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Fantasy Natural Selection (Fantasy)[New Members Welcome]


Dead Like Me

ldurin, a world of magic and might has been invaded by a new and mysterious threat. Nameless entities of a cult have summoned gateways of magic and stone to connected the world of their god and their home with Aldurin. All ready weakened by the enduring war between three great factions the continent of Landfall is suffering the punishment of this cult. Their goal is shrouded in mystery, but it seems that the cult of forgotten ones challenge the aspects, godlike beings, and aim to usurp the Celestial throne to have unchallenged control over the entire world. The cult of Forgotten Ones posses a threat for all people, from the lowly farmers, to the kings of the land, but without being able to settle a claim on the land the factions remain divided. Now it's up to heroes and adventurers across the land to take down this threat, but what you do is ultimately up to you.

Months after the arrival of the gates have had an adverse effect on the land, in that it is started to wither away. People are getting sick, crops are dying, and animals are put in a state of constant rage threatening all who travel beyond the safety of towns and cities. The world has never been more dangerous, and this had made it a perfect opportunity for adventurers of all kinds, and even a place for exploration as the gates open up an entirely new world and resources to collect and loot. The land and it's denizens are ruthless though, Be wary of the land and all that inhabit it. There are those that seek to manipulate you, abuse you and even destroy you.


Aldurin is a world divided in three parts. Each part different from the last in terms of biomes and hostility.

The first setting is Landfall, the most diverse of the three continents, it has all types of biomes you could find on any world, and has the greatest mass of the three. It houses the three factions: Silver Legion, The Verdant Knights, and the Night Walkers. Landfall is currently plagued by the cultist threat, and is home to all manner of people and creatures.

Secondly is Skyshard. Skyshard is a series of floating islands high above Landfall, and is nicknamed the immortal realm, while being no older than the other two continents it is the most magical and home to immortal species such as elves, dragons, faeries and other immortal species. It is the most peaceful and pure of the three continents, and has no currency. While not being poor, resources are collected and handed out according so currency is irrelevant in the land of Skyshard.

Lastly is the Core, it is underneath Landfall; a series of underground caves connected all the way to the core of the planet. It is the most dangerous and inhospitable of the three continents. While it is home to the most dangerous beings and tough people it is also the most rich, having access to most minerals and metals, and precious artifacts of civilizations long past.

The Gate's. The gates are found only on Landfall and are the portals that lead to the home of the cultist, this setting is unique in that it has no set biome or landscape, each time someone enters into it, it changes entirely as if a puzzle box being reset. It ranges from all possible biomes whether it be a peaceful isolated forest to a dragon infested lava cave.


The rules are simple and listed below.

No God mode or invincible characters.

No erotic content.

No killing other characters unless they consent.

Please keep OOC to a minimum and if using OOC please use slashes/brackets/parenthesis to signal you are using it.

Treat others in OOC respectfully. You can be mean in character, but be polite OOC

Violence and Language is allowed.


More may or may not be added later.

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(Gonna start. Long as hell because I'm setting up a scene.)

How did he get into this mess? Just an hour and a half ago, he was comfortably leaving a small village inside the canyon after he got paid to remove the wild pack of beasts that were terrorizing them. His enemies surrounded him at the end of the canyon and that's were the chase began. There are a few dozen of men and a couple he was able to take down before he began to run. He hated running but he couldn't have any advantage with them surrounding him in the canyon. So he ran.

Jassur Batal runs through the long stretch of forest.

"Shit. Shit. Shit," pants Jass as he sprints pass trees and jumps over boulders. The men are still behind him aren't they? He couldn't afford to look back, fearing they already have their mages ready to fire anything at him. His iron platted armor clinks loudly and the large sword on his back starts to feel like a hindrance. The passive spells he cast on himself is the only thing saving him at this point; without it he would have been caught at the forest entrance. He ignores the large gash he received from his pursuers when they first surrounded him in an ambush at the canyon region a mile from the forest.

Jass trips over a tree root that is sticking out in his path. He tumbles into the dirt, rolling down the side of a slope. He crashes into a tree with a loud thunk. The former knight groans out in exhaustion; he hasn't rested for quite some time already and now he's got assholes after his bounty.

"There he is!" shouts one of his pursuers. Jass scrambles to his feet, holding onto the tree trunk. He continues to run. A loud sound of crackling reaches his ears, causing him to duck in time before a fire ball could scorch him from behind. The distance has shorten and he knew he would have to stand his ground now. He takes his weapon off his back, flipping it once in his hand. The rest of his enemies finally show up.

"Jassur Batal, for the crimes of murdering an innocent town from 5 years ago, we will take your head," announces who seems to be the leader of the group of men. The guy wields a sword and shield, his shield up close to him as if Jass was going to strike at anytime. Jass scans the fighters of the group: three mages, two archers, three guys wielding dual daggers, and six guys. Must they have this many people after him? "I never wanted to kill innocents," clarifies Jass, "Why must you search for a man who no longer exists." The knight Jassur Batal is forever gone and nothing will ever change that. Jass, the mercenary, has existed for five years.

"Pay for your crimes, murderer!" yells one of their warriors. He charges in; Jass blocks the incoming blow. Another warrior joins in. The sound of clashing metal echoes through the forest. "Archers!" yells the leader. Jass knocks the two warriors with a low circular kick. The archers fire, one hitting his sword, the other scratching the side of his face. The fallen warriors scramble to their feet and get backup from the rest of the sword wielders. These men had no idea about strategy; the more cluttered the enemies were the easier a long sword could defeat them. Jass chants a short spell, boosting more of his strength but lowering his other attributes. He swings his sword knocking three guys off their feet, killing two of them.

The mages from the back finish casting a large spell, "May the forest protect us and capture our enemies..." The trees surrounding them begin to shake. Large roots sprout of the ground, encircling Jass's limbs. It pins him to the forest ground, tightening in an uncomfortable way. "About time," the leader says to his mages. "Two men are down because you guys took a long time."

"Magic is not something that can be toyed with," scowls one of the mages. "Besides, we got the bastard. Look at him struggle." Jass growls through his teeth. His sword falls out of his hand and slides a short distance away from him. His ragged breath unwillingly indicates his fatigue though his adrenaline is still pumping strong. "Give him a good couple of wounds for the lost of my men. Keep him alive though, the rewarded money is higher if we keep him alive." The leader crouches down next to Jass. The mercenary glares at the man - his face inches off the dirt - until a sharp pain in his leg and shoulder cause him to yell in pain. His face scrunches up; his body struggling against his restraints. "Come quietly with us and we won't kill you, Batal."

Jass opens his eyes to glare at the man before him. Sweat is already pooling at his neck. He creates an obnoxious sound as he gathers saliva in his mouth then spits it at the man's feet. "I'd rather die than agree to go with you bastards."

(Hey can we make up town or city names?)
(Absolutely, and I will take care of the guards from here.)

They were about to take him away, keeping his arms and legs restrained in a powerful bind of magic. It took the form of a chain, metallic, but glowing with a radiant blue energy. Every movement of his arms would cause the restraints to drain the very strength from him until he felt like his body was submerged in sand. "All right move along you piece of shit, be grateful that we aren't taking your live, though I hear the Ravenscrye prison will do far worse things then just kill you." He laughed, and his men chimed in, one soldier kept his blade drawn though, he was the only one not to laugh, the blade was pointed directly into the third vertebra of his spine. "One move and I'll see to it you never walk again." Said the soldier. His voice was gruff and cold, as if he knew of the people who were killed. "Go on and make a move, make my day." He spat on Jassur's face.

The captain pat the man on the shoulder. "All right Galahad, calm down, you know how that place works, he'll be begging for his life by the end of the week, and he is there for life for his crimes." The rest of the journey was event less, only the sounds of guardhood banter, and the sound of camp fires and snoring during the night. The food they offered, and by that I mean was tossed to his feet in the dirt and mud while tied to a tree was horribly over-cooked, burnt really, the water was from the lake and hadn't been boiled, drinking it would result in the diarrhoea and vomiting. The journey would last for three days before they made it back to Ravenscrye in which he was lead directly to the prison, no room for touring the large town. The prison was carved out into the mountain on the side of the town, and it was privately owned, which meant one thing, no rules, no regulations, no mercy. His armour and weapons are confiscated, and he is left with nothing to wear but his skin.

"Welcome to the underworld pal, now we've heard all about you. don't get me wrong, I admire your work, but this job pays well, and it's heulla fun. Now move along the path." The prison was leading into the mountain, deep into the stony bowels of the earth, a darkness only lit by the candles, torches could be used as a weapon, and that wouldn't do for the prison. "Try anything funny and you will see our less than friendly side. Your room is the first on the left in cell block C, your roommate will be waiting for you."
The long travel to Ravenscyre took a major toll on Jass. The loss of his weapon and armor gave him the lost of the remaining pride he still kept.

Walking down the steps, to what seemed like death itself, didn't give much hope to Jass. The prison is poorly lit; his eyes adjusting later to the environment. The guard shoves him down the stony corridor after his "welcome." Jass grunts in reply to the guard's last statement and unwillingly heads to his cell block. The guard follow behind him carrying a torch.

The smell of human waste makes Jass scrunch up his face in disgust. The urge to vomit whatever those asshole served him yesterday seems to get stronger. His bare feet step silently on the rocky flooring and his arms scratch at the scabs of his slowly healing wounds; thank the gods he learned how to do basic healing magic.

The cells he pass by shake when he approaches, with inmates shouting "I didn't do it!" or "Die die die die" even the odd phrase of "Freshmeat" was thrown around. Jass frowns at the thought of his inmate being a possible basketcase or some blood thirsty scum. He continues his pessimistic run of thoughts until he reaches his cell. The guard hits the cell bars with the torch; the sound echoing loudly in the now-noisy cell block."Hey, here's your new pal," says the guard to whoever was in the dark cell. He unlocks the door, swings it open, and nods to Jass. The mercenary glares at the man before stepping in. The door swings closed behind him and the sound of a key locking to whatever fate that is in store for him.
There was a man standing there, he were robes, which was weird considering how all other prisoners were stripped completely of their clothing. The man turned around, and though his appearance was masked completely by his garments he was smiling, grinning more like it. "Ah yes, the new blood coming into the den of monsters, what kind of beast are you?" He asked the man Jassur. "It would be rude of me not to introduce myself first." He pulled back the hood he wore, and revealed his visage, a face halfway to death. The smell of death was clearly coming from him as most of the flesh on his face, and body for that matter was rotten, and missing. Most notable the flesh around his lower left eye, and his cheek on the right side revealing sharp canine like teeth in his mouth and a distinctly reptile tongue. "Don't worry this isn't the doing of the guards, no, no, something from far ago. Now who are you?" He pulled the hood back on to cover his appearance once more. He hated being stared at, a price to pay for the power that is with his uniqueness.

The guard spat on the ground, and left after making sure to lock the gate, though something happened he dropped his keys on the ground, and winked at Morgrim. To which Morgrim walked over and grabbed the keys and stowed them away safely. "A friend of mine, well a friend of a friend. I believe you meet Galahad. Nice guy despite outward appearance. He's the one that tipped off the captain, this was all actually a plan to meet you Jassur, I could use the help of a skilled mercenary, despite your past."
What kind of beast was he? He would have scoffed at the word "scapegoat" as he would perfectly fit the picture.

When the robed inmate revealed what was under his hood, Jass's face pales; did he ever mentioned he was never a fan of the undead? He couldn't even tell if the guy should be considered alive or not! Jass unconsciously takes a step back, his backside hitting the bars. He stares at the rotting face; the smell emitting from the inmate increases with the hood off. He darts his eyes away for a moment to regain his composure and tries not to empty his stomach in front of the guy. Nice to know the guards don't go that far in maiming prisoners. The hood comes back over his giving a small sense of relief to Jass.

The sound of keys falling to the floor makes him puzzled. He watches Morgrim picks up the keys with a slim arm; he's got connections huh? When Morgrim tells him that he got his connections to find him, Jass already didn't like the guy. Jass couldn't understand why did anyone need some like him? There are many mercenaries out there that probably have similar skills as him; he didn't feel all that important. "Why have the trouble to meet with me?" He asks. Jass examines the cell: two wooden benches embedded to the wall are probably where prisoners slept, a bucket sits in the far corner of the room, and a unlit torch hangs on the back wall. Jass sits on one of the wooden benches; the wooden squeaking from the new weight.

Jass continues his doubt, "There are many mercenaries out there. I'm not much help when I've got a five-year-old bounty on my head." He glances down at his hands, rubbing over the dirt stuck to it. It is a pleasant naive thought to think that he is useful to someone after what he has done; a tired man can dream though.
"It's exactly that reason that I have selected you. You have a chequered past, eluded capture for five long years, and seem to have quite the skill set as a knight . These are also useful talents in a particular quest I need to embark on. Do you know the high priest of Landfall, the 'great' Marques Tueso." He spat out the name, another particular thing about his character is that the ground sizzled when he spat, clearly acidic in nature. He regained his composure though and continued. "Anyways the high priest has been dabbling in some less than savoury practices, murder, of innocent people specifically. He's sanctioned the execution on several small villages, one of them being my home. Either way it works out for you, if you feel bad about what you did you can consider it redemption, if you feel no guilt than at least you think a like, the point is I need you to eliminate him. Should you chose to accept this quest your bounty will be cleared and you will be free, if not well you can stay here for the next few hundred years. Unless... You want to try and take the key from me.?" He pulls the key out to show it to him, and how quite real it is. A glimmer would be far too cartnoonishly, the key was in fact bronze, and heavily rusted, looking fit for the keeping of dungeons that it is. "That would be ill advised as you would have to fight through every single guard in here, and while Galahad boasts about your skills, there are more then thirty guards posted here at all times."
Marques Tueso... he remembers the pompous priest. The fat bastard always flaunted himself and his power when he visited the Verdant Knight's Hall. The man was a racist buffoon who thought Jass wasn't even a knight when finding out he was of mixed race. Knowing that the fool has been doing dark actions to the people of Landfill doesn't surprises him but disgusts him to know the high priest actually did so. The man was a coward so Jass didn't think he'd use his power to effect Landfill. Is there a possibility someone or something else is pulling the strings?

"So... all I've got to do is chop the pig's head?" he asks Morgrim and to himself. He wouldn't feel an guilt removing Marques Tueso off this world; he'd feel he would be doing Landfill a favor.

Redemption. The word settles in his mind. He knew killing anyone would never remove the blood on his hands. It would give him a sense of finish but he could never forget the screams. After years of accepting his pitiful state, Jass has always thought of a way to redeem himself. One time, after downing a few bottles of liquor, he thought of joining his companions that were caught and executed already but that was stupid. Morgrim's assurance that his bounty would disappear and he would be a free man, made him wary to the offer. How can a man, who is literally like a walking corpse, have the power to erase such a hefty price over his head. Jass notes to himself to tread carefully around this mysterious guy.

When Morgrim dangles the key, Jass did have the instinct to grab for it but he resisted. The man was testing him to see if he was different than the common brute who only swings a large sword. Jass chuckles with a shake of his head at the thought of rampaging through the prison with nothing on. "I'll take that offer of yours. What choice do I even have? Though I could take down most of the guards here given I got my items back," he says with a smirk. "I must ask, what do you gain from the high priest being killed? Revenge? If not, most people usually turn a blind eye to the unfortunate and pray they aren't next. It's not uncommon for ruthless acts of corrupted power to be used in these lands."
"Revenge." He taps his nose knowingly and laughs. "Ding, ding, ding we have a winner. Yes my village was one of the first he sent the paladins on. I know it won't bring my friends and family back, but it will give me some closure." Morgrim was glad to see that the half elf could use his words instead of his fists. He snuck the key back into his robes, there was still time to talk. Morgrim was happy to see that Jarrus was open to the idea of killing the high priest. "So shall we retrieve your gear and start the journey? I'm afraid that it is a few days away so we will be having to get well acquainted on our journey, because I am hiring you, you will have to follow my rules, nothing to anal I promise you, just the basics. No stealing from no, no negotiating the price, and leave innocents out of this. Do whatever you like to bandits, paladins, and anyone who kills for a living, but leave everyone else out of it."
Roxii Sicarius

The sun beat down on the guards' backs, beads of sweat pouring down their faces. A high ranking officer rode at the front, leading the guards and the royal subject they were escorting and protecting. The royal subject, Prince Coven, was housed in a horse-driven carriage surrounded by seven guards—six were actually on foot and the other rode the horse that drove the carriage—and the officer, General Fitton, rode on a separate horse. They were on the cobblestone road, escorting the prince back home to the kingdom he resided in.

A dark shadow flitted through the surrounding trees silently and quickly, keeping up with the men. They stopped occasionally, observing the group to find out how they were to complete their job. Getting rid of the guards and general was the first step. Then the prince would be vulnerable.

Roxii ran ahead a little ways and crouched down in the shadows. She grabbed her bow and put three arrows between her fingers, notching them in the bow. The anthropoid turned the bow to the side so that the arrows were side by side instead of up and down, and once they were close enough, she released the arrows. The arrows pierced three of the guards' necks, exactly on target. Before the others could react, she notched another three arrows and released quickly, two of the arrows hitting guards and the other narrowly missing the general's horse. One of the guards had his skull pierced with an arrow while the other guard—who was riding the cart's horse—had the arrow pierce his heart, falling to the ground with a
thud. The general's horse reared up in fear and terror and threw General Fitton onto the ground, running off down the road as fast as it could.

One of the guards began mounting himself on the carriage's horse while the other helped Fitton up. Thinking quickly, the hybrid slung her bow back over her shoulder and unsheathed her daggers. She slid down the small hill that lead to the road and ran up to the guard getting on the horse. Grabbing him by his ankle, she yanked him down and let him fall to the ground. She then plunged a dagger into his throat, pulling it out to let the man bleed to death and suffocate on his own blood.

The anthropoid went around the thrashing of the frightened horse and broke the wooden ties that connected the horse and the carriage by stomping on it. She then smacked the horse's rear, urging him to run as fast as he could. The horse freaked and began running, narrowly missing Fitton who had just gotten up off the ground. The hybrid readied herself and glared at the general and guard, waiting for them to make the first move. The two unsheathed their steel swords and reading their shields and waited as well.

There were a few moments of stillness and silence as the three stared each other down. Finally, Roxii initiated the battle. She ran forward and acted as though she were to slash at the guard's shield. He readied his shield and put it up in defense, but the wolf-human fell to the ground and slid, grabbing his ankle. She Pushed herself up again and flipped him off his feet. Within a few milliseconds, she had stabbed her dagger into his skull, killing him instantly. Fitton thrust his sword to pierce the assassin's midsection, but she feinted to the right, avoiding the attack. As quickly as she could, she twirled her dagger to where she was holding the blade and threw it precisely. The dagger plunged into his skull between his eyes, and he fell to the ground.

Roxii retrieved her dagger and ran up to the carriage, only to see that the curtain had been drawn and no one was inside. She cursed silently to herself; Coven had run off, most likely into the forest. Fortunately, the wolf-human was exceptional at tracking, and her wolf blood made her senses more acute. She turned away from the cart and sniffed the air deeply; the prince hadn't left long ago, so his scent was still fresh on the air. Once she pinpointed his direction and memorized his scent, she sheathed her daggers and ran as fast as she could to pursue him.

It didn't take her long to catch up to him. The poor city-boy wasn't agile in the wilderness, so he had gotten himself stuck in a pit-trap that the local wild-people had set up. Roxii approached the lip of the pit and knelt down, peering into the dark hole to see the prince had broken his leg on the way down.

Coven looked up and saw the assassin. "
Please," he called out desperately. "Please, help me."

Her ears flicked and caught the sounds of rustling leaves and breaking twigs coming closer. The smell of rotten flesh overpowered her sense, and she stood up. The cannibals were coming to retrieve their prize. Looking down at the prince one last time, she turned and began walking away. Eliminate Prince Coven whatever way possible; that was her job. And she fulfilled it.

A few minutes of silence had passed before she heard the pain-filled screams of Coven. No doubt he was being eaten alive by the cannibals. She shuddered slightly at the thought. Cannibalism; what a terrifying mindset to have. To have been driven insane to the point of feasting on the flesh of your own kind. Either way, that was not what she was, and she was grateful for that. Now she had to go retrieve her payment from her contact in Ravenscrye.
There is many questions plaguing the mercenary's head. It would be rude to ask them to a total stranger so he's saving them for the journey. Morgrim lays out the rules; Jass has honor to not break any of those. Though, "no negotiating price" did make him wonder if the robed guy already has a set reward for him. Jass has to comply with with Morgrim. The odd man had a key to his freedom, both inside the prison and the chains he's had for years. He didn't really enjoy the fact that someone, who looks like they are dead already, is going to travel with him; maybe he'll get used to the smell. So far Morgrim has been reasonable, but Jass is still wary of him.

"I understand," answers Jass. He gets up from the wooden bench, " I'd like my gear back. Not having the weight of my sword bothers me." He approaches the cell door. "How are we gonna leave?" he asks the robed man.
"Simple, we are going to walk right out of here, that is what we will do." He slotted the key into the lock and turned it, with a painful cliche creaking of rusted steel the door popped open. Morgrim lead the way, knowing his way around the tunnels. Despite the dark that was the cave series it didn't stop cat calls from some of the more frisky prisoners. Their 'compliments' of his appearance and physique was far from flattering, and could make a hardy paladin blush like a bitch in heat. "I've got another contact for us to meet, a potential guild mate. Oh right I should have mentioned I work for a very prestigious guild of social outcasts and misfits, so to speak. They have been kind enough to offer me a loan of sorts to take on my personal mission. He'll be just outside the city in the guild hall, no need to do any talking, I'll take care of it." One last trip before they would be greeted to the outside was to reveal Jassur's gear, his amour and large sword. It didn't look like anything impressive to Morgrim, but a warriors strength is in their skill to wield any weapon like an expert. The city was stretching on for kilometres long, and was bustling with life. In the crowded streets no one person took priority and this allowed the two to move along relatively unnoticed. Many market stalls had been set up selling all sorts of wares, somethings useful to adventurers and fighters of all sorts like equipment, tools and potions, while some things more important to home owners such as clothes and furniture.

Morgrim stopped for nothing, and neither should Jassur as they make their way out of the towering walls that protect the city from most feral dangers. While they were outside there are still of course some buildings, the ones not able to afford the taxes, and thus resigned to living outside the walls. Morgrim was only interested in one, a cottage along the edge of a lake bed, it was impressive in size, but had a strange sort of energy to it, as if death and demons resided there, given the fact Morgrim lives there that would be death checked off on the guest list, now to see if there is a demon inside as well. Morgrim pushes open the doors and heads inside regardless or not Jassur would follow. Sure he could run, but he would still have a bounty on his head. Morgrims ingenious plan to avoid any further guards trying to arrest him is that he snagged a wanted poster in the prison's bounty board area, so that he could convince whomever stops him that he is on his way to the nearest town to collect the bounty. "Now where the hell is that assassin?" Morgrim said to himself while searching through the many guest rooms for the woman Roxxi.
Jass felt comfortable back in his gear; the large blade on his back giving him reassurance. He follows behind Morgrim outside the city's walls. He never got a good look of the broken down homes when he was dragged to the prison. Not many of the poor wandered outside their small homes when they notice the two pass by. The wet mud splatters slightly with every step as they make their way to a cottage near a lake. Jass pause for a moment when Morgrim opens the door. He had the instinct to run, knowing that he never liked the sense of death in any sort of place, but that would not be smart of him.

The mercenary enters the cottage, watching the robed man searching for his contact. Jass leans himself against the wooden wall, arms crossed, and examines the place. It was oddly comfortable, even though the energy around it would want Jass to sprint the other direction. A table is piled with books of magic and alchemy. An odor, Jass couldn't describe, emits from an open glass vial; the mercenary didn't want to question it. A small hallway to his right, where Morgrim went off, most likely leads to the guest rooms. Jass shifts on his feet then calls out to Morgrim, "So an assassin is joining us on this trip?" He's admired the skills of the scouts back at the Verdant Knight's Hall. Their movement was careful and their presence unnoticeable if one's not paying attention.
Blessed with the unnatural gift of animalistic speed, Roxii had arrived at her and her contact's meeting place within less than an hour than when she'd departed from Coven. She had arrive fairly earlier than she'd anticipated, but that didn't bother her; no, not at all. It simply meant that she had more time to receive and fulfill more contracts, becoming wealthier as the days go by

As she approached the building, the aura of death, demons, and mysteriousness made her feel that much closer to home. It comforted her in a way. Here, she was surrounded by misfits and other rejects that felt the same pain as she did. Here, she wasn't alone. However, she'd never admit that. She was a lone wolf; one that preferred to not have an accomplice and could deal with any amount of pain. Mostly.

The anthropoid's ears swiveled on her head, attempting to capture any sounds that would give away any outsiders' positions. She took a nonchalant deep breath, gathering all surroundings scents. The assassin didn't want to be set up by her contact; the two hundred grand bounty hanging over her head was enough to make even the most faithful and loyal friends betray her. Once she confirmed that there weren't any guards, soldiers, or other threats around, she headed inside the cottage.

The first thing she noticed was the rather armed male leaning against a wall—a mercenary, perhaps. Then the scent of rotting meat and decomposing organs entered her nose, and she crinkled her nose in disgust. These were the moments when she hated being an animalistic hybrid. Either way, her contact was here.

She flicked her gaze to the mercenary cautiously, wondering if he was some sort of body guard for the rotting contact. Not too comfortable in the presence of either of them, she stayed by the door. Escape route number one: established. However, if she were to be thrown into the middle of the room or the door was blocked by another guard, she'd need another route. Quickly scanning the area, she took note of a few windows and a back door. Alternate escape routes: established.

@Morgrim @AnimusLight
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Morgrim took notice of the Wolf morph, this is the first time meeting here, and he knew with what he had to say that this would be highly interesting to say the least, because while he sent her on the job, he didn't have the gold on him per say. In fact that bit about being funded by the collage was a lie, he was only given the list of names of people that have skills that could help him. "Ahh, Roxii the assassin, good to see you. I trust you have some good news of course you do. You always produce good results. Now I'm sure you want your gold, but it's not exactly here.: He laughed, finding the situation amusing, and even more so when he got a good look at her face upon hearing the news. "Your reward is more of some juicy information that a shiny pile of gold. See there is a man Marques Tuso, I'm sure you've heard of him, the high priest. He is sitting on quite the stockpile of gold and other treasures, if you want it you are going to have to assist me and my associate in eliminating the bloated asshole, then you'll have a 800 gold bounty to reap, though this is strictly for him dead, this isn't a wanted dead or alive mission you understand me?"
The sound of the door opening and closing alerts Jass. He looks over to the short figure clad in black light armor. He didn't know what to say; he consciously reaches over for his sword holstered on his back just in case the person decides to attack. Though he believes this may be the contact Morgrim was searching for. "Uh. Morgrim, the assassin arrived," he calls the robed man eyes still locked on the rogue.

The assassin was amusingly short, barely reaching his chest. He'd best not underestimate the rogue for all he knew they could slit his throat there and just leave. Something deadly and small; the thought made him shiver. It reminds him of those hoard of tiny trolls that he had to get rid of in a bog. That was not fun whatsoever.

When Morgrim mentions that he has no money for the assassin, Jass wanted to cringe; was this man insane? Roxii seemed to be capable of throttling the guy with her bare hands. This made him start to doubt that the man even has the power to relieve him of his bounty. Sadly, he didn't have much choice if this was a single hope to remove the burden of his. Jass grips onto the handle of his weapon just in case she decides to jump at his employer. Morgrim mentions their main goal to the assassin. Jass watches the assassin's actions, cautious to her every movement.
A low grumble resonated from the back of her throat, the wolf-elf growling in agitation. This contact had promised her a rather hefty payment. She had just risked her life taking out royalty—well, perhaps "risked" was an overstatement. But now this corpse wanted her to help him? The rat had courage, that was obvious. Despite the boiling anger and irritation bubbling underneath, Roxii made sure to keep her reticent composure. She stood completely still, deciding to at least contemplate the liar's offer.

Marques Tueso, the racist, sexist bastard who cared only for his multiple wives and treasures—actually, there wasn't much of a difference between the two. The assassin had always wondered what it was like to tear out the priest's throat. He was the one who had set such a high bounty on the hybrid's head, making it even more difficult for her to live her life in peace. The most peculiar aspect about his bounty, however, was that he wanted her alive. The thought of why he wanted her alive made her feel somewhat uncomfortable, which was quite rare for the emotionless assassin.

She turned the offer over in her head a few more times, evaluating each and every possibility and outcome. Fighting alongside one and a half men to take out a heavily guarded high priest. What could go wrong? Breathing in deeply and letting it out slowly. "
Understood," she responded quietly, a foreign accent tinging her tongue—one that we would recognize as a "Russian" accent.

@Morgrim @AnimusLight
"Good, the let's not waste any time." Morgrim heads outside to the stables, which is located just out back behind the house. There are five horses available. each different in appearance, ranging from coat colour and muscularity, to physical breed, Morgrim's was even more fucked up than he was, being an undead abomination. It has no fur, but instead leathery like skin, and feet that end in spikes instead of hoofs, ideal for staying bolstered in place no matter what force tries to knock it over, and then there is its set of razor sharp teeth for biting, meant for carnivorous appetites. He mounted the horse, and instructed the others to do the same, with a kick at the horses side it bursts off into a sprint. (Would anybody like to create an encounter, or time skip right to the city?)
After a few hours they made it to their first checkpoint, a small farming town that would often supply the city of Ravenscrye with various fruits and vegetables, and to any travelling merchant and adventurer passing by for a fair price. The town though has been fortified and barricaded from the outside, and there were people on top of the buildings and in the windmill holding bows and arrows. As the group gets to close to the town one of the bandits fires off a warning shot. "Get back Assholes! Or the next arrow goes through your head." Said the man posted at one of the four watch towers around the town closest to them as some of the others laughed and cheered him on.

Morgrim turned around to face both Jassur and Roxii. "Well there is three of us, so I say we take a vote. We could try to take out the bandit encampment, though it looks a bit risky. They have a tactical advantage over us, in every aspect except for skill. So should we try to rescue the people in there, or leave them to their fate?" If they didn't do anything the town would surely be forgotten about, and left in the control of the bandit group. The guards of Ravenscrye wouldn't send a platoon of soldiers just over the sake of a few dozen lives and a pile of fruits and veggies. There was no other way to put it, the band of anti-heroes was the towns only hope. "I think we should act, it give us a chance to demonstrate our skill sets to each other, build synergy and get rewarded in the process, at the least they would give us enough food to be stocked up for the journey there and back." Morgrim suggested.
The anthropoid's left ear twitched and her tail swayed a bit as she looked over the bandit-ridden town. She hated bandits. They ruined her life from the very beginning, so taking out an entire town's worth sounded appealing to her. However, she knew this half-corpse was right; they had high ground along with barricades. But Roxii felt like quenching her thirst for blood and tearing a few bodies apart.

Intelligence can overrun any form of strength," she mumbled, her voice low. The hybrid had already begun to graze her vision over the fortifications around the town, searching for even the smallest fault. Every barricade had one, and this one was no different. Her eyes gazed over the surrounding area as well. If the three wanted to attack from the inside as well as the outside, there were bolted grates along the foot of the walls where water flowed in and out, and there was an entrance to a sewer not far from where they stood. The small group could also go to other way and take out the bandits from the outside in.

Many strategies began flowing through the wolf-elf's mind as she awaited either male's response. If they decided to leave, then she would be fine. Saving innocent lives was not in her job description. But if they decided to save the town, she'd get the liberty of tearing a few bandits' souls from her bodies and to possibly pillage a few valuables from the townspeople as a sort of "reward".

@Morgrim @AnimusLight
Jassur didn't mind taking out the bandits for the town if it meant getting a small reward for removing pests. Man, he'd kill for a decent meal. He looks over to both his traveling companions, wondering what they would go with. They did need some kind of advantage; he may be a brute but he's a trained one. The knights were taught to examine the situation before charging in, though the newbies never really listened.

The mercenary examines the amount of enemies placed on higher ground. That would be a pain trying to not let them notice their group if they did sneak in. There has to be some way to go underground... Jass watches Roxii's eyes trail to the bolted sewer. If she was planning on going with that, he can offer his strength to open it but maybe Morgrim's got something more silent than prying open metal. The former knight glares back up at the bandit who threatened them on the watchtower. If it was one guy, he would have instinctively threw something shard or heavy at him out of spite but he had to show his employer that he wasn't a mistake to hire.

"I agree with removing the bandits," he says to his group. "Charging in won't help though. We have no idea how many men they got in there. Roxii, your idea?"
"I think we all see that sewer grate, and it looks like our best bet. Let's roll with that." Said Morgrim. Thankfully the area around the sewer smelt awful, and drove most of the bandits away, it was completely unguarded, and thus would be an easy way in. He made his way over to the grate, and when he tried to move it, it wouldn't budge, it was in there pretty tight. "Hey Jassur, you look strong, think you can get this thing open." At the source of the smell it would have made most cover their nose or even puke. It was raw shit and garbage, but Morgrim was lucky that he couldn't smell, parts of him were so rotten that they didn't work and his nose was one of them, a lucky break considering all things at the given moment. There were only a few bandits inside, most of them are outside practising their archery and knife throwing skills, and most of them were eating. There were three men on one of the village woman though, doing unspeakable things to her. The sounds of her sobs and screams were clear, and it pissed Morgrim off. He would make sure those three would suffer a fate worse then death.
Roxii followed behind the mercenary and the corpse, her eyes still grazing over the town. She had heard the mercenary's question, but she didn't want to respond yet. There was so much that she hadn't looked at and thought of yet. The hybrid gazed up at the archers on the wall, knowing fairly well that they'd be the first to react, and being so close to the wall was asking for an arrow through the skull. Her tail swayed a bit with excitement and her eyes sparkled; she wanted to take them all down, one by one.

As they approached the grate, she could hear the terrified and painful screams of the woman being taken advantage of. A low growl resonated from the back of her throat and outward. It reminded her of when the bandits took over her small town, taking absolutely everything, including the women. These bandits were going to have their throats ripped out and their flesh fed to the wolves.

After the question was popped to the mercenary, the hybrid put in, "
The noise will alert them. The archers must be eliminated." She waited for a moment, wondering if she was capable of taking down all of the archers by herself. The wolf-elf figured she could; she'd taken on many dozens of soldiers and witches and the like by herself. "Leave that to me."

Before the other two could object, she used her petiteness to her advantage by grabbing onto the small crevices in the wall, using her claws as extra grip, and scaled up the wall. Within a second or so, she had reached the top and flipped up over the edge. As she came up, she kicked the closest guard in the chest, causing him to stumble back. Before he could fall, she grabbed him by his collar and stabbed him in the neck. She pulled him back onto the wall and laid him down, keeping him out of sight. Having not been detected yet, she continued on to the next archer, staying low to keep out of sight.

@Morgrim @AnimusLight
Jass watches Roxii closely as she swiftly takes down each archer with precision. He waits till all are down before he increases his strength through an easy passive spell. He approaches the sewer entrance, places both hands between the first two bars and pushes enough that his elbows could help. He makes sure to do it slowly to create the least amount of sound. The opening widens enough that his whole body could fit through it. He suppressed the urge to gag at the smell of sewage; why did he have to be born with a good sense in smell?

The mercenary steps through the opening of his. His footsteps creating a splatter in the mucky water. He gazes in the dark pathway through the sewer; someone better has a light or else he'll be bumping into waste he doesn't want to touch. He's been traveling in many places for years but he will never overcome the dislike for grotesque areas. He walks farther in so his companions could hop over the opening. They shouldn't have any problem seeing as he, who's bigger than the two of them, could fit through it.

Next task for them, finding an open to the surface that won't get them caught. "Morgrim, signal Roxii we're good."

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