At a Glance [SU]


Socially Awkward Jelly Bean

At a Glance

They Appear to Be Normal…

~Rules and Sign up~

Important Info

  • This roleplay is set years in the future, so almost everything is automated and this offers a chance to bring in more high tech weapons and such. This new technology is also making it harder and harder for Blessed Dragons and other species like Lycans to blend in as normal. Feel free to experiment with awesome high tech gadgets!
  • This rp is played out in past tense. So it wouldn’t be “He spreads his wings and takes to the skies.” It would be “He spread his wings and took to the skies.”
  • The main object of this roleplay is to remain hidden among the humans. The government has started a secret operation, dubbed Project Gemini, to capture any non-human species and lock them up in a hidden facility in order to perform tests and experiments in their hunger for power and knowledge. So your characters want to stay as undetected as possible and to keep away from Gemini(meaning anyone apart of the project).
  • This is just the O.C. page where you post your character sheets; the actual rp can be found at the bottom of this post.

Character Species Allowed

Pretty much all animal/human hybrids are allowed including a Blessed Dragon(see the description below) that can hide among humans without being recognized as non-human. However, I do have the right to tell you to change your character species if I feel that it is not appropriate to the story or for other reasons. You are also allowed to create a character who works in Project Gemini.

Blessed Dragon - A descendent of the Dragon tribe that was blessed by the angel. A blessed Dragon has the ability to turn into its human form or change back into its Dragon form whenever it pleases; however, it cannot stay human for more than 48 hours. When the 48 hours is up, it automatically reverts to it Dragon form and be exhausted, practically drained of energy. It will not be able to turn back into a human until its energy is regained, which usually takes at least a couple hours. A Blessed Dragon has the ability to control one of the main elements(fire, electricity, ice, earth) but no more than one. However, they are able to become quite powerful in their element. Due to being elemental, every Blessed Dragon is weak to their opposite. Fire and Ice are opposites as well as Electricity and Earth. For example, an ice Blessed Dragon would be sensitive to heat, fire, etc.


  • This is a literate roleplay so that means you need to write at least four sentences per post and be very descriptive.
  • No god modding! Everyone’s characters deserve equal attention.
  • Yes, you are allowed to roleplay random Gemini agents in order to cause conflict in the rp.
  • Plans and plot twists, whether using Gemini agents or not, are greatly encouraged! However, please notify me if you have a plan you want to initiate using Gemini agents so I can look it over and approve it.
  • Characters can have a maximum of two powers or special abilities, but they can’t be ultra powerful. Being able to control an element counts as one special ability.
  • Romance and violence are allowed, just keep it pg-13 please. :3
  • If you’ve read and understood the rules, put your favorite dessert at the bottom of your character sheet(s).


Gemini Agent/Official





Rank(New Recruit, Agent, Lieutenant, General, etc.):

Weapon of Choice(Since this rp is futuristic, it can be something you came up with as long as it's within realistic boundary lines):


Powers/Enhanced Abilites(If double agent/non-human working for Gemini):











Powers/Enhanced Abilites:

Element(If a Blessed Dragon):






Story Info


Tyra's Characters



Age: 16

Gender: Female

Personality: Quiet and somewhat shy, but cunning and intelligent. However, sometimes her stubborn spirit overrides her better judgement, resulting in getting caught in many sticky, sometimes life threatening situations, or as the case usually is, caught by Gemini agents. She's always had strong feelings of hatred towards the organization, Gemini, and on day hopes to bring it down for good. But for now, she knows the most important thing is being patient and keeping hidden. Of course, she doesn't mind blowing up a Gemini lab or two if she gets the chance.

Species: Blessed Dragon

Powers/Enhanced Abilities: She is skilled in acrobatic type movements and agility.

Element(If a Blessed Dragon): Ice

Spouse/Bf/Gf: None yet

Looks: Tall and thin with long blue hair and deep violet eyes in her human form.

View attachment 3791<--- Like this only without the elf ears and with purple eyes as stated above.

In her Dragon form, she appears as a small dragon, only around 6 feet tall from the top of her head to her front claws, and is a deep indigo blue with white horns. The webbing of her wings is a pale sky blue and her eyes remain the same violet as in her human form. In both forms, she has a silver shackle around her neck and left ankle, painful reminders from the years spent in the Gemini testing facility.

Backstory: For as long as she can remember, she'd always lived with her uncle, enjoying a quiet life. That is...until she was kidnapped from her home by members of the dreaded Project Gemini when she was only eight, due to her Human-Dragon hybrid heritage. She endured many excruciating tests and the loneliness of captivity for five years. However, she practiced her abilites in secret and continued to get stronger and stronger until finally, she managed to knock out the guards and escape. The head of Gemini went into a rage, never having lost a "specimen" before. Ever since that day, he made sure that Gemini advanced immensely in technology and created a deadly task force trained in the art of tracking down escaped experimental subjects. She may have escaped the prison, but now Tyra is continuously on the run as a fugitive, evading Gemini agents and trying her best not to be dragged back into that horrible organization.


Name: Rei (pronounced Ray)

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Personality: Loose and outgoing, having a fun loving temperament most of the time, except the few days before the full moon, he becomes restless and aggressive, especially the night of the full moon. He's very easy to talk to and tends to make friends easily, but he's always careful not to get too close. Anyone could be Gemini and he's very aware of it. Though, if you manage to get close enough for him to open up, he's a loyal friend and great ally to have.

Species: Werewolf

Powers/Enhanced Abilites: Has a keen, enhanced sense of smell and hearing due to the wolf in him; is unordinarily strong

Element(If a Blessed Dragon): n/a

Spouse/Bf/Gf: None yet

Looks: Human Form View attachment 3787 <-- Like this only his hair has silver tips and he has bright yellow eyes. He's tall and kinda lanky, often wearing fingerless gloves and any clothes he can snag from stores without getting caught.

Wolf Form View attachment 3792<-- Like this only his main coat is a deep chocolate brown where it's dark grey and yellow where there's blue in this pic.

Backstory: Rei lived with his father, who was the leader of Rei's pack, initiating that Rei would one day step up to lead. However, they were discovered by Gemini and Rei's father sadly was killed helping Rei to escape. The pack was forced to separate, leaving 14 year old Rei on his own, his mother having died long ago not long after he was born. He spent most of his time on the streets and has lived there ever since the split as a nomad, thieving food in order to survive. One day, he hopes to bring the band of werewolves back together as their new leader.

Other: Rei is not the type of werewolf who was scratched and turned. His werewolfism is genetic, passed down through the generations. Also, he can change into and out of his wolf form whenever he wishes except on the night of the full moon, which he has no choice but to turn into his wolf form until morning.

Gemini Agent/Official

Name: Troy Winfield (Will finish his bio later)




Rank(New Recruit, Agent, Lieutenant, General, etc.):

Weapon of Choice(Since this rp is futuristic, it can be something you came up with as long as it's within realistic boundary lines):


Powers/Enhanced Abilites(If double agent/non-human working for Gemini):





A brownie covered in chocolate ice cream and chocolate syrup.

Name: Mirina Storma

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Personality: Mirina is a very bull headed young girl. She reads constantly somtimes blocking the world out. She keeps to herself but is happy to help people she likes. She is also fairly tough getting into fights every now and then. She does seem a tad naive for her usual toughness. At times her courage will crumble when she knows she can't fight.

Species: Hydra Dragon

Spouse/Bf/Gf: None

Looks: View attachment 4393(Actual picture of her Dragon form a friend drew for me ^^)

Backstory: Mirina lives with her brother in a safe house, she owns the safe house even though she's younger and has less knowledge of the world. Her parents went missing when her brother and her were kids and since then she has kept the house clean and neat in hopes of their return. Though she is a Dragon that hasn't stopped her from learning. She reads more than often and can speak her native tounge of Dragon and English.

Other: She has blood which is ripe with Hydra venom, a powerful reviver and acid. Her Dragon form can be confused with a small stuffed animal given the right conditions, and is triggered by emotions or need for rest (AKA when she's asleep).

Name: Berch Storma

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Personality: Mirina's protective older brother. He is kind hearted by nature and loves to stat outside unlike his sister. He's cautious of danger and avoids all confrontation at all costs. Though when his sister is in trouble he will risk violence. His main concern is giving their race a bad name by resulting in fights.

Species: Hydra Dragon

Spouse/Bf/Gf: None


Backstory: He operates the safehouse along with his sister. Though he's skeptical of his parents' return he entertains the idea for his sister's sake. He tries to get the imformation for Mirina to sell but now he knows that the information is outdated. He knows both langauges but cannot read.

Other: He has the same venom as Mirina but got the ability to control fire.

Name: Kane Jones

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Personality: Kane is sort of pesimistic. At times he gets very angry or even furrious with anyone but he has good intentions. Usually he feels very cautious about people. Weather Human or Non he always thinks about what COULD happen.

Species: Shadwo Creature

Powers/Enhanced Abilites: Kane has two abilities. He can control shadows (His own or other-wise), or if someone is injured he can drain small ammounts of energy.

Element(If a Blessed Dragon):

Spouse/Bf/Gf: None

Looks: (No picture as of yet. Only a desc.)

Grey eyes messy brown hair that is tangled usually. He wears normal clothes unless a special occasion arises. He has a tattoo of a snake over his left eye.

Backstory: Kane grew up in the city, around the time Gemini started it's reign on the Non-Humans, he left home running away. He met Mirina and Berch one day outside the city and stayed with them for a long while. He left around age 14, but started gaining money from his parents to fund most of his exploits. He is very skilled on rallying people about his plans to take down Gemini.

Other: His shadow is a doppleganger of sorts. He can switch forms with Kane or even appear out of no where.

German chocolate cupcakes!

Gemini Agent/Official


Age:39 (Appears to be 14, ages slowly due regeneration.


Personality:Cold and calculating; She spends most of her time deep underground in her laboratory, Far away from the Cacophony of that comes with technological advancement. In long dark steel corridors, She works in silence, Peering through of various multi-coloured beakers, heating them and cooling repeatedly, adding and subtracting elements, administering them to test-subjects, and recording their effects. Rarely voluntary subjects mind you, just anyone she manages to snag off the streets, vagrants mostly, so to not cause suspicion. She occasionally gets lucky and stumbles upon a clandestine sub-human to capture and experiment on, but those instances have become increasingly far and few. On top of that the government agency she used to work for are no longer supplying her with grant money, so She has to collect the various elements to do her research herself. You'd be surprised how hard it is to get lycan blood now and days.. She also has an almost morbid fascination with fear, often torturing and intimidating her subjects, often before of before finally letting them die in agony and dumping the corpse. Due to her strenuous research she is dangerously close to finding the gene that triggers "The change" in lycanthropes, Perhaps leading to a vaccine to cure the "disease". Or perhaps one to turn all normal humans in to the beasts permanently.

Rank: Head of the Genetic Experimentation Division

Weapon of Choice:Combat knife

Powers/Enhanced Abilites:Monstrous regeneration: She can regrow severed limbs and knit together open wounds, however doing so leaves a scar where the injury originated; Any attack severing the brain's connection to the rest of the body via decapitation will kill her, as she will not be able to regrow her lungs fast enough before she dies of asphyxia.



I have decided to omit the rather lengthy bio I wrote for anti-metagaming purposes, but rest assured she does have one. (All you need to know is that her father brought her to the start of the Gemini project some twenty-four years ago, that he died there, and that she has tried to kill her-self multiple times afterwards but is unable to due to her newfound powers.)


Monkey ball cake.
That's totally fine, Estillum. And don't worry about it, I know how you feel, haha. Don't worry about being super detailed in your charie sheet, because it's just the character sheet, lol. I just want to make sure people are going to be detailed in the actual rp, which I can tell you are. :3 Nice charie.
DGXP, your character sheets are approved. :3

Estillum, you character sheet is also approved. ^^

Welcome to the roleplay! I'm not sure how many people I can get to join so we should be able to start in at least a couple days. Thank you for your patience!
Name: Kuro Miyabi

Alias: Dusk

Age: 28

Gender: Male

Personality: He is what people might think of as the silent type. He does not speak much and generally keeps to himself. He is quite patient and is willing to wait for an opportunity to arise as opposed to trying to force something. He avoid attachment to people and his trust is near impossible to gain. However, if someone gains his trust, friendship and respect then he will stand by them without question.

Rank: Elite Hired Assassin

Weapon of Choice:

For non-lethal melee, shock gauntlets

For lethal melee, a muramasa which can be electrically charged using his shock gauntlets

For ranged combat, twin shuriken launchers

Partner: None

Powers/Enhanced Abilites: Increased strength and speed due to cybernetics. Various pieces of technology built into his suit such as shuriken launchers in his gauntlets and a tactical cloaking device.

Spouse/Bf/Gf: None



Backstory: Kuro was born into a family of weapon engineers with various ancestors being skilled assassins. While advancing technology made learning martial arts seem more and more obsolete, he was still trained and found his ancestry to be very interesting. He became a weapons engineer like most in his family as his day job. He decided upon trying to restart the once abandoned family tradition of contract killing but only he joined in thus far. He developed a suit over time as technology advanced and now wears it, going under the name of "Dusk" while doing so. With the technology incorporated into his suit, he has been making ninjas something to fear once more. Over time, his skills caught the attention of some of the higher ups in Project Gemini and he was privately contracted by the organization to hunt down and capture non-humans, preferably alive and in one piece. The pay is quite good and that is what made him quit his day job in favour of being an assassin 24/7 for the organization.

Other: He never takes his suit off unless absolutely necessary and nobody has seen him without it on in the past decade. While he works for Project Gemini, his loyalty is to whoever can reward him the best for his work.



Alias: Salem Artrezil

Age: 340 human years old (two centuries of which was spent imprisoned in a magically locked box on a shelf)

Gender: Genderless (though he prefers to be referred to as a male as opposed to being referred to as "it")

Personality: Zil is fun-loving, silly and childish despite his age. He likes to enjoy himself though often at the expense of others. He inadvertently causes chaos whenever he pursues recreation such as fights breaking out because someone suspected he cheated to win a bet despite his fair play to a war he caused when he once made a bet with a young, Serbian male involving who could shoot the hat off the head of a nearby man. How was he supposed to know that the guy would miss and end up shooting the Archduke of Austria and cause the first world war? He does not have a sense of what is appropriate and when so there have been cases of street riots breaking our because of him or him being run out of towns over such things. He can be quite mischievous and likes to scare people so having him as a friend means having a strong heart as well.

Species: Living Shadow

Powers/Enhanced Abilites: While outside of the scarecrow which he uses as both a disguise and a body for when he needs to pass through areas with lights any brighter than being dim, he is weightless and can dart anywhere he pleases. He can also fit in tight spaces, enabling him to hide between crates in a warehouse or even in the darkness between the backpack and the back of someone coming home from school while in this state. He can also shapeshift while outside of a pseudo-body such as the scarecrow, allowing him to trick people by making them think he is someone else by mimicking the shape of another.

Spouse/Bf/Gf: None



Backstory: Zil was created by Archmage Artrezil who sought to gain immortality by reincarnating himself in the form of his own shadow. The results of years of isolation and sleepless nights spent doing research resulted in a loss of sanity for the archmage who in the end, failed at the very thing that he had given his sanity to prepare for. He animated his shadow but failed to achieve eternal life. He managed to capture his shadow in hopes of attempting the spell a second time but he died before then. Eventually, Zil's prison was found by looters who could not open it but based on the gold and jewels set into it, thought it valuable enough to keep and sell at a later date. After his prison changed hands over the course of two centuries, sitting on shelves to decorate rooms and in some cases, even being studied, Zil managed to escape. The magic seal keeping him imprisoned had weakened significantly over time, especially with his creator dead. Oddly enough, the first thing that he did was to seek out a farm where he stole the scarecrow and replaced it with the box which had been his prison, puzzling the farmer though making him quite happy at his newly found treasure. His next step was to join a travelling circus. Over the century and four decades that he has been free, he has made his home at numerous travelling circuses and gone from one end of the earth to another, learning many languages in the process but also keeping details about himself a secret. When asked for a full name, he calls himself Salem Artrezil.

Other: For his weapons, he uses an oversized sewing needle and a pair of scissors which he can remove the bolt in the centre from to turn it into a pair of daggers. It is said that to talk to a living shadow whose source was mentally unsound for extended periods of time will cause madness and since Zil had such origins, a long conversation with him is unwise for anyone valuing their sanity. As with all living shadows, bright light is deadly but if the light is soft enough or of a certain colour then it will have no effect on them. Examples of light that would not harm them are what would in the human colour spectrum equate to dark colours so a dark purple light display will have no effect on them. Dim lights weaken him but will not kill him. While in his scarecrow pseudo-body, his weakness to light is eliminated.

Blueberry Cheesecake
Looks great, Zekeziel! :3 You're just missing one thing. (Hint: Check the rules. :) )
Awesome! :3 Accepted, welcome to the rp Zek. I'm just waiting a bit longer to see if anyone else wants the join, then we'll be able to start. I'm really hoping we can get some more people though; the more the merrier, lol. X3
Name:Noah Slade

Age: 27

Gender: Male

Personality: Noah is cocky and self-assured. He has a large ego and has been spoiled in his life. He feels as if the blessed dragons can and should rise up and he might have tried if he wasn't such a coward. He talks larger than he is. Noah is quick to anger, but also quick to cool down. He can be aggressive, brash, and obnoxious. (Think jock-like personality.)

Species: Blessed Dragon

Powers/Enhanced Abilites: Noah is quite physically strong.

Element(If a Blessed Dragon): Fire

Spouse/Bf/Gf: None


Backstory: Noah has grown up his entire life wishing to rise up and assert the dominance that he believes dragons should have but he is too fearful of Gemini and capture. He is a boastful and arrogant speaker and he has been taught a little too well to be proud of his heritage. He is shamed by dragons who are not proud of their species.

Other: Cheesecake. Any kind.

Great bio, Doom. :3 Accepted, welcome to the roleplay! I'm planning on starting the roleplay either later this evening or tomorrow. Cheesecake FTW!
K, I'm going to go ahead and make the roleplay now. :D I'll post the link here when it's created!
Oh, but it is getting late tonight where I am so I'll post my starting paragraph but then I have to get some rest. I'll be on tomorrow evening though so we can get the roleplay going. :3 You all are welcome to post your starting paragraphs!
[MENTION=2373]AlwaysChaos[/MENTION]: *waves* :D Hmmm, it sounds plausible. ^^ Why don't you go ahead and post a character sheet for me to look over and I'll make sure it's ok.

[MENTION=2213]Estillum[/MENTION]: Looks good! Accepted. :3
I'm trying to find a way to join without breaking the pacing of the story.. I don't want to just abruptly appear out of nowhere and act like I've always been around, because that because disrupt the flow...

I'll figure out something..

BTW I wont be able to post until 9:00 pm EST.

unless i use my ipod.. but that seems unlikely.

--- Merged Double Post ---

Zekeziel I love you, you heartless bastard.
I'd just jump in anywhere owo It won't totally disrupt it. We can try to bring you in by linking you into the plot with one of the charecters. *Shrug*
Name: Carnage

Age: 13

Gender: Female

Personality: Demented. She is an old soul and wise beyond her years, but her blood-lust takes away from that.

Species: Human with demon infused soul

Powers/Enhanced Abilities: Manipulator of air currents, specializing in pressure

Element(If a Blessed Dragon):

Spouse/Bf/Gf: I killed it.


View attachment 4018

Backstory: A botched attempt of 'using the powers that be' that should have resulted in a sacrificed daughter and much personal gain welcomed a demon into her body as a newborn. Over the years it infused with her soul and by the age of seven she brutally murdered her own mother. When her father stumbled upon the scene and cried out something about all the carnage, and thus Carnage's namesake was created. Since then she's been on her own, doing as she pleases which included victimizing unsuspecting strangers, and showing the 'monsters' of the world what a true monster was. As she gets older her rampages calm down, but alas you don't want to get on this one's bad side.

Other: Carries around twin daggers, of which she conceals on her person.

((Had issues posting this so forgot... sweet bacon))

Hmmm... seems pretty good. :3 Ok, accepted.

Oh and just jump in anywhere Estillum. ^^ We haven't gotten too far yet.

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