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Fantasy Asylum for the Talented



Niko Hoseff








Life always seemed to be against Niko,plotting to take him off or make him go crazy. He was abandoned by his parents when he was a child,having to fend for himself in the cold streets. Any education he received was from random books he stole,and he taught most things to himself. He nearly starved more than once,but his determination to live was stronger than anything.

When he got older,Niko found himself being involved with gangs and thieves from his country. He didn't have much choice in life,so he kept robbing and stealing to be able to buy food and new books.

His outlook on life changed when a robbery went wrong. One of his fellow thieves shot a innocent witness in front of Niko's eyes. He had seen people die before,but this time it had been partially his fault. He was eventually arrested and spent time in jail,and that was when he learned about his own shadowy abilities. A man tried to strike at him in prison and Niko somehow made him turn to dust,involving him to a dark matter.

Now that he is out of jail,he learned about the Asylum. To him,the institution was a second change at a new chance at life. Maybe this time he could do something worthy with his powers.


Niko is a quiet person,usually sticking to the shadows instead of interacting with other people. He takes a long time to trust anyone,but shows a softer side once he makes a friend.

He can suddenly turn violent once he is threatened or any of his friends are hurt.

Niko doesn't like killing people,but he will do when it is necessary.

What is so special about you?

Niko can bend shadows and use them to whiter the life of his targets. This attack moves slowly,but once it reached someone it will involve their entire body and squeeze the life out of them. Niko can't use it often because it takes a lot of energy out of him.

Aptual Spetual












Like most werewolf's, Aptual lived her life running from hunters. But this never stopped her from being happy, she got to explore more and more world and the threat of hunters became less and less of a worry as she saw more of the world.

(I know this is bland but I cant write back stories that are not depressing)


Aptual is mostly happy, she is random and playful to everyone. She can be bossy and act needy at times. She hates being in a bad mood or slightly emotional, this triggers her werewolf side turning her into a large fluffy monster. Her werewolf mode doesn't make her angry or blood thirsty, she can continue to be a happy person. Overall she is a happy person.


All information needed can be found here - Werewolf Physiology - it says what a werewolf is, powers they have and what each power does. However Aptuel does not have a hunting instinct and likes like a "normal" person with out going on killing sprees.

She can also communicate with anything that is adorable!


loves food

loyalwolf said:


Name: Fluer Fisheyes


Gender: male

Sexuality: Bisexual

Bio: He went to a very prestigious school and was a bright musical prodigy. He was constantly pushed to his limits when it came to his studies and music. He teachers kept saying that he was going to make their school famous. Slowly he was driving to exhaustion. During one his performance of the school body, his powers created a sound waves that blew everyone's eardrums out. He made half the school deaf and was then sent to the asylum.

Personality: He is a rather intelligent individual. He appears to have a manipulative side to him shown when he toys with other people. He is cunning, observant, and appears to hold philosophical standpoints. He also seems to be rather devious when it comes to the way he operates. has a dry sense of humor that is sometimes misinterpreted by others.

What is so special about you? (No overpowering powers please): sound manipulation


Nice, accpeted. Sorry for late reply.
metalcity said:
Aptual Spetual












Like most werewolf's, Aptual lived her life running from hunters. But this never stopped her from being happy, she got to explore more and more world and the threat of hunters became less and less of a worry as she saw more of the world.

(I know this is bland but I cant write back stories that are not depressing)


Aptual is mostly happy, she is random and playful to everyone. She can be bossy and act needy at times. She hates being in a bad mood or slightly emotional, this triggers her werewolf side turning her into a large fluffy monster. Her werewolf mode doesn't make her angry or blood thirsty, she can continue to be a happy person. Overall she is a happy person.


All information needed can be found here - Werewolf Physiology - it says what a werewolf is, powers they have and what each power does. However Aptuel does not have a hunting instinct and likes like a "normal" person with out going on killing sprees.

She can also communicate with anything that is adorable!


loves food

Ok, welcome aboard
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/upload_2016-6-8_12-41-33.jpeg.7ef7b91c106cc188525f94932c709840.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="132846" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/upload_2016-6-8_12-41-33.jpeg.7ef7b91c106cc188525f94932c709840.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Lexa Byrd

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Sexuality (optional): Straight


Bio: Lexa grew up in a very affluent area of England in a rich family. She went to private school like her little brother and was a grade A student for most of her life. Around three weeks after her eighteenth birthday, her favourite art teacher retired and was replaced by a rather unpleasant woman in her late forties. Lexa hated her, as she did most people, but kept quiet about it. However, when she saw that the woman had given her a bad grade for her assignment, she was enraged. In a fit of anger, Lexa screamed at the woman that she should just go and drown herself in the toilets. The woman broke down in tears and ran out of the room. It only took half an hour or so before the teacher was found, drowned in the toilet. The students all blamed Lexa, as the woman had been battling some inner demons for a while. This was fine until her mother annoyed her one day and Lexa lost control of her temper and said some nasty things. Her mother quickly developed serious depression and it was only a few months before her suicide. It didn't take Lexa very long to figure out that this wasn't normal, and after a few tests on random people she learned her new power properly. She spoke at length to all the people she disliked most in her school in a revenge spree. Within a week headlines were screaming about a “suicide emergency”, along with some rather gory murders. A year or so after her eighteenth, a person came up behind her as she was walking home from school and gagged her before throwing her in the back of a van and dumping her at the asylum.

Personality: Growing up in a rich family, people often turn out rather entitled and aloof, and Lexa is no exception. She is the picture of spoiled rich girl with no hesitations to do (or say) anything to get her way. Her only redeeming quality is the beauty in the art she creates. It's almost impossible to believe she could create such emotional, passionate pieces. She always has a sketchbook with her, and delights in drawing animals and abstract pieces most of all.

What is so special about you? After turning eighteen, Lexa finds she has some impressive powers of suggestion. She uses this to get back at people who have annoyed or upset her. Her power does tire her however, and it isn't infinite, it gets weaker and weaker the more she uses it. After a long sleep it's back to normal, and is growing stronger at an alarming rate. It's easier for her to use suggestion on people that she knows very well. The more intelligent and aware the other person, the harder it is for her. If the other person finds out about her power, regardless of intelligence, her power becomes extremely weak against them. Lexa also has a birthmark shaped like a dove, and has an affinity for ancient languages.



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Nyxie said:

Name: Lexa Byrd

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Sexuality (optional): Straight


Bio: Lexa grew up in a very affluent area of England in a rich family. She went to private school like her little brother and was a grade A student for most of her life. Around three weeks after her eighteenth birthday, her favourite art teacher retired and was replaced by a rather unpleasant woman in her late forties. Lexa hated her, as she did most people, but kept quiet about it. However, when she saw that the woman had given her a bad grade for her assignment, she was enraged. In a fit of anger, Lexa screamed at the woman that she should just go and drown herself in the toilets. The woman broke down in tears and ran out of the room. It only took half an hour or so before the teacher was found, drowned in the toilet. The students all blamed Lexa, as the woman had been battling some inner demons for a while. This was fine until her mother annoyed her one day and Lexa lost control of her temper and said some nasty things. Her mother quickly developed serious depression and it was only a few months before her suicide. It didn't take Lexa very long to figure out that this wasn't normal, and after a few tests on random people she learned her new power properly. She spoke at length to all the people she disliked most in her school in a revenge spree. Within a week headlines were screaming about a “suicide emergency”, along with some rather gory murders. A year or so after her eighteenth, a person came up behind her as she was walking home from school and gagged her before throwing her in the back of a van and dumping her at the asylum.

Personality: Growing up in a rich family, people often turn out rather entitled and aloof, and Lexa is no exception. She is the picture of spoiled rich girl with no hesitations to do (or say) anything to get her way. Her only redeeming quality is the beauty in the art she creates. It's almost impossible to believe she could create such emotional, passionate pieces. She always has a sketchbook with her, and delights in drawing animals and abstract pieces most of all.

What is so special about you? After turning eighteen, Lexa finds she has some impressive powers of suggestion. She uses this to get back at people who have annoyed or upset her. Her power does tire her however, and it isn't infinite, it gets weaker and weaker the more she uses it. After a long sleep it's back to normal, and is growing stronger at an alarming rate. It's easier for her to use suggestion on people that she knows very well. The more intelligent and aware the other person, the harder it is for her. If the other person finds out about her power, regardless of intelligence, her power becomes extremely weak against them. Lexa also has a birthmark shaped like a dove, and has an affinity for ancient languages.
Welcome to the Aslyum. Post whenever.

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