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At the Adventurers' Table: Chapter Eleven

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Poor choice of words on my part. ^;3^ I meant that I figured he'd have close to, if not more than, Bren's hit points.

Bren is now level 10, aside from his hit point roll. Brought Ride and Knowledge: Monsters up to rank 10! And had some left over to counteract his armor check in some of the physical skills like Climb and Swim (y'know, the ones where, if you have to roll, you really need a success!). Also I get third-level spells now! Nothing compared to what you real spellcasters have, of course, but it's something.
Luna has raised up her Knowledge: Religion (might come in handy in this chapter), and I upped my Spellcraft and Knowledge: Arcana to 10 ranks each. With my new spells and Metamagic Feat that I get as a bonus for being a Wizard, she is able to lay down some serious hurt to the bad guys.
Hm, since it's been such a long time since I last had to levelup anything, I'd like to share my checklist here before actually updating. Now, I had included these guidelines in my sheet from the start, which should be correct:
- Gain 1d6 HP
- Gain 2 + Int (+1 bonus) Skill Ranks
- Gain 1 bonus Skill Rank or 1 bonus HP
- Gain 1 bonus feat (at levels 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19)
- Gain 1 Ability Point (at levels 4, 8, 12, 16, 20)

- Check Sorcerer page to update skills and features

So in order, I am getting:

- 6 additional HP, maxing out at 56
- 6 Skill Ranks (2 plus 3 from Int mod, plus 1 for levelling a class as a Human)
- 1 bonus skill rank (for levelling a favoured class), which I think I'll put into Bluff to get it to +15 (I think I remember Dann saying that thresholds of 5 net an additional benefit for skills)
- 1 bonus feat for reaching level 9

From the Sorcerer page, I see that:

- Fortitude and Reflex saves are both going up by 1
- My spells known are going up by 1 for 2nd, 3rd, and 4th level spells, respectively
- I am learning an additional spell derived from my bloodline for reaching level 9 (Poison) as well as a new power (Fleeting Glance)

Purr Purr , I know that the sheet has been triple-checked before, but I'm not sure why my Saves are as they are. I mean, from the Sorcerer class for 8th level they ought to be +2/+2/+6, which when you add the +1 Cloak of Resistance amounts to +3/+3/+7. But my saves are +4/+5/+8. There's probably an explanation for this... I'd just like to know what is it XD

Also, please let me know if I've gotten anything wrong from my assessment above, or if I'm forgetting something. Thanks! *woof*

edit: silly me, "Dann" doesn't tag anyone XD
Also, please let me know if I've gotten anything wrong from my assessment above, or if I'm forgetting something. Thanks! *woof*

Sure, Wolf! I appreciate you sharing your character improvements. =)

- 1 bonus skill rank (for levelling a favoured class), which I think I'll put into Bluff to get it to +15 (I think I remember Dann saying that thresholds of 5 net an additional benefit for skills)

The "Rule of 5" applies to skill ranks and things like the Skill Focus Feat. Someone's -2 from their Ability Score does not apply nor does their +3 class bonus or anything of the like. Details are in Shop Talk.

But my saves are +4/+5/+8. There's probably an explanation for this... I'd just like to know what is it XD
Each character's Ability Scores alter their saving throws. Have a low Wisdom? Your Will saves will suffer. Been keeping yourself healthy? Your positive modifier from your high Constitution score will benefit from it. Have an average Dexterity score? Your Reflex save will stay right where it is. So, Nivirea is lucky and has bonuses in all of these areas. Her Fortitude Saving Throw improves by +1, Reflex save by +2, and Will save by +1. =)

- 6 additional HP, maxing out at 56
Nivirea's aforementioned positive Constitution modifier improves her hit points per level by +1. Her total is 57. =)

- 6 Skill Ranks (2 plus 3 from Int mod, plus 1 for levelling a class as a Human)
Correct. Which skills were you going to have Nivirea learn? =) Remember, special modifiers increase for having Skill Ranks in multiples of 5 (Kaerri's character sheet from Brendoran provides a good example of wisely-used skill points for the Paladin class). =)

- 1 bonus feat for reaching level 9
What bonus Feat did you want to give Nivirea? =)

That's all I can think of for now. I'm kind of on "Dungeon Master autopilot" at the moment because my head's all woozy from Real Life. Pardon any errors on my part. =)
I have a question about a Feat from the core book:

Combat Expertise (Combat)
You can increase your defense at the expense of your accuracy.
Prerequisite: Int 13.
Benefit: You can choose to take a –1 penalty on melee
attack rolls and combat maneuver checks to gain a +1
dodge bonus to your Armor Class. When your base attack
bonus reaches +4, and every +4 thereafter, the penalty
increases by –1 and the dodge bonus increases by +1. You
can only choose to use this feat when you declare that you
are making an attack or a full-attack action with a melee
weapon. The effects of this feat last until your next turn.

Does this apply to ranged attacks also, or is it only for melee actions? If it only works hand to hand, it would make a difference on if I select it or not.
From the description, it seems pretty clear that it only works in melee. Perhaps a additional level to that Feat to apply to ranged attacks?
According to the core book, there isn't a feat to apply that would do that. :( Sad Psychie is sad.
Ah, good ol' reliable Combat Expertise, one of the true staples of the intelligent and skilled melee artisan. Sorry, Psychie - Combat Expertise is melee only.

Powerpaw swings his maul. "Ooooooh, I iz melee fighter! I kin haz Combat Experteeses?"
Dungeon Master: "Sorry, fuzzy fellow. You have to be a smart fighter too."
Powerpaw: "Aw, shucks! Dat's O.K., though. Az long az I kin smack bad guyz in da face, I iz happy kitty!"
Dungeon Master: "There is no doubting that." =)
I hope to post within the next day or so. Until then, have fun and be safe, folks! =)
Hey Dann, since we haven't introduced my archer, I was thinking of swapping my Weapon Specialization Feat for Arcane Armor Training and going with the breastplate instead of the studded leather. I'll do two points of damage per arrow less, but it raises my AC by two, and it will put my spell failure chance at only ten percent
Sure! Per our earlier talks on the matter, go for it! =)

Also, do you have those goals in mind? What is it she's up to besides trying to... "Dare I say it? Chaaaange the world!!" (letting out my inner Bill Nye "The Science Guy" there). She's a great character on paper; let's put some more life into her by adding to her background and things she really wants to do or places she wants to see (even if its vague).
Thanks, Dannigan *woof*

57 HP
- 57 is better than 56! :D I feel like I have more HP than a typical pure sorcerer at my level now, which I don't mind at all (^^)

7 skill ranks
- I'm going to use these to put a finishing polish on a couple of skills that I want to get out of the way and not have to think about next time. So 1 goes into Sense Motive to get it to +6 with 5 ranks, 2 into Stealth for +7 with 5 ranks, and the remaining 4 into Bluff for a whopping +18 with 10 ranks! I realize now that when I was making the character I must have had the Rule of 5 philosophy upside down, because I seem to have adjusted the total bonuses instead of skill ranks XD Thanks for pointing that out!

1 new feat
- I looked over the feat page and I found three that I like, but am not sure which to choose. First there's the probably obvious choice of Quicken Spell (Metamagic). Alternatively, there's Deceitful that would boost my Bluff/Disguise yet more, which would be not just useful but also in character for Nivi :P Not to mention that since I just accrued 10 ranks in Bluff, the bonus for that skill doubles to +4 which further sweetens the deal. I should be able to lie my ass off with impunity XD Finally, one other thing occurred to me - a seemingly humble Fleet which increases speed by 5 ft. I'm not sure if I'd actually be benefitting from this though, since I think my equip was well into medium load, despite us having taken a more tolerant stand on that (I even cleared my detailed weight calculations from Wolf's early sheet template without complaints from the Storyteller). If it did work though, perhaps being a little faster would make a difference sometimes. Or perhaps not. Meh :/

New spells
- For the 2nd level spell, I was thinking maybe Alter Self - but I can't seem to figure out whether this lets you assume the identical look of another person or not. Lots of argument for both on the internet, but this is Sharseya so I should ask Dann. It does seem a little OP that way, so the answer is probably no? Alternatively, perhaps Arcane Lock would come in handy.
- For the 3rd level, I am definitely taking Lightning Bolt. The reason is that pretty much all of my offensive spells at this point are fire-based, so the first time I am up against something that has fire resistance, I'll be screwed if I can't hit it with something else. Lots of other nice 3rd level spells, but I need an alternative damage delivery.
- As for the 4th level, I saw a couple cool things. Like Beast Shape II, though with its limited duration I find it less practical than I'd like. Summon Monster IV is a cool alternative, especially since there are finally some good options for level four. Though Bren would probably kick Nivirea out of the party if she wanted a hellhound pet... Not that they make good pets XD (I remember our talk about this Dann!). Or perhaps... Shout? FUS RO DAH (nuff said *rawrrrr*)

Appreciate any thoughts on this. I'm holding off on any changes to my sheet for now *woof*

Psychie Psychie p.s. I asked Nivirea what she thought about your character, and this is what she said: "Hawt."
Dungeon Master note to all: Below, I reply to Wolf's questions with my experience and advice. For purposes of roleplaying, Nivirea also may use these tactics in-character because she has learned them from her trainer - Oscar of Highwind. It's enough that you guys are 10th level, but moreso, if your characters want extra advice or ideas, you can ask me OOC here or Oscar IC if you specifically want his opinion (which sometimes differs from mine). This is one of the big reasons I like having teachers in the game; other people know things that you don't and by reaching out to them, you expand your character's world (and perhaps your own in the process). =)

I realize now that when I was making the character I must have had the Rule of 5 philosophy upside down, because I seem to have adjusted the total bonuses instead of skill ranks XD Thanks for pointing that out!
Sure! Any good DM will help the PCs with things like that. =)

"If it did work though, perhaps being a little faster would make a difference sometimes. Or perhaps not. Meh :/
You might be surprised. Keep in mind that Fleet also adds to your overall running speed, making you just flat out faster if you need to get to or away from something. A melee baddie can't hit you if you're not in melee. We had an NPC who would be very creative with Fleet and it served him well. As for loads and weights and all, I am lenient in that regard - I want guidelines that make sense and are easy to work with. Rare is the DM who will make you count out every pound (including coin!) your character is carrying. All three Feats you mentioned are useful; just be sure you're prepared for that dungeon you're heading into.

- For the 2nd level spell, I was thinking maybe Alter Self - but I can't seem to figure out whether this lets you assume the identical look of another person or not. Lots of argument for both on the internet, but this is Sharseya so I should ask Dann. It does seem a little OP that way, so the answer is probably no?
Actually, the answer is yes. However... (there's that word again), per the spell, Nivirea must have "a piece of the creature whose form you plan to assume." In other words, let's say Nivirea wanted to double as Luna. Nivirea must possess something that is or was Luna - a lock of hair, for example. No, don't start thinking DNA (Dum-dum Player: "Oh, I get the component I need from that blueberry muffin she had a bite of!" DM: "Uh, enjoy the muffin, pal...").

Alternatively, perhaps Arcane Lock would come in handy.
Arcane Lock kicks tail in those dungeons that contain doors. Why? Because if you're being chased, you can Arcane Lock a door thereby quickly making it much harder to get through, especially if you have a buddy who, in the same action, will lock the door just prior to your casting. It won't stop, say, a charging Bulette ("Land Shark"), but it'll stop a group of burly orcs or mindless undead possibly indefinitely. This spell was formerly called Wizard Lock in 1st Edition D&D and cunning players used it many a time to save their party's bacon.

- For the 3rd level, I am definitely taking Lightning Bolt.
I cannot blame you here. Lightning Bolt has either been the mainstay or the stand-by of Evokers for good reason - canny players can and have used the Lightning Bolt to bounce off of light-reflective surfaces (this is something good ol' Shalin is expert at). This has the effect of hitting the target twice if the range is sufficient, however (my favorite word for tonight apparently), if the caster is not careful with the distance of the spell, they can fry themselves as they are the originating point of the bolt. So, never do this in close range unless you're desperate and healthy. By its very nature, Lightning Bolt, like Fireball, is also one hell of an intimidating spell against those new to it or especially vulnerable to it.

Though Bren would probably kick Nivirea out of the party if she wanted a hellhound pet... Not that they make good pets XD (I remember our talk about this Dann!).
Ha ha ha! I'm proud of you, Wolf! *throws a big, juicy steak Wolf's way* =)

Or perhaps... Shout? FUS RO DAH (nuff said *rawrrrr*)
Shout certainly has its uses, but it also has its drawbacks - for one thing, everything with ears can hear its casting and sound can travel a loooong way in dungeons (one of the reasons rogue-and-archer-heavy groups are effective; by the time you sense them, it's too late). Like any conical-shaped spell, be careful that you don't nail your own party with it because a deafened wizard or healer has trouble casting. This is another spell that doubles or even triples in usage when the player is creative.

For example, the party gets separated in the wilderness. If the party decides beforehand, that spell can be cast to warn the other party that the caster's party is in serious trouble. Another example is using it as a possible attention-stealer. I have no problem with a caster actually shouting a short phrase, say, to distract a bunch of ogres about to do in the druid you're trying to rescue. Let's say your caster knows the Giant language. She points at the ogres and shouts out, "HEY! YOOOOOU R STOOOOOOOOOOOPIIIIIIIIIID!!" The shout not only causes damage and deafens, but it also might serve to anger every ogre not in the cone effect out of sheer insult. Plus... ogres really are stupid in my game... Delightfully stupid, sometimes. =)
Sure! Per our earlier talks on the matter, go for it! =)

Also, do you have those goals in mind? What is it she's up to besides trying to... "Dare I say it? Chaaaange the world!!" (letting out my inner Bill Nye "The Science Guy" there). She's a great character on paper; let's put some more life into her by adding to her background and things she really wants to do or places she wants to see (even if its vague).
I have thought about this some, and I would like to toss an idea past you that Oreleth is searching for a couple of different things. First, living members of her family. Only the relatives that were in the caravan were killed, so it is her hope to come across signs of someone that is related to her; a cousin, uncle, nephew, something. Her relatives have been scattered for some time across the lands, making it harder for her to simply go to the nearby elven village and say 'Hi!'.

Second, she has a pretty cool bow so far, but I would like to also toss out to you that she is hunting for a mythic artifact bow that storytellers of her people have been talking about, one that has been lost to the ages. Oreleth is young enough (for an elf, that is) to be optimistic enough at the thought that she could come across such an item and succeed where so many before her have failed. This item quest is one that will probably never be completed in game, but will be fun to roleplay out.
Wolf Rawrrr Wolf Rawrrr , a good 4th level spell that I have is Ball Lightning. It is a nice one, that lasts one round per level of the caster. At level 9, it makes two orbs of lightning that cause 3d6 damage each, and you can then steer them using a move action. This way, if you are stationary, you can move the orbs to various targets and be able to throw other spells. Also, as you level up, you gain more orbs to control. Just a suggestion for you.
I'm just looking forward to being able to attach a Fireball spell to an arrow. Can you say, KABOOM? Before that, I can already see the fun I'll have with a Web enhanced arrow.
Wow. Ok, I made up my mind! *woof*

- I am going with the humble Fleet feat :) I really like this one, and I can grab one of the other ones next time.

- Alter Self, under those conditions, definitely sounds like a must-have for Nivirea! Imagine the trickery she could perform with that *mwahahaha* Alas, I do not want anything to happen to the party's bacon :( Nor does Nivi. Besides, Arcane Lock sounds like an amazing spell for a caster to have when on their own as well as in a group, so I am certain that she would pick it up. Arcane Lock it is! But it's Alter Self next time :3

- Thank you Lu- I mean Sherwood, for the advice! I don't want to just copy Luna's spellbook though, plus some variety will be nice. And I like Lightning Bolt enough, so I am going with that.

- And finally, after much reconsideration of the 4th level spells, I think I am going for a Dragonborn cosplay. Nivirea looks amazing in skimpy fur armour anyway :3


Oops, I meant...

Psychie Psychie Those sound terrific! I can do something with those goals. Thanks for making them! =)

I'm just looking forward to being able to attach a Fireball spell to an arrow. Can you say, KABOOM? Before that, I can already see the fun I'll have with a Web enhanced arrow.
Something to keep in mind when firing AoE spells as an Arcane Archer - if you fire an arrow at a combat target, say, a mind flayer in a group of mind flayers, then you must hit his Armor Class. The benefit here is the mind flayer takes both the damage from your arrow and the Fireball spell. However, if you miss (the mind flayer is an illusion!) or fumble (double yikes!), your arrow not only misses but it can have unintended consequences.

On the other hand, if you just want that Web spell (which is cast at 100 ft. + 10 ft./level) on a heavily-armored target who's about 250 feet out, then unlike any caster I can think of, your Arcane Archer can possibly put that Web spell on the area in which the target is located. You don't have to hit her; you can hit her area instead. This means you won't do any arrow damage, as the arrow is hitting the area near the target, but you have succeeded in nailing a target with a spell that's waaay out of its normal range of casting. I don't imagine the heavily-armored target would be very pleased with that either. =)

Wolf Rawrrr Wolf Rawrrr
Arcane Lock it is! But it's Alter Self next time :3
Sounds good!

Re: Shout spell. Ha ha ha ha! 8D
Just wondering, does the spell have to be an area of effect one before I can tack it onto an arrow? If I wanted, could I use a single target spell like Shocking Grasp to boost the damage of one arrow? Also, how many spell enhanced arrows can I fire at one time? Is it just one spell enhanced arrow per round? What if I add Magic Missile to an arrow? Does the attack have a guaranteed hit because of the enchantment of the Magic Missile?
Psychie Psychie
1. No.
2. Yes. Shocking Grasp works just fine - especially from over 100 feet away! =)
3. You can fire one spell-enhanced arrow per round.
4. Yes. This is because you are casting and firing. Under most circumstances, folks can only fire off one spell per round. So, just like casting, you can use Imbue Arrow as your standard or full action (depending on the casting time of the spell).
5. No. The spells never affect the arrow per se; the arrow (and your skill) instead affects the spell. If the arrow hits, the target takes the arrow damage plus the Magic Missile damage.
Psychie Psychie
1. No.
2. Yes. Shocking Grasp works just fine - especially from over 100 feet away! =)
3. You can fire one spell-enhanced arrow per round.
4. Yes. This is because you are casting and firing. Under most circumstances, folks can only fire off one spell per round. So, just like casting, you can use Imbue Arrow as your standard or full action (depending on the casting time of the spell).
5. No. The spells never affect the arrow per se; the arrow (and your skill) instead affects the spell. If the arrow hits, the target takes the arrow damage plus the Magic Missile damage.
Thank you, sir!
Just wondering, is there a plan in place for me to get introduced to the party? Is there anything I can do to help out with that?
Also, the magic bow that I'm searching for; would it be a named artifact? If so, do you have a name in mind for it so I can add that to my backstory?
Psychie Psychie It all depends on how fast or slow the party moves (and your Dungeon Master for that matter; it's headache time for me again, I'm afraid). Sharseya is my "open sandbox" style game where the players largely control the story and direction of the game. Right now, I am railroading them with their permission.

So, to answer your question, yes, there are several avenues for your fellow PCs to take (just like it is for Muppet in Broadsword right now). It all boils down to which they take. Who knows? The Wayward Wanderers may, once again, invent a whole new path in the story in which case I'll have to be inventive again to see your character introduced.

When will that be? Well, you probably have guessed the answer to that by now. =)

Hang in there. =)
I forgot to talk about the bow. Did I mention I had a headache? =)

Now, you appear to be familiar with the Pathfinder system and you used the word "artifact." Artifacts are serious business in D&D games as just one can seriously alter the course of a campaign, even a long-running one like Sharseya.

If you really want to chase after an artifact, then you're talking about one hell of a long-term goal. Is that what you're looking to do or are you using the term "artifact" the same way most folks use it in Real Life? As in "relic" or some long-lost or fabled bow but not an item of the same magnitude as a D&D artifact? Like, say, the Mace of St. Cuthbert or the Rod of Seven Parts?

Once I learn that, I can better answer your question.
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