Asylum for criminally insane... nekos?!

(Thanks! And understood! I just had that picture saved on my computer and I thought it looked perfect! Just imagine her with black ears with white tips and a black tail with a white tip.)

Rion was led into the building by her arm, rather roughly, if she might add. She glared up at the guard who held her. "Ease up, will you?" she growled. He gave her an angry look. "Shut up." he mumbled. The two of them stepped inside and onto an elevator, where Rion saw her chance. She used lightning fast moves to jerk her arm away from the guard and to stop the elevator, where she pulled out a sharp, and unknown, object from her pocket, stabbing the guard. He howled in pain, and went down like a rock. She opened the elevator, where it was on a floor, though she wasn't sure which one. She stepped out and slowly walked down the hallway, not really concerned about being caught.
Jesse's ears twitched as he heard the elevator. "Great," he muttered under his breath, ducking into a room. It was empty with no padding, which was unusual for this level. The only furniture in the room was a chair. He slid silently to the side, flattening himself against the wall.
Shade's right ear stood straight up when he heard a ding coming from an elevator. His twitched at the prospect of another toy and his grip tightened on Karina. "Here's a new idea. Do you wanna go meet the fresh meat?"
"Sounds interesting," Karina replied as the sound of howling echoed down the hall. ((Short post is short. Writers block.))
Name: Angelika Maylin



Appearance:View attachment 10185 Pretend she has a neko tail and ears that are the same color as her hair.Shes bitter even thou she seems sweet

How insane are you?:5

History:Shes here for one reson shes a pyro.And you know crazy.

Crush/Kids:She has a unborn baby.Doesnt know if its a girl or boy.Never married

Other: Only talks to someone she really trusts.Her families very rich.

(Can i jump in? Im new here but im good.)
Shade grinned at Karina's response as he began to walk away from the others. His tail began to twitch with irritation when he couldn't find the new neko. Shade sat down with Karina in his lap as he leaned against the wall. "I guess that we can wait for the others here." He closed his eyes while he relaxed for a moment.
Name: Aaryn (Or Ryn if you know her well enough)

Gender: female

Age: 16


How insane are you?{1-10}: 9

History{How did you get in here?}: Aaryn was the flirty type and a big trouble maker. She constantly got charged for trespassing, breaking and entering, stealing, graffiti, etc. She loved to cause trouble. But when her boyfriend came along, he made her somewhat better. She wasnt as selfish as before, but he was the only one she would be nice and listen to. She loved him to death. But one night, she snuck through his window and was about to greet him when she saw another girl messing with him in the bed. She heard laughing and hated that he was with another girl. So she snuck inside and stabbed them both to death. The mother of the boy came into the room and saw Aaryn licking the blood off of the knife. She didn't attack her, she loved his mother. She let her call the police and didnt resist arrest. There was no one she loved to stay for (anymore), she hated everyone, didnt even care about anything anymore. She was put on level four, but she got tired of killing guards and was good for a long time so they moved her to level three.

Crush/Kids: NEVER AGAIN..none

Other: She hates cheaters, other girls (unless they can relate well to her) She also loves the song Diary Of Jane by Breaking Benjamin and constantly hums it or sings it.

[MENTION=3662]White Fang~[/MENTION]
Rion saw just in time as someone ran into a room, and she was curious, so she decided to go look. She saw someone pressed against the wall. "Hi.." she said sheepishly. "My name's Rion." her black tail twitched behind her, her ears twitching frantically.
Lizzy gave into curiosity and decided she should probably go with them. Before going down the hall she glanced at vanilla as if to say 'you coming too?' Then quietly made her way down the hall hoping she was behind her.
(Maggie and Lovely just jump in.)

Shade's eyes remained closed as he smelled a familiar scent. "So the little kitty finally made it," he grinned. He opened his crimson eyes to look at Liz until noticed that someone was missing. "Hm, what happened to Vanilla?" Shade sniffed the air a little but Karina's head was under his chin so he mainly smelled her. He didn't want to move Karina for fear of hurting her so he thought of something to do. "While we wait for Vanilla, why don't we learn more about each other and who wants to go first?"
Rion, after being ignored for a while, decided to make her way down the hall, where she saw a few people. Wednesday told her to hide behind the corner, so she listened, peeking her head out every now and then to see what was going on.

You need to make friends here, if you're ever going to escape. Wednesday mind-spoke to me.
Before anyone could begin to talk about themself Shade noticed two little white spots at the edge of his vision. He chuckled as his tail swished lazily because it was full of electricity. After he spotted the little spots again he caught the scent of the new neko from earlier. "So, would like to join us over here little dark kitten or do I have to come get you myself," Shade said in a happy tone. He looked in that direction while he waited for a response.
Lizzy glanced around the bend of the hall before looking back at the two. She had no idea what had happened to vanilla, she thought she was right behind her. She gave a forced smile that did't last, how much would she be able to remember about herself? She hated how clueless she was about everything, just about the only thing she remembered was her name. Her mind blocked everything out from the past, it was too much to handle. under her breath she whispered "i want to remember..." She sat against the wall quietly waiting for someone else to go first.

(late post sorry lol)



appearance:short black hair long bangs, african american wit light skin,hazel eyes, wears glasses

*black cat ears and tail*

how insane are you:1

history:rather not say


other:sh is very shy and quiet. she will attack if provoked

Nichole let out a sad sigh as she sat in her room/cell. she wiggled out of her straight-jacket as usual and clawed the padded floor.
Rion heard the padding behind her. She walked over to the door, looking in, and saw someone. She tapped on the small grated window, attempting to get the person's attention.
Rion shrugged, turning and walking down the hallway, expecting Nicole to follow her.

That's my girl...this girl will help you get out of here.
She heard Wednesday mind-speak to her, which she grumbled in reply.
"It's okay, look." She gestured toward a room, where she darted in, pulling Nicole with her, shutting the door silently, watching out the window for the guards to pass.
"Hm she resisted the charm of the the mighty Shade..." he mumbled. Shade could hear foot steps coming closer to them. "Humans, delightful I can finally release it now." He lifted his tail and shot 3 red lightning bolts that hit their targets. The mangled screams coming from them was music to his ears. Shade could hear their remains sliding off the wall and making a sickening squish when they hit the floor.Jeez Shade, did you have to do that? I'm taking control. Alex found herself still holding Karina. "I swear, he doesn't have any self-control," sighed Alex.

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