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At the Adventurers' Table: Chapter Fourteen

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Psychie Psychie , this will require making another Diplomacy roll (the first was to Make an Impression). This time, Oreleth sounds like (HA HA just read your post!) she's using the Request action (asking him to change his stance). That'll require another roll. White d20?
Yes, please. Can I use another Action Point on this, or am I tapped out for the scene?
Yes. Because your party is not in combat, I don't mind you acting freely. Combat, of course, is a whole 'nother ball game (especially with the Mad Giant involved. Yikes.). Please subtract it and I'll get to rolling.
The d20 and 2d6 fly... and roll (in order)... 10, 5, and 4! Total is 16 (10 + 5 + 1 CHA modifier). All this with no Ranks in Diplomacy and a Charisma of 12!

See in-game in a moment! =)
Kaerri's reaction to reading all of the above, said with tongue firmly in cheek: "Oh, no. What are you people doing to me?" ^;3^

(No, really, I love it! You guys are crazy and it's hilarious and Bren can't even say no, really, because so far it's our best way out of this!)
Let's pause here, Gang, and give Cap'n, Kaerri, and Wolf time to respond! Thanks for the laughs, Psychie, Sherwood, and Kaerri! I had a great time! =)
As the guy running this game, you are welcome to lay that entire decision on me, Your Wolfness. =)

Maybe look at it a different way, bud? =) Sherwood and Psychie were doing their level best at trying to bail Nivirea (and now the rest of the team) out of a life-or-death situation (which is not over yet). Your buddies were out to help Nivirea and they seemed like they were trying everything they could think of, so I let them go at it. I felt they didn't have to do it.

They succeeded in changing the Mad Giant's mind from giving his version of a "beating," to one coming from one of your most-trusted and good-hearted party members (Bren, who will not kill your character). In the process, your buddies also spent hard-to-come-by resources (Action Points and Diamonds of Fate especially) to make this happen. Besides that, you've had lots of time to post too, and if my memory serves, last I heard you weren't sure what you wanted to say, right?

As far as the game rules are concerned, I allowed Oreleth to have two Actions instead of one. Then I called a halt for the rest to catch up (given our time difference) and they followed my request without fail.

So put the blame on me. I'm the DM here after all. =)

Honor and fun,
Dann =)
Bren nodded swiftly when Bria asked permission to heal the giant -- he'd been thinking of proposing that himself, but had lost the thought as events cascaded. Which they were continuing to do, in a completely unexpected direction.

Whoops! This is also my fault, Gang! I meant to tell you guys in a spoiler that I had asked Kaerri if Bria had Bren's permission to cast a healing spell on the Mad Giant. Kaerri gave it and I had Bria act accordingly. Sorry I forgot to tell you! My goof! =)
Yeah, but you of all people know how much I love miscommunications, especially given my condition! Thanks, Beautiful! =)
Whoops! This is also my fault, Gang! I meant to tell you guys in a spoiler that I had asked Kaerri if Bria had Bren's permission to cast a healing spell on the Mad Giant. Kaerri gave it and I had Bria act accordingly. Sorry I forgot to tell you! My goof! =)
I will let it go - this time. If it happens again, Luna will make you suffer endless torment of burning pain! Mwuhaha!

Just kidding, of course.
Oh noes! Not da wrath of ever-fiery Luna! 8D (Hee hee!) (Love that post from her by the way! Nicely written!)

Um, how am I supposed to defend against that when fire extinguishers haven't been invented yet?
But... (continuing the joke) I'm running a game here. Running two games. Oh, and I'm playing in three more. What about that?

I mean, what happens to Luna if this game stops? Doesn't she stop being played?

By getting me, doesn't she sort of, get herself at the same time?

(Yes, I'm setting myself up here - have fun with it!)
Heya Gang! I hope to post sometime later today. Stay safe and have fun! =)
Maybe look at it a different way, bud? =) Sherwood and Psychie were doing their level best at trying to bail Nivirea (and now the rest of the team) out of a life-or-death situation (which is not over yet). Your buddies were out to help Nivirea and they seemed like they were trying everything they could think of, so I let them go at it. I felt they didn't have to do it.

They succeeded in changing the Mad Giant's mind from giving his version of a "beating," to one coming from one of your most-trusted and good-hearted party members (Bren, who will not kill your character). In the process, your buddies also spent hard-to-come-by resources (Action Points and Diamonds of Fate especially) to make this happen.
No, no, the " 😶 " face was just a reaction to how much I had to read and process (IC and OOC), or even better, my reaction to Oreleth's proposal, lol. I wasn't complaining that you guys didn't wait for me at all. I am looking at it the way you suggested. I'll remember all the effort ^^

Besides that, you've had lots of time to post too, and if my memory serves, last I heard you weren't sure what you wanted to say, right?
All true. I can't help but feel a little down for being unable to think of something. I really wanted to because, well, Bluff (or Deception, whatever it's called in 2.0) is Nivirea's highest skill so it's pretty disappointing that I still haven't managed to use it anywhere. Feels like I suck at playing her... The way she's written, I'm pretty sure she would have thought of something even in these few minutes she's had ingame. Meanwhile, I've had not minutes but days, and I failed. That's the downside of writing characters who are smarter than you, I guess. Even with all the advantages you have over them (like being real and having more time, access to more help), it still doesn't necessarily make you as capable as them lol. Welp.
Well-put and sorry for the misunderstanding, Wolf! I misread your intent again.

I have to say, you are role-playing Nivirea wonderfully! Especially the second to last post where you provided her reaction. Wow! Top notch role-playing, man! *high-five* 8D

Feels like I suck at playing her...

I can relate with this. When I think of, say, Oscar's level of intelligence compared to mine. All I can do is do my best and hope I'm done him justice. And I think I have, because you guys seem to be enjoying the characters I create. =)
Mhm. I'm still not sure if the giant will be satisfied, though.

Kaerri, Nivirea is basically surrendering to Bren - she obviously doesn't like it, but for everyone's sake, if it has to be done anyway then it better be believable... The only thing that would suck more than getting spanked in front of the whole group, would be to get spanked AND killed by a giant after >.<
Mhm. I'm still not sure if the giant will be satisfied, though.

All I have to say about that is, if any of you have any doubts as to what he wants, go back and reread those posts. Those words aren't going anywhere.

In fact, I'll just come out and say something more. If there is one thing I would change about my beloved Wayward Wanderers here and the Wild Cards in Broadsword is - I wish you guys talked together in out of character more often. By putting your heads together, You make a far better team than when you don't.

I think D. Rex and Sil already get this from what I'm seeing in the prologue together.

The only thing that would suck more than getting spanked in front of the whole group, would be to get spanked AND killed by a giant after >.<

Ain't that the truth! =)
Kaerri, Nivirea is basically surrendering to Bren - she obviously doesn't like it, but for everyone's sake, if it has to be done anyway then it better be believable...

This might be a good time for that Bluff check then. ^;3^ Because Bren isn't really going to hurt her, of course.

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