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Realistic or Modern Astoria Academy for the Musicians (character forms)


I'd rather be in the jungle. <3

Age: [nineteen-twenty-four]
Sexual Orientation:
Face Claim:

Appearance: (at least three sentences.)

Personality: (at least three sentences.)

History: (at least one paragraph.)

Side Note: Feel free to add whatever details you want!
♫ ♪
Name: Silvia M.
Age: Twenty-four
Gender: Woman
Ethnicity: French and Caucasian
Sexual Orientation: She likes men and women.
Face Claim: Antonina Vasylchenko

Appearance: A woman with fair skin, who likes to use make-up to emphasize on her beauty. She prefers light colors, similar to petals of specific flowers. Eyes are hazel, and hair is dark brown. Silvia is a demonstrator, her grace shown balletically and pridefully.

Personality: The many aspects of life intrigue Silvia, and she is finally narrowing her many interests to the ones she can really pursue. She has always been into trying new activities, and testing her limits. Along with singing, she likes to play volley ball and tennis.

Silvia has recently gotten into making cute jewelry to gift her friends. This is a way to show her appreciation for them, and to help signify her hatred for dishonesty. Friendship she finds cherishable, mostly because she has had her fair share of mischievious friends.

Her singing voice has developed through years of singing on her own, though she has worked with a few vocal coaches. She likes performing graceful dances, though her strength is in her voice.

History: Her mother is Bridgette, a French woman who used to be abused by her younger, Russian husband. His name is Ralph, and he hasn't been involved in Silvia's life because of his aggressive behavior towards Bridgette. This did not discourage Bridgette, and the woman worked extra hard to provide efficiently for her daughter. As Silvia grew up, she enjoyed shopping with her mother and attending formal parties. The two of them would often match, though done subtly with floral accessories and ribbons.

School life for Silvia was spent with many friends, and she enjoyed performing arts and choir class. Bridgette wanted her daughter to pursue modeling or fashion, but Silvia preferred to sing and dance. During her last year of high school, she began to associate with people who used her. They introduced her to party drugs and she would find herself in situations that were far from pleasant. Fortunately, a group of girls from choir class helped a talent within her shine even more. For further training on her voice and to learn about the many musical instruments, Bridgette moved to Oregon to attend the Astoria Academy for the Musicians.


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Name: Jerry Liu
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: Chinese American
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Face claim:

Around 5 feet 10 inches, with kind of a skinny, athletic build. Short black hair, brown eyes, switches between glasses and contact lenses. Often wears graphic T shirts with a black and gray jacket, along with blue jeans and red converse sneakers. Has a rather grumpy looking neutral face, and tends to always look like he's judging someone.

Jerry Is quiet, cold, and polite to most strangers or those he doesn't like, and tends to relax and smile more around the people he knows, but still tends to be quiet. Jerry shows his affection toward his friends with sarcasm and ribbing. Jerry does not anger easily on his own behalf, but will aggressively defend his close friends. His parents have taught him to take his studies very seriously, and he is a very studious individual. In his own head, Jerry often agonizes over past decisions, losses and failures, and will often ruthlessly beat himself up for his own shortcomings. Jerry can be prideful, does not frequently share his own feelings, and is very poor at requesting or accepting help.

Jerry is a first generation American in an all Chinese family. His parents both have PHD's and were considered geniuses in their hometowns. He has been far outshone by his older sister, a piano prodigy who was valedictorian during high school, and got a full ride to one of the top universities in the country. Although her success sometimes irks him when he is compared to her, he still loves her very much.
Without much effort, he has cruised through school with good performance. He's been playing violin since he was 4 and has impressive natural talent, but he's been rapidly losing interest in the last couple of years. He is also a competitive swimmer, but isn't anything special.
At the advice of his family, Jerry has attended Astoria Academy For The Musicians to further his musical career, although he originally wanted to pursue a career in nursing. Sometimes, Jerry wonders if he made the right choice attending Astoria.
Name: Flora Calore

Age: 19

Gender: female

Birthday: October 5th


Personality: She’s adventurous, focuses on the now.


Likes: Adventure and talking to people

Dislikes: Judgemental people and being asked about her past or what she sees in her own future

Romantic interests:none

Ethnicity: Christian

Sexual Orientation:Homosexual

Face Claim:http://dintippeside.com/wp-content/...es-on-pinterest-colourful-hair-braids-and.jpg

History: Her father was a famous singer and guitarist. When she was younger she took on singing and playing piano. She learned many other instruments like guitar harmonica and even violin. She had an older brother named Sebastian that helped her learn these instruments. He died fighting in battle. Her mother died when she was 3.
Name: Hayden Alister
Age: Twenty
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: American
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Face Claim: Currently None! Apologies.

Appearance: A raven-haired young man, Hayden stands at five foot eight- a modest height, with a pair of grayish blue eyes. He's got tanned skin, oftentimes a serious look to him- especially since he doesn't express himself very well. Comes with his bookish behavior, but he normally wears simple clothing- such as a plain shirt and jeans. Ruffled and thick, with the hair cut short in the back to prevent it from trailing down his neck. It does have little offshoots sticking up, with the occasional peacock tail popping up in the back if he isn’t paying attention before he falls asleep.

Personality: Hyper-focused, if there was a good word to sum up the man. Hayden really likes to focus on his priorities, and tends to ignore that around him to gain his goal. Sadly enough, that goal is oftentimes books. He finds reading enthralling, even if he's a solid percussionist- to the point that he has no qualm with hitting someone over the head with a book to the beat of the Beetles. Socialization is certainly important to him as well, but not as grand as a degree- he mainly does it to ensure he doesn't fall into some puesdo-depressed state, because he recalls that is what happens to those who shut themselves away.

History: Growing up as a bookish kid is easy. You just ignore the majority of people, read a novel or five, and get through the day. But having a talent for music, and understanding that even if you don't have a glamorous job- not at all as the percussionist- but one that's the backbone of music? That's very important to Hayden. Thankfully, he's grown out of being anti-social. But still, some things still apply to him, as he prefers to kick back, relax, and crack open the latest book of his to read. But he went to the academy, and practiced his talent with the wide array of instruments that percussion covers. It wasn't easy, but he would be able to do a good portion of them to ensure that people could certainly rely on him as a background beat- and the metronome for the others. He's coasted a little, not quite putting in hard work yet- more interested in his literary talents.
Name: Collin Waltz
Age: Twenty
Gender: Female
Ethnicity: German
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Face Claim:

Appearance: Collin stands at 5'9 and weighs approximately 115 pounds. She has golden brown hair with sky blue eyes, she has a few freckles with lightly tanned skin. She is a very laid back girl you'll mainly see her wearing a white t-shirt, with blue ripped jeans, paired off with black and white converse.

Personality: Collin is a very laid back down to earth girl she doesn't like standing out and prefers to keep a low profile. Though she keeps to herself most of the time she is a very outspoken person sometimes which comes in handy when she tries to make new friends. She is a very humble person and doesn't take anything or anyone for granted she believes its important to treasure the things you have then be upset over things you don't have, she is a strong believer of things happen for a reason and that you must respect others so they can respect you.

History: Collin lived in an orphanage up until she was adopted by the Waltz family at age 4, her mother Jessica, was a traveling nurse doing missionary work she was sent to Germany where she would meet her husband and Collin's adopted father Yul. Collin's mother was in a car accident she was severely injured to where she could not conceive any kids of her own, having motherly instincts she settled on adopting. Collin has 3 siblings Bryson (18), Carmen (12), and Sasha (5). Collin lived in a German orphanage after her adoption became official she moved to American with her parents. Collin was a cheerleader in middle school she came across the cello when she dropped by to pick up her cheer bag from her friend. After hearing her friend play she dropped cheerleading and switched over to play the cello. Seeing her daughter having potential Collin's mom sent her to Oregan in hopes she can improve and learn.

Side Note: Colling speaks German, Spanish, and English fluently, she can sing but will only sing in Spanish or German. Aside from the cello Collin also plays the drums and violin.
General Info
Name: Maxwell Hardison
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: American
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
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Maxwell is a man with a thin but wide frame. He stands at 6'2" with very thin arms and legs. He was never one for working out and it shows. His soft and pale skin are complemented by his gray dyed hair. His eyes are greyed out due to his blindness. He doesn't tend to dress very fancily. When he wants to look nice he will throw on a white dress shirt some jet black dress pants and if the event called for it, a tie. While in his home or out doing errands, he prefers to wear a hoodie and shorts/jeans depending on the weather.
Maxwell is a rough exterior soft interior kind of guy. His rugged outward appearance keeps most away from him. Being used to seclusion, Maxwell almost prefers it. He does enjoy social interaction but has always had a hard time with it. He spends most of his time writing or practicing music. When he isn't doing that he is probably working at his local coffee shop as a pianist. Maxwell is confident in his piano abilities and is always looking for ways to improve. This drive is found in other aspects of his life, like his pursuit for a degree.
Being born blind has always caused strain in Maxwell's life, especially at a young age. His parents could only afford to send him to public school and couldn't afford special classes. This led to teasing and bullying of Maxwell. Maxwell eventually got used to the teasing and would spend all of his free time in his room, listening to old piano music. One Christmas, Maxwell opened up a present to find an electric keyboard. This spark was what started the fire in the young pianists heart. For days the boy just played with the piano. He would run up the stairs as soon as he got home, just to play the piano. He would take his dinner upstairs and even bring it to school to play with during recess.

Eventually, Maxwell joined his middle school band playing the piano. This led to his teachers calling his parents explaining that Maxwell wasn't just good, he was a prodigy. At the age of 13 he could play pieces that college students use for practice. His parents didn't know what to say. His teacher explained that there was a school that Maxwell could apply for. A special high school for gifted students. Maxwell came home from school and talked to his parents about it. His parents explained that he could be surrounded by people just like him and it would be a great opportunity. However Maxwell wasn't interested. He liked it in his small town in Oregon. The parents eventually realized that it was Maxwell's decision to make and let him continue through the public school system.

Maxwell eventually graduated high school with honors and multiple full ride offers from music schools across the country. None of this really interested Maxwell however. He knew he was better than the teachers at these schools. Except for one. Astoria Academy for the Musicians. After working for a couple years in a local coffee shop, Maxwell finally saved up enough money to attend.

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