Autochthon 2.0?

Now' date=' now, let's save this for the Virtue of the Steam Faction thread. Then we'll see how much support your claims have   :P [/quote']
No need to voice my opinion. I just wait until you have been written out of canon :P
Word, Safim. It's pretty sweet, but Ive made that statement known ;P 2:nd Ed is my favorite, did I mention that?
Communists, both of you. Wait until you're dying breaths Dragon Blood boys. Besides, I root for the yozis more than anyone ^_^ Those poor guys are just misunderstood. And very vengeful  :twisted:
Actually if anything then I am a siderial or solar fanboi and it is you robotbois who are the communists :P
Safim said:
Actually if anything then I am a siderial or solar fanboi and it is you robotbois who are the communists :P
Actually, we're Enlightened Socialists, comrade!  We live in perfected harmony with each other, every man, woman, and child in his or her right place, thanks to the latest societal-engineering techniques and the blessings of the subgods!
2.0 has Autocthonians.  Locusts are part of the introduction comics.  I haven't delved too deep into the book, but even a minor perusal of the pretty pictures reveals that there are Autocthonians.  We'll  just have to see how they fit into the revised canon.

Or you can say "Fuck that shit" and keep on keeping on...
uteck said:


lowguppy said:
Yesterday we were flipping through the 2.0 book and counted no fewer than eight nipples.
Thanks White Wolf. Some of us have kids. Not like my eternal fight with the Board of Education over sex ed dosn't take up enough of my time.
operations said:
Thanks White Wolf. Some of us have kids. Not like my eternal fight with the Board of Education over sex ed dosn't take up enough of my time.
Your kids have nipples, don't they? What's the big deal?

Said like a person with no kids...

The "big deal" is that they are my kids. I raise them. My wife raises them. We lay the moral foundation, right from wrong, respect for themsleves and others. The school system is (supposed) to give them the basics of knowledge and critical thinking, so that they can then adapt those morals and knowledges to the betterment of their lives.

When the school starts trying to lay moral foundations via sex ed (and in the end, sex is a moral choice, with potentially immense consequences) over what and when I and my wife deem our children ready for that knowledge, I get angry.

I always find it hypocritical that people will scream "Seperation of Church and State!" when you try to bring the most remote of religious morals into school, but it's ok for the scholl to pervert and teach those same morals.

As for how it relates to the books. I don't mind the interior ones too bad. I can close the book swhen my kids come round. But if I'm reading and the cover has nipples too, well... might as well hand em a copy of Heavy Metal and go buy em a joint. Cause I send that same hypocrital message that I hate that way.
operations said:
Said like a person with no kids...
True, I don't have kids, so I can't speak authoritatively, but I doubt I'll suddenly change my views on nudity just because I sire some young.

What your diatribe against the educational system doesn't address is basically this: What's wrong with your kids seeing nipples? They've obviously seen nipples before (they have their own, right?), and they're aware that other people have them too (I hope). In what way would they be adversely affected by seeing a drawing of a nipple?

Mind you, I'm not talking about pictures that depict acts of sex, or whatever. That's a different issue. I'm just talking about a picture of a character with a visible nipple. So what?

Would you prevent your kids from going to an art museum? There are TONS of nipples on display there.

As I see it the problem here lies in distinguishing art from porn. There is a difference between playboy and fantasy art (though, once you get into the realm of manga, the line tends to blur) and that's one of the moral foundations I would lay for my children.

As for sex ed in school, it is important, but its implementation should be flexible enough that each set of parents can decide when their child learns it. However, puberty happens as early as nine years of age, so schools should be prepared to teach it at some level at that age.
lowguppy said:
As I see it the problem here lies in distinguishing art from porn. There is a difference between playboy and fantasy art (though, once you get into the realm of manga, the line tends to blur) and that's one of the moral foundations I would lay for my children.
Exactly. Is the Exalted cover porn? Surely not. But it kinda hovers over that line (more so as the subject is Lady of Darkness in Bloodstained Boobies.. err. Robes...  complete with Bondage Chains) and I'm not sure I want to get into the "art from porn" conversation with my kids as of yet.

Maybe by the time I think they are old enough, all the Exalt type books will be out, and I'll have finally seen some stuff that convinces me to buy it. For now, I got a well functioning game with my existing $400 collection. It's no hurry.
Stillborn said:
True, I don't have kids, so I can't speak authoritatively, but I doubt I'll suddenly change my views on nudity just because I sire some young.
So many people say that (myself included) and then the kids come... and you find out that your views affect far more than you expected. True, some people don't change their views. I suspect many of the kids of those kinds of parents currenlty help keep Jerry Springer in business.

But you'd be surprised how kids can change a guy. Hell, I now worry about food and house payment before the newest game books. Can you believe that?
We had sex ed. in eighth grade (14 years old). Our teacher wasn't really happy about it (which she was quick to point out). At that age, we didn't really learn anything we didn't already know, or hadn't already heard at some point anyways.

I don't like the trend with kids playing around with sex at earlier and earlier ages, but closing your eyes and ears (and trying to do same with them) is *not* going to work.
One of my funniest childhood memories was in 5th grade when we had our most basic sex ed, and one kid asked what a dildo was. The look on the school nurse's face was priceless.
Oh, yeah... we had that in 5th grade too. Forgot all about that... Man I feel old.
operations said:
Hell, I now worry about food and house payment before the newest game books. Can you believe that?
I do that already, and I don't have kids. You still haven't answered my questions. At all.

In response to the sex ed in schools thing:

I don't believe that teaching a teenager the risks and dangers, as well as how to be safe from them, is a sign of moral degredation.  I think that the moral side of things should come from the parents or guardians or whoever it is that's in charge of raising them.  I believe that if the parents make a strong and clear statement of their opinions, beliefs, and positions on things, then teaching the mechanics of "If you're going to, at least do it right" shouldn't be a problem.

If your relationship with your progeny is strong enough, they will understand and respect your position.  If it isn't, well, they'll probably overthrow you, and you will have to create a new breed of followers to overthrow them in turn.   :D
Stillborn said:
I do that already, and I don't have kids. You still haven't answered my questions. At all.
Yes, I did. You just didn't like the answers.

No, I'd not take them to an art museum, for the same reason I'll not have the new cover of Exalted in my house. They are not ready.

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