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At the Adventurers' Table: Chapter Seventeen

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I get to hang out with Dann and Blue quarantine for the next week too. ^;3^ I'll make sure to help him stay fed, hydrated, warm, and rested. But he's actually pretty good at doing that himself, I just get to help!
Oh. And I just woke up from my nap to this. "Good morning!" =)
Hopefully you two won't drive each other crazy while locked up in quarantine! lol
I think I see what you're getting at, but we don't really operate like that. Why? Well, Rush is my favorite band and the opening lyrics to "The Spirit of Radio" come to mind when I think of Kaerri and I:

"Begin the day with a friendly voice
A companion unobtrusive
Plays that song that's so elusive
And the magic music makes your morning mood

Off on your way, hit the open road
There is magic at your fingers
For the Spirit ever lingers
Undemanding contact in your happy solitude"

Rush is talking about music and its power through communication. Marriage is a lot of love ("music" if you will, created by and contributed by both individuals) and a hell of a lot of communication. But what kind of communication?

"Undemanding" and "unobtrusive" are Kaerri and I to each other. There is are "Happy Wife Means Happy Life" expectations toward either husband or wifely roles. Instead, it's "how can I contribute to your life? What can I do to make you smile while letting you inside of my world to allow you to do the same?" Most humans want, no, need, to love and be loved. And so we love freely, not just each other but our friends and family. "Please," "Thank You," and "Sorry" (as The Pope offers to couples) are words we share freely when the situation deems it. Kaerri's my best friend ever - it just so happens that I also have the hots for her and she me and thus are we a married couple. So marry your best friend! They're the one who probably wants the most for both of you while requiring the least from either of you! =)

"Emotional feedback on timeless wavelength
Bearing a gift beyond price, almost free"
Okay, I'm going to try and write something here. Wish me luck. =)
Whew! =)

Captain Hesperus Captain Hesperus Read in-game then open this spoiler?

Surprise! I've been waiting to draw the curtain back on that one for weeks now!

So, Your Cap'n'ness? From DM to PC here. How's that center stage spotlight full on Otiorin feeling right about now? I can only imagine so instead I'll ask the source I know and admire - you! Good, I hope? =)
To those playing casters in particular -- I've edited my post to include a question from Kaerri for yas. ^;3^
All the kobolds and members of the Wayward Wanderers - and perhaps some of the nearby ogres and rangers - would hear a loud slapping sound as the palm of Alisa's right hand made hard contact with her forehead.

"I said 'malicious'! Starting with an m, not an s! An em!" she said, sounding exasperated.
HA HA HA!! I love it!
What a terrific reply of Alisa, Jaydude! I just love it! I'm laughing and coughing at the same time over here, but mostly laughing! =)
Heh! Oh poor Alisa! I think we have just now discovered one of her buttons, and in doing so I think I have learned something about our Jaydude.

Not all role players are comfortable creating disadvantages for their characters. I'm glad to see that you're the one that doesn't shy away from that sort of thing. It makes for great characters and great stories.

jaydude jaydude in the spirit of getting to know about you, I can't tell from this side of the computer screen - is this something that just irks Alisa or is this a part of you too? Or are you laughing along? What's your take as a player if you don't mind me asking?
Heh! Oh poor Alisa! I think we have just now discovered one of her buttons, and in doing so I think I have learned something about our Jaydude.

Not all role players are comfortable creating disadvantages for their characters. I'm glad to see that you're the one that doesn't shy away from that sort of thing. It makes for great characters and great stories.

jaydude jaydude in the spirit of getting to know about you, I can't tell from this side of the computer screen - is this something that just irks Alisa or is this a part of you too? Or are you laughing along? What's your take as a player if you don't mind me asking?

In real life, I'm admittedly not the biggest fan of being misunderstood/having to repeat myself. Here though, I figured out what you were trying to do and decided to play along with the joke in the spirit of good humour. Especially when I saw that you and other people were getting a laugh out of it.

In terms of Alisa's personality, I haven't really thought too much about that beyond her being Good, Lawful, and dedicated to Mielikki, those being the three traits I was encouraged to include for the sake of lore friendliness. I felt that having her get a little annoyed at the kobold who was hard of hearing wouldn't do any harm in that regard.
In real life, I'm admittedly not the biggest fan of being misunderstood/having to repeat myself. Here though, I figured out what you were trying to do and decided to play along with the joke in the spirit of good humour. Especially when I saw that you and other people were getting a laugh out of it.
Incoming coffee-fueled wall o' text! Take cover! 8D

Yes! You have me pegged correctly. I am not having fun unless all of us are having fun, and never at the cost of any one of us. None of us are here for that and I won't stand for it (not that anyone is doing that here - just those damned ogres! Heh).

I probably said this before, but I think it bears repeating - Sharseya is your Safe Haven, Jaydude. It is my safe haven. It is everyone's who decides to come here.

I am typing this from a warm bath tub because my body is been afflicted with covid-19. Life is not easy. But I have ways of bringing smiles to people's faces, even from here! And so I try! =)

I offered you here to bring and share goodness and laughter with us, to put aside real life and enjoy the delights that fantasy role-playing among like-minded people can and often provides!

If ever at any time I even come close to crossing a line with you, please bring it to my attention. I'm here for everyone's fun! I will make it right because I genuinely give a damn and I'll act on it. Just ask any of my players (I never get tired of saying that). =)

Perhaps that's one of the reasons both of my hosted projects have lasted so long. I think it's the people though. We're great together!

* * *​
In terms of Alisa's personality, I haven't really thought too much about that beyond her being Good, Lawful, and dedicated to Mielikki, those being the three traits I was encouraged to include for the sake of lore friendliness. I felt that having her get a little annoyed at the kobold who was hard of hearing wouldn't do any harm in that regard.

You are correct! I think a good story best able to include all of the emotional spectrums of those involved in it. I think roleplayers who are true will express themselves honestly which can be very difficult to do! But it's fun, right?

As we are now doing in Psychie's Army of Southern Cross game, I think laying the groundwork for deep and interesting characters adds to their longevity and enjoyment for all.

Some of the characters in this game, for example, have been played longer than some of the role players have literally been alive here on our condition. To be clear, I mean to say that some of my characters are over 13 years old in Real Life. They only got that way because I made them interesting. So, please don't be afraid to make yours interesting too!

So, yeah! Express how your character feels! Express how you feel! I'm interested and want to know! I would like nothing less. If you ever need my opinion, just ask me. =)

Honor and fun,
Dann =)
Why, thank you! I wasn't expecting any of that. =)

If you try to honestly express your feelings long enough, I suppose eventually you kind of get good at it? Heh!

Thanks for the "Well-Writtens" too! =)
Some of the characters in this game, for example, have been played longer than some of the role players have literally been alive here on our condition.
I think he means "here on RpNation" ^;3^ (I blame Autocorrect.)
I think he means "here on RpNation" ^;3^ (I blame Autocorrect.)

Yes! Thanks for the correction, you! =) And as I'm fond of saying, "Well, I knew what I meant!" This is a joking way of me poking fun at myself. =)
If you ever need help with that, we can always poke fun at you ourselves. Just what friends are for, right?
Oreleth stays up on the top of the Wagon, keeping her arrows ready to fire at any sign of trouble. She does say, "Whatever you are going to do, do it quick! We are rapidly running out of time!"
In the distance, where the leafy branches of Shandra's Evergreen flow as one in the dark autumn wind's grasp, the ogres do not yet seem to stir. That they are gathering is certain, so time, at least for the moment, seems to remain on your side.
One thing I really want to point out here because I feel it is something most of, if not all, your 13th-level characters would know is this - ogres (a common foe in these parts), especially wearing suits of chain armor, are waaay too big, especially in numbers, to come up sneaking up on anybody. And while they're dumb, they're not so dumb not to know this. And so in large groups, they tend to let fear do the work for them, throwing stealth to the wind. They are not big on scouting. Most ogres are likely to form up in number and come marching, beating drums if they have them, at the direction of the Ogre Magi.

It's the Ogre Magi you really ought to be careful for here. They've got the brains and the magic and the ability to put the ogres to best use on the field.

So... chances are quite large that the Wayward Wanderers plus Alisa will hear their armored horde coming in force well before they get to you - especially with highly perceptive people like Oreleth, Otiorin, and Kaerri among you. These are not humans who might suddenly zip through the trees and take you out with bows, but giant-kin who come tromping and stomping, terrorizing all in their way with thrown rocks, treestumps, and the like until they charge into melee and really raise hell. And here you are on a flying wagon.

My point? Kind of like in the Peter Jackson Lord of the Rings film in Moria when the Fellowship discovers the presence of a cave troll among their enemies, your characters are well-versed enough against this kind of common foe to know, at least in part, what to expect and what not to worry about. =)

"The Lord of the Rings - They have a Cave Troll (HD)"
Sorry, I've had a combination of a busy week and a fail-related hand injury.

Captain Hesperus
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