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At the Adventurers' Table

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Hmm.  So...  In my posts alone, I used (and still use) a lot of italics and sometimes bold, not to mention colors for our characters' texts.  I did this by way of using the options provided by our current posting abilities (for lack of better words; in other words, I used the buttons provided instead of typing out HTML commands).  

Do the buttons count as HTML?  

If they do, and it all breaks, what is the typical process in restoring this data via a HTML to BBcode site?  Put in each post and convert it or something?
Hmm.  So...  In my posts alone, I used (and still use) a lot of italics and sometimes bold, not to mention colors for our characters' texts.  I did this by way of using the options provided by our current posting abilities (for lack of better words; in other words, I used the buttons provided instead of typing out HTML commands).  

Do the buttons count as HTML?  

If they do, and it all breaks, what is the typical process in restoring this data via a HTML to BBcode site?  Put in each post and convert it or something?

Yeah, all the buttons on the post box use HTML coding, so it'll all break and look all quirky. As for the converter pages, it looks like you basically input the URL of the post, click a button and it spits out a string of code that you copy-pasta back.

Captain Hesperus
Yikes!  Those breaks sound bad, but fixing them doesn't.  Sounds like it might take an afternoon or so; I'm willing to sacrifice that.  Thanks so much for the information and the heads-up!  =)

Finally, is there an HTML to BBcode site any of you would recommend?  
Saw this and immediately thought of Powerpaw.  =)


(Image credit:  www.askideas.com )
There's none I could recommend, since I've only just Googled them recently, so I think some experimentation is necessary.

Captain Hesperus
Okies.  Thanks for the lead; I don't think I would have thought of it on my own.  =)
It sounds like I'll be editing Luna - again. Oh, well. 
Be glad that's all you have to edit, good Sherwood.  =)
Basically everything that we manually fixed when the site went BB->HTML will now be broken because the site is going HTML->BB. So, if only we were lazier and just procrastinated long enough... :P Fortunately 99% of the formatting is in the character threads for Sharseya, but I'll have my paws full again in Amaranth with all the info threads and archives and what else... And let's not forget Nivirea's masterpiece profile, written in advanced HTML... *sigh* I'm afraid that I've overwritten the first version, used for Wolf's sheet, which was BB code. The fool :(

Here's hoping that we get normal looking and behaving quotes/spoilers/tabs again, because I still haven't gotten over how bad the current ones are (at least on RpN dark).

I remember the map, of course! I was just making sure. By the way, I do have the original file so I am thinking of releasing an updated version in fact. Mostly minor touch-ups, like having exterior walls thicker than interior ones and assigning names to bedrooms instead of just numbers (like Stewart has). While I'm at it, are there any irregularities about the relative sizing of rooms, particularly in the right wing, that I could fix without having to break everything apart?

 The Grand Pool room could fit a full-sized adult gold dragon in it, but probably not two.  Probably.  =)

Let's hope we never have to find out! *woof*
*sigh* I'm afraid that I've overwritten the first version, used for Wolf's sheet, which was BB code. The fool :(

Aw!  What a drag.  Don't call yourself a fool though; how could you have known we'd be going back to xenForo?

While I'm at it, are there any irregularities about the relative sizing of rooms, particularly in the right wing, that I could fix without having to break everything apart?

I don't think so; the idea was to provide a general idea of how large the rooms are (being that they are extra-dimensional spaces after all).  I (still) like the set up the way it is.  =)

As for putting names on rooms, I don't see why not.  Just remember to keep a room saved for Wolf and Pecker.  =)

Let's hope we never have to find out! *woof*

Yeah, no doubt!  8D
Don't call yourself a fool though; how could you have known we'd be going back to xenForo?

I'm not well versed in the specifics of the software powering forum boards, but when it comes down to BBCode versus HTML, the former is what you want on most forum boards. No doubt.

Yes, HTML is infinitely more powerful but its greatest advantage is its greatest disadvantage at the same time. It's complex and advanced, like an unnecessarily large sword that triples as a shotgun and magic staff - you could write the entire RpN website (more or less) within a single post using it. But we're not writing websites here. We're writing ultimately fairly short posts, the vast majority of which never utilize anything beyond the several tools already listed with the code buttons in the toolbar (which is why the toolbar exists in the first place, doh)...

The only people who have honestly profited from HTML on RpN are those tryhard fanatics largely in the 1x1/SliceOfLife/etc section (I say this with mild affection :P) who craft work-of-art sheets that often take more time to complete than the characters whom they were intended for end up lasting in a roleplay...! And remember that beautiful character sheets existed even during the BBCode time, as well.

My point is that I knew we would inevitably go back to BBCode, and I'm glad for it. If you ask me that's one step closer towards RpN becoming a better place. Like the place that it used to be, once upon a time... *wistful howl*

You are of course right about the map. Yet the perfectionist in me winces every time I look at it, wondering things like:

"Hm, is the storeroom really bigger than the study? How many barrels was it supposed to be holding, again? I know Dann or Kaerri mentioned a near-exact number somewhere... Perhaps I could use the number of barrels to estimate the minimum width and length of the room and work my way from there... Or is that taking it too far? Hm."

*tries to find the reference*

"Damnit, wait. I thought that the bar & lounge were alright being the same size as the dining room since those are two rooms in one, but now I'm not sure. Maybe they ought to be bigger after all? Just a second - why is the kitchen in between those two? Did Dann say so somewhere, or was that my own imagination? Is that even how it's supposed to be?"

*googles layouts of kitchen-related rooms in medieval times versus modern era*

"God, no, I am overthinking this again. And yet... NO. No. Just leave it alone, it's fine!"

*leaves it alone*

"Phew. Alright, I should go actually post something. Why was I looking at the map again anyway? Hm, is the pool really only that big, or did I make it smaller to give the Grand Pool words more emphasis...? Omg not again -"

*brain meltdown*
Good Wolf, your most-recent post describes my life all too well; the way you describe your thinking about the map - it happens to me on a regular basis.  =)  Over-thinking things is one big sign of hyperkinetic disorder (and ADHD).  And I agree with you; you were over-thinking it.  For one thing, since the rooms inside the Adventurers' Wagon are all extra-dimensional (just the same way your Bags of Holding are), I think if I had to make an accurate map of the inside of the wagon, I would need a three-dimensional chart.  That's just too much work for me; I'd rather put that time into other aspects of our game.  =)

Thanks for describing BBcode vs. HTML again; it helps me relate to something I don't entirely understand (I like relating).  I'm very glad we're heading back to xenForo.  =)
Just a heads-up; I'll post in-game tomorrow.  Besides, posting is fun.  =)
I added a couple pictures to Bren's sheet so you can see his FAAACE. ^;3^  
"In fact, having thus far scared no one, [Havoc] was near to pouting."

He got Nivirea! Kinda! She was more startled than scared but that's something, I guess... Now I feel kinda bad for him :P  

By the way, I was under the impression that Oriorin and Nivirea entered first and at the same time, or with Otiorin immediately behind, but Dannigan, you mentioned in your last post that Otiorin joined later with everyone else. From what I gather, that is not what Captain's last posts indicate. I have written my previous post in such light, after all.

p.s. I edited my last IC post which was meant to go here to OOC, but was posted there by mistake
The magic purple curtain of fog rearranged everyone!

Actually, I think Dann was just trying for a funny scene, and people came in in the order that made sense for the scene.

But we can blame it on the fog. ^;3^
One of the incredibly-good things about being married to a Kaerri is that she can put things in an accurate, friendly way when her husband is in a less-than-happy mood.  

Thanks, Beautiful.  =)
Damned fog curtain...

Well it better not rearrange Nivirea's hairstyle whenever she passes through it, else we'll have a real situation on our paws *woof*
Oh, didn't I tell you?  Nivi's bald!  The purple urns have that effect on Fey-blooded people!

*Runs like heck!*  =)
Sherwood sez, "Luna can't help but look up at Otiorin and let out a "Aww! How sweet! Girl, you had best give him a hug and a kiss after that!"

Luna's thoughts are very nice, but Cap'n wrote, "...Otiorin took a hold of Bria and urgently but gently pulled her aside, away from the others. Once he'd gotten them some space, he turned to regard her face." (bold mine)

This tells me that no one but Otiorin and Bria witnessed what Otiorin had said to Bria.  The only thing Luna (and anyone else) would have noticed was Otiorin "urgently but gently" pulling her aside away from the others.  

Unless I missed something (do correct me if I have)?  If I haven't, then Sherwood?  Would you alter your post to that effect, please?
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Having said that, I have another minor adjustment to request.  Hey Cap'n?

Cap'n sez, "..."Stewart, be a good fellow and scour the wine cellar. Pick out a wine that speaks of northern climes and deep forests..." and "As the Wanderers' steward sought out a wine that met the request best..." 

While normally it is quite reasonable to expect Stewart's presence under these circumstances, you may have noticed that I did not mention scholarly Stewart in the Grand Pool room when your characters entered the Adventurers' Wagon.  

That's because he's not there!  =)

In fact, it may be to the Wayward Wanderers' benefit as to the why.  =)

Please adjust your post, Your Captainness?  I make this request because otherwise Oti is talking to nobody.  =)
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