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At the Adventurers' Table: Chapter Eleven

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Kaerri has been to Ben's before ^;3^
At least I can look for a bow with a larger magical effect on it. Even sticking with pure Pathfinder stuff, there is a lot out there to pick from.
Very true. I'm not sure what to look for to boost Luna up. Perhaps some more Ioun Stones? There are some real nice ones out there.
Heya Gang! Just a big update here - I've been doing lots of behind-the-scenes work for our Pathfinder 2.0 Playtest. Get ready for all kinds of changes and an overall simpler system to play in!

Here are six items for everyone:
1. The playtest will take place with your existing characters minus Sparkle, Oscar, Mamapaw, Powerpaw, and (I almost forgot) Star (Bren's war-pegasus). It will therefore take place with Nivirea, Luna, Oreleth, Bren, Bria, and I hope, Otiorin (that's Cap'n's character, Psychie). I have sent a message to Cap'n asking when he thinks he'll be able to return. I will let you know when I have heard something.

2. I will be closing out Chapter 11 and starting the Playtest in Chapter 12. For this reason, I think it is wise to hold off on buying anything at Ben & Misha's at this time. You see, 2.0 brings on a lot of changes and if you buy up a bunch of 1.0 items, and we choose to embrace 2.0, that means that much more work for me to do to change them over. However, I expect to learn things in our Playtest. I want to have that knowledge when creating a final list of what is available at Ben & Misha's for you. It's the least you deserve for getting to Highwind and coming this far in the game.

3. When Chapter 12 starts, hold on to your hats! We will then be playing the Pathfinder 2.0 Playtest. This means big changes to characters, classes, spells, feats, skills, and just about everything under the sun! Some things won't be changing (like your characters ability scores). While I don't mind hearing your questions now, I will answer questions regarding this come Chapter 12 (unless it is something that requires immediate attention).

4. Roleplaying Challenge. Remember, a few little somethings will take place to challenge your skills as roleplayers very early on in Chapter 12. One of these I've never tried before, but if it works (and I think it will), I believe it will bring you a little closer together as characters and as players. Plus, I'm betting you'll find it fun too! I am interested to see how you work it out! =)

5. Feedback! Recently, in Wolf's wonderful game (Amaranth), he gave me some solid feedback concerning Sharseya. I just wanted to share his excellent example of what I am looking for when I ask for feedback along with my reply. With Wolf's permission, I copy/paste his post here:
(From Wolf roughly a week ago)
You don't do it much in Sharseya, and sometimes so much happens and gets said that I have no idea how to incorporate my character's actions into it. All's said and done, yet my character would have held her hand up right there in the beginning, and maybe what she'd say would have changed the rest of your post. So then I have the choice of either doing what I've seen you and Kaerri do a lot: quote multiple parts of a previous post and address them one by one, or simply ignore everything but the conclusion. The former annoys me because it breaks immersion, and the latter sucks because it means missing opportunities to RP.

Yet posting everything at once does make things go faster, and leaves less room for confusion perhaps.

To me, breaking up a longer post, especially dialogue, is preferable to dishing it all out at once. It may slow things down a little, but it presents more opportunity for interaction. More space to RP. Obviously, only if the players are interested. My approach is more like writing a book, whereas I understand you're used to playing your RPs as if they were games. So I guess that's another difference.

This is the sort of thing (along with what Sherwood posted) that really lets me know how you're feeling as PCs. Positive or negative doesn't matter - what stands out here is the thoroughness of Wolf's post. OOC chat is my only avenue to know how you're feeling about anything in my game - and that knowing is important to me. =) So, thanks for the feedback! If, at any time, you guys and gals want me to know something concerning how I DM, shoot it out there. Why? Because this is one way DMs get xp! =)

To reply to Wolf's post, I have to point out - I feel a lot of my big posts come about because of one of three things.
1. I am explaining a complex scenario, or a scenario that contains a lot of details, or both. I feel the need to completely explain the scene prior to PC interaction. I am putting together a picture, and I want it to be the same picture in your head as it is in mine. If I pause to change it midway, I chance changing up the entire scenario.

One example is the introduction into the Ambush with the Monk/Mages of Wee Jas. I felt it was very important to explain everything up front. I didn't want any of you guessing as to the situation. When that post was finished, all of you seemed to have a very solid grasp of the challenge. Another is the colossus here in Highwind. If I had paused after explaining the horses and colossus, then you would not have known about the geomancer behind them all trying to chase them down.

2. I am in the process of railroading you guys somewhere. Big posts like that are part of that process.
Once the railroad comes to a stop, I don't typically post like that unless I am about to lose a piece of the story or a lot of elements in the story have suddenly risen up at once. And finally...

3. Rarely (and this is the big one), my ADHD gets the better of me and I just find myself typing away. I don't always realize I'm doing it. While putting together the post, something in my head will say, "Hey, maybe this is a good time to let the PCs in on this?" and away I go without a second thought... Only toward the end of the post do I suddenly "wake up" and realize I've just typed well over 1,000 words! Whoa!

A good example of that is your seeing Ben & Misha's Magic Shoppe for the first time here and learning Arubellum and Ben are actually brothers. Sometimes I think, "I'd better share this now before I get distracted." I'm afraid I will forget to bring it up altogether (which would rob you of knowing they were brothers) or worse, I will think I have given you that information when I haven't (yes, quite embarrassing, but it's part of my life...).

Do you have any recommendations for me?

6. I would be remiss if I did not remind you all to at least take a peek in the free Pathfinder 2.0 Playtest! The more you check out what's in there, the less lost you'll be when we begin Chapter 12. This is not to say that I won't guide you, but I won't be perfect at it either. I don't mind one of you coming along and correcting me - I'm new at this too! =)

So what's on your minds, Gang? =)

Honor and fun,
Dann =)
Given that we're standing in front of the shop, but have been recommended not to buy anything (and have been told the final list of shop items will probably be in Pathfinder 2.0), I asked Dannigan, "So, er, what are we doing in-character now?" He said, "Pause until I hear back from Captain?"

So there's that ^;3^

*throws again*

"Dere! See? I hit its! Wait...."

*looks closely*

"Uhhh, whoops! I hit a target alrighties, but it wuz sumbuddy else's target... Just gimme my hammer alreadies!! MOOOOOOAAAARR!!"

(DM Note: If Cap'n posts in-game, which I get the impression he is, then the rest of the Gang can reply to him?) =)
Okies. And let me clear up what is going on in-game. Kaerri Kaerri Wolf Rawrrr Wolf Rawrrr Sherwood Sherwood Psychie Psychie Captain Hesperus Captain Hesperus

First off, because Cap'n's absence was based on Real Life, I'm not docking Otiorin for not being present at the "colossus conundrum." Otiorin will be allowed to purchase from Ben & Misha's too (besides, the alternative is, you go out and find something just for Otiorin and that would sidetrack us, now, wouldn't it? =) ).

Secondly, the situation in-game is this: The Wayward Wanderers are welcome to enter Ben & Misha's and browse. I have a solid idea of what I want to be sold, just not which version of Pathfinder to describe it to you in. I also feel it would be a bad idea for me to give you a list only to change it up on you guys later. One list, no confusion, boom-done. =)

Thirdly, so I recommend Otiorin catch up with the party and you guys can chat in-game. For the sake of gameplay, let's say... Otiorin did something to earn his way in and he is now returning from that (I don't need details, Cap'n, but if you want to figure something out in Conversation, that's fine).

So there it is - Otiorin catches up with (and hopefully is caught-up by) the Wayward Wanderers. Unless anyone else has another idea?

(Meanwhile as I'm typing this, good ol' Cap'n has posted!) =)

And... that bit of story works, Cap'n! Neatly done! =)

P.S. I love it! Good ol' Otiorin is true to his word (as if one should expect anything less, given the circumstances)!
Oh. And might someone please explain to Psychie what Cap'n's post is all about? She wasn't there for any of that (and it's time for me to hit the sack for work!). =)
Otiorin feels somewhat responsible for the malicious act of another Half-Elf, the destruction of most of the Wild Elf homeland, forcing those same Wild Elves into a state of nigh-lycanthropic pogrom against all Half-Elves. Moved by the plight of the Wild Elves, Otiorin swore a blood oath to the moon, the stars and any God that happened to turn an ear in his direction that he would do all that he could to aid the Wild Elves.
The Wild Elves refuses his offers of money and supplies, but a friendly little bird reminded Oti of the Wild Elves’ love of their progenitor God, thus the portable shrine for them to carry with them until they can restore their homes or find new homes to call their own.

Captain Hesperus
So is there a bit of bad blood between the full blooded elves and the half elves? Would Oreleth have a problem dealing with Otiorin?
There is between the full-blooded Wild Elves and any of the (very, very few) half-elves they happen to meet. (Even with Otiorin, this player's count stands at under 10 half-elves in the world, so it's not a likely circumstance). This is because, like Captain said, one particular half-elf caused the deliberate destruction of the Wild Elves' homeland and a curse on all of them. Wild Elves tend towards the xenophobic in general, which doesn't help.

Other elves have whatever opinion they have; however, it's unlikely to be as hostile as the Wild Elves' attitude. Wood Elves may be more likely to have an unfavorable opinion just because few of them choose to deal with outsiders, and because they're having to deal with the Wild Elves in their own wood now that the Wild Elves don't have a home of their own. But I would think an adventuring elf is likely to be more open-minded.
Thank you. I didn't want to be all up in his business with an attitude, or be like 'hey buddy! long time! come give me a hug!' if there was some stuff there that I needed to know about.
Oreleth would also be aware of the wood elves' own history of half-elves, given that two half-elves have been produced in part by them in recent memory (by elven standards). Both went from being social pariahs in the Forest Eternal to becoming successful adventurers in realms beyond those fabled woods. Both are also still welcome in the Forest Eternal, at least by their wood elven brethren.

The wood elves as a whole did not know what to do when they suddenly had half-elves of their own blood in their tribe. There were a lot of misunderstandings about them back then. Now that they are both grown (by their own strange standards) and out of the Forest Eternal (for the most part), the tribe of the wood elves as a whole looks back with a tinge of regret. Perhaps if they had been treated with more compassion, most say, they would have never left the sacred wood. Now their fates are securely in their own hands.
Also (since I'm here and writing), I realized (thanks to Kaerri) that I misread Cap'n's latest post concerning Otiorin's whereabouts. Cap'n posted that Oti was at the last place he saw them (Earthhome). That would actually jumble things up a little for me.

So... if no one minds, I'd like you all in one place; Otiorin runs into the Wayward Wanderers just outside Ben & Misha's (call it a "DM said so" if you like. Heh!). Your characters are free to welcome his return as Luna has and enter Ben & Misha's Magic Shoppe.

Cap'n, if you haven't already, I strongly recommend reading post #210 in Chapter 11 up to present.
Heya! I will attempt to post here tomorrow. Have fun and stay healthy, Gang!
Just so long as Luna gets to roast some critters with a well placed fireball, I'm in.

*resolves to stop forgetting to put pdf on tablet*
Heya Gang!

After having been horribly and wonderfully distracted (heavy on the "wonderfully", hee hee) by Sherwood's New Rifts game, I hope to post sometime tomorrow. =)

Oh! And a note to Sherwood regarding Sparkle - I just need her out of the picture for, what I hope is, a short time. You'll probably see why once we convert to 2.0 Playtest. I'm hoping you'll be reunited soon.

But first I have to bring Chapter 11 to a close. =)
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