On second thought, Alisa has probably very well heard of Kaerri Rainshadow - a true hero of Highwind and the only Rogue Alisa has heard of that serves the crown so effectively as to have been knighted (provable by way of a Knight of Highwind medallion she should have on her person). She was the leader of The Last Resort, a fellowship that directly assisted King Thayne and Queen Dayna Wildegard during their personal times of trouble (including having saved the queen herself from being kidnapped by terrible forces and something about having directly assisted Mielikki with her life-threatening wound caused by Erythnul, the God of Slaughter and Loviatar, the Maiden of Pain), but these could all be just tavern rumors. Rumor also has it that Rainshadow is not a human from Highwind but a half-elf outcast by way of Summerset and finding one of that near-extinct people is a very rare thing all by itself.