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Realistic or Modern Asylum BlackHill

Samuel woke up groggy, half asleep. He ran his fingers through his matte black hair and his red eyes blinked in an attempt to remove the sleep from his eyes. He was normal, for now. He looked at the slowly rotting sink and shower basin and decided that since he had no one to impress, going a day without a shower and the risk to gain tetanus was probably perfectly fine. He slipped his feet into the clinical slippers that the institute provided and slung on a new t-shirt on in replacement for the sweaty black one he'd slept in. He glanced down at the cheap watch that he'd been given by his dad and quickly calculated the time. Well, he'd missed breakfast, but he didn't really care so he plucked one of the paper novels from his shelf and walked into the communal area. He started to read quietly, hoping that no one would distract him.
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Luxx was shoved into the training room, the door shutting behind him with a click. He sat down in front of the door, his head hanging back. Inspection could tell you that his arms were thin, along with his legs. His chest wasn't very large either, his hair hanging to his shoulders. His clothes consisted only of shades of white, gray, and black.
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the guard shoved Yui into the training room slamming the door shut leaving her in there with a couple other teenagers who were there for training. The guard looked at Iya and pinted his gun at her "Go back to the canteen or join them in there!" he said thretaningly. Yui looked around the room at the other teenagers one had knifes growing from his wrists and the other was sitting in the corner moving a blob of metal around chanting to herself. a woman and two men nurses were watching them through a window the woman said they had to fight and thoses who were strong could win there freedom if they wanted to but with a catch...that she wasent going to say just yet. 

Iya stood her ground and stared at the guard square in the face with cold, piercing eyes. "If you're trying to scare me, it isn't working at all." She took a step closer, not caring at all about the gun pointed at her face, she was quick enough. "You know, it's not really a great idea to be pointing a gun at me. I can easily avoid it, and I'm sure you know that very well." She continued to stare as she stepped closer to the guard. A grin appeared on her face, an image that haunt some of the more strong willed people. 
Iya stood her ground and stared at the guard square in the face with cold, piercing eyes. "If you're trying to scare me, it isn't working at all." She took a step closer, not caring at all about the gun pointed at her face, she was quick enough. "You know, it's not really a great idea to be pointing a gun at me. I can easily avoid it, and I'm sure you know that very well." She continued to stare as she stepped closer to the guard. A grin appeared on her face, an image that haunt some of the more strong willed people. 

the guard looked kinda scared... "well nothin ya can do bout it  now" 

meanwhile in the training room the girl with the metalic blob fired it at the boy with the blade wrists dureing all the fighting yui backed into a corner scared looking around for something to hide behind.
"One." Luxx says, slipping a razor from his sleeve and cutting his palm. He slid forward, quickly landing his hand on Blade-Boy's face, leaving a palm shaped splay of blood. The boy freezes and falls to the ground, his eyes rolled back. "Two." Comes from his mouth as the splashes blood onto the girl's blob. The blob flies back, hitting her in the chest and pinning her to the wall. He looks at the last girl, in the other corner. " You going to join, or can I rest now?"

"One." Luxx says, slipping a razor from his sleeve and cutting his palm. He slid forward, quickly landing his hand on Blade-Boy's face, leaving a palm shaped splay of blood. The boy freezes and falls to the ground, his eyes rolled back. "Two." Comes from his mouth as the splashes blood onto the girl's blob. The blob flies back, hitting her in the chest and pinning her to the wall. He looks at the last girl, in the other corner. " You going to join, or can I rest now?"


"P-please r-rest" she mumbled obviously terrified before feeling a tazer hut the back of her neck.She passed out and when she woke up she was possesed. She flew into the air grabbing one of the men nurses throwing him into the wall pulling out all his fingers with her mind and then shoving two so up far his nostrils he died.falling to the floor yui began crying "i-i dident m-mean t-to"
"No sense in being sorry." Luxxie tells her, his back against the door. Blood started seeping from the man, sliding across the floor to Luxxie. " May I ask your name?" He asks, forming a circle around him in the man's blood. The man's body started to twist, his left arm snapping off, showering her in blood, which cleaned itself from her and moved to luxxie, following the arm. He snags the arm and asks her, "You hungry?" Before taking a bite from the arm.

Sam crossed his arms slightly after putting his book down, disgruntled by the lack of presence in the room. What could he do to get attention... what could he do... He stood up and kicked his chair over, but that barely made a sound against the rough carpet. He bit his lip slightly. He walked down the adjoining corridor and looked around to see if there was anyone and came across no one. Then he knew exactly what to do.

Hair going a whiter shade, he pulled out a small, concealed pen knife that the staff had failed to notice that he'd owned. He made a small incision on his fore finger and used the blood to spell out (in a messy hand man ship) 'I died in these walls. Who ever comes through them will die here too. There is NO escape'.

Maybe that will get some one to notice me, he thought.
the guard looked kinda scared... "well nothin ya can do bout it  now" 

meanwhile in the training room the girl with the metalic blob fired it at the boy with the blade wrists dureing all the fighting yui backed into a corner scared looking around for something to hide behind.

Iya smiled mischievously. "That may be true, but it doesn't mean I can't do something about you." As spoke she continued to walk forward, and pointed to him. "I don't like you. I hope you've realized that." Soon enough, only a foot of space stood between them. She grabbed the gun's barrel and pointed it downward. "I could kill you now, but watching you suffer is much better." The gun was pointed at his feet when she pulled the trigger. "Do not mess with me." She said, a flicker of red passing through her eyes.
"No sense in being sorry." Luxxie tells her, his back against the door. Blood started seeping from the man, sliding across the floor to Luxxie. " May I ask your name?" He asks, forming a circle around him in the man's blood. The man's body started to twist, his left arm snapping off, showering her in blood, which cleaned itself from her and moved to luxxie, following the arm. He snags the arm and asks her, "You hungry?" Before taking a bite from the arm.


"I don't....eat people" she said looking quite horrified "but my name is Yui" the two remaning nurses had fleed

Iya smiled mischievously. "That may be true, but it doesn't mean I can't do something about you." As spoke she continued to walk forward, and pointed to him. "I don't like you. I hope you've realized that." Soon enough, only a foot of space stood between them. She grabbed the gun's barrel and pointed it downward. "I could kill you now, but watching you suffer is much better." The gun was pointed at his feet when she pulled the trigger. "Do not mess with me." She said, a flicker of red passing through her eyes.

The man fell to the floor holding his foot.
"I don't....eat people" she said looking quite horrified "but my name is Yui" the two remaning nurses had fleed.

The man fell to the floor holding his foot.

"I'm Mono." Luxxie tells her, continuing with the arm. "And as you can probably guess, I'm a cannibal."


Tired of being ignored, Samuel created a large bang by knocking over a small table after returning to the common room. It seemed louder than it was because the room was quieter than a mouse, but it was surely enough to create some attention around here, right?

@TheAnimeRabbit @Puggie @Luxx`Noir~

Iya grinned satisfied for now, then stepped over him, still wielding the gun. When she reached the door to training, two nurses flung it open and ran out. When they saw Iya with a gun in hand and the guard lying on the ground, they shrieked and took off faster than before. She slipped through the open door, and realized why they had ran in the first place. Inside, mangled corpses of guards, nurses, and insane littered the floor. Blood surrounded the two left alive, Yui and another, who had been eating an arm. "I see you two have faired well. I guess I won't have to use this." She gestured to the gun. Outside the room, a loud banging had caught her attention. "Now what could that be." She followed the sound all the way to the common room, where another prisoner of the institute stood nearby a overturned table, most likely the cause of the noise. "What was the point in knocking over this table. You must really enjoy spending time with guards. That mostly likely what will come from this." 

Samuel turned on his heel and pulled a smirk, a small scar imitation stitches standing out white against his pinker skin. He almost looked similar to the Cheshire cat from Alice in Wonderland. "Better spending time with some sissy guards that actually talk to me from time to time than here, alone, in a cold common room while others run rampage."

He eyes the gun she was holding before muttering, "Give that here,"

Samuel turned on his heel and pulled a smirk, a small scar imitation stitches standing out white against his pinker skin. He almost looked similar to the Cheshire cat from Alice in Wonderland. "Better spending time with some sissy guards that actually talk to me from time to time than here, alone, in a cold common room while others run rampage."

He eyes the gun she was holding before muttering, "Give that here,"

Iya looked at him, not the least bit unsettled by him. "Well, they are much fun to toy with, now that it's my turn." She grinned, both eyes flashing red again before reverting back to purple. "You know, finding trouble is more fun than waiting for it to find you." When she heard him him talk about wanting the gun. She grinned wider, tossing the gun between her hands. "Do you have a good aim? You've got be able to hit the guards if you want to keep it."

"I don't need a good aim for what I want to do," he said, eyes glinting like a child looking at their favourite toy. "I only need one bullet, so if you give it here!"

"I don't need a good aim for what I want to do," he said, eyes glinting like a child looking at their favourite toy. "I only need one bullet, so if you give it here!"

Iya looked at his obvious desire for the gun. She smiled, then faked a sigh. "Whatever, doesn't affect me at all. You can have it." She tossed it to him. "It wasn't hard to get that one off a guard. He was weak. And it shouldn't e hard to get another one anyway." She stuck a hand on her hip. "So, what are you going to do now."

Sam eyed the gun in his hand before shooting it haphazardly over his shoulder into the window behind him. "I'm leaving this place, hopefully." He grinned a few seconds before turning around and clearing out the glass from the window frame, a few pieces of glass slicing at his skin but he didn't even notice. "You can come if you want, but don't go inviting everyone. It'll just make it more suspicious." He lifted his leg and pushed himself through the rusty frame.

Sam eyed the gun in his hand before shooting it haphazardly over his shoulder into the window behind him. "I'm leaving this place, hopefully." He grinned a few seconds before turning around and clearing out the glass from the window frame, a few pieces of glass slicing at his skin but he didn't even notice. "You can come if you want, but don't go inviting everyone. It'll just make it more suspicious." He lifted his leg and pushed himself through the rusty frame.

Iya stood for a second and was about to walk away but stopped. "Alright I'm coming, but shouldn't we go and retrieve our confiscated items first?" She walked over to the window and put her hand on it. "I mean, they have everything that we own under lock and key in some room. Isn't there something of yours that they have locked away that you want back?" Looking into her eyes, it was obvious she believed that they could get their items back. But she had more reason to go than that. "Are you just going to leave, or get back at them by leaving, and getting back what possessions of yours this place has?"
Luxxie stood up, the blood cleaning away, and absorbing into his skin. He leaves the training room, and goes to his part-time post in the asylum, as a door guard for a storage room. He forms a chair out of hardened blood and sits down, waiting. @Puggie

"I came with nothing other than a pair of converse trainers on my feet and a cheap t-shirt and jeans from target. I don't need anything, just leaving this place is good enough for me." He pushed himself off of the windowsill and stood on the ledge. "If you want to come, you probably want to leave now. Sure we can over power guards, but the gun shots within this place have defiantly sent an alarm to the higher up and no matter how tough you think you are, we can't beat the strongest guards there are on a prisoner's diet. They'll be here soon, and I don't plan on being there when they are."

"I came with nothing other than a pair of converse trainers on my feet and a cheap t-shirt and jeans from target. I don't need anything, just leaving this place is good enough for me." He pushed himself off of the windowsill and stood on the ledge. "If you want to come, you probably want to leave now. Sure we can over power guards, but the gun shots within this place have defiantly sent an alarm to the higher up and no matter how tough you think you are, we can't beat the strongest guards there are on a prisoner's diet. They'll be here soon, and I don't plan on being there when they are."

Luxxie stood up, the blood cleaning away, and absorbing into his skin. He leaves the training room, and goes to his part-time post in the asylum, as a door guard for a storage room. He forms a chair out of hardened blood and sits down, waiting. @Puggie

Iya just shrugged and grinned. "Whatever, I'll be back soon then. And don't worry, the guards won't be able to hurt me at all." She saluted, then ran off to storage to find her things. When she finally reaches the doors, she sees the other guy from before. "Well it seems we meet again." She leaned against the wall, an innocent smile playing on her lips. "So I'm just gonna slip in, grab my stuff, then leave, alright?" She said, sliding closer to the door.

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