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Fandom Attack on Titan: Chapter II

Akai meanders along the branch. Her steps aren't as lumberingly angry as before. Time has seemingly tempered her fire. She makes her way through various other Scout Regiment soldiers, those of them too white-livered to step forwards, and stops a foot away from Mizuki. "I'll help you. Take out the Achilles heel of that one,” Akai, with a swipe of her blade, directs her weapon at one of the titans below them, pointing, "and I'll do the rest."

A stream of wan moonlight catches her steel's cutting edge from cracks in the canopy overhead. "Are you ready?"

Maki Maki
Rising to his feet from a cross-legged sit on the branch, Niklas cleans his uniform, dusting himself off. Several leafy branches and dirty sprigs fall from his thighs. He notices how much bloodstains there are on his uniform, realising after a while however much he tries to pick at the dry splotches they'll never come off. Even if he's to wash these clothes, those reds will remain a lasting reminder of what happened here in these deep dark woods. Even on the trees, the barks of their trunks are red. The blood of the fallen has soaked into them as red wine does with a wooden barrel when maturing, making these trees resemble redwoods more than oaks, willows, yews, eucalyptuses and so on. “Redwood Massacre,” he finds himself whispering, another scout overhearing him and passing it on... until this is what they call this tragedy. The Redwood Massacre.

Some minutes after Kane adds a kill to his record, Nik makes preparations for a titan encounter. “I'll take out the last one,” voices the corporal, his voice slightly less deflated than before as he draws out his blades. “Could do with a hand. Any takers?”

Midrick Midrick Kloudy Kloudy Coco Adel Coco Adel Flame Demon Flame Demon Loki The Trickster Loki The Trickster Maki Maki SerenityAngel SerenityAngel Uncultured Uncultured
Mizuki watched as Kane made the first move, gliding through the darkness and cutting its heel before finishing it off with a brutal strike to its nape. It was an impressive kill to say the least, yet they couldn’t celebrate yet. As he tried to make off with a couple armfuls of tanks the other two titans tried to make a meal of him. With them distracted now was the time to act. She drew her blades and prepared to attack but was stopped by Akai. Her plan was a good one and have them a better chance at securing the kill safely. “Of course I’m ready, just be ready to strike right after I hit that heal.” She said, nodding in response before hopping off the branch.

Her ODM let out a hiss as it’s wires shot out, latching onto the beefy trunk of a tree. Mizuki flew past the Titan and towards the left side of the tree using her wires to whip around to the other side, detatching the hooks and slingshotting her towards the heel of the Titan. “Get ready!” She called to Akai, her blades slicing through the target only moments later causing the Titan to fall forward.
"Sorry Niklas. Gotta find the horses so we can leave this place" Victoria says checking the surroundings one last time before deeming it safe to move away without losing a limb she jumps of the branch and within seconds she's off to find their horses. She didn't display her speed too often as it kept the element of surprise, but right now she needed to be fast, she moves slower once she's a bit away though so she can spot the animals "Come on" she mumbles, but she spots a few of them, grinning when she sees her own horse too.

She lands on a branch to check the surroundings before heading down "Yuki" she whispers to the horse "I need you to gather the other horses and come back to where we are, alright?", she spots Bookworm and says "Just don't take too long", she walks to Bookworm and gets on, whistling for the other horses there to follow her before she rides off and she checks to see the other horses following her "Good they weren't too far off" she mumbles, her clothes were stained too, but that's expected, even her hair seemed to have some red in it, she really preferred if blonde, not red. She doesn't know if the others killed them all, but she had to wait so she wasn't in a risk of dying "I can't die here" she thinks, remembering Niklas' words "I'll get home".
“Wait,” Niklas warns Victoria, his voice a breathless shout. “There's still titans active down there--” He reaches his hand out to stop her, fingers spread apart, but Victoria is already flying down to the forested floors. By the time Victoria has finished untethering the horses from the trees, riding from the red, she'll discover there's a titan running after her, that titan that needed to be killed. Fortunately for her, Niklas cuts this titan's run short by coming down with a swipe at his Achilles. Recovering himself for the time being, he waits for someone to deliver the coup de grâce. Should nobody come to his aid, he'll have no choice but to do it himself.
She takes out Mizuki's titan without a hitch. Passing underneath a branch, she clenches her fists around her hilts. They're so clenched, in fact, that her knuckles whiten, all the blood wrung from her fingers like laundry on lines. With a shriek of butane and a swivel of her boot that rockets her from a tree trunk, she tears the titan's nape to shreds with pitiless precision.

Even with the titan's nape torn to shreds, however, Akai is madly intent on mutilating the titan even more. Mutilating his arms, his legs, his everything. All in the space of time it takes him to fall to his knees. She lets her anger take control, seeing red, only red. All to vent out her frustration over losing her husband only two nights previously. Anyone with eyes can see Akai is wasting her reserves for this unnecessary brutality. Vengeance for viability. Perchance, after all, her anger hasn't been tempered by time.

When there's essentially nothing else to cut from this titan, Akai flies for the one on Victoria's trail. Niklas has weakened him, but Akai, truth be told, would've went for the titan even if he hadn't. This mentality, this self-destructive anger over her loss, does her no favours, especially not now. The last titan catches her in his hand like a baseball. His fingers furl inwards, seemingly crushing her to death in the centre of his fist. Rivulets of blood stream from in between his fingers and set the sombre mood of death the bereaved often feel at a funeral. That underlying sentiment that someone's life is precious, not to be squandered, not to be wasted in any and all capacities, but to be treasured for all it offers, those special moments written in memory, that time a childhood sweetheart made her laugh, that time it rained at the barbecue...

That time I fell hopelessly in love.

Akai slashes her way out of his hand like a hurricane of metal, claiming all five of his fingers with a violent stroke of steel. The blood from earlier is the titan's, having not been hers, and it begins to boil over into steam. "Close call with Grim," whispers Akai, employing one of those fingers as a stepping stone before it reaches the floor. She fires her wires into an overhead branch for a more adequate vantage, wasting not a moment of time as she clenches the muscles in her thighs and flies down for the second kill. "Not today, Reaper."

Her cloak billows out at her shoulders, her blonde Artlert curls revealed beneath her fluttered hood, utterly dishevelled by the swell of air currents. She makes mince meat of the titan's nape before long and dourly mutters, "Begone."
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Victoria heads up again using the trees to get on level with the Titan and heads towards the nape of the Titan Niklas had cut off to safe her just moments earlier "Thanks" she says before speeding up and taking her blades and with impressive speed for someone so short she shoot towards the enemy, in this case the Titan and she really hoped she'd succeed "Did get our horses back though" she says before she focuses completely on the task of killing the monster.
With three of the active titans dead, slain by Kane and Akai with assists from Mizuki, Niklas and Victoria, the scouts are free to collect their tanks and Thoroughbred horses. However, not all of the Thoroughbreds have come back from Victoria's whistling call, only the ones close. Some scouts decide to share the horses available, while others decide to use their ODM equipment to follow behind the calvary. They should be swift, for the dawn is upon them, and soon the inactive titans scattered all around them like landmines will awaken, eager to break their fasts on human flesh. “Come on,” Niklas urges the other scouts, “Let's ride to a safer location. Lead the way, Serenity.”

Midrick Midrick Kloudy Kloudy Coco Adel Coco Adel Flame Demon Flame Demon Loki The Trickster Loki The Trickster Maki Maki SerenityAngel SerenityAngel Uncultured Uncultured (I've noticed some characters haven't responded yet. Let me know if things are moving too fast and I'll slow down)
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Teetering between dreams and reality, Kane wavered on his branch, seated and exhausted, every cell in his body demanding sleep, his back leaning precariously, ODM hooks embedded in the wood, a safeguard in case the rookie fell asleep while high above the ground.

His thoughts were dark, for much had happened over the past 24 hours. His two best friends, forged in the academy, bonds close as blood, had been killed in front of him along side the rest of his squad. Then God knows how many more had fallen in the ambush of night past. Even in his exhausted state, incapable of deep thought, the scout knew he'd never shake what had happened. Had he more tears to give, he would've cried, but he found none, and what troubled him most more than all the death he had seen was the sense of emptiness he felt, the lack of emotion, the nothingness. Like the nerve cells killed by severe burning, it seemed to Kane that his capacity to feel had been destroyed by the fire of war.

Bagged eyes red and dehydrated, he watched scouts refueling with scavenged tanks, giving Kane a small sense of accomplishment, he had done something to help his comrades even if the contribution was small. This accomplishment however, did little to ease the soldiers greif and emptiness. In fact, ironically, it deepened it, how the lives of the fallen were a token, their tanks giving life to ODM gear, deaths but a convenient turn for the remnants of the expedition.

Kanes pseudo philosophical ramblings would have to cease for the time being though, for sunlight crept over the horizon, and the scouts, ready or not, would have to move out or risk death by titan swarm. Some descended to their horses below, Kane would not be able to though, for Shilling was no where to be found, his pearlescent gray coat, usually a standout, being absent in the equestrian mob.

And so, Kane began moving towards the edge of the forest with his ODM gear, eyes roaming hawkishly as he looked for his horse.
Mounting her horse again Victoria notices the red dried stains in her hair "That's gonna be a pain to wash out" she mumbles, she hoped it'd wash out at all, she looks up to see Kane "Hey Kane, come down here, you can ride with me!" she calls up, surely they were all pretty much exhausted and while it's safer to be high up it'd probably be better to keep everyone as close to each other as possible "If you don't want to you can tell me" she adds as she looks forwards again, really though, she's tired too, but she doesn't show it very much. Suddenly she considers her hair length might be a bit of a problem if Kane accepts her request, so she puts it in a ponytail, also to prevent it from becoming more messed up then it already is "Should ask my aunt for a haircut" she thinks, in the years she was in the military she never once cut her hair, because she liked it, a lot actually and short hair just didn't suit her at all, she had tried that already. She snaps out of her thought and glances back at Kane before focusing on the road, they really had stayed there the entire night and they hadn't gotten any rest at all.
Uncultured Uncultured
Before Kane could get very far from the rest of the scouts, he heard his name called from the forest floor.

"Hey Kane, come down here, you can ride with me!"

Came the words of Victoria. In Kanes exhaustion, struggling to find her among the crowd while moving through trees at high speed, he failed to notice a thin branch to his front-right hand side, and with a loud" WHACK" his head was whipped by the thin limb of the tree.

His momentum continued in his lower half, while his top half stopped, causing his body to flip. For a few moments he hung from his ODM gear, inverted, and with a stinging red line across the side if his face he began to laugh, a genuine smile on his well worn face as he flipped, detached and dropped to Victoria, rubbing the back of his head with embarrassment.

"Thanks... I'd really appreciate the ride. Don't think it's safe for me to be using my gear anyway, too tired to focus on it"

He said with a chuckle, climbing onto Yuki with a groan of exhaustion.

Flame Demon Flame Demon
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Victoria covers her mouth to stifle her laughter as she stops her horse enough for him to get one, once he's on the animal starts to follow the others again "I know, I could see it from down here" she says, turning her head a bit to look at him "Quite funny to see actually" she adds with a slight smile, a real one this time, not the one she uses to hide the fact she's either depressed, hurt or sad. It's probably the first genuine smile she showed since she joined the military, not counting the times she was around Lucas "He'd want me to continue on" she thinks as she looks up "So I will, I will avenge him, whatever it takes".
Uncultured Uncultured
"Yeah Im sure it was"

Answered Kane, returning the smile, looking at the other scouts in the area, all sporting amusement of some kind at the expense of Kane, and although he served as the butt of the joke he was hardly offended, understanding the humor of it and chuckling as well, rubbing the red, mildly swollen line running across his forehead with his fingertips, as if to buff out the wound.

"To think this is the only injury I got...

Guess we're the lucky ones"

Added Kane, tone thankful and relieved, but solemn as the convoy moved out, getting an early move on the still sluggish titans. As the ragged force moved out, Kane continued looking for his horse, eyes scanning the forest for any sign of Shilling.

"I hope that bastard's OK"

Thought Kane to himself with a pang of concern. Although not one to fawn over animals, Shilling was still his horse, and he'd be pained if he never saw him again, and after losing so much it would be a cruel twist to lose even more of what he cared for in the world.

Flame Demon Flame Demon
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"You were lucky" Victoria says, she figured her uniform could be thrown away, even her aunt couldn't wash it out, she already tried once, to clean dry blood out of the uniforms "Think our families will be waiting for us when we get back?" she asks, her parents would be there, so would her younger brother, her aunt would just stand out in that crowd, like her cousins, who also came. "I just realized my family would stand out terribly if they come" she says with a chuckle well there's no helping it really, they wanna see her get back safely, everyone's family wants that, for their relatives to come back in one piece and with the right might "Tell me if my hair's annoying you. I put it in a ponytail, but it's still pretty long" she says looking at Kane.

Uncultured Uncultured
"No it's not a problem don't worry about it"

Replied Kane, his face being slapped every few seconds by the ponytail in his face. Her hospitality wouldn't be spoilt by complaints, he decided, so he endured as they rode through the forest, his head turned to the side.

A few moments passed as Kane thought in silence of his family. What few would be waiting at the wall when he returned. His brothers having died in the line of duty just years prior would be missing of course and his father was sick, spending the days in bed.

The only ones waiting there would be his mother, blue with worry, and his younger sister who hated him for his decision to join the scouts after what had happened to their two older brothers, despising the risk he had taken and the emotional toll it inflicted on their parents. Not exactly the welcome wagon, so to speak.

"I'm sure I'll have a few waiting for me at the gate if I make it back....

"What'll stick out...?"

"About your family I mean?"

Asked Kane over the sound of pounding hooves and the rush of wind surrounding them.

Flame Demon Flame Demon
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Pierce watched as the titans were dispatched, he was about to speak up to help Niklas, but was beat to the punch. By Victoria. "Whatever." he muttered, wouldn't be any skin off his back. He jumped down, the hooks of his gear hissing as they left their housing. He touched the ground and walked over to one of their fallen comrades. All that was left was the bottom half of the body, a snarl of intestines trailing the pair of legs. He unhooked the gas cans from the gear, he would've taken the blades too, but he was full up on those. "Sorry chief." he said as he removed the tanks. A tinge of pity in his voice, death didn't bother him, but no one deserved to die like that.

Just as he scooped the tanks up three other scouts walked over to him, bad intentions displayed on their faces. "Those canisters are ours." the one in the lead said, Pierce looked at him like he had a third head, there were clearly more than enough to go around, as terrible as it sounded due to the fact that the abundance came at the expense of their friends and fellow soldiers. "There's other gas cans man, go grab some other ones." said Pierce as he proceeded to walk past them. Only he couldn't because one of them stepped in his way. "You think you can just take the cans from our dead friend huh? guess you need a litter lesson in respect." said the corporal as he stepped toward Pierce. It was three against one, but pierce stood a head taller than them, still it was an unfair fight... for them. Pierce felt arms wrap around his body trying to squeeze the life out of him. The third guy started advancing to punch Pierce, so in response Pierce jumped off the ground, pulling both legs into his chest before unleashing a double footed kick toward the scout coming toward him. The kick flattened the aggressor from the front, an audible oomph sounded while the air in the front guys body was forced out. The power from the kick sent the guy who had him in a bear hug backwards, taking Pierce with him. The bear huggers grip had slipped during the fall and Pierce rolled backwards and emerged on his feet, the leader of the ruffians keeping his distance. After the attacker from the back got up, Pierce unleashed a barrage of well executed kicks and punches his way, some landing, others meant to threaten. The guy threw a sloppy hay maker which Pierce intercepted with a block which turned into a hip toss, after the second offender was on the ground again, Pierre delivered a punch to the face, breaking the guys nose and taking him out of the equation. The leader of the group finally squared up with Pierce, he was more competent than his friends were when it came to hand-to-hand, he was still severely outmatched. Some other scouts had seen the fight start and gathered round the two, hooting and hollering. Soon more looked down from the trees while others joined the circle. Pierce had been displaying his skill by landing difficult kicks and hard punches. He shot into the leaders lower midsection, hooking his arms around his quads before standing up and slamming the guy to the ground, performed a well executed double leg takedown. Pierce had gotten hit a few times himself and was struggling with his last opponent. The man made a critical error by trying to drag himself up. Pierce grabbed his arm before forcing it into a figure four. Pierce began applying pressure and torquing his shoulder, and the sounds of pain from the scout became more frequently as Pierce was getting closer to the point where he would dislocate the shoulder. For the scouts sake Pierce believed someone would stop him.

Two Fives Two Fives Maki Maki Loki The Trickster Loki The Trickster @
"Thank you for having my back," Akai acknowledges Mizuki and Victoria. She sheathes her blades, making landfall in the titan pit. Hooting and hollering draws her attention away from the body she's looting for equipment. At first, Akai believes the soldiers to be celebrating the kill. She's wrong. In any case, with titans all around, Akai ascertains now isn't the time to be making loud noises. "Don't they realise they could draw other titans here? Active ones, might I add."

Making her way through the crowd with shoves of her squared shoulders, Akai sees four men locked in a savage skirmish. "Break it up. Now isn't the time," she muses aloud. "You're acting like cadets!" She tries to console them, realising a second or two later the men are inconsolable. There's anger behind their blows... anger she knows all too well. Anger that has burned in her heart many a time like molten iron, especially over the course of the last forty-eight hours.

One soldier of the crowd approaches Akai, trying his hand at instigation by forcing away all of the peacemakers. This soldier Akai drives the heel of her boot into, snatching the wind from his stomach with a whipping roundhouse. She holds back. She isn't feeling to break somebody so badly they're in no condition to travel by themselves. Not here of all places. As he falls to his knees, nursing the hot pain in his abdomen with clutching arms, Akai rumbles, “Out of my way.” All the while making her way to Pierce.

Putting her hand on Pierce's shoulder, Akai whispers, "Easy, easy. Easy, soldier. Let him be. Take the tanks and walk away. I don't know what this is about and, frankly, I don't care. Look around you. Titans. They'll be active when the dawn light hits them. I don't intend to stick around when that happens. Neither should you."

Midrick Midrick
Humans are very fragile creatures. While titans only needed sunlight to survive, humans needed so much more. Yet, the humans continue on their meaningless lives as if they are important to some kind of grand scheme. She barely even considered herself human anymore. Someone as broken as her was not fit to be called a human, right? As she thought this she caught the sound of voices and a scuffle between scouts. Are they insane? Are they TRYING to wake the titans up? She asked herself and decided this could not go on. She swung her grappling hooks and used them with expert ease to land soundlessly in the middle of the fight between Pierce and the other soldiers. She saw the one called Akai calming the stronger fighter down and she was left with the others.

Her haunting, chilling, odd colored eyes glared at the men kicking up the fuss over the tanks and glared hard at them as if she was ready to kill hem for making so much noise. "Get your heads out of your rears." she said dark and coldly, "Remember where you are? Remember the mission? You imiciles are going to get the rest of us and yourselves killed for nothing. Instead of idiotically starting fights over a task, get more tanks before the titans right behind you start moving." she then leaned down to a mangled corps's waist and carefully and quietly removed the air tanks to replace her empty ones. She now had the ability to fly again but she would not use any of it unless she had to. "Time is too precious to waist on petty squabbles. You want to get back to the city? Then act like you have a head on your shoulders before it winds up between a giant set of teeth." after that was settled and the group disperses the woman goes and gathers as many tanks as she can carry while keeping her eyes on the sleeping titans.
"Clothes, manners. Everything" Victoria says "My aunt probably wouldn't show up anyway, too much travelling for her taste" she says with a grin "My three cousins, they're a triplet by the way would show up and not even bother to dress so they would fit in with the crowd" she says, if they could get back safely she was definitely going to spend some time with her family, she frown thinking about the reaction her family will have to how they all look right now and since there's a chance that she has to cut her hair she might as well do it if they can afford a small break "There are few other horses over there" she says "Is yours with them?" she asks.
Uncultured Uncultured
"No I haven't seen him... I think he got spooked, started running and never stopped. He ain't much of a war horse you know? Doesn't have that mindset. "

Answered Kane, scanning the region as he spoke, looking for Shilling.

"I wouldn't be surprised if he's already at the wall waiting for us... Hell, he's probably in the stables right now sleeping in"

He continued with a chuckle, daydreaming of a bed, and because it had been over 24 hours since his last rest, the mention of sleep caused Kanes eyes to drift dangerously, consciousness wavering for a few moments. Before he could drift off completely, Victoria's ponytail whipped him in the face once again, serving not as an annoyance, but a convenience as it kept his eyes open and his balance steady on Yuki's back.

Flame Demon Flame Demon
When Niklas navigates the forested floor, he holds his breath. The smell is worse the closer you are to it, after all. The bodies have been down here for hours and more, ripened by mortis like compost in this cistern of human waste. He retrieves what he needs, not spending a second more down here than he must. Heaving a dead man onto his side, Niklas uncovers beneath him a writhing bed of worms. Maggots are strewn here and there, making burrows of skin discoloured a purply red. He nearly vomits. He holds it in by the skin of his teeth, the bile burning in the back of his throat. Somehow, against all odds, he musters enough willpower to claim the cylinders of the dead man's ODM equipment.

Afterwards, he sees some soldiers fighting in the pit not far off. By the time Niklas manages to make it over there, Akai and Serenity have broken up the vicious brawl along with the crowd. “They're right,” he chimes in. “Dawn is almost here. Get a move on.” Rather than taking a horse, Niklas opts to use his ODM equipment to follow after Victoria, Kane and the rest of what remains of the calvary. They'll more than likely notice his shadow passing over them from time to time as they make their way to a safer location in the forest.
"Niklas, how much further is it to get out of here?!" Victoria asks, not sure how long it'd take before the Titans became active and they had to be out of the forest by then "Horses are easily spooked" she says glancing back at Kane, he really looked tired, then again, who wasn't tired right now and they couldn't afford to rest during the day, so that doesn't work too well either "And where are we going after we leave the forest?" she asks looking up at Niklas again, she highly doubted that there's a safe spot right now.
Uncultured Uncultured
Two Fives Two Fives
Beyond The Wall / 巨大樹の森
the deep dark woods / 巨大樹の森

The dawn is here, having went by so fast. Any one of the scouts will tell you the same thing. It's the adrenaline and all the other neurological chemicals that alter your perception of time as you know it. To answer Victoria's question, some distance. By this time in the day, the Scout Regiment--what remains of them--have found a location of relative assurance. An area in the forest surrounded by a moat. Should any titans cross these waters, a splash will notify them immediately. Even so, most of the scouts remain in the treetops, daring not to risk it a second time.

“After all that, we didn't even retrieve the box,” one solider laments.

“That wasn't the mission,” another rectifies, “It was only to find it. Not bring it back with us. We know where it is now.”

Another scout chimes in, “Besides, Tony, I don't think anyone would feel safe with that thing around, especially not me. Nobody knows what the damn thing is. It would've been a ticking time bomb.”

Although all is seemingly well, a dilemma creeps at back of everyone's mind. Nobody, not one soldier, not one soul, mentions it, for mentioning it would make it real, a reality to be faced. Rations are dry as a bone and, of course, soldiers must eat. Otherwise, they'll starve. Animals in this area of forest are of a scarcity that nowhere near reaches the amount needed to feed the entire army, even with its dwindled numbers. Not many are eager to cross the moat.

Below the treetops, horses are tethered to the trunks. More are here now, having been found partway through the travel. Strangely, many if not all of the soldiers are eyeing the horses from above. The same way titans eye humans... "Cut it out," one soldier exclaims, "We can't eat the horses. They're our only way out of here." Startled by the allegation, the accused stammers in reply,"No! That isn't what--I wouldn't... I wasn't!"

"We can eat the plants around us," a voice recommends, her input dismantled a moment later by, "My comrade died in this forest before the massacre. Not to titans, no, but poison. Turned his flesh black and blue. Was eating berries, he was. Only berries. None of us know how to identify what's safe," he continues, "Those who did died in the Redwood Massacre." As the time passes them by, the soldiers must figure out what they intend to do.

Midrick Midrick Kloudy Kloudy Coco Adel Coco Adel Flame Demon Flame Demon Loki The Trickster Loki The Trickster Maki Maki SerenityAngel SerenityAngel Uncultured Uncultured Zer0 Zer0
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"The first idiot to even come close to Yuki or Bookworm will be killed" Victoria says narrowing her blue eyes at the scouts, she jumps down from her place and she searches her saddle bag and she grabs a book before going to the other scouts "Not all food is poisonous" she says "I don't even know how this ended up in my saddle bag, but it's gonna save us from eating the horses" she adds showing the book "It lists all edible food in the wild and everything you can't eat", she has a pretty good idea who put the book between her stuff, but she'd ask later.
“Convenient,” Niklas responds, watching Victoria from above in the canopy's branches. He has a whetstone to one of his blades. With a rasp of stone against steel, the corporal sharpens the metal's edge. “Maybe it has everything we've cultivated inside the Walls. Out here, though? I doubt it includes everything. The Scout Regiment haven't been out here nearly enough to make a resource like that. This is our first time exploring this area of the world, this forest, after all.”

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