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Fandom Avatar: Spirits Awaken


da bomb diggity



Welcome to the OCC!

This is your Out of Character! Any side conversations or comments can be made here. I'm a strong supporter of players become acquainted with themselves as the RP goes on. That will help make the bonds in the RP stronger and the characters more believable. I'm not going to require everyone to participate in OOC conversation, but I would recommend it!

Anywho, any type of plotting can either go on here or over PM. If its over PM I ask that you please let me know of the plotting going on. I'm a pretty flexible GM and don't like to be over controlling, but I do want to know if two people are planning to run away during the RP. I also love feedback! Let me know what you think of the RP and if you have any suggestions let me hear them! This is a team effort so I'll be asking for your opinions a lot.

Now before I go, let me tell you a bit about myself that way we aren't RPing with complete strangers. As you may have guessed, I'm NessieAlways! You can call me Nessie, or Ness, or whatever. I don't care as long as it's not insulting. I've been RPing around the web for about 3 years and I've been in RPNation for a year now =) I'm currently a college student studying engineering so my schedule is really busy most of the time. Still, I try to find as much time as possible to be on here and now that I got my internet situation under control, I'll be here more often than not =)

I'm really looking forward to roleplaying with you all! I hope you enjoy this RP as much as I enjoyed making it!

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We'll start by tomorrow latest =) I'll tag you all in the starting post no worries!

Let two more people post their intro post and then feel free to begin the interactions!
I'm writting my post and by the looks of it I'll play the president...I've actually got something interesting in mind ;)

and @TheMoonRose Ryo is free for interactions...He's in the trader's market so send your character's there and we'll RP
NessieAlways said:
I'm writting my post and by the looks of it I'll play the president...I've actually got something interesting in mind ;)
and @TheMoonRose Ryo is free for interactions...He's in the trader's market so send your character's there and we'll RP
You can bump into Kano and Zujin In the market place

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Alright this is how spirit battles will take place.

The spirit(s) will have a health bar.

ex. Tree Spirit 1000/1000

The farther along we get the bigger the health bars will be.

Each post that attacks the spirit will take away points.

The amount of points will be judged on the lines in the post(10 points per line).

ex. {person 1} Writes 2 lines. Spirit looses 20 health points.

{person 2} Writes 4 lines. Spirit looses 40 health points.

CAUTION: One line posts will let the spirit regenerate 15 points.

Once the Spirit's health points hit zero the battle is over and the Spirit disappears.

I'll request a Battle's tab to keep track of the Spirit and it's health points.

If anyone else had any suggestions/questions/comments/concerns feel free to voice them out =)
I had thought that spirits could be near impossible to defeat with normal bending if they were angered and darkened but I like the mechanic :3

Wouldn't the dice system work better for this though, or is it easier to keep track of lines?
I think whenever you post, there should be a button saying <Roll Dice>

Then all we do is input what we're rolling the dice for (some people use this to roll for random stats and chance to dodge), no. of dice we're rolling and number of faces per die. An additional modifier can be set so that the total number rolled is higher than that number, I guess.

The line thing works too though, cause it may be difficult to keep track of how many hit points the spirit has left if everyone uses dice.
I'm really trying to go for the most convenient way. I thought counting line would be easy, but we'll see how it goes. If it gets hectic then we can try the dice method. If all fails we're back to the chalk board.
A hahaha, after weighing the pros and cons, I was thinking that dice allowed chance whereas lines are simpler. So lines would be more convenient :3

We should have a post to keep track of health as well, since both systems are number reliant. :3
Maybe for the tougher Spirits we can use the dice and make it more difficult to defeat them.

And do you mean health for the characters?
Well, I was referring to HP for the spirits, but HP for individual characters sounds interesting as well. c:
Oh yeah I was planning to update the Mechanics page and keep track of all attacks and stuff.

But yeah maybe I'll do the same for Characters...but how will they loose/gain health
If we use the lines system, I don't see how our players can lose health if there is nobody roleplaying as the spirit, unless we add how the spirit attacks our characters individually in our own posts.

As for restoring health, lines draw the problem of "Which lines count towards damage? Which counts towards healing? Which don't even count?"

In these aspects, dice holds dominance over lines.
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Maybe we can use the Dice system for the spirit's attack and the line system for the character's attack?

And you could regain a different amount of health points from different methods.

ex. Healer(+10 points) Hospital (+15 points) Medicine (+5 points) Self Healing (+1 point)
Sure, I don't exactly understand how medicine works such instant wonders, but hey, this is Avatar! xD

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