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Fantasy Astral Knight: Order and Chaos (OOC)

fickleglory fickleglory
"What about the power behind it? I’m going to make a scale of: “That is a wound” to “I’m bleeding really bad” to “I think it’s broken” and “MY LEG” My pretend math calculates that these damages can be distributed by 60."

A reminder just in case. Mantles are able to protect people from wounds. Until it is depleted, an Astral Knight wouldn't be wounded by a bullet. though it would cause damage to the Mantle.
fickleglory fickleglory
"What about the power behind it? I’m going to make a scale of: “That is a wound” to “I’m bleeding really bad” to “I think it’s broken” and “MY LEG” My pretend math calculates that these damages can be distributed by 60."

A reminder just in case. Mantles are able to protect people from wounds. Until it is depleted, an Astral Knight wouldn't be wounded by a bullet. though it would cause damage to the Mantle.

Yes, that makes sense. 60 in my pretend math is for how much energy is used. Sorry if I confused you.
I think you guys can post in the main rp, since Truth left a post for you guys to write about.
And as a reminder from the rules:
You are required to check in at least once every two days either on the website or the discord (if I make one). You do not have to make an actual post in the rp if it is not necessary, just let us know you are still game.
Enforcement of this rule begins starting today. Meaning if you go silent for more than two days, you will be counted as inactive (unless you notify us beforehand). Quote or like this post to let me know you have read it.

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