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At the Adventurers' Table: Chapter Twelve

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I believe we are waiting on Bren?
What?! Bren's in Amaranth?! Someone tell the rest of the party! The problem is solved! Loviatar's Snow Globe tossed you all head over heels into Wolf's game! It's incredible! Amazing! It's... er...

...worth being silly to share a good laugh with everyone! =)

Um, does Bren know? =)
None of us should be alone right now.
You couldn't resist, could you?

Oh my. I actually hadn't made that connection until you brought it up!

No going off and putting on strange rings now.
Ha ha! =)

I hope to post tomorrow. =)
Psychie Psychie Kaerri Kaerri Captain Hesperus Captain Hesperus Sherwood Sherwood Wolf Rawrrr Wolf Rawrrr

Hey gang! Seeing that this is an adventure with (highly) unusual circumstances in its situation, I am going to just come out and (blatantly) recommend you guys ignore the bridge challenge for the moment and meditate together as soon as possible - there is still that one last, little (very important) factor you should discover about your characters before moving on.

Once your characters meditate, I will then post your (temporary) character sheets so you can really see what you're working with! Game on! =)

(EDIT: Because I goofed! =) )
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That depends on which bridge Luna means. We had been planning on destroying one kind of bridge (the connection between Loviatar and the temple of Tapio), although I think it would be entirely too convenient for the evil goddess's curse to take us to the thing she knows we're out to destroy.

The dragon bridge, our half of the group only knows about because Bria just told us, and so far I hadn't considered it as more than a very dramatic landmark.
Thank you for answering my question, Kaerri-darlin'.

Gang I just learned a work buddy I've known for years is dead after a heart attack. I am not good right now.

I'll post when I post. Sorry to hold up the game.
Okies. I'm back and I'll be posting soon. Thanks for your good feelings and patience with me here. =)
Kaerri Kaerri Psychie Psychie Wolf Rawrrr Wolf Rawrrr Captain Hesperus Captain Hesperus Sherwood Sherwood Okies... Get ready for a lotta goodies and information, Gang!

Your 2.0 character sheets have been posted in the Characters forum. I am sure I have made an error here or there, but I've done my best to get it all right. Time will tell. =)

This is the part where you guys get to see exactly what your characters are at this point in the Dungeons of Castle Anguish. I feel the more explained here in OOC, the better. However, take note! There will be some things I can explain here (like Sherwood having to select what is in Luna's spellbook for cantrips and 1st level spells, but Wolf having to choose the spells Nivirea will be able to cast). At least until the Wayward Wanderers right this curse from Loviatar!

Here, specifically and temporarily, is what changed when Loviatar cursed the Wayward Wanderers:
1. The big eye-opener is this - your characters are all 1st level!
2. Your characters have swapped ability scores, classes, gear, backgrounds, and races. This means your skills, saving throws, spells, powers, all belong to someone else! Your characters innately know how all of these work (magic items, spells, powers, racial abilities, etc.).
3. Your characters have kept their memories and experiences, ages, genders, and alignments. This means each of you have a completely different set of skills, but in many cases, you still remember what you learned when you were 10th level. Example: Brendoran has his own accumulated knowledge and all of Bria's accumulated Monster Lore knowledge checks. But Bren still thinks Drow won't harm halflings (due to the fumble Kaerri rolled in-game).

Remember that all of this is a work in progress! Some ideas may be tossed, while others kept! I'll explain more about Pathfinder 2.0 as we chat about it here (including a glossary of terms like Hero Points and Resonance). =)

For those who have not downloaded the free Rulebook, This is a link to the Pathfinder 2.0 Playtest SRD. While I have not read the entire thing, it does seem to be the same as what's in the Rulebook, much of which we'll be using.

More later, but for now, let the questions and comments begin! =)
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Chatting with Kaerri-darlin' earlier. From previous experience, she knows that Loviatar's curses tend to come in threes. She nailed them:
1. The party-wide class/race swap.
2. Going from 10th level to 1st.
3. Worst of all, the memory curse (which Kaerri believes was supposed to affect all of the Wayward Wanderers, but Bria "jumped on the grenade" as it were and therefore was the only one affected).

Not to mention being tossed into a realm you've never heard of and into a situation it will very likely take all of you to work together to get things back to normal! Loviatar - the gift that keeps on giving (and makes you want to hate her)!
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Since Oreleth's new body has two swords, do I feel as if I am supposed to be able to do a two weapon fighting style?
Oreleth does not so much have a new body, as the body she is in has been changed (perhaps polymorphed if you like the image).

You are still playing your characters, not simulacrums or clones, but your actual characters. The class/race/feat/skill combinations of each of those characters are not those of the player currently playing them, but instead the choices of another player (another teammate) entirely. This is a curse to be reversed, not a situation to permanently keep (unless every last one of you as players said you wanted to keep things this way!).

I will post some details for each of you as I'm able, but right now, I'm up past my bedtime so good night! Sleep well when it's your turn, everyone! =)
Since Oreleth's new body has two swords, do I feel as if I am supposed to be able to do a two weapon fighting style?
Originally, Otiorin carried the standard short sword, only using Moonlit Edge in an emergency or away from settled areas, since it is an heirloom of the Elves of Waterwind. As a filthy dirty Half-Elf, he shouldn't really be carrying an ancient artefact of a Waterwindian hero of yore.

Captain Hesperus
But, but... that filthy dirty Half-elf is so much fun!

Just think of it! Otiorin can now give Oreleth lessons on being extra dirty and extra filthy, not to mention extra salty! Hee hee!

Just because you have each other's skills and powers does not mean you know when best to use them! =)
Oh, man. Not only is there Pathfinder 2.0 to process, which seems to be quite a bit different, but it's all to be done on a character that only resembles mine lol. So I'll have to re-learn what I learn once we reverse this curse. And I'd barely gotten the hang of the previous system... *whine*
Wolf Rawrrr Wolf Rawrrr For what it's worth, 2.0 is noticeably easier to use than 1.0 (and I'm not just saying that to make it sound good. =) ).

I plan on using a watered-down version of 2.0. For a text-based game like ours, I don't think we need everything 2.0 offers; in fact, I am seeing a couple things I think we can do without.

In the end, I'm looking for a user-friendly, reasonably easy to follow, gaming system. I think a modified 2.0 is it, but as usual, time will tell. =)
Just wondering, how long have you been planning on the character class swap thing that you pulled on us?
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