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Fandom Avatar: Cold War OOC

So I'm currently thinking of running with this image?
Yeah I like the pic the original one I used it in they were from a more tropical island really created a diffrent culture for them.
ThatGuyWithSouvlaki ThatGuyWithSouvlaki So reading your character's bio, it seems the Avatar can only be about 5 years old, given the events that happen to your character relative to her age... should I change that?
We could compromise - how about mine will be 10-13 ish and you can be late twenties?
Oof now I'm stuck between wanting to play a really young avatar and a twenty-something avatar... hmmm
I'm just thinking it would make more sense in your character's motivation for your character to be somewhat young still, since she's still seeking her mother and all that? but idk it might work with her being kinda old too... how old was she when Korra died?
I was thinking early teens ~14, about the time that teen angst sets in and Korra absence both pre and post disappearance can have an effect.
It can be more time passed between Korra's disappearance and your avatars discovery. The white lotus were not actively looking for a new avatar assuming korra was still alive.
So if I were to make my character about 19, yours would probably be about 33? or 34 if we wanted to do a round, even number like 20. Yeah I'm thinking the avatar's first five to ten years are spend in obscurity, it's just a matter of which pic i wanna use i think... the second pic is really growing on me, plus i think having your character dealing with a lost mother and having this 10-ish y/o treat her like a mother while also simultaneously being the reincarnation of your character's mother would be an interesting dynamic. That's assuming your character finds her fist. oof decisions decisions

idk i think a young child going through all this would be a nice callback to the first series tbh so i'mma go with that
CS is up - backstory is tentative. I'm still leaning towards a younger avatar...
Ah I think I will make a firebender two waterbenders on the same team feels like they would likely become the greater and the lesser waterbender
i'm really torn tho
like the character i have right now is fine and all but
smol bean calls to me
but the age limit oof and also being a child means less decision-making power oof
argh i can't decide
I mean regardless of age avatars tend to call the shots in the end

hnng yes but-
ah screw it aang was like 13 when he saved the world i can make her 10 and get away with it woo
maybe i'll use the image that's there already as like an older sister or something idk

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