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Realistic or Modern Asylum BlackHill


Samuel groaned, moaning to himself about girls being so materialistic and how if they wanted to escape they needed to leave NOW. He shuffled down the pipeline to reach the base of the concrete prison building before ducking into a close bush to conceal himself from view. 'I'll give her 5 minutes' he thought to himself. 
"No." Luxxie says, blood seeping from his back and covering the door. He just sits there, looking at her.

Name: (unknown)



Likes: Pain , sympathy, people who want to help, people who accept him, his unstable nature (says it keeps things interesting), animals, breaking things

Dislikes: People hurting his friends, people who want to change him, abuse, death (does not fear it), dicrimination.

Crush: none (pm if you want to change this)

Family: None alive. (says he still sees them)

Fears: Sanity and spiders

Bio: When he was a child his mother tried to kill him with a knife because she feared what he would become. she failed but drove the knife through his right hand. his father stopped his mother. Soon afterward his family (mother father and sister) dissapeared and were found in the basement of their home in a pile with him sitting in the corner covered in dried blood staring at the corpses expressionless. he was then taken to a  childrens home but was soon transfered to juvinile detention after convinsing one of the nurses to take her own life. He escaped after a few years and went missing for several more until he was arrested a few months ago.

Powers: Mind Manipulation - on contact he can weaken the mind of his target making it easy to influence them with his words.

              Enhanced hearing - he can hear everything within a kilometer (believed to be part of the reason for his condition.)

              Soul sight - apon eye contact he sees the fears of anyone who dares do so.

Theme Song: None

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