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At the Adventurers' Table: Chapter Sixteen

It won't. The only problem is silence and you're not giving any of that - you're contributing and Alisa isn't even in the game yet. =)

As for genres and settings, I meant the way of thinking. If Alisa's composite longbow was instead, say... a custom-made .50 Desert Eagle pistol, what kind would she be? Matte black? Gold-plated? Any designs laser-etched into her frame? What kind of attachments might you add? Talon grips? Laser sight? Red dot? What about her holster? Inside the waistband? Outside? Leather? Down the leg? Carried at the hip? Maybe a cross-holster? How in the time that Alisa has had her might she customize it personally? Teeny notches down the barrel for ogre kills? Bigger notches for giant kills? Maybe a drawing of a bear which Mielikki created and showed to Ukko, the great Finnish god that looked over the whole pantheon?

Stuff like that. Masamune, one of the most famous Japanese swordsmen ever, once wrote, "To know one thing is to know ten thousand." Bruce Lee wrote, "Take what is useful and develop from there." Merge the two and you have a Dannigan who promotes thinking in one genre if that's what the mind wants to promote ideas in another.

Roleplaying is magic. =)
So either everyone is good to, or they haven't mentioned that they're not and they've had opportunity. I'm going to kick this game into high gear finally because sometimes Sharseya seems to require a little railroading from time to time (and all of you didn't mind the last time I did it)... so here we go!

See you in At the Adventurers' Table: Chapter Seventeen!
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