If I recall correctly, mine was to be able to negate my stealth penalty in my armor so I can be more sneaky.
I remember that now, Psychie. Thanks!
DM Dannigan, are we keeping our current stats and only getting the boost from here, or are we getting those as well?
Keeping current Ability Scores and getting the boosts from here. I have let you guys keep a ton of things from Pathfinder 1.0 that, in all fairness, you should not have kept in 2.0. Therefore the Ability Scores stay.
So, are we building up a 11th level character in 2.0, or using our original builds in 1.0?
Using the 1st-level characters I provided in the Character section, you are building up an 11th level character (presuming Wolf and Cap'n vote the same way the rest of you have - let's hear what they have to say lest you count your chickens before they hatch).