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Fandom Attack on Titan: Chapter II

Beyond The Wall / 巨大樹の森
the deep dark woods / 巨大樹の森

Graphic warning
Serenity Alabast leads the soldiers to the site after a long and laborious ride. She finds that they aren't the first to arrive. Others are here, Scout Regiment soldiers, some on horseback, others not. The horses seem to outnumber the soldiers. As Niklas and the others pass another unit, they overhear someone discussing this. “Why's that? Well, Nadia, it doesn't take much to figure that out,” replies one of the soldier's comrades. “Titans don't eat animals. Only humans. Put two and two together, will you?” Others are in the treetops, scouting for any and all titans that may be lurking nearby.

Soldiers continuously ask in this makeshift camp, “Where's Captain Camilla and the other officials?” More often than not, the response is, “They haven't arrived yet.” This does nothing to ease their anxiety. Speaking of which, one soldier is venting out his over losing his sister. Others try to calm him down, lest his loud lamentations attract the titans here.

Sometime after Niklas and his unit dismount their horses, a brief walk brings them to the device in question. This, here, is the source of the radio signal. What they find is an old wooden box, worn by weather and whatever else. Steel bolts at the corners are what have been holding it together. There are holes in the leftmost side, most likely the aftermath of a termite infestation, revealing wires and all sorts of machinery inside. Those here whose backgrounds involve engineering are all confused by it, even more so by the fact that this device is here, left by Wall Maria knows who in the middle of nowhere. From in between the wooden planks, lichen and other mosses spill out like pus from an infected sore. Niklas asks, “This here? This is it? You sure?”

Before Serenity can respond, someone interrupts her, “Yes!” It's the man from before. The one who lost his sister. Everyone looks at him. He has wrinkles from the stress beneath his eyes, bags black as coals that add about twenty or so years to his face. “Yes! That, there, is what my sister died for! My Olivia! She died for this junk. She died for this... this... this fucking box!” When he swears, this is when he kicks it, causing the box to reel onto another one of its sides. Abruptly, the box seems to come alive, sputtering with static and white noise. The man is no longer the centre of attention. The box is. One of those engineers says, “I've never seen anything like it.” This is followed by a chorus of curious murmurs, people wondering what in Wall Maria's name this thing is.

“The King of the Ant Men,” the box transmits. “The King of the Ant Men.” Some may recognise this slogan... these words. Words that are often associated with the Persona Non Grata, a criminal syndicate of thugs and thieves, a network of Marixst terrorists intent on overthrowing Wall Sina's monarchy. The box continues to transmit this message, over and over, like a broken vinyl, constantly, the King of the Ant Men, the King of the Ant Men, the King of the Ant Men, until unexpectedly it stops...

“This King of the Ant Men... is no king of ours.”

Following this transmission another one comes next, not of words, but of sound--a scream. A raw, inhuman scream.

So loud is this scream it scares the wildlife, deer dashing into dark, rabbits burrowing into their bungalows, horses sputtering out their snouts. Any and all animals in the immediate vicinity are sent scattering into the wood's black. “Turn that damn thing off,” one soldier exclaims. Others try to salvage their eardrums by covering their heads with their arms, while others fall to their knees with their faces contorted into excruciating winces. The scream is so loud, in fact, that it almost conceals that oh so familiar thud, thud... thud.


Naturally, those who covered their ears or took to their knees are the first to die, having only noticed the titans rushing in from the trees a second too late. They're torn to shreds by tooth and claw, bodies coming apart with spurts of bloody intestines, wasteweirs of blood soaking the earth, the reds of mass murder encompassing the land like an omen on humanity. Soon enough, all of the forest floor is red with human viscera.

Even some of those who noticed the titans beforehand don't make it to the safety of the trees. One soldier is so frightened that he accidentally tangles himself up in his ODM's cables, hanging from a tree like a fruit to be plucked. “Help me,” he screams. “Help me!” Nobody answers his call, his cry for help, either dead, dying or determined not to end up as either of the two. Not even half a minute passes before a titan is wrenching him from the tree and having at him. “Mercy,” he screams, “Mer--!”

A soldier who passes him by is similarly frightened, clumsily missing a branch with her ODM's hook and breaking her neck in a horrifically tragic accident. Another breaks his spinal column in the same way, plummeting down from the trees into an abyss of titans. Unable to move his legs, titans tear him apart like a den of lions with an antelope. One soldier tries to fight. He ends up being a titan's plaything. The titan holds him in between his hands, the fighter's head in his left and his feet in his right, and pulls. Pulls until the fighter's body starts to spill from all over, exploding from the middle like a ketchup bag. After playing with his food, the titan eats.

Somewhere in between all of the death stands a little boy, a teenager of short stature. He can't fly because his equipment has stalled. With no other options available to him, he runs, only to find himself at the mercy of a titan three to four metres tall. Niklas sees him in the corner of his eye, even hears him over the cacophony of chaos as the little boy calls for his mother, opting to save Serenity instead, as much as the decision tears him apart. Knowing Serenity has no equipment of her own to save herself, he hoists her into his arms, flying into the trees. This is after Niklas signals for the others to flee, yelling, “To the trees! There's too much of them! Now!”

An abnormal titan leaps after a soldier halfway through her flight path. Fortunately, this soldier manages to escape... only, when she reaches the treetop, she realises she hasn't any legs to stand on. She feels the excruciating pain only when she looks down at her waist where it opens up into a bloody stump. The abnormal has her legs in his mouth like breadsticks. Perhaps, after all, she isn't so fortunate.

Some other Scout Regiment soldiers share her misfortune, making it to the treetops, but not without cost. Either it's an arm, some other body part or, worst of all, their head. One man, whose leg is gory and gone, screams out in agony all manners of obscenities, “Where the fuck are the officials? Where in Wall Maria's name is Camilla? Where the fuck is that bitch?” About thirty or so soldiers end up dead in the massacre. For some it's short... but for others long, death throes drawn out like a cruel, humourless joke. Some find the suffering so unbearable that they resort to suicide, throwing themselves into the titan pit to end it all. Make that forty or so soldiers. Even so, they'll only know the numbers for certain when they finish counting the bodies.




When the screaming has been stifled by time, a still silence sets itself solid to mark the tragedy. A silence as silent as the grave. A smell fouls the air, the smell blood, a sickening stench of iron. Heavy is the smell, of enough weight to crush the spirits, work the shoulders into a slump, make the stomach drop in on itself. For most if not all of the soldiers, a realisation strikes truer than any of their blades can... that this world is cruel, that this world is an unforgiving wilderness plagued by devils.
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Kane panted heavily, cold sweat lining his forehead, heart pounding, blood rushing his ears, deafening the screams...

But it did little to cease his sight, reaching outward from his perch upon the upper branches of a sturdy oak where he sat, legs hanging over the void at the edge of the camp, roughly fifty meters from the epicenter of the attack. The perfect position to see the tail end of the surprise attack, to see the horrors of war once again as men and women of honor were torn apart, limb from limb, devoured by the enemy, their blood forming a mist of iron that hung to the senses.


"Again... it happened again"


"Again and again and again and again"

Rambled Kane, exhaustion and PTSD finally catching up with him as he began to laugh. He laughed, and laughed and continued laughing to the high heavens as titans picked apart the few unlucky souls trapped on the ground below the scout, and as he laughed he wept for all of the poor souls who's lives had been cut short.

So this is what it means to be a scout... To train endlessly. Becoming experts with a blade, learning the movements of a soldier beyond the wall, forest ODM maneuvers, strategy, just to die... Just to fail...

He thought to himself as his laughter came to a close, and what replaced his manic episode was rage. Pure unadulterated, absolute rage. He looked around at the other scouts perched in the trees near him waiting to see if anyone would make a move, none had yet, but he refused to let that stop him, leaping from his branch, and from safety, planning to make good on his promises and oaths as he dove towards a 5 meter titan at the base of his tree, tears of anger streaking down his face and an ear splitting scream erupting from his grimacing face.
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Landing on a branch with Serenity in tow, Niklas steadies her on her feet, wheeling the cables of his ODM equipment back into his holsters with a raspy click. Turning back to look over his soldier, Niklas witnesses the bloody carnage below the forested canopy. By the narrowest of margins, he manages to keep his rations down. Blood here, blood there, blood everywhere. Blood as far as the eye can see. “Dear Wall Maria,” shrieks the corporal. “That noise... whatever that noise was... it must've lured them here. There's... there's no doubt about it. Leave the horses. We have to abandon them. Going down there is suicide.”

He hears laughter not far off, laugher he soon comes to realise bellows from one of the newer soldiers of the unit, Kane Foster. "Somebody stop him," Niklas exclaims, too far away to reach him in time, "He's out of his mind!"
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Marx Hawthorne
(Unknown Forest)


But Kane was cut short of his emotional rampage as he was all but plucked from the air and pinned to a tree. Marx, with ODM hooks deeply entrenched into the tree either side of Kane, hung from the bark with his catch between him. He gazed indifferently at the red mess that remained below, apparently able to keep his cool while watching such a demoralising display occur. Marx’s flight path had intercepted Kane’s in such a way that they now hung high above the titans’ reach and were probably safe from even the abnormal’s powerful jumping ability.

“Don’t be stupid, Stupid. You were about to jump out of the frying pan and into the oven.” Marx hadn’t saved Kane out of any sense camaraderie or because he liked him as neither were true, but because he felt he could at least relate to what he was feeling. No matter your reasons, that inherent rage remained within people and fuelled them to achieve much. If anything, Marx would have encouraged this behaviour. But even he could tell that going down below alone was outright suicide, of not from common sense then from his soldier instincts. He had just saved Kane from certain death, so hopefully the lad calmed down and started thinking straight.

“Niklaus,” Marx shouted up at their temporary leader, shoulders tensed as he prepared to react to any sudden Titan attacks, “What’s the plan?” They needed a way out or a semi-decent battle strategy, although he wasn’t too keen on the latter. Marx could take on a titan, but this was too much. His eyes squinted as he analysed the battlefield, attempting to find easy escape routes or advantageous terrain. At this point, while all the titans were distracted with eating, now was their best chance at escaping the trap set by that bastard radio.

Two Fives Two Fives [/QUOTE] Uncultured Uncultured
Kane, as he dove, was stopped abruptly by Marx, who pinned the scout to the tree on his right, halting his free fall before he could use his ODM gear to attack the five meter titan at the base of the large oak tree. Before Kane could let off a word, Marx barked in his ear,

“Don’t be stupid, Stupid. You were about to jump out of the frying pan and into the oven.”

Yelled Marx, attempting to reason with Kane, successfully so, for as Marx said his piece, the tunnel vision of Kane subsided, and the scope of the titan swarm became clear. One of such numerical strength that all but the most elite would face certain death, and so, with a deep breath, Kane relented, silently, embarrassed at his cracking psyche, unable to comprehend the emotional turmoil storming through him.


“What’s the plan?”

Continued Marx, relaxing his grip on Kane, allowing the cooling scout to grapple upwards back to the tree canopy, turning as he did to face Marx and then Niklas.

"How many of us have died? How few of them have we killed?"

"At what point do we stand and fight?"

Yelled Kane, first to the two men, turning then to the rest of the scouts surrounding them, hoping to entice some form of fighting spirit before settling on his original vantage point.
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"Goddamn." Pierce yelled over the commotion of people being slaughtered. "I always thought titan's were predators, but look at that." he said motioning to a woman screaming for help in the hand of a five meter, being slowly wishboned by the legs. "They aren't hunters, they're doing this shit for fun." it got to him, the pool of blood growing every passing minute, the screaming, the wailing. Even hardened individuals like himself weren't immune to it. It was these things that made survivors want to eat a shotgun barrel for breakfast. Seeing what was going on in that killzone made his blood boil, all this for what? So the cheese eating surrender monkey's in the inner walls could have a map. Why? "This is fucking bullshit!" he yelled over the screams. He wanted to go down, but what would he do get swatted like a fly? Or better yet become one of the courses for the titan's feast.

He looked over at one of the scouts who decided it would be a good idea to go into a seething horde of hungry titans. Well, he's gonna die. Pierce thought as he watched the descent. But it didn't happen. As he looked at what happened another one of the scouts stepped in to ground his suicide mission. "You know, always thought I'd go out saving some beautiful woman, not getting royally fucked by one of those fugly bastards." he was saying this to at least lighten the mood he was standing upright next to a few other scouts, one being of the hot female variety. For all his sociopathic qualities it still seemed that he retained his shitty sense of humor. Those underground fight pits beat the compassion out of him, it was a dog eat dog world he came from, the sentimental ones didn't last long there. Of course he didn't believe he was actually a high functioning psychopath or sociopath but he could never tell. The one good thing about his introspection was that it drowned out the noise of the dying in the pit. He looked back towards the woman, realizing that it might be the last time he would be able to hit on one for lack of better words, he decided what the hell. "If both of us survive this you wanna grab a drink sometime?" weak as hell, but he could be sure that everyone here would need what Pierce called the magic forgetfulness juice to sleep for a good long while.

Ethereal_Dreams Ethereal_Dreams Kloudy Kloudy Two Fives Two Fives
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The place was swarming with humans now. No....why? Why were there so many here? Surely they know about the titans going after large groups of people. Serenity's odd eyes looked around and that ghostly white hair fluttered as she turned her head. She could not get rid of this insistent uneasy feeling in her back, like something was about to go horribly wrong. She fallowed the, seemingly, leader of the troupe inside where the scource of the signal was originating. This place always gave her the creeps so she avoided it at almost all costs. "We shouldn't linger here." she whispered to him after dismounting the new horse.

After all the commotion the box began playing. The signal was a recording? What? Then the scream. That sound. It sent pure fear coursing through her. The sound reverberated through the air and even through the ground under her feet. This sent a terrible tremor to run its course through her thin body. The breath in her lungs shook before she shouted at them to shut it off now but it was too late. The earth rumbled again but not to the box. She knew that feeling and she knew the sound that came right after it. Her eyes widened as she twisted her body and her head to look behind her and saw that they were coming under attack once again. She quickly unlatched her grappling hook from her belt to use it but the titans were upon them too quickly. She shut her eyes tight and braced herself to be devoured. She knew she wasn't quick enough. She didn't have the strength to move as fast as she needed to. She was done for.

She waited for the pain then emptiness, but it never came. Instead she felt a strong arm around her and pulling her sharply away from her current position. When she opened her eyes she was being carried away by none other than Niklas, the leader. When her feet touched the branch she was unsteady from the sudden movement. She didn't understand. She was of no use now. She didn't have the strength to get herself to safety but he saved her life over someone else's? Why? She was as good as dead back there. Why did he do the foolish thing and risk his life to save hers that was nearly at its end anyway, over a guy who had use of his gear and had the strength of a nourished body? She was thankful, of course, but very confused. She gently pulled away from him to stand on her own and looked down. It was a scene she had seen before and one that she would see again. She had become numb to it. The blood and slaughter. She'd been lucky to survive this long but wouldn't that boy have been more useful than her? It was too late to change it now.

Blue and violet eyes watched the carnage without expression. The massive humanoids devouring the smaller ones in disgusting ways. She would have said something. Had it been her first week out here she would have felt something but now, she felt nothing for them. They were foolish enough to be killed, so was she but there was someone even more foolish as to save her. Humans and titans. The unnatural way of this world.

"That sound....that sound brought them this time." she whispered to herself, noticing the connection but not understanding what it meant. She glanced around at the other branches to the other scouts to find a good amount of them had escaped the titan's clutches. "We need to stay up here from now on. The higher the better. We can wait till they start to slow down then move to a safer spot and regroup. I don't have any air for my gear so I am going to be a bit slower, but I can tell you the way." she offered as a suggestion without any real kind of tone in her voice. She wasn't really a sociable girl anymore but pretty to look at if given a proper and steady diet.
Victoria looks down, blank look on her face as she watches, she didn't like the order to leave the horses behind "And that's one of us going crazy" she mumbles fiddling with a necklace, a tick to show she's either scared or nervous, but at this point it's hard to tell which one it is, she finds the recording odd and it's even weirder that there are people, though she shuts out the screams if people, looking down she sees her horse 'Go back and wait' she waves to her animal, without horses they couldn't get back to the wall alive, so much is clear.
As the beasts infiltrate from all around through the forest trees, scouts flying themselves from the tragedy below to the treetops above with the intention of saving their own skins, Akai makes a solemn promise, "I'll save him."
She stays amongst the massacre for the time being, wrenching her swords from their metallic casings. Without a word, without an explanation, nothing at all but those three words from before, she makes her way towards that boy Niklas fails to save. With a burst of butane from her vertical manoeuvring equipment's cylinders, Akai is on the move.
She weaves in and out of titan after titan like a thread through a needle's eye, a thread's breadth away from enormous fingers splaying... a thread's breadth away from death. For all intents and purposes, this young widowed woman may have a death wish. She fires her hook into the heartwood of a tree trunk, then has her cable reel her in like a fishing line, all for that short statured teenager some yards away. Whether this woman has lost her wits or her limits with the loss of her husband is a question for debate, to which the answer is not known to anyone but the Delphic woman Akai herself.
When she eventually reaches the titan by the little boy, having used another titan's shoulder as a stepping stone to propel herself forward, Akai readies her blades with the idea to engage rather than evade, revolving her body into a hurricane of silver steel more than capable of opening up the titan's nape. She drives herself through his flesh and bone, coming out from the throat on the other side, drenched in the steam and sanguine of a burst windpipe. She wastes no time in rescuing him, praying to the Walls she can make it with him to the treetops without setback.
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After a day-long ride the unit finally reached their destination, and fortunately they weren't the first ones there, or the only ones. However as one of the randoms pointed out, the commander wasn’t there! Hell, none of the high ranking officers were here! Mizuki clenched her fist at the thought that they were wiped out. It seemed impossible yet so realistic. And if it was true this whole operation would be in shambles. Fortunately before she could linger on these thoughts much longer Niklas had managed to start up quite the commotion. Curious and desperate to distract herself she jogged over, trying to get a view on whatever was going on. They accomplished their goal of finding the signal, which seemed to be coming from a small wooden box? “How can a wooden box produce a signal so strong we can receive it back in the walls?” She asked, absolutely dumbfounded by what was going on. Unfortunately things wouldn’t clear up as the box began to speak! “The King of the Ant-Men” it repeated before letting out an otherworldly screech. The unpredictable noise seemed to send shockwaves through everyone, many doing whatever they could to block the noise. Mizuki herself brought one hand up to her ear, a string of curses following not long after. And then the rolling thunder returned. She managed to turn her head just in time to see the titans flood into the camp, a mere glimpse of what was to come.

Mizuki hooked her ODM into the branch of a tree and zipped upwards to safety, watching down as the titans ate, tore, and stomped on everything in their path. Death wasn’t something that really messed with the soldier but this was like nothing she’d ever seen. The once green forest was now a bath of blood and screams. A delivery of vomit welled in her throat being being spat out to add to the colors. “What the fuck are we supposed to do know!?”
Setting the boy on the flat of the tree branch, Akai leaves him to his vices after hoisting herself to her feet. She accepts his thanks, modestly insisting that it's nothing. Following an extremely brief exchange of words, telling him her name, she parts ways him. Striding for where the others are, Akai sheathes her blades. The crosspieces of them ring with a clangour as they make contact with the alloy lockets of her scabbards.
"Survive," mutters the widow to Mizuki. "Survive to our last breath."
"Agreed with Akai" Victoria "But jumping down there again is suicide, we'd make all the deaths meaningless if we die here" she says, she wouldn't make Lucas' death meaningless "Now if there were children down there I'd go and try to save them, but these people are stupid for coming here when they could be save behind the walls, this is messing up our mission" she says still not looking away from the mess, she grew up in a military family and while none had ever seen something like this she wasn't about to let it scare her to the point that she, besides, she still had a few more pranks to pull on her cousins, no point in doing that when you're too scared to leave your room.
Kane stood anxiously, his energy overwhelming as anger, sadness, bloodlust, depression, loss and confusion swirled within. As if to cut off his emotions, he curled his hand, punching the tree to his right with the side of his fist and forearm, sending small fragments of bark into the air, along with a mist of his own blood.

Rather than stand around aimlessly, Kane decided he would find something to do, anything to escape the nothingness that enabled his wallowing. In this state of mind, he couldn't afford thought, he had to act, even if it was something petty and inconsequential. So long as it could take his mind off his suffering, it would do.

Thusly, when Serenity mentioned that she had no gas for ODM movement, he decided that something would be done about it, grappling over to the girl of odd eyes and Niklas, the impromptu leader of the group, and savior of the woman.

"There's plenty of tanks on the ground for the taking. If we're gonna move out, everyone's gonna need tanks"

"I say we make a play for those over there"

Reasoned Kane, pointing to a small group of titans on the outskirts of the camp, numbering only a few, and the corpses of several scouts at their feet, fresh ODM gear and tanks for the taking.

"But I can't do it alone."

Continued the scout, imploring his comrades for help in the "heroic" endeavor. For even though it was a brave and noble act, it had more to do with his revenge kick and desire to escape emotional weight than any desire to do right.

SerenityAngel SerenityAngel
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“Titans have been outside the Walls for half a century,” Niklas sighs at Pierce, his heaving breath raw and ragged in his throat. Lots of his words stutter in his mouth, catching on his tongue like his saliva is molasses. “Theoretically, all of them should've starved if their diet is exclusively human. We can assume they don't eat us to survive... They eat us for sport.” After telling Pierce this horrifying detail, he holds Serenity by the shoulders, turning her away from a red backdrop of dying people.
He nods at her following her recommendations, telling her, “Yes.” Collecting himself after a shrieking scream from beneath the branches, he continues, “We'll need you to navigate. Stay alive, Serenity.” He convinces himself that this is why he saved her, why he let that little boy face off monsters that scare men five times his age. Yes, he hopelessly tells himself. This is why.

What was that little boy doing here, one may ask? The military were known enlist soldiers at an early age. For this reason it wasn't at all uncommon to see cadets in the Training Corps' military quarters, sixteen by the time they concluded training and geared for dispatch. The Scout Regiment, in consideration of the rate of their fatality, had a tendency to accept anyone they could with the inclusion of these young. Some were orphans, street urchins of the slums with no other options. Others, however, had families, struggling to survive in poverty with what little prospects the Royal Government offered them, sending their children off to the military in hopes of increasing their household income.

After this thought, he sees Akai, in a stunning show of aerial acrobatics, make a landing on a branch with that boy in tow, having rescued him. She never fails to amaze him, appreciative for her saving the boy's life and shifting a weight off his conscious. Glancing at Serenity again, he tells her, “We won't make it far. Not without horses.” Most if not all of the horses have fled from fright. This is in spite of all the training a Thoroughbred horse of the scouts receives. Who could blame them, though? Some of the horses remain, not by choice, but because their reins have been tethered to tree trunks. Even so, these horses are encircled from all sides by shadow, swatches of dreary grey cast by towering titans. “There's no riding to the wall. We won't make it far,” he repeats. “Not without reserves. Not without rations.”
The corporal is as much without spirit as the bodies below, muttering, “We're out here all alone. The officials are likely as dead as the soldiers down there. With the inclusion of Camilla.” He looks at around. “You believe anyone can survive a titan ambush of this scale? You're a fool. Nobody can. No matter how skilled they are with these,” He raps his knuckles against the metal boxes that hold his plug-in blades. The reality of the situation sets in with a vicious clank of metal.
“What do we do?” repeats Nik to Mizuki. “I don't know. I'm out of ideas. Does anyone else have ideas? Eventually, these will run out, too,” Niklas mutters in reference to the cylinders at his waist, “They'll run out long before we even see fields. We could pray. Pray for a miracle,” Niklas sarcastically grouches, completely demoralised by all the death. It may be time for a new leader to step up. “It wouldn't do us much good. Nobody is coming for us out here in the middle of nowhere. Nobody at all. This forest is as much their cemetery as it is ours.”
At Kane Niklas states, “Anything we try to do down there, whether it be refuelling, retrieving the horses, anything else anyone else can think of, it has to be done during the night when the titans are less active. Give it an hour or so. Maybe then we'll have a chance. As small as it is.”
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"Once the sun sets I'm going for those tanks. Not just for her."

Said Kane, pointing at Serenity.

"We all need the extra gas to get out of this forest..."

Continued Kane with false bravado, holding hands steady as they screamed to shake, slumping down on the branch, his back to the trunk, feet hanging over the titan's abyss, letting out a sigh of frustration as he came to rest.
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Blood. Crimson waves of human blood flew from titan mouths, hands and under their feet. So much for getting everyone back alive. She believed she should have been down there. If it wasn't for Niklas, she would have been among them. However, she was alive, but now of no use. She was as good as dead weight without a proper set of gear and her body as weak as it was. This scene should have been her death but she was spared. Why? What purpose did she serve now? She led them to where they wanted to be and look what they got. Why were they so fixated on that signal? What did that stupid scout have to kick it over and alert these monsters?

It didn't matter now. It was done. There was nothing they could do to change the past but hope to survive to tomorrow and she would show them how and a way out of here. She turned her eyes away from the gore that was right below her feet to the ones that made it to safety. She was a bit relieved that someone was able to save the boy. It brought the tiniest of smiles to her lips but as quickly as it appeared it was gone. She felt hands on her shoulders and she was turned to look back at a pair of eyes tarring at her, looking for redemption for his actions, trying to comfort his own heart and soul. She'd been there. She had felt that before. She understood and didn't say anything more about it. To his reasoning she nodded her head a little. She could get them to a place more secure, even with her grappling hooks that didn't run on gas. She glanced over at Kane without a change of her expression. His words made her sigh before responding.

"Don't. Not right after sunset. They still have energy to move. You want to wait at least an hour after sundown before attempting it. If someone is quick enough, they can cut the remaining horses free so they can get back to the wall." she then turned to see that a lot of these people had lost hope. They had given up from despair and fear, waiting for death to claim them now. This was not going to happen to them. She would not let them go through what she did. She would not let them endure a slow death. She thought for a few minutes before coming up with a somewhat decent plan that could get at least MOST of them back to the wall alive. "There's a stretch of trees...." she started as she pictured the place, "it's a ways away and it will take longer to get there from here without horses but, it's possible, now that there are more people. I couldn't do it because I had no one else to carry the plan out and get back safely. Would you guys be willing to risk it? It may only yield little success but, it could get most of us back to the wall." she asked taking a step up, not showing or having any more fear to show. Only enough to stay alert.

"The horses that remain tied to the trees, we'll need them. Once they're cut free, they need to be watched where they go so they can be gathered later. Once we have the horses that can be ridden, a group takes them to the wall Then a few people bring back with a horse in tow each to the edge of the trees then take as many as they can back with the other horses and continue on like that. If titans show up, we use a secondary group as a distraction to lure them away and double back to lose them so they can be saved next trip. It's risky and will take some time but it will be possible if we work together on it. What do you think?"

She knew her plan had flaws but right now it was the best she could come up with. She knew the places to rest, where to turn around, where to group, how to preserve gas so they could get home and such. "I can show you how to make grappling hooks to reduce the use of gas tanks. It will be slower to get there, but with the air reserves we can carry out the rescue much easier." she posed this plan and plot to the group she had met that seemed to work together, to see if they agreed with it or not. "We WILL be needing those tanks, but those that volunteer to get them will have to be fast and quiet. I'd go myself, but I can barely swing my own hooks for the time being."
"Quit whining," Akai scoffs. Her words are seething. Sharp, too. Sharper than the swords in her sheathes, cutting cleanly where it counts. She's one provocation away from frothing at the mouth. Angrily, dragging her boots, Akai makes her way across the branch.

“Getting on my nerves, Niklas. We're not dead yet. You've lost confidence. Get over it,” Akai holds out her hand, splaying her fingers. She draws attention to her ring finger. To anyone looking in her direction, they'll catch sight of the wedding band around it. "I lost my husband. Can't this, can't that. I can do anything. Anything I want. Just watch me."

The widow stands at the threshold of the Grim Reaper's doorstep and seems madly intent on knocking the door not once, not even twice, but a third time and counting. She's one of the first few soldiers to volunteer for Serenity's scheme, having made her decision without so much as a second thought. "Don't worry about the tanks," insists the woman as she looks Serenity over with her weary eyes, "I'll retrieve them. Even if it's the last thing I do."
"Its my plan.... not a chance I let you die without me on your six getting eaten with you. "

Kane said to Akai, a harsh, joyless chuckle punctuating the statement of intent.

"Anyone else? There's a more than enough of them to go around..."

Continued the rookie, rubbing the back of his head anxiously, wondering if anyone in their right mind would volunteer for such a daunting task; and to his surprise, a few scouts fell in from surrounding trees, pledging to retrieve the tanks with Kane and Akai.

Loki The Trickster Loki The Trickster

(OOC comment, the other scouts are just faceless NPCs, not trying to God mod anyone, everyone should feel free to join up if they want to get some combat posts in ?)
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"We should worry about the horses" Victoria says pulling her neckless from under her shirt, where among a golden dragon with ruby eyes, a present from her cousins, hangs a whistle "Since there's a chance to lose my horse out here my father made me this whistle, it'll call the horses back, at least my horse since she trained with it" she explains "Might be a good idea to use it to train the horses with it, in case this happens", she never showed her necklace to anyone from the scouts, but she should've thought about that before they left, to put the whistle on a different one.
The corporal soldier mutters under his breath at Akai. He stares daggers at her for much of the evening as the shadows collect around the forest floor's creepers and coppices. One or two hours have passed since midnight. The titans below are fairly inactive for now, either slouched or slumped into the earth, almost sleeping... except for three. A three, four and five metre. “Better do it now,” Niklas advises. “You'll have to take out those three titans first, though. That's the only way you'll be able to bring the tanks back, let alone the horses. Before anyone rushes in and kills themselves, let's formulate a strategy. Who's doing what?”

Loki The Trickster Loki The Trickster Flame Demon Flame Demon Uncultured Uncultured SerenityAngel SerenityAngel Maki Maki Midrick Midrick Kloudy Kloudy Coco Adel Coco Adel Allo Allo Ella Victoria Ella Victoria (For the purpose of this task, everyone has enough gas to do whatever they're planning to do)
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"I can find the horses" Victoria says "But I don't know how many I can bring back, so I'll probably need some help" she adds, she wasn't a fan of asking for help, but there's no other way. She hides her necklace again and she looks towards where the horses ran off too, now she's glad her horse is white, easier to spot in the darkness of the forest.
"That's a good idea Victoria, we're gonna need those horses..."

Chimed Kane with a nod.

"Wish I could help but I'm taking out ugly over there"

Kane added, blade pointing at a titan of black hair draped over a twisted, mocking face, it's demented grin humorous if not for the Savage nature of the beast. It's twisted, bloodstained body casting a moonlit shadow over fallen scouts, their ODM gear loaded with fresh tanks for the survivors.

The other two titans required slaying as well, one, presumably for Akai, who else would chip in was anyone's guess as Kane waited to see what third would volunteer for the three man job.
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Mizuki had completely lost track of the time though She knew they it had to be night or early morning. They hadn’t moved an inch since they made it to the trees and the girl found herself getting restless. Fighting titans wasn’t her favorite activity but it sure beat doing nothing. And now that the sun was gone it was much safer to try and escape. Unfortunately they didn’t have nearly enough gas tanks to make it back, and their horses were still missing. “I can take out that third guy.” She said, referring to the titans. “Might as well use the night while we still have it.”
"Sounds like a plan"

Replied Kane with a nod, thankful to have Mizuki as the third.

"Alright then... Better get on with it"

Kane continued, a nervous chuckle escaping his lips, turning to face his target, his half smile fading.

For a moment, he waited, savoring his safety, and then, flipping the switch he lept from the tree, animalistic roar erupting as he shot forward to his mark.

Kane's tunnel vision was absolute, and he had no idea where Akai or Mizuki were, all he could see was the titan in the moment as he cut through the air with manic speed.

His strategy was simple and by the book. Take out a leg, then finish at the neck, and to do so, a cut at the Achilles would suffice, and to do that, Kane would have approach low. Thus he slammed downward from the canopy, then forward, over the ground by only two meters, ducking through underbrush and swinging through low branches and around trees, approaching the titan from its right flank.

His final move, to generate momentum, was a long slingshot around a strong oak tree, using physics to his advantage, winding around in an arch to build speed before unleashing a spray of gas that shot him forward like a bolt of lightning.

His blades ready, he aimed for the Achilles, generating a spin with his body for even more cutting power in the form of blade speed.

(+10 for trees, clutch!)

The cut could've been cleaner, but it did the job, blood and steam sprayimg from the wound as the 5 meter giant fell to a knee, unable to walk, it's nape open for a finishing blow.

To prepare for the final attack, Kane shot upwards to a branch, planting his feet to the bottom of the limb, his ODM gear holding him inverted despite gravity as he gathered his gaull for the finale.

This is it...

He thought to himself with a deep breath. Prepping himself for his first kill.

He dove like a bird of prey to the nape of the titan's neck. The creature twisted its neck to face him as he fell, giving Kane the perfect angle to cut out the core of the titan. As his blades sliced through searing flesh he exhaled a sigh of relief, and, awash with a feeling of accomplishment he yelled victoriously as hit the ground with a roll.

His excitement was soon to die down though, for the remaining two titans turned to face him, and, trusting his teammates to handle them, he turned, ran several feet, grabbed four of the tanks from the downed scouts, and retreated with them tucked under his arm as the two titans closed in on him, making haste to the safety of the treetops.
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