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At the Adventurers' Table: Chapter Eleven

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And on a unrelated note, if you click up on the top menu bar on the 'Members' tab, you'll see that I am now the 5th most prolific poster on this site. I live here.
I live here.

Aw, that's not news! =) Bubba, I knew that the day you invited me here (back on RP.dom)! You had something like... 9,000 posts back in 2015 or something like that? =)

Now you want news? Lookit this! I found Psychie and Kaerri kicking butt in this video (just kidding, but it is a cool video)!

Here is something I completely forgot about - Nivirea does not have Boots of Striding and Springing like the rest of the party, but at least hers has little leaf-buckles (things DMs think about when they're doing their behind-the-scenes preparations)! =)
I hope to post sometime tomorrow. Stay healthy and do something creative, gang! =)
"Good sir, I am Luna Callen, of Sommerset...
(ellipsis mine)

Sherwood, dear bud, I have the most minor of corrections, but I must make it - Summerset. =)

Heya Gang! Once you've caught up in-game, I have a little secret to let out of the bag for you all. =)

So... a few months ago, some of you may have been wondering why on earth you guys had run into an out-of-control super-golem and a crazed pair of horses pulling a wagon, all being followed by a bent-backed arcanist with a stone-tipped cane?

Now you know. =)

Back when you guys first talked about going to Ben and Misha's (must have been a year by now), I knew right there that ol' Ben wouldn't serve you except for Bren and Bria, whom he knew. So... this DM thought up a situation that involved more brains than brawn and gave the Wayward Wanderers the opportunity to not only do a very good deed, but something worthy of Ben's trust.

Now, mind, you could have blown it somehow (to, say, bad dice, like what's happening right now in Robotech: Broadsword). But what would you have lost concerning Ben and Misha? Not a lot, I thought. So, if you guys beat this challenge, this was your ticket in.

And you got it! Congratulations, Gang, and take a bow You have rightfully earned what many people in Highwind can only wish for (players included)! =)
And with that, I am taking myself to bed! Good night, you wonderful people!
So... a few months ago, some of you may have been wondering why on earth you guys had run into an out-of-control super-golem and a crazed pair of horses pulling a wagon, all being followed by a bent-backed arcanist with a stone-tipped cane?

I actually had assumed it was just "life as normal in Highwind." Because, while I've never run into a super-golem here, I have run into some other crazy things. ^;3^
For some people, running into super golems on the rampage through town is a major event. For us, it was a regular ol' Tuesday. Such is our life.
For some people, running into super golems on the rampage through town is a major event. For us, it was a regular ol' Tuesday. Such is our life.

All I can say is - welcome to Highwind! =)
I don't know what is meant by "Golem ex machina." If you mean that it was the DMs way of making all good things come your way because I could, you're wrong on that.

This was all to give you the opportunity to earn the privilege. It's something I've done for every serious PC party in Highwind (and not all of them made the grade).

Also, please don't make the mistake of thinking Highwind has only one shoppe to get adventuring goods at. There are others (like the Second Skin armorsmith, for one). However, Ben and Misha offer the best Highwind has. If you want to be good, go elsewhere. Plus, they're famous for... well... you'll see. =)

And again, if you had failed in your attempt, things could have gone worse than you imagine. But what's a DM to do? Just let Brendoran and Bria shop while the rest of you sit outside? I felt you deserved the chance. So I just gave that chance to you, pass or fail. =)
Heya Gang!

Kaerri and I are both down with colds. While we are taking great care of each other, I'm not sure just when I'll post next. When I do, it will be in Robotech: Broadsword.

(This message was posted to you from our bathtub where I am soaking in Epsom salt and taking a wonderful and warm bubble bath. Stay healthy, Gang!)

Honor and fun,
Dann =)
Well if it's a contest, I am still recovering from a strong cold that shook me for over a week before evolving into a throat infection that kept me home in bed for another week! With help from antibiotics I expect to be mostly fine in another week! Wowzer *sickly woof*
Aw, that bites, Wolf and Sherwood!

Perhaps our Psychie has been luckier than the rest of us this past week?
You are feeling fine, because you make everyone around you sick. This is all your fault!
Oof. Stay healthy, Psychie! This doesn't need to be a total "party wipe," if you get my meaning. ^;3^
So what's everyone planning to buy? I get that we've earned the right to shop at one of the best places in town, but that doesn't help much if you have no idea what to get. Like me. I feel like I'm being offered to test drive a brand new Lamborghini for the whole day, but all I can come up with is to take it for a lap around the block... *whine*
There is a magic item in DnD that I wonder if I could pull over to this place. They are energy crystals that attach themselves to a magic weapon and impart a magic ability to it. There are three levels to them. The first would be able to grant a +1 in damage to the weapon's die roll of whatever elemental aspect you pick. The next level up is the one I'd like; it adds a full d6 of damage to the weapon.

If that is not an option (and I understand completely if so) I'd like to get a bow with a higher magic level to it. Perhaps one that has the effect of Gravity Bow to it already.

Better yet, I'd like both! Buy a few of the energy crystals to be able to swap out effects for encounters with stuff that is healed by the one elemental effect you own, and a +2 bow with some cool effects added to it.
I've heard of them, but I haven't played DnD in so long I have no idea what book they might be in, what effects they have, or how much they cost.

Perhaps our Illustrious Storyteller knows what you're talking about and has more info on them than I do.
Judging from previous experience, I expect Dannigan to give us a list of just what's available, once we're inside and the descriptions are more appropriate. ^;3^ There's likely to be some "standard" (to adventurers) stuff, as well as some custom-created items straight out of Dannigan's (and Ben and/or Misha's) head.
Good point. Once we have a list of available goods, we can then dive into the piggy bank and see if we can afford what we want.
I've never heard of these crystals so please don't expect them.

Kaerri, as usual, has the right of it. =)
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