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Realistic or Modern Assassination/Espionage Agency RP


Mysterious Singular Skull
Greetings everyone,

So first off, let me say that this is an old idea of mine that has been needing revamped for a while now, and I actually think I may have attempted to bring it over here, though that would have been under a now-lost-to-me account. But I digress,
I introduce to you all... The Association of Global Espionage, or AGE:

The idea of AGE is to place the participants as employees... Agents, working under the, what some may consider shady, organization of AGE. As an Agent of AGE, you will have the opportunity to explore the world as you accept various 'Contracts,' typically involving an assassination or piece of sabotage, and earn funds whilst doing so! As you gain monetary award for Contract completions, you will have the opportunity to stylize your arsenal to personalize how you go about completing contracts. Just because most of us don't like being recognized by police across the world doesn't mean we can all resist going a little stir-crazy from time to time.

Alright, pitch over; Like I said, I want to revamp this as it sorely needs, but I'd prefer to have an acute idea as to how many participants I may be able to expect to sign up after completion. This will help me determine whether I can add some ideas I've had brewing around, such as Rogue Operations, or not.
So, any interest?
Eh, I can't say I have any specific expectation, as length could/should vary largely depending upon the current situation I would imagine.

Sorry if that's vague, haha. Basically; As much as you think needed at the time. I may even post some one-liners, if that's how much I think is appropriate before giving an Agent a chance to react.
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Also, to anyone reading and whom might be interested; Weapon preference?

Working on the shop, at least for the beginning, I find it a little heavy on the handgun-side (Which I do intend to be every Agent's starting 'free' weapon) And attachments; Allow them as a free customization option, or have them as sold addons in the Agent Shop?
Weapons, of course, would also be possible as Contract rewards, perhaps as bonuses. (Some Contracts will award a bonus for following specific instructions or completing an optional goal.)
This definitely sounds interesting. Are we talking more "007" or "Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D" as far as potential gadgetry is concerned.
This definitely sounds interesting. Are we talking more "007" or "Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D" as far as potential gadgetry is concerned.

I actually have never watched Agents of SHIELD for reasons I don't know. Seems good, after all.

But I'd say they're probably more along the lines of 007's gadgetry.

And aye, of course Darkstar. I'll throw a link here whenever it's all said and done.
Wait, did some of the update get moved into Hosted Projects?

That new layout is what I figured would have worked best for AGE, so I may need to put this on pause for the moment :/

Unless anyone has ideas on how I might be able to easily and fluidly have multiple threads under one RP? Basically, each Contract would need a new thread made, each being like a 'Mini RP' as well as one for the Shop, of course.
Bloody hell I did not even realize there were more replies here until now, haha. Thanks update system -_-

Definitely makes me that much more eager to get this created though, and I have a good portion of the work completed by this point. However, my post count is still on the low end to create a HP, unfortunately.

Any ideas without spam on how to push that up a wee bit? I pretty much figuredI would have to make a quick 1 on 1 or something.

Maybe some 'test-run' contracts? In which case, if any of you folks are interested, I can setup a temporary CS here and throw a few out. (Also not a bad idea since I imagine even a few test runs will help me figure out what types of assignments/contracts are more preferred)
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If you want I can create it - make you as a co-gm, and then remove myself and make you the GM? Then you can add me back as a member?

And if that doesn't work we can always hide it and be like "lols that never happened".
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If you want I can create it - make you as a co-gm, and then remove myself and make you the GM? Then you can add me back as a member?

And if that doesn't work we can always hide it and be like "lols that never happened".

Oh, is that possible? If so, that'd be fantastic, and greatly appreciated of course.
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Thanks to the gracious help of @Bhlow I was able to host this sooner than I thought.

My bloody laptop is deciding to act up again, which could be bad, but coincidentally enough, AGE was born on my phone's notepad the first time I worked on it, so it won't be too much of a hindrance. Might be a wee bit slow, sorry in advance.

Also, no contracts yet; Waiting to see the answers for "Contract Preference" on the signup sheets, first.
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Have a couple more open Contracts and a bunch of busy Agents if anyone else is wanting to sign up.

Not to make it sound as though these are the only Contracts, of course; More will appear as current ones are completed. I can only juggle so many threads before I start feeling self-conscious about being slow to reply.
Any chance you could post an OOC in the thread or is this the chat?
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