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At the Adventurers' Table: Chapter Fourteen

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Oops. I read that, but had forgotten it. Offhand I don't recall if Bren has spells or just focus powers, but I'll look it up when I have time later. Either way, he'll be sharing something.
I don't...understand the question. It may be because I'm in the midst of a 54-hour working week or I'm a bit stupid, I don't know.

Captain Hesperus
Captain Hesperus Captain Hesperus I'll give you overworked, but you can't have stupid, Cap'n. =)

The question is basically: "What kind of magic spells does your character wish to know and use?"

By asking this, I'm looking to accomplish 3 goals:
1. To have the PCs (the players and the characters) have a strong idea of what they, individually, would like to do with their magic.
2. To communicate these ideas amongst each other so the PCs have a strong idea of what the Wayward Wanderers as a whole can do.
3. To help me select spells for Otiorin and Nivirea (and Oreleth, Luna, and Bren if their players want the help) from the Pathfinder 2.0 list to replace those spells that are no longer in-game.

The result? A party that understands their magic and the role(s) of each character. =)

Finally, let me toss an example out here. Your character might say, "I like to use spells that help me hide or stay away from my opponents while confusing them," while the next person might say, "I want to focus on damage-dealing and party-buffing to make us stronger when we can't hide and confuse enemies." Yet another might say, "I want magic that helps in an all-around fashion. Some utilitarian, some to help us make discoveries beyond our mundane senses, and some to help defend us."

These answers can be as basic or as technical as you want to get. I will be looking at them as I help each of you prepare for the Dungeons of Castle Anguish. =)
Posted. And edited a couple times >.> Is done now.
O.K. It's too quiet in in-game and interest in answering team-building questions about spells seems to be low.

Looks like I need to get the game moving again. I'll hit the fast-forward button for everybody and just move things along.

Hopefully folks will post more often (barring work-related duties and the like).
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Okay... Here's what I've got. Sherwood and Psychie haven't posted in-game since 20-21 September. Wolf is under unusual circumstances so he'll post when he's able (I don't mind that). Still, I can't make the character sheets on my own; I need to know details about what spells they want and they're not talking. I can't do anything with silence.

Psychie Psychie Sherwood Sherwood Are you interested in playing Oreleth and Luna anymore?

If you are and this whole transfer to Pathfinder 2.0 is too much, would you rather go back to Pathfinder 1.0 and I'll scrap my plans there? What is going on in your heads and how do you feel about playing in Sharseya?

Kaerri, Cap'n, thanks for keeping the spirit alive. =)
Update to the Gang here: Heard from Psychie on Broadsword. Her alerts have been borked! She hopes to post soon. That's a relief. This odd brain of mine never knows what to think when it gets too quiet one of my games. Sorry for that! =)
I've been trying to wrap my mind around the rule changes for the 2e Pathfinder stuff for a bit, and it is just not clicking for me. I think that is my problem right now. It is just hard for me to try and get into character and get Luna ready for action when I'm not sure what feats and spells I have, and how they will work with one another compared to what I built her up to have over the many years that we have been running the game.

I still want to run Luna, but I just feel a bit out of my depth.
I think what Dann is asking most right now is what spells you do have, or at least the general direction Luna wants to take. The list of arcane spells is here if you need to look them over.

Those of you with Android smartphones and/or tablets: I have been having entirely too much fun with an app called Pathbuilder2e by David Wilson (Redrazors). (I do not know if it's available on iPhones.) It's free (there's ads, but they're non-intrusively tucked away at the bottom) and it's a really good way explore character creation (up to level 20 -- set the level on the second tab, "About"). I learned a lot about the way things worked just by using it to create Pathfinder 2e versions of old characters, combined with the PRD linked above when I wanted more in-depth explanations (such as how reactions and casting times worked).
Sherwood Sherwood Assistant Dungeon Master Kaerri Is right on the money here. I don't want to choose Luna's spells for you; I want you to choose them if you want and are able to.

Both the link and the app Kaerri provided are superb. Any questions about these spells, please address them here.

Same goes for everyone who wants to help put their character together.
In case anyone just read my latest in-game post, I just updated it. Enjoy!
Whew. My brain is tired (but it was worth it!). =)
Sherwood Sherwood Psychie Psychie

Disclaimer: I mean this kindly and firmly, so do forgive me if it comes off as anything more than that. (Text-based communication can be so clunky.) =)

This is my last call for spell preferences.

See posts above for details. Capn's in-game post is a terrific example of the kind of information I need. I have been asking for some time and I need to move or risk more stagnation.

In the next couple of days, I hope to have enough brain to finalize your characters' spells and Luna's spell book. Either I get your help on this, or I select them for you.

Again, I just need rough ideas about what your character wants to do with their magic. I do not need specific spells (though that would help). You are welcome to post either here or in-game, whichever you feel more comfortable with.

One more note - if I select spells for you, I won't be changing them anytime soon. I hope you like what you get. And if that's what you want, that's fine, but please tell me what you want. I can't do anything with silence.

I have been asking for what feels like weeks. I only have your old character sheets to go off of, and many of the spells from first edition do not exist in second and vice versa. Once again, last call.

What are your preferences, please?

Thanks for reading this! As always, if you have questions I'm here for you. =)
Fire based spells are always going to be Luna's go-to spells.

For her lower level ones, Mage Armor and Shield spells to keep the squishy magic user safe will be paramount. In 1e, I had the Extend Spell Feat to double the duration of my spell. Does that exist in 2e, or is it going to be a carryover from our old characters? If we are keeping it, Luna would go ahead and keep a Extended Mage Armor up all the time, and at level 11, that gives me 22 hours of protection time for one casting.

So, for my level 1 spells, I'd go for a bunch of Magic Missiles, a couple of Burning Hands and a Shield spell.

Level 2 would be my Extended Shield spell from level 1, a Glitterdust, a pair of Scorching Rays, a pair of Webs, and a Protection From Arrows.

Level 3 I'd take a Haste, two Lightning Bolts, and two Fireballs.

Level 4 I would like 3 Ball Lightning and 2 Shout

Level 5 I want 3 Cone of Cold and a Summon Monster 5

Level 6 is my new level, and I'm not sure how many spell slots I get. I would like as many Chain Lightning spells as I can get.
The only spells that I really had to speak of were my Gravity Bow and my Scorching Hands one. Anything that I can tack onto my arrows to enhance their damage at range is what I'd want to go with.
Sherwood Sherwood Excellent and thank you!

I don't think all the spells you mentioned are in Pathfinder 2.0.. I'm pretty sure Ball Lightning isn't and I'm not sure about Shout. I'll take a look at it later when I am able to.

There are a number of spells in Luna's spellbook that are definitely not in the game. Again, see the Pathfinder 2.0 link for available spells if you want to recommend replacements.
The only spells that I really had to speak of were my Gravity Bow and my Scorching Hands one. Anything that I can tack onto my arrows to enhance their damage at range is what I'd want to go with.

Psychie Psychie Great and thank you!

I believe Gravity Bow is out. Do you want to check out the link to see if there is a replacement you'd like? Also is your character going with Bard, Wizard, or Sorcerer class-type feats?
Psychie Psychie Great and thank you!

I believe Gravity Bow is out. Do you want to check out the link to see if there is a replacement you'd like? Also is your character going with Bard, Wizard, or Sorcerer class-type feats?
I'll look and see, but I'm kinda thinking Bard, just off the top of my head. That way, once (if I ever find it) I get a hold of my quest item of the Songbow, I can use it more effectively (possibly) with my singing talents added into it.
Luna's big thing is less of a buff spells person and more of a offensive 'blow your ass up in fire' kind of person. So, if stuff like Ball Lightning is out, I can see her replacing it with increased spell levels of Fireball and Lightning Bolt to be able to fry some ass, and leave a few extra spell slots of her third level for Haste to be able to help the entire party in the event of a big nasty that we really need that extra action on.
I don't know if I can get to a second level spell yet, but if I do, Acid Arrow sounds nice to be able to add to my existing arrow to make a even nastier surprise.

For a first level selection, I guess just stuff like Shocking Grasp and Burning Hands.
Multi-classing works a little oddly now. Instead of taking a second class, you use one of your class feat slots to pick up a "class dedication" feat that indicates your character is now learning from that second class as well as her first. (It also gives a few starting perks.) From that point, you can use your class feat slots for either your main class or the one you've taken the class dedication feat for.

The bard's spell list is very different from wizard or sorcerer, by the way. It's largely illusions and other mind-affecting spells and party buffs. As I recall, it does have some nice weapon-boosting things.
Oops, left the thought unfinished. Regarding multiple classes, I meant to explain that I believe you get a few cantrips (0-level spells that don't use up casting slots) with the initial class dedication feat, but you need later feats for higher level spells.
Well, considering that the Arcane Archer prestige class doesn't exist in 2e, Dannigan said he was not going to deprive me of what I had made up and was going to make something up in a conversion from 1e to 2e. Given that I had originally taken 6 levels of Fighter, 1 of Wizard (but effectively 2nd due to the prestige bonuses), and 2 of Arcane Archer, I don't know what Feats or spells I would have access to.
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