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Fandom Avatar: Spirits Awaken

Last time the Masked Man sent out invitation for underground spirit fight, so the Avatar might accidentally find out about it and decide to infiltrate the area both to save the spirits and try to capture the Masked Man?
There's that and I also had several events planned that would happen while the team was staying in the fire village resting and figuring out their next move.

Sorry I've been MIA school is hectic but praise Labor Day! I'll try to have something up soon!
Okay while I haven't posted anything, I've been working on the re-work in the background and it's almost ready.

I'm going to start posting what I have and finish it off by hopefully today =)
Cools! Now I got another guy! (Is it possible to put the Mayumi family in Neutral characters because they are pretty much the crime family of Republic city and are really well known?)

Just send me the short CS that the Neutral characters are following and I'll post them up!

No need to code, just send me the info =)
Hey guys, sorry I have been a touch busy with work, being in charge of a few people and such. I haven't really had some time for myself in the past couple days but I will post first chance I can.... Promise!
Just make sure to post your characters again.

Since we hadn't heard from you, I deleted your characters, but I sent them to you through PM.
Hey guys!

Okay so I'm getting the locations prettied up and after some consideration, I've chosen a location for the smuggler's base and nearby village since we never pin pointed it on the map.

Not really necessary right, but I like to visualize stuff =)

So the Village will actually be in the Fire Fountain City and the base will be in the forests about 2 hrs away.

I'm going to use my GM liberties and state that, "After Fire Lord Ozai came into power, the City fell apart and became a small lower class village." I'll add more details when I add the locations, but just so you all know =)
Hey guys!

I was wondering if you all could help me write summaries of what's been going on in the Rp?

I'll break it off into sections and I'd only ask for a paragraph of the most important stuff.

If you'd all could help me out that'd be amazing! So let me know =)
Chen Fei is still in Republic city, helping rebuilding the city after what happened.

Masked Man was smuggling spirits in one of the smuggler's secret base, an abandoned mine. The Avatar attacked and the Masked Man tried to escape, only be chased away and a huge fight occurred in a blimp. The Masked Man escaped with the help of a rescue plane, and damaged the blimp so it blew up in attempt to kill the Avatar and gang.

Now he's hiding, but sending invitations to an underground spirit fight.
After fighting the masked man the group went to help out some friends.

Upon doing so they were attacked and completely outnumbered by enemies

Due to this the entire group was captured only to later escape thanks to an army of spirits

However now they are all wounded and need immediate medical attention

How's that? Sorry if it's crappy ^^;
Just say they are dropped somewhere. Give them some time say a week passed and they are in fighting condition, or at least training condition.

So these would be the sections we need...

(I might be able to recycle some from what's already written in the overview)

  • Beginning to First Spirit Attack
  • Sogata goes to Prison to Southern Docks fight
  • Avatar declares his journey to Second Spirit Attack
  • Chen leaves Opal in charge of Jeng to Boarding the blimp
  • Akari's Attack to Hanako's Arrival
  • Going back to the Airship to Avatar Fire Bending Training
  • Ride to Fire Nation
  • Avatar arrives to the Fire Nation Capital
  • Meeting Sogata's Family to Captive Spirits Attack
  • Spirits departing to Sogata's departure
  • Meeting Opal's family to The Kiss
  • Blimp Appearance to Blimp Attack
  • In the Market to Smuggler's Base
  • Attacking the Base
  • Taken Captive
  • Rescue

Okay so I have the green ones and you guys have provided the blue ones.

The ones not colored still need to be done.

Not all of them need to be as detailed or extensive, but just a couple of sentences to sum up what happened should be enough.

Just realized so much has happened and we haven't gotten to the peak yet =D
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The Kiss is a very important moment in this RP.

It's the only relationship we have yet it's not the dominating factor of this RP.

I love it!

Sure we have Dakup's love hungry characters and that small fling between Lea and Fudo, but other than that...

!!Jopal 4life!!



The middle sections aren't as important as were we left off so I might even consider starting without some of them

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