.

Iwaishi knew that there was a possibility of an instant attack from the more agile air bender. He quickly threw his palms down and then jumped straight up into a standing position with his hands out in a claw like form and palms down. As he did this a wall of solid stone rose ten feet high and six feet long in front of him. As these blocked the air blasts he stuck his hands out sideways, standing as if in a T formation and clapped blasting the wall of stone in to hundred of large hurtling boulders flying towards the air bender. After this he stuck one hand out in front of him and one behind and flicked his wrists up and circularly. A ten foot radius of earth around him began to rise in a platform until he was fifteen feet in the air. He stood at the ready, hands in position to re-retaliate.
Soon's air-blades carved into the rock, destabilising the platform. Realising he could just make another, even if she tore it down, she threw herself into a spin, creating a large air spout beneath her to lift herself aloft and regain the advantage of height. The spout also dealt with the boulders, flinging them every which way. Making him expect her to attack from this new vantage point, she instead spun herself a wheel of air and proceeded to ride it, making to ram him with it.
As Iwaishi watched soon knock aside every one of his attacks he saw her do the only move he knew all about from air bender stories. The air scooter. He knew that it was a great way to travel fast for them or move around quickly in battle. But, it was easy to ruin ans it was unstably. He put his hands our in front of him and put his four fingers pressed down to his thumb on both hands, as if grabbing a piece of paper and then wrenched his arms back words. As he did this he ripped the ground out from underneath Soon and behind and in front of her fifty feet back and ten feet across. As if he had pulled a rug out from under her feet. Then he sank to his knees and made the earth platform grow more and more as well as become more solid. As he did this he stopped at fifty feet in the air and stood up as fast as he could using a large portion of his power to split the platform and form all of the rock it was made from into a dome shape. He then put all fifty feet of the four foot radius platform into a sphere around himself, tightening it to above steel level strength. He ended with a fifty foot sphere four feet in thickness throughout. It landed on the ground hard and shook the entire surrounding area. He then began to look for Soon through the feeling of the ground as he could no longer see.
((Wheel, not scooter. Big difference :D ))

Soon's wheel kept spinning and she made sure to stay off the ground. When she saw what he was doing, she broke off her next move and paused to think. He was relying on his earthen defence to wait her out. And since he probably thought, as most do, that airbending lacks real offensive power, she couldn't do anything about it, she could get the jump on him.

While at first she had thought she would cut the rock sphere apart with a wind blade, she revised that plan, and cooked up another that ought to make Iwaishi sweat. Literally.

Soon kept herself levitated and began forming a vortex of air around the sphere, spinning and spinning until finally the sphere lifted off the ground. But she kept it suspended only a few feet up. Instead, what she had planned was much more tricky. The air pressed hard against the compressed rock, the friction slowly heating the surface. Soon knew that, with no way to regulate it, the temperature inside would consistently increase as the heat penetrated through. Eventually, that rock would crack, and she could use her special toy to carve each layer apart in turn.
As Iwaishi felt where Soon was just before he began to float he concentrated on that point. She had to be lifting this with a massively powerful offensive form of air bending and that would require you to concentrate far too much on that and not on continuing to move. A sphere of this size had to way at least six tons or more. As she lifted it and he began to feel it heating he began the tactic he original built this for. Most think that earth benders prefer a bold and straightforward offense or defense. And this clearly appeared as a defense, but it wasn't. As she lifted him into the air she did nothing more then assist his design, his next step was to use alot of power to launch himself skyward anyways, and she just saved him so much juice for that. Iwaishi sat in a meditating state and then pushed out sideways with both hands, his fingers apart. As he did this the sphere exploded outwards in ten different places, each forming a giant, stronger-then-steel, heated spear-like tentacle that he controlled with each finger. He spotted Soon only a few feet from where he last sensed her and point all of his fingers towards her. The spears of stone broke through the air sphere and shot towards her. As they got within ten feet Iwaishi split them off and brought them in from ten different directions towards her, including up and one that burrowed underground and was heading upwards towards her, tearing it's way through rock as easy as a boot crunches leaves.
She realised she'd made the right call in not trying to crack the rock from the get-go. Had she been any closer, she'd have ended up skewered. Remembering her training, Soon took to the circular motions of her art, moving this way and that, dodging and redirecting the shards of rock with ease. Airbenders were trained from a young age to dodge, to be the air they command. And, as she reminded herself each time she moved around a pointed edge, you can't grab hold of the air. She nearly missed the one coming from below, but she caught it in a gust as she hit the ground, bringing it around her body and throwing it up at Iwaishi. Then, enhancing her speed, she came up behind him, placing one hand on his spine to follow him in his movements, and the other hand plunging into her robes to clasp around a sword-hilt. A whirring blade of air erupted out of the handle, and she held it poised behind his back.

"You, sir, are a fine earthbender," she breathed. "Don't move too suddenly. This air sword is lethal, and I wouldn't want you to hit it by accident."
As soon maneuvered around all the shards Iwaishi was quite impressed. She appeared behind him with an airsword in hand put near his spine. As she spoke the words of the winner she did not realize he kept his fingers moving. "Thank you. You are quite the air bender. But you do tend to underestimate me.", as he said this all ten blades of stone come up from the side of the sphere behind her and make multiple criss crosses as they all point at her back besides two which lay on either shoulder poised to strike into the side of her neck. "I control every one of these ten strands with a different finger tip. I need move only my fingers to control them. This is one of my most powerful earth bending techniques. It took me nearly three years to perfect. What do you think?", he turned his head half way and smiled wide.
"I think you overlooked that I could take the air from your lungs if I really wanted to. In other words, we'd both die. Very good." She released the torrent from the end of her sword and replaced the hilt in her robes. She took her hand away from his back and stepped away. "And here I was hoping I'd make you think I was going to kill you. Avatar test and all that. You're a damn talented bender though."
Iwaishi demolishes all of the rock except for what he and Soon are on. Then he stands up and sticks out his hand to shake hers,"You are too and touche about the whole air lungs thing. I guess we'll call this a tie then huh?" He laughs deeply and slowly his chocolate brown eyes twinkling.
She shook his hand. "Our elements do have that tendency to cancel each other out. I think a tie is fair. To have mastered such advanced techniques at such a young age. Have you ever been trained formally?"
"Well now that you ask." Iwaishi stomped the ground in a beat of three then two three again then once. After about two minutes the ground several feet away began to rumble. It broke apart in a sudden flurry and a nose with worm like formations wiggled out of the ground followed by a giant mole. "Meet the only teacher i have ever had, Kantath the badger mole. He taught me almost all of what I know. He began doing so shortly after we met here in the woods not too long after i first got here. He finished what he had to teach me about two years ago. I have been creating, practicing, and testing my skills in as many ways as possible on my own since then. He checks in every now and then. His nose gave me the idea for the tentacle spears. I branched it out from the basic earth defense sphere and started testing. Kantath this is Soon." The blind old badger mole sniffed Soon affectionately knowing that his prodigy pupil would never bring him an unfriendly person to meet. He trusted that.
"A bloody badgermole. That explains it. They very rarely take a shine to an earthbender like this. Hello, Kantath." Soon bowed slightly. "And you've just been able to come up with techniques on your own?" A dozen alarms went off in Soon's head. He was the right age, and at the level of proficiency one might expect in an Avatar, AND he had an animal working with him to do it! In her years in the Earth Kingdom, Soon hadn't met a single earthbender who could actually pin her down. This one, she knew, could easily fight her to a standstill.
Kantath liked Soon. He gave her cheek a quick lick and then he laid down and went to sleep. Iwaishi went over and scratched Kantath on the spot on his back he likes. "Yeah he has been my friend since we met. He is the reason I have grown in strength and prospered using my bending to help people in the city. Without him I could have died a long time ago. And yes I have worked out many techniques on my own. The moving tentacle spear thing is something I have never heard of an earth bender doing. As a matter of fact the only thing like it I have heard of is a water bending technique. But haven't you created techniques of your own? It can't be that impressive that i have."
"Well, no I haven't. I have only ever witnessed earth bending until you showed up. You're the first person I have ever seen to bend something besides earth. I have only heard stories of the other three through the older villagers and some refugees. Why what has that go to do with anything?"
"I didn't make the connection until after you said it, but that technique was like the one the waterbenders use. I have seen them bend. I don't know how you could mimic them so well. I mean, I know in my own bending that it's more aggressive than your typical airbender, but I picked that up from fighting firebenders. I actively learned from them." She bit her lip, deep in thought. There was no way he should know how to do that. He shouldn't have that instinct. He's too flexible to be able to earthbend so well.

"Avatar Kyokso was a waterbender by birth..." she said softly, finally.
Iwaishi stood in a stunned silence. He reached up to his face and began stroking the scar he had obtained many long years ago in one of the worst days of his life. He stroked the scar during times of nervousness or deep personal thought. Many people had commented on the fluidity of his earth bending being so unlike other earth benders they saw. He had heard it for many years from them and Kantath both. But it couldn't mean..... "You're,... you're saying that I.... could be the Avatar? I.. I don't really believe that?", he stuttered while stroking his scar harder.
"You're the proper age, and there's... something about you. We'd need to try teaching you another element. Even then, though... There would be one way to know for sure. If you were in serious danger, you'd activate the Avatar State. Not a lot of Avatars can do it at will, but when they have to, it just sort of happens. I could try to force it, but it'd be dangerous. I don't know if I'm entirely comfortable with it. You could die."
"Uh, yeah I would prefer to remain living thank you very much. That doesn't sound like a viable option. And as far as I remember that has never happened to me. Is there no other test you could use? Some sort of test, or quiz, or something. And don't the Avatars have to learn in a specific order. Like air, water, earth, fire. Shouldn't fire be what I would have to try learning?" He stopped stroking his scar long enough to spout all of these questions before returning to it.
"They're supposed to learn them that way, but personally I don't know if it's more tradition or an actual requirement... I suppose it's best not to find out. I've seen the kind of destruction an Avatar can wreak. I've been to the site of Kyokso's defeat. I'd rather not tempt that sort of outburst in a potential Avatar. There used to be tests involving the belongings of previous Avatars but I don't have any. After he died, the revolutionaries destroyed Kyokso's body, and they looted the Air Temples. No way is the Fire Nation safe right now. There's no way to get any of those things, even if I knew where they were. The last Avatar from the Earth Kingdom came from near the Serpent's Pass, but they have that under guard too, to keep Ba Sing Se bottled up, so that's no good either. The only way, other than forcing the Avatar State, is for you to bend another element on a fluke, basically."
"Oh, well then I don't really know where to go from here then. I was attacked as a small child while at a river, with torches along it, and outside so clearly plenty of air. And the only thing that kept me alive was a sudden random act of fate learning I was an earth bender."
"That's interesting. So your bending manifested suddenly. Then again, if you were orphaned, I suppose you wouldn't be in a position to learn much about these things normally..." Soon paused again. "I really don't know what we can do besides the options I've given. I mean, if I sucked the breath from your body, I'm certain if you were the Avatar that you'd go glowy on me and attack to save yourself. That'd be the easiest way. For me."
"Well, what if I'm not? Would you be able to put the air back into my body? Or would I just die all of a sudden and there be no coming back? If you can give me a real promise that you can put the air back in if I am not then i will have no problem performing this test. On another note, what if I am, wouldn't I kill you with that all powerful Avatar state thing? I mean you do make it sound like an ultimate power, aren't you a little unsure of what the consequences would be?", Iwaishi asked slowly as he thought out every single question. He had stopped stroking his scar as he had begun to rub it raw.
"Certainly I can. The question would be how to contain you. You'd need a way to calm down. And I wouldn't want to do it by myself. We'd need more people. Just in case." Soon bit her lip again, thinking of options. "If you had anyone close to you, that could be good or bad. I wouldn't risk it. I guess we could wait for some other qualified people to come along. Or for the rebels to make their way here. They're in the region, so I don't doubt it'll happen eventually."
"Kantath could probably contain me long enough for me to calm down and my landlord is the closest person I have to a father so he could probably calm me down too. But if you say so we could go in search of someone else to help." Iwaishi bit his lip and thought. 'Me, the Avatar, that would be insane. But just think how many people I would be able to help. But leaving the village, the only place I have ever called home in my memory, with the only people I know as family. It would be difficult' Iwaishi thought this all over and decided it would be hard but good to be the Avatar. He would be able to help not just his village but the whole world! He could handle leaving temporarily for such a thing.

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