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At the Adventurers' Table: Chapter Twelve

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Ha ha at both of you! =)

Just wondering, how long have you been planning on the character class swap thing that you pulled on us?

Oh, about the time that Pathfinder 2.0 Playtest first came out, really (Mid to late August 2018?). Here. I'll let the cat out of the bag a little. It's Christmas, after all. =)

My line of thinking was (and remains) this:

1. The Playtest begins at 1st level (and gradually returns to 10th level). To start a brand new system at 10th level introduced all kinds of gremlins.

2. In my game, the Highwind-threatening Loviatar is a true bitch and I play her as one. Put simply, Gerran the Vile and the Loviatarian Gray Elven Cleric (whose name you still don't know) had enough of your shit and decided to devise a plan of their own to get some vengeance you guys. One way or another, they were going to put their "evil" on and make you sorry. Then I realized, what better opportunity than the Playtest? (This is one reason I'm not into playing evil characters in other people's campaigns; I feel I do it well, but I don't really enjoy it "full-time").

Gerran and the Gray Elf calling in Loviatar was par for the course; her curses come in threes. Why not have a class/race swap as one of them? This would do two things - educate the party both about the game and each other. I figured something like this would make for roleplaying opportunities of a different kind while also challenging mid-to-long-time players (that's you).

3. Loviatar, however, would not completely get her way - the only character to go through the memory curse at all would be Bria. I figured you guys as PCs had enough on your plates learning 2.0. while unraveling these curses in a land you knew nothing about. While literally turning your characters into completely different people to match your "new" classes might be neat, I felt it was just too much. So, Bria took the hit. I felt it was perfectly in character for her to do it and reasonable given what she knew at the time. Plus Bria "agreed". Would Bria honestly sacrifice herself for the party? I think you have an answer you can be secure in.

The swap was also creative. Sure, I thought it wasn't anything truly outlandish like making you guys play races and classes not even in your team (Nivirea the Half-orc bard, anyone? Otiorin the Dwarvish cavalier? No? How about Oreleth the gnomish barbarian? Could I perhaps interest you in Bren the Drow Elf Alchemist?) . This is the sort of thing Loviatar wanted, but I flatly said no. Some change, I feel, is challenging but too much change takes away the fun. I wasn't certain quite how much you guys would consider fun, so I opted for the "safe" side and just swapped class/race. With that, of course, the gear had to come with. Else, how could the wizard in your party memorize spells without a spellbook (and the like)?

Those are the basics of my thinking. What are your (everyone's) thoughts about that? =)
Oh! There was one more important element I can't believe I forgot to mention - the bonding element!

By spending time in a teammate's "shoes" as it were, each Wayward Wanderer would get to know that character all the better (and perhaps the player too). It was and is my hope that these discoveries would bring you just a little closer together, because that's what roleplaying groups are all about!

Recently, Kaerri and I have had some good and fun conversations concerning the three curses and Bren and Bria. I feel this is an opportunity for more of the same here, not just for us, of course, but for all the Gang!

Captain Hesperus Captain Hesperus Holy wowzercows, Cap'n! What a fantastic post! That is precisely the spirit I was hoping to see!

It does not surprise me that Otiorin is among the first to walk the path of the enlightened here. =)

As a bonus for such terrific roleplaying, you have earned a Hero Point (I will add it to your 2.0 character sheet)! You have made my morning, Cap'n! Thank you!
Heya Gang! I hope to post tomorrow. Stay safe and healthy (and help the good people in your life remain the same)! =)
Heya Gang! Kaerri Kaerri Captain Hesperus Captain Hesperus Wolf Rawrrr Wolf Rawrrr Psychie Psychie Sherwood Sherwood

My next few OOC posts are going to concern OOC game-play and Pathfinder 2.0 gaming rules.

For this post, I would like each of your opinions and thoughts as to how we want to work combat. Put simply, how would you like me to portray combat in-game? Quick and easy? Detailed and mechanics-heavy? Something in between? What's the most fun for everyone?

In our past games, Sharseya and Robotech: Broadsword have used "battle-boards" (maps).
Labor-intensive on my part, but precise, battleboards gets the same image into everyone's heads at the cost of my posting time (these things take awhile to create and edit)...
Chapter Seven - Melshaef's Tree and the Crown of Chains (Monk Mage Ambush) Map 11.png

...along with Initiative counters like these:

"Combat initiative order (Round 3):
19 - Otiorin
(Wearing Ring of Mind Shielding. Ring of Force Shield active. Moonlit Edge in main hand.) Attacked but missed Monk/Mage Green.
18 - Powerpaw (Successfully used Charge attack option on Monk/Mage Orange. Attack +2/Armor Class -2 until his turn next round. Using Maul +2)
17 - Monk/Mages of Wee Jas (4) (Monk/Mage Red is lightly damaged. Monk/Mage Red and Blue have fired off attacks of opportunity on Bren. Monk/Mage Orange has just eaten 27 points of Moar from Powerpaw. Monk/Mage Green's state has yet to be determined).
12 - Brendoran (Wearing Wedding Ring. Battle Axe +2 in main hand, heavy metal masterwork shield in off-hand.)"

We have also not used the maps and stuck with detailed text. Characters use statblocks to record damage, item use, and active effects (like those some of you have posted for your characters in Pathfinder 1.0). Here combat moves faster, but is less strategy-based and mechanics heavy.
I'll use a recent example from Robotech: Broadsword.

"Initiative order (Round 3 - enemies are 900 feet away):
Mario: 25 (!!) (Battloid mode - fired a silver bullet and God knows where it went.)
Toph: 18 (Battloid mode - fired on Beastmaster with her ion cannon and hit for 30 M.D.C..)
Elinor and Cera: 13 (Guardian mode - Elinor fired GU-11 and missed. Cera is providing wargoth interference.)"

Which do you prefer?
1. Battleboards and mechanics-heavy?
2. Text-heavy using statblocks?
3. Something else?

* * *​

Hey Sherwood and Wolf?

Concerning your recent characters' arcane preparations, I need a little help from Sherwood Sherwood and then Wolf Rawrrr Wolf Rawrrr concerning Luna's spellbook and what Nivirea memorizes there and what spells Nivirea has in her head. Some of the spells in Pathfinder 1.0 have either been changed or are not in the game altogether. Since this is so, you have the option of selecting which cantrips and 1st level spells replace them, or barring that, you can ask me to replace them for you. As ever, I'm here to chat with when you have questions. =)

Some of the spells in Pathfinder 1.0 have either been changed or are not in the game altogether. Since this is so, you have the option of selecting which cantrips and 1st level spells replace them, or barring that, you can ask me to replace them for you.

On Nivirea the Wizard's character sheet, there is the Spells and Spellbooks tab. In the links I've been providing to Pathfinder 2.0 Playtest, on Page 199, there is the list of Arcane cantrips and spells to select from.

Sherwood? What cantrips and 1st level spells would you like in Luna's beloved spellbook for the Playtest?
Wolf? Which of the spells that Sherwood selects would you like Nivirea to memorize?
Heya Gang! After the above bit is taken care of, I'll work on putting up a tutorial here. Just a little something to help explain things and put us all on the same page.

See, I'm not entirely certain 2.0 as it is will work for us. We have different playstyles, these are text-based adventures, and so on. So, I'm working out what to go with and what to let go. I want us to have an easy-to-understand system, yet something that's just challenging enough to get those mental gears turning. Plus, I want it to be cool. Still, the more feedback I get from all of you, the better! So, speak up, O.K.? =)

Hope the New Year is treating you and yours well! 8D
OK, so, I know Dannigan and I discussed this earlier, but just to keep the discussion going (Are you guys' alerts borked or you just not replying?), here's my opinions on the battleboard stuff.

I personally like using maps for combat in Sharseya because so much of the rules focuses on specific, short-term distances. By "short-term" I mean that it's measured in feet and sometimes a few yards (as opposed to the miles and hundreds of yards that Broadsword uses), so small differences in interpretation can mean the difference between, for example, a spell nailing every one of the bad guys, and missing most of them. Because we have a wonderfully fair GM, we may not actually miss because he'll pause to clarify intent and such ("Hey, you said you wanted to hit all the bad guys, but where you placed your spell, it won't. Did you want to place it elsewhere or do something else?") but that takes up extra OOC time, which in some cases can lead to a delay of days as people's schedules allow them to log in and respond. With maps, there's much less room for interpretation errors because it's all there in the picture, with the grid handily marking distances. On the other hand, I know the maps are a lot of extra work for the GM, particularly when they change each round, but I've offered to help with that as best I can.

As for the descriptions themselves, I'm not sure what you call it, but I like the continuous list of initiative that lets us see the full initiative order and not just who's up next (aside from the bad guys, because we won't know what they rolled until their turn comes up). That lets us plan ahead somewhat, as we see our own turn coming and adjust for what's happened and is about to happen. I'm not sure what you mean by statblocks, but it seems to me a lot of us include that sort of thing in our IC posts already? Anything to keep it simpler is probably better, given that we're all learning a new system together.

As far as the system itself goes, I don't think we've really given it a fair chance to decide what we like and what we don't like. We didn't even have character sheets until recently, and that's a very large part of my particular strategy for learning a new system. I've glanced over the book, and I've about come to the conclusion that I need to print it out in order to read it properly. A lot of the information seems scattered about, and I think it will help if I can flip back and forth between chapters (which is a lot harder to do on a mobile pdf reader). I like a lot of what I've seen, it's just hard to properly see it.

And I admit I've only done that glance once, because of the layout confusion. I don't know how many of the rest of you have even looked over it, but I really think we should all do so at least once (Dannigan gave a great starting point in the Pathfinder Playtest Chat thread). It will be hard enough to have everyone learning it, I think, without some trying to learn and some not even trying. I'll accept my own share of fault in that, but I do intend to get that printout and see if it helps with comprehension.

Anyhow, that's my thoughts. Hope the holidays treated you all well and the internetz haven't suddenly banned you all from RpNation! ^D^
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Powerpaw sez, "Oh boy! Sumbuddy repwied!"

(I say, "Thank you, Kaerri! This is what I'm asking you guys for - feedback!)
I've been busy with some vacation time the whole week and the weekend prior, so I couldn't be as active here as I normally would. It's sweet that you remembered I don't use alerts *woof*

I'll be resuming business as usual (in all of my games) starting tomorrow. Hope y'all have enjoyed the holidays! *howl*
Hope you had a wonderful vacation, Wolf! ^33^
Same here! Welcome back, Furry Face! =)
Everybody thank Kaerri! She spotted a mathematical goof on my part (involving Untrained skills). Her keen eye just raised everyone's Untrained skills to their proper level (effectively increasing all of them by +1)!

As a little additional math, she has therefore earned an additional Hero Point for catching it and pointing it out! Go Kaerri! =)
Hey Gang!

I still need your opinions on how we do combat (see #185, please). Sherwood, you have a little time left to select Luna's 1st level spells and cantrips (so Wolf can choose what Nivirea will memorize).

Then we can get this show back on the road! =)
I think I caught up... mostly. Sorry for the inactivity, I do actually come here and browse, but somehow end up losing the willpower to actually do something... I'm kinda overwhelmed since I had barely gotten the hang of the previous system, which I then barely used, and now there's a (to me) wholly new system to process - but I can't just learn my own character/class but first a different class which I'll temporarily use before switching finally to what's going to stick...


What am I supposed to do, then? Edit my sheet?

And... I guess I have to wait until Sherwood selects his spells before I can say which ones Nivirea is going with? Does the reverse apply? Sherwood's waiting on me?
According to 1e, a Wizard has all the Cantrips in their book, so there is that going for you. Also, on my old sheet, I have in my Spells tab a complete list of all the magic that Luna has available in her book.
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