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Fantasy Asylum for the Talented


Hydro Dragon
Roleplay Availability
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Sexuality (optional)




What is so special about you? (No overpowering powers please)

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Jonston Hale





Sexuality (optional)





Growing up in a small country town called ...*static*... Not much is known except that he has an affinity towards metal and metallic objects. Infact he carries a silver coin with him at all times, no-one knows why, he just does. He is a complete mystery to most.


Mysterious, cautious, caring, affectionate.

What is so special about you? (No overpowering powers please)

Metal manipulation, can manipulate surrounding metal objects, needs metal to work. However they can bend and change when his mood changes.

Foresight, can see into the future to predict a possible outcome. Cannot work to predict enemy moves or current events, limit is 2 days into the future.​
Name: Evelyn Ricardo

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Sexuality (optional): Bisexual


Bio: She was a good kid before coming here. Eve was attending a good college, got good grades, raised her siblings, did community service, and even was growing her own vegetable garden. The town loved her. She loved everybody. But she was still a growing girl. And she had a tendency to be overemotional- something that she hasn't grown out of. However, as her powers began to set in, her tantrums and depressions caused things to happen without her control. When she yelled, things would go flying. When she was sad, the flowers visibly drooped. But it was always small and nobody got hurt. One day, however, her brother, Jake, took her car to drive around, and made Eve miss an important interview. She was devastated, and furious at him. So much so that as he pulled into the driveway, Eve's anger ended up launching the car forward, crashing into the front door and killing him, as well as Eve's father.

Ever since the accident that got her sent to the asylum, she's tried even harder to preserve this good, kind, innocent version of herself. She just wants things to go back to the way they were. She tries to be innocent, but just being sent here attests to the fact she is not. Eve used to be much more outgoing, but now she hides in herself. She's scared of letting her emotions take over again and causing something else. Evelyn caries a journal around with her, hoping that writing down her emotions will keep her calm and prevent her from causing more accidents.

Personality: Always tries to help. Would like to think that she is a good person. Easily overcome by her emotions and has trouble controlling it. Slow to open up and trust. Would be a martyr for her friends. Pretends to be innocent/naive. Tries to restore the past. Often denies her abilities.

What is so special about you? Eve is telekinetic (she has the ability to cause other objects to move with the strength of her mind). In order to control her powers, though, she needs to be able to control her emotions, which Eve is not skilled at. Her abilities are limited based on the weight of the object she is trying to move, her energy level, and the duration of the movement. For example, she can hold up silverware for hours if she is feeling well, but she can only pick up another person for a few minutes if she's tired. Eve is relatively untrained, so with time, she may gain more strength with these powers. But for now, she tries to deny them.
[QUOTE="Molly Grand]Name: Evelyn Ricardo
Age: 19

Gender: Female

Sexuality (optional): Bisexual


Bio: She was a good kid before coming here. Eve was attending a good college, got good grades, raised her siblings, did community service, and even was growing her own vegetable garden. The town loved her. She loved everybody. But she was still a growing girl. And she had a tendency to be overemotional- something that she hasn't grown out of. However, as her powers began to set in, her tantrums and depressions caused things to happen without her control. When she yelled, things would go flying. When she was sad, the flowers visibly drooped. But it was always small and nobody got hurt. One day, however, her brother, Jake, took her car to drive around, and made Eve miss an important interview. She was devastated, and furious at him. So much so that as he pulled into the driveway, Eve's anger ended up launching the car forward, crashing into the front door and killing him, as well as Eve's father.

Ever since the accident that got her sent to the asylum, she's tried even harder to preserve this good, kind, innocent version of herself. She just wants things to go back to the way they were. She tries to be innocent, but just being sent here attests to the fact she is not. Eve used to be much more outgoing, but now she hides in herself. She's scared of letting her emotions take over again and causing something else. Evelyn caries a journal around with her, hoping that writing down her emotions will keep her calm and prevent her from causing more accidents.

Personality: Always tries to help. Would like to think that she is a good person. Easily overcome by her emotions and has trouble controlling it. Slow to open up and trust. Would be a martyr for her friends. Pretends to be innocent/naive. Tries to restore the past. Often denies her abilities.

What is so special about you? Eve is telekinetic (she has the ability to cause other objects to move with the strength of her mind). In order to control her powers, though, she needs to be able to control her emotions, which Eve is not skilled at. Her abilities are limited based on the weight of the object she is trying to move, her energy level, and the duration of the movement. For example, she can hold up silverware for hours if she is feeling well, but she can only pick up another person for a few minutes if she's tired. Eve is relatively untrained, so with time, she may gain more strength with these powers. But for now, she tries to deny them.

Very well, welcome.

Jonas McBale A.K.A "mask"

Age: 25

Gender: Male

Appearance: Often wears a dirty ripped up trench coat and a grotesque mask.

Bio: Jonas used to be a good kid that is until his family was murdered by a man wearing a bizzare and rather disturbing mask. Forced to watch his parents be murdered, Jonas snapped and in a fit of pure insanity grabbed up a knife and stabbed the murderer in the thigh and then the side and then the neck. Jonas would never be the same after that and he took the mans mask, never taking it off he hoped to avenge his parents death by killing anyonew who killed others. This went to the extreme of attacking people who had simply swatted a bug. Someon Jonas isn't sure turned him in and now here is where he rots, in this prison cell.

Personality: Generally happy (creepily), Has a sense of humor, likes to kill things that kill others, Rambles on for no reason.

What is so special about you? (No overpowering powers please): Snaps and tries to kill anyone who kills something even if it is something as small as a fly, wears a weird mask, feels no pain, seems to be able to know when someone has killed something even if he hasn't seen it.
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Silvercat said:

Jonas McBale A.K.A "mask"

Age: 25

Gender: Male

Appearance: Often wears a dirty ripped up trench coat and a grotesque mask.

Bio: Jonas used to be a good kid that is until his family was murdered by a man wearing a bizzare and rather disturbing mask. Forced to watch his parents be murdered, Jonas snapped and in a fit of pure insanity grabbed up a knife and stabbed the murderer in the thigh and then the side and then the neck. Jonas would never be the same after that and he took the mans mask, never taking it off he hoped to avenge his parents death by killing anyonew who killed others. This went to the extreme of attacking people who had simply swatted a bug. Someon Jonas isn't sure turned him in and now here is where he rots, in this prison cell.

Personality: Generally happy (creepily), Has a sense of humor, likes to kill things that kill others, Rambles on for no reason.

What is so special about you? (No overpowering powers please): Snaps and tries to kill anyone who kills something even if it is something as small as a fly, wears a weird mask.
That isnt really a power but... sure, why not.


Elam Silva










After one day he came home to realize his sister and brother both majorly ill, seeming as if they were both to die from the flu. Elam noticed a tingling feeling in his body thought the day after he touched them and they both seemed to recover. He soon set a goal to become a doctor, having an urge to learn about and use his powers, although this was completely ruined a few days later. After a lack of sleep and feeling sick the next morning he felt the same tingling feeling, yet this time it lasted all day. Deciding to still go to school everyone he ended up interacting with was deadly poisoned, he was immediately declared a threat and was sent to the Asylum. The worst thing was Elam never actually knew what he did wrong, he just assumes he was put in here for no reason and pleads he's innocent, all he knows is to only use his powers in an emergency or something bad might happen.


Elam himself is very much of a neat freak, although disgusted with the prison he still does his best to stay hygienic, this also correlates to him thinking he needs to be clean for his problems. Aside from this he's very gentle and docile, only standing up for things when it involves his family or close friends, finding himself with low self-esteem.

What is so special about you?

Even though not personally finding this very useful, Elam posses the ability to heal, as long as he concentrates and stays within a reasonable distance of that person for a certain time. This time period changes based on how severe the injury is along with the amount of emotional connection to them he holds as that makes I easier to concentrate. Thee other thing bout this is when Elam is sick his skin seems to be poisonous, luckily he has an extremely high immune system and will only poison someone if touching for an extended amount of time.


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Crystal Hale








See Pictures


Grew up with her older brother, who she looks up to but no one not even herself, knew she possessed magical abilities. She just seemed like a typical little girl, so ending up in the asylum was a shock to herself and her older brother.


Crystal is very outgoing, jumpy and she is afraid of herself.

What is so special about you?

Crystal possesses control over ice and snow, slightly temperature too. But she just found out about this abilities so she doesn't really know how to control them and they tend to get out of hand, because of her emotions.

Flight, Crystal is able to fly using her ice wings, sadly this ability is very minor and the maximum she can fly is 5 feet, and it tires her out very fast.


Youngest person in the asylum

@Crysalisis if it's okay for Crystal to be Jonston's little sister

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.jpeg.5705b753696049db5b2568b5e3fb1f24.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="129743" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.jpeg.5705b753696049db5b2568b5e3fb1f24.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>​

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``I imagine you know what it's like to be scared. . . of yourself.``



Allysia Dean Jones. She's not proud of her name, so everyone calls her Ally.








Ally was born on September 15, 1999. She was born in the town of London, but she had moved to someplace she still can't recall the name of to this day. Ally grew up there, never making any friends, bothering to talk to anyone. The age of 10 came up, and they moved once again. She had only made one friend, who's name she can't find from her memories. Something had happened, and somehow her friend was dead in front of her in an instant, torn up because of vines and flowers. She was devastated, and knew this was her fault.

Telling her mother out of fear, her mom had freaked out, and sent her to everything. Therapy, counslers. Nothing happened, and she fell into a dramatic depression. Eventually, she started killing people out of misery and just pure insanity.

Her mother had practically drugged her and sent her to the Asylum for the Talented, where to this day she uses her silent treatments and weird personallity to hopefully make friends.


Ally is very quiet all the time. She always asks weird things about life, most of the time what it would look like if she removed something from a different type of bug, animal, or even floral plant. She's very curious, but she doesn't show it too often, and does love to read a lot (mostly romances, but not the point). She draws and sticks the papers on her walls, as the 'staff' let her to have at least those to keep her company.

What is so special about you?

To put it in very short terms, Ally has the capability to control floral from the ground up. Lots of things can destroy her plants that she grows around herself, like for instance fire, or lots of water. She doesn't use it a lot, but her mother thinks it's a deathly weapon and needs to somehow be taken from her.

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Name: Harley Mary Anderson

Age: 20

Gender: female

Sexuality: bisexual


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/57a8ca57693f5_images(15).jpg.dbc5121176cb80f53e3b2457cbbf3337.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="129794" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/57a8ca57693f5_images(15).jpg.dbc5121176cb80f53e3b2457cbbf3337.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Bio: Harley had a perfect life, she had a great relationship with her family, she was too of her class in college and had many close friends who she would go out with every weekend, a boyfriend who she loved dearly and was the captian of her track team. Running was her life, when she went running she would forget any little problems she had at that time. She would run for miles beofore geting tired. She was so good she was going to represent her country. Bur that all changed when she startes running too fast, her running speed became unnatural. She was taken to the asylum when lightnjng started flying off her body when she ran, she was deemed too dangerous.

Personality: Harley is a happy go lucky person, she believe that her parents will get her out of this place. She is a bit shy around new people but is friendly non the less, she is a bit nieve at times especially when it comes to certain subject's. She isnt one to get angry very easily and if by any chance she does, she calms down fairly easily. She loves learning about new places and people.

What is so special about you?: Harley can run at super speeds, it is unknown the limit on her speed but its assumed she can ran faster the sound, while tested it was discovered that she can also run across bodies of water and up the sides of buildings. Everything in her body moves faster then normal. When she runs she generates lighting from the fiction, but she is unable to control it. The only problem is that she get warn out quite fast and her stamina drops fast if she hasnt eaten a large amount of food.



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Name: Zara Harlow


Gender: Female

Sexuality: Straight


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.jpeg.bb7b6d0a3265455dbb540c64cd612759.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="129805" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.jpeg.bb7b6d0a3265455dbb540c64cd612759.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Zara lived with her mother and her older brother; there was never any mention of a father. She was an early baby, born at thirty four weeks and took unusually long to open her eyes. The doctors had no explanation for this so simply told her mother she was just taking a little longer than other children. But it didn't stop there, Zara took unusually longer than most to begin walking and talking. Her mother was constantly comparing her to her older brother who was smart and the perfect child.

It wasn't until the age of seven when Zara first went for an eye test they discovered she was colorblind. Even though her mother never said it, it was clear Zara's brother was the favorite. As the years progressed Zara began to develop very good eyesight, so good it was inhuman. Her mother, now seeing a moral way to get rid of her abnormal child sent her to the Asylum.

Personality: Curious, night owl, mostly happy, forgetful, tries to see the good in everyone

What is so special about you?:
Zara has the ability to see very far distances and also can see through walls the only drawback is she is colorblind.



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NightSky said:
Name: Zara Harlow


Gender: Female

Sexuality: Straight


View attachment 289186

Zara lived with her mother and her older brother; there was never any mention of a father. She was an early baby, born at thirty four weeks and took unusually long to open her eyes. The doctors had no explanation for this so simply told her mother she was just taking a little longer than other children. But it didn't stop there, Zara took unusually longer than most to begin walking and talking. Her mother was constantly comparing her to her older brother who was smart and the perfect child.

It wasn't until the age of seven when Zara first went for an eye test they discovered she was colorblind. Even though her mother never said it, it was clear Zara's brother was the favorite. As the years progressed Zara began to develop very good eyesight, so good it was inhuman. Her mother, now seeing a moral way to get rid of her abnormal child sent her to the Asylum.

Personality: Curious, night owl, mostly happy, forgetful, tries to see the good in everyone

What is so special about you?:
Zara has the ability to see very far distances and also can see through walls the only drawback is she is colorblind.
"Good Day" Jonas said in a muffled tone.

"Never seen you around this miserable place before, new maybe?"







Sexuality (optional):

I dont feel like doing it






He keeps to himself so no one knows

What is so special about you? (No overpowering powers please):

He is very experienced with technology.

(SECRET) He also is an alien (SECRET)​
AlekaXKaden said:







Sexuality (optional):

I dont feel like doing it






He keeps to himself so no one knows

What is so special about you? (No overpowering powers please):

He is very experienced with technology.

(SECRET) He also is an alien (SECRET)​
Is that a male verison of Peridot? Accepted.
Name: Elliot Winters

Age: 14

Gender: male

Sexuality: straight

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/upload_2016-5-29_22-7-44.jpeg.7cad4fd0d293bdd3e4b97f6b5682c9d4.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="130047" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/upload_2016-5-29_22-7-44.jpeg.7cad4fd0d293bdd3e4b97f6b5682c9d4.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Bio: He's quite ashamed of his past, so he keeps it to himself.

Personality: Elliot is shy, quiet, innocent, kind, and a good artist.

What is so special about you?: He can control ice, and drop the temperature in the air, but he can't make the temperature below freezing. Wherever he walks gets significantly colder. Also, his power alters his body temperature, making him feel cold all the time.




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Ldybug123 said:
Name: Elliot Winters
Age: 14

Gender: male

Sexuality: straight

Appearance: View attachment 289621

Bio: He's quite ashamed of his past, so he keeps it to himself.

Personality: Elliot is shy, quiet, innocent, kind, and a good artist.

What is so special about you?: He can control ice, and drop the temperature in the air, but he can't make the temperature below freezing. Wherever he walks gets significantly colder. Also, his power alters his body temperature, making him feel cold all the time.

Interesting, welcome aboard!

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Dyasis Estelle

"Pain is a choice, I Choose to carry it."







+ Drawing




-Likes to take others pain

- Smiling

- Pretending


+Being Alone

+ Darkness




-Talking About Feelings or Emotion

-Showing Emotions


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/57a8ca5f1c31b_yande.re207180sample.jpg.c0109363cbb873cf2c97f7fda5383944.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="130091" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/57a8ca5f1c31b_yande.re207180sample.jpg.c0109363cbb873cf2c97f7fda5383944.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> WIP


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~124 LBS

~Crystal Blue Eyes

~Pale, Slim.

~Vanilla Blonde Long Hair




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Kaen Kido

No Blood! No Bone! No Ash!






Straight <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/upload_2016-5-29_23-10-11.png.29ef8cef08b26992ac5c41cbf7b3f589.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="130072" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/upload_2016-5-29_23-10-11.png.29ef8cef08b26992ac5c41cbf7b3f589.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

He spent his time trying to find the person that killed his friend. After finding the man the group of friends just split off. With no were to go he came here.


Hot headed along with being hard headed. He never stops until he manages to do what he wanted to accomplish. Kaen will lose respect for anyone that betrays him or his friends. The boy will do anything to keep his friends safe.

What is special about you?:

Kaen can light his body or fire with temperatures up to 100 degrees. He can focus this on certain spots in his body or his whole body.



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Name: Fluer Fisheyes


Gender: male

Sexuality: Bisexual

Bio: He went to a very prestigious school and was a bright musical prodigy. He was constantly pushed to his limits when it came to his studies and music. He teachers kept saying that he was going to make their school famous. Slowly he was driving to exhaustion. During one his performance of the school body, his powers created a sound waves that blew everyone's eardrums out. He made half the school deaf and was then sent to the asylum.

Personality: He is a rather intelligent individual. He appears to have a manipulative side to him shown when he toys with other people. He is cunning, observant, and appears to hold philosophical standpoints. He also seems to be rather devious when it comes to the way he operates. has a dry sense of humor that is sometimes misinterpreted by others.

What is so special about you? (No overpowering powers please): sound manipulation



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