ATA Assassin Training Academy!

twilight sparkle

Yaoi lover
plot:you have been chosen to attend ATA, the school for assassins in training.

your mission:do the best you can do...use any method necessary to get to the top.

(sign up:,1366756615][/DOUBLEPOST]Nichole got out of the taxi and looked up at the academy. she sighed and went to the big door. she felt a presence and froze. a hand went over her mouth and her hazel eyes darkened. "hi..ya!" flipping the person on his back. she pointed one of her pistols at his head with a growl. the guy smirked and kicked the gun from her grasp.then started the battle of wits and Nichole fought as hard as she could. she picked up the guy"!"tossing him into the wall. she heard clapping and turned to see the headmistress. (<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/fortune-arterial-shuchikan-academy-girl-uniform-2.jpg.8c73998eb64c3fd13461a744546c03f5.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="587" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/fortune-arterial-shuchikan-academy-girl-uniform-2.jpg.8c73998eb64c3fd13461a744546c03f5.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> sorry girls this is our uniform.. this is the school:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/images-26.jpeg.c914621208904371ec1898e3f402b09e.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="588" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/images-26.jpeg.c914621208904371ec1898e3f402b09e.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> this is the guys uniform so bare with me:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/images-36.jpeg.abdf9a14c9b433cf43dd37f5f4db333a.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="589" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/images-36.jpeg.abdf9a14c9b433cf43dd37f5f4db333a.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> 
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/images-42.jpeg.ff749313937f9ee8afc727a60b0f0a46.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="592" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/images-42.jpeg.ff749313937f9ee8afc727a60b0f0a46.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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-Rose strolled into the academy, unsure why it was so quite, so deserted looking. She walked through the doors and pulled out her M9 Beretta 9mm Pistol and pointed it down at the ground. Walking in slowly and silently, not even making one single sound from every single step she took. She put her gun away when she thought it was safe and then saw that on the inside, it was livelier then what she thought of it. Rose sighed.-
The headmistress said"hello and welcome Nichole! i am Riza Hawkeye the headmistress here!" Nichole bowed and said"h-hello!"she put her gun away and Riza nodded to the guy Nichole tossed into the wall. "you're free to go.."
Rio had watched the performance. " Wow talk about an interesting." he replied with a smile. " He sat a above the railing of the school. He put his hands on his short swords. " I may not want to take her on without knowing what makes her tick." He watched to see if the Head Mistress had something to say.
The guy stood up rubbing his back. he bowed and left. Riza said"that was very good great reflex!" Nichole said"t-thank you hawkeye-san!" Riza shot a bullet at her and watched her movements. Nichole dodged the bullet skillfully and was grabbed from behind by another guy. she calmed herself and elbowed him in the face then flipped him. Riza said"good good control of your anger!"
Chan stood among the crowd, unimpressed. Sure, she and the rest of the students were good, but not like him. He was the best of the best, along with Otto Garen. Chan specialized in various forms of martial arts, and so did Otto. However Otto's were completely different than Chan's. While Chan practiced some of the most lethal Chinese martial arts, Otto practiced the lethal Western martial arts. When they first battled, no clear winner was documented, as they never scored a blow on each other and looked to be exactly equal. However Chan and Otto had become friends now, and their competition to be the best of the best was a friendly rivalry.

Chan sat next Rio."You think that is impressive? I'm assuming you saw my battle with Otto Garen right? Well, that was a more entertaining then this. Still, she has skills." he assumed Rio already knew who he was. Being the best of the best had burdens.
-Rose jumps back to the feeling of being attacked and sees a guy slide in front of her right as she jumps back. She pulls out her katana and looks around. She uses her senses and sees with her mind a guy charging her from the shadows (she is being tested too ^-^). Rose does a flip while jumping really high in the air and kicks him in the back. He slides onto the floor flat on his face and she runs quickly and soundlessly through the darkness after putting her katana away. She sees a huge air vent from the ceiling, smiles, and run across the wall quickly. Does a spin flip then grabs the bottom of the air vent and pulls herself up.-
Luke walked among the crowd, he could barely contain his laughter as people quickly made a path for him as if he were a king or something.

Luke watched the fight with interest.
(nice :0 lol did you see the uniforms?) Nichole smiled and said"thank you!" Riza said"But! you have a lot to learn you have peeked my interest...dont go all soft ok!" walking away. Nichole said"y-yes mam!"
Rio didn't take his eyes off the commotion. " Both of you had killer instinct but you both seemed evenly matched. That just made it boring Chan." he smiled. " It's the thought of life and death that makes each battle worth while." He looked over to Chan. " But you already know that. "
((Why thank you! Sorry, Rpnation is really different from the place I usually roleplay. So I'll definitely miss a lot of things.))

((I'll just pretend people get freaked out by him because of his seemingly dark personality and scar on his eye.))

Luke wanted to join in the fight but decided to watch and observe.

"Knowing your enemy is half the battle." Luke murmured to himself.
-Rose jumped down from the air vent silently and sighed and then looked around. She saw the headmaster and the shadow like area for the battle. She slid her katana into its holder and put her gun securely on her belt. The next person came at her with speed and flexibility. The person came at Rose and she just grabbed the person's hand quickly, flipped over them, and after landing perfectly on the ground she flipped them over her head and whacked them against the floor on their side. She saw there was a whole crowd watching her fight. Rose whispered to herself.- Oh dear..
(its ok!) Nichole smiled and went to find her dorm. she hummed on the way but there were cameras everywhere...except the dorms and bathrooms. She got on the elevator and listened to "bring me to life" "~how can you see into my eyes like open doors? leading you down into my core where I've become so numb!~"
A boy approached Luke and said. "H..hey you doing?"

A few boys behind him snickered. It was obvious the boy was being dared to greet him. Not actually being friendly.

Luke turned to the boy and with a death glare and a steely voice he replied. "What do you want?"

The boy squeaked with fear and raced off. His friends laughed until Luke turned his gaze upon them. They bolted out of there just as quickly.

"Kids these days." Luke chuckled quietly.
Nichole stepped off the elevator and ran into someone. he said"hey watch it!" pushing her. Nichole's eyes darkened. BAM! The guy held his cheek in shock.
Luke jogged away and headed toward the dorms. He walked in time to see a girl give a whopping smack to a boy's cheek.

"Ouch." Luke murmured to himself.
(lol got that right!) the guy growled and ran at her. Nichole sighed boredly sidestepping him. but he grabbed her by the waist and pinned her to the wall. Nichole's eyes widened then she headbutted him. (headmistress and you can make her speak as well ^-^)
I had taken a taxi to the new school I was attending, my face was emotionless as my violet colored hair blew around in my face, my turquoise eyes looked long and hard at the school with several students walking around.

Wearing the school uniform I fixed the two katanas that were in holsters and on my back; using my other hands I put my two silver pistols on safety and placed them in the holsters around my hips.

"Let's get this over with..." I mumbled to myself as I walked forward with confidence and strength in my walk, the way I looked and how I held myself.

In order to become a teacher for assassins I had to complete assassin school, I had the complete skills but I didn't have the diploma because I had trained as an assassin on an island with the most amazing fighters I've ever heard of... that was until the island was destroyed.

With a shake of my head I made sure that there wasn't a hint of emotion on my face... I don't need anyone to see any hint of a weakness on me.
"Oh man that is going to hurt in the morning." Luke said as he shuffled closer to them to enjoy the fight.

Front row seat.
The guy held his head. "ya!" Nichole slammed her leg into his side knocking him back. he said"pretty good for a girl..." Nichole growled dangerously and ran at him fist pulled back. she punched and he caught her fist and twisted her arm behind her back holding her still. Nichole struggled and he smirked.
((Tama, there are four character right now that are the best of the best. Otto(I made him up), Chan Wong(My character), Emerald(Lona's character), and you. Just letting you know.))

"Well, looks like I'm up next." Chan said to Rio."Don't even wish me luck." then he walked towards the fighting area. He noticed Luke was acting like his usual scary self, but that didn't phase Chan. All Chan did was nod respectfully at Luke expecting the same thing back. When Chan entered the fighting area, a student came up to him, with fear in his eyes. The student threw a kick out at Chan and then instantly regretted it, as Chan had already began to move. He turned the student backwards and struck a precise spot right above the buttock, triggering nerves to spike and making the student fall over, paralyzed for a few hours. Everyone in the crowd gasped except for a few people. There was a scream and 10 more students surrounded Chan, but he stayed in his usual emotionless expression. He had fought many more then this. They attacked, but Chan was ready.

((Instead of using words, I'm going to show you this video on how the fight goes. Imagine Chan as the guy who is owning everyone


Luke appeared behind the boy in an instant. "I think that's enough for now. Hate to see someone get seriously hurt." Luke said in his steely voice and emotionless expression.

Luke stood at a whopping 6'6" so he towered over the boy and just stared at him.

((I gotcha! Thanks! :D ))

((Also, please call me king! (You don't have to, but I just want to see if you know the reference) ))

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