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Fandom ▄︻̷̿┻̿═━一 Assassination Classroom

Hanjizoe said:

Name: Kagawa Hyobe

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Year: 3 (Class: 3-E



Personality: She's a very noble person, and takes her pride in her work seriously, kagawa doesn't like failing, and when she does, she'll start questioning her excistence, on the other hand kagawa she is seen much of a respectful individuals to only those who are higher then her own, and much superior, anyone lower then her, she treats them harshly.

History: Kagawa Hyobe is a well fitted human being, who was tought how to fight at a young age, just for self protect from her master which she worships dearly. At the age of 12, her master would send her off to a school, not just any ordinary school however, her stay wasn't so pleasent and was placed in class 3-E. It took some time to adjust, as everyone seemed weird in there own unique way, Kagawa was too surprised to see an alien like creature, as her teacher, he seemed quite kind, and inteligent, way above hers.

Relationships: Her master is the closest one she has, and consider him as a father figure.


Combat > 9/10 Wits > 7/10 Intel > 11/10 Stamina > 10/10​
Please have four sentences for both Personality and History and fix the photo



""Don't you Just Love Humans?""

Name: Akio Hejime Dono

Age: Six-teen 3/4

Class: 3-E End Class

Year: Third-Year

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Bi-Sexual

Height: 185.42cm

Blood Type: AB +

Occupation: Student

Weapon Preference: Knife or Gun


Akio is an interesting guy, so to say. Ever since the age of eleven his personality changed dramatically from once being a shy, sweet kid to a child of insanity. His mother disliked his change and snapped at him often, throwing him insults such as, "You're not my child! Bring me back my real son!". This left him self-conscious, made him disgusted with what he had become. He never revealed his hate towards himself however, having a new arrogant persona and owning it. He went a little crazy with his new self as well, lashing out at people and hurting them physically or mentally, his small body and strong muscles perfect for running away when faced in a certain situation.

Akio claims himself to be superior to all other people, even calling other's "Humans" just to show how much so he considered himself separate from them. He has a mischievous personality, and is found acting as if he could play people like chess pieces. He talks in an arrogant manner and acts as if he's God in human flesh. He takes dangerous risks and threatens people as if it's no big deal to him, not caring for his own body and just letting people attack at him, dead set on thinking they can't touch him.

However, despite Akio's "immortality" personality-wise, he still has things that destroy him on the inside and out. First of all, his lack of friends. His social dis-attachment to people forced him to push everyone he knew away, and now he finds himself to be a solo player. He works as a little "spy" for his own gain, giving information to other people just for the fun of it. He has several online accounts that he uses for different illegal and sneaky things, never using anything that involves his own personal information. He despises it when people know more then him, and will do anything to try and get information before anyone else did, making his accounts fairly popular online.

Akio's second major weakness would be his "M.P.D." or so other's called it. It involves his eleven year old self and his personality past that, when brought up it hit's a bad nerve in him. He angers easily when hearing about this, not being one to lash out as often as others, and a side of him is seen that no one has ever seen before.



Bio: Akio was born the youngest child of two, his brother- Kirai Dono- being the eldest. His father walked out once Akio was born, claiming that one child was enough but he wouldn't be taking care of two at the same time, however when Akio got a little older Yamato had told him that their father was having an affair anyways and that their mother didn't need him.

One night, when Akio was nine, his brother had gone to the attic once, finding a box there. The two boys opened it up only to find a burnt body of a teenage girl. The body was a tragic sight and when the two discovered it, they screamed. The neighbors called the police after hearing the noise and when they got there, what they found was disturbing. The two boys had gone down to the kitchen to sit there and think about it. Kirai couldn't take what he had seen though, and killed himself right there in the kitchen when the police came in. A shocked Akio tried to run away, but he was found either way and brought back. His mom, grocery shopping at the time came home to find the police there, and her dead son.

They never discovered what was up with the body.

Not only this, but Akio suffered abuse in school from bullying and memories of the traumatic event. One day, one of his bullies had found an article of the event and taunted Akio about it, saying he killed his brother. Akio had lashed out and beaten this kid to near-death, gaining dominance over most of the kids at his school. This was a point in his life when he realized that he needed to change himself to live in the world without being attacked by others and without being picked on. This was when he began to warp himself, turning into an arrogant and dominant character over everyone else.

However, not everyone liked this change. His mother despised his change and wanted back her real son, often picking on her own son to give her back the original boy. It was at this point, Akio left her alone and went off to high school.


+ Music

+ Artwork

+ Finding Himself Superior

+ Causing Nervousness

+ Playing Pranks

+ Winning


- Dark Places

- Attics and Boxes

- Loosing to someone

- Being Embarrassed

- Being Outshined

- Weakness


+ Pranking People

+ Getting into Fights

+ Playing the Piano

+ Drawing



- Chewing his Knuckles ------------------------

- Flicking open His On-Hand Pocket Knife

- Pissing off other people he Finds Threatening

- Bursting out In Random Laughter

- Humming Randomly

Strongest Subject(s):

+ English ---

+ Seduction

+ Home EC

Weakest Subject(s):

- Science------

- Biology
-- --

- Socialization

Theme Song:










Melee Combat:


Ranged Combat:












Survival Instincts:




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""Don't you Just Love Humans?""

Name: Akio Hejime Dono

Age: Six-teen 3/4

Class: 3-E End Class

Year: Third-Year

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Bi-Sexual

Height: 185.42cm

Blood Type: AB +

Occupation: Student

Weapon Preference: Knife or Gun


Akio is an interesting guy, so to say. Ever since the age of eleven his personality changed dramatically from once being a shy, sweet kid to a child of insanity. His mother disliked his change and snapped at him often, throwing him insults such as, "You're not my child! Bring me back my real son!". This left him self-conscious, made him disgusted with what he had become. He never revealed his hate towards himself however, having a new arrogant persona and owning it. He went a little crazy with his new self as well, lashing out at people and hurting them physically or mentally, his small body and strong muscles perfect for running away when faced in a certain situation.

Akio claims himself to be superior to all other people, even calling other's "Humans" just to show how much so he considered himself separate from them. He has a mischievous personality, and is found acting as if he could play people like chess pieces. He talks in an arrogant manner and acts as if he's God in human flesh. He takes dangerous risks and threatens people as if it's no big deal to him, not caring for his own body and just letting people attack at him, dead set on thinking they can't touch him.

However, despite Akio's "immortality" personality-wise, he still has things that destroy him on the inside and out. First of all, his lack of friends. His social dis-attachment to people forced him to push everyone he knew away, and now he finds himself to be a solo player. He works as a little "spy" for his own gain, giving information to other people just for the fun of it. He has several online accounts that he uses for different illegal and sneaky things, never using anything that involves his own personal information. He despises it when people know more then him, and will do anything to try and get information before anyone else did, making his accounts fairly popular online.

Akio's second major weakness would be his "M.P.D." or so other's called it. It involves his eleven year old self and his personality past that, when brought up it hit's a bad nerve in him. He angers easily when hearing about this, not being one to lash out as often as others, and a side of him is seen that no one has ever seen before.



Bio: Akio was born the youngest child of two, his brother- Kirai Dono- being the eldest. His father walked out once Akio was born, claiming that one child was enough but he wouldn't be taking care of two at the same time, however when Akio got a little older Yamato had told him that their father was having an affair anyways and that their mother didn't need him.

One night, when Akio was nine, his brother had gone to the attic once, finding a box there. The two boys opened it up only to find a burnt body of a teenage girl. The body was a tragic sight and when the two discovered it, they screamed. The neighbors called the police after hearing the noise and when they got there, what they found was disturbing. The two boys had gone down to the kitchen to sit there and think about it. Kirai couldn't take what he had seen though, and killed himself right there in the kitchen when the police came in. A shocked Akio tried to run away, but he was found either way and brought back. His mom, grocery shopping at the time came home to find the police there, and her dead son.

They never discovered what was up with the body.

Not only this, but Akio suffered abuse in school from bullying and memories of the traumatic event. One day, one of his bullies had found an article of the event and taunted Akio about it, saying he killed his brother. Akio had lashed out and beaten this kid to near-death, gaining dominance over most of the kids at his school. This was a point in his life when he realized that he needed to change himself to live in the world without being attacked by others and without being picked on. This was when he began to warp himself, turning into an arrogant and dominant character over everyone else.

However, not everyone liked this change. His mother despised his change and wanted back her real son, often picking on her own son to give her back the original boy. It was at this point, Akio left her alone and went off to high school.


+ Music

+ Artwork

+ Finding Himself Superior

+ Causing Nervousness

+ Playing Pranks

+ Winning


- Dark Places

- Attics and Boxes

- Loosing to someone

- Being Embarrassed

- Being Outshined

- Weakness


+ Pranking People

+ Getting into Fights

+ Playing the Piano

+ Drawing



- Chewing his Knuckles ------------------------

- Flicking open His On-Hand Pocket Knife

- Pissing off other people he Finds Threatening

- Bursting out In Random Laughter

- Humming Randomly

Strongest Subject(s):

+ English ---

+ Seduction

+ Home EC

Weakest Subject(s):

- Science------

- Biology
-- --

- Socialization

Theme Song:










Melee Combat:


Ranged Combat:












Survival Instincts:




Name: Natsuki Maki (Goes by Natsu)

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Year: 2

Class: 3-E


Personality: Natsuki is a bit on the shy side. She is used to be ignored and is not used to people paying any attention to her. She is often seen reading a book, and like to be call Natsu, and does not like to be know as her mother’s, father’s, or even her sister’s family member.

History: Natsuki grew up in a life of fame. Her mother is a famous actor and her father is a famous movie producer. Because of all the fame around her family, Natsuki spent most of her time at movie premieres and red carpet event, that she got very behind in school. Thankfully Natsuki was able to catch up with her school work and she was able to stay in her grade level. However because she was so behind, Natsuki was dropped into the E class. Natsuki also has 2 older siblings, a brother who is a rising model and a sister who is a year older that Natsuki and is in A class. After dropping into E class Natsuki’s family basically disowned her. Natsuki still lives at home, but her parents don’t talk to her much and the are most of the time not home at all.


Kimiko Maki~ Mother ~ Age 43~ She is a very famous actor and is known for being the lead female roles for most of the latest movies.


Hayato Maki~ Father ~ 45~ One of the lead movie producers in the entertainment industry


Hideaki Maki~ Bother ~ Age 23~ A rising model who models for a lot of the big modeling agency for hair produces and clothing companies


Hanako Maki~ Sister~ Age 16~ Member of A class. Her dream is to become a actor just like her mother


Her assination attempts are mostly focused on stealth
[QUOTE="Asuka Romeno]Name: Natsuki Maki (Goes by Natsu)
Age: 15

Gender: Female

Year: 2

Class: 3-E


Personality: Natsuki is a bit on the shy side. She is used to be ignored and is not used to people paying any attention to her. She is often seen reading a book, and like to be call Natsu, and does not like to be know as her mother’s, father’s, or even her sister’s family member.

History: Natsuki grew up in a life of fame. Her mother is a famous actor and her father is a famous movie producer. Because of all the fame around her family, Natsuki spent most of her time at movie premieres and red carpet event, that she got very behind in school. Thankfully Natsuki was able to catch up with her school work and she was able to stay in her grade level. However because she was so behind, Natsuki was dropped into the E class. Natsuki also has 2 older siblings, a brother who is a rising model and a sister who is a year older that Natsuki and is in A class. After dropping into E class Natsuki’s family basically disowned her. Natsuki still lives at home, but her parents don’t talk to her much and the are most of the time not home at all.


Kimiko Maki~ Mother ~ Age 43~ She is a very famous actor and is known for being the lead female roles for most of the latest movies.


Hayato Maki~ Father ~ 45~ One of the lead movie producers in the entertainment industry


Hideaki Maki~ Bother ~ Age 23~ A rising model who models for a lot of the big modeling agency for hair produces and clothing companies


Hanako Maki~ Sister~ Age 16~ Member of A class. Her dream is to become a actor just like her mother


Her assination attempts are mostly focused on stealth

Add a sentence to personality.
Sorry about that here is the fixed personality

Personality: Natsuki is a bit on the shy side. She is used to be ignored and is not used to people paying any attention to her. She is kind and she does talk, but not that much. She is often seen reading a book, and like to be call Natsu, and does not like to be know as her mother’s, father’s, or even her sister’s family member.
[QUOTE="Asuka Romeno]Sorry about that here is the fixed personality
Personality: Natsuki is a bit on the shy side. She is used to be ignored and is not used to people paying any attention to her. She is kind and she does talk, but not that much. She is often seen reading a book, and like to be call Natsu, and does not like to be know as her mother’s, father’s, or even her sister’s family member.

[QUOTE="Asuka Romeno]Name: Natsuki Maki (Goes by Natsu)
Age: 15

Gender: Female

Year: 2

Class: 3-E


Personality: Natsuki is a bit on the shy side. She is used to be ignored and is not used to people paying any attention to her. She is often seen reading a book, and like to be call Natsu, and does not like to be know as her mother’s, father’s, or even her sister’s family member.

History: Natsuki grew up in a life of fame. Her mother is a famous actor and her father is a famous movie producer. Because of all the fame around her family, Natsuki spent most of her time at movie premieres and red carpet event, that she got very behind in school. Thankfully Natsuki was able to catch up with her school work and she was able to stay in her grade level. However because she was so behind, Natsuki was dropped into the E class. Natsuki also has 2 older siblings, a brother who is a rising model and a sister who is a year older that Natsuki and is in A class. After dropping into E class Natsuki’s family basically disowned her. Natsuki still lives at home, but her parents don’t talk to her much and the are most of the time not home at all.


Kimiko Maki~ Mother ~ Age 43~ She is a very famous actor and is known for being the lead female roles for most of the latest movies.


Hayato Maki~ Father ~ 45~ One of the lead movie producers in the entertainment industry


Hideaki Maki~ Bother ~ Age 23~ A rising model who models for a lot of the big modeling agency for hair produces and clothing companies


Hanako Maki~ Sister~ Age 16~ Member of A class. Her dream is to become a actor just like her mother


Her assination attempts are mostly focused on stealth



Ichiyou Komagome



The Small Things That People Know

Name: Ichiyou Komagome.

Nickname: Ichi.

Name Origin: Japanese.

Name Meaning:

> Ichiyou = First clear, bright.

> Komagome = Crowd of horses.

Age: 15.

Gender: Male.

Year: Year 2.

Class: 3-E.

Appearance: Ichiyou is a short boy with blond hair that is parted to the right, shaded with pink, and he keeps the bangs out of his eyes with red bobby pins. His eyes are blue and his ears are pierces. He paints his nails with black nail polish. He is probably one of the most uniquely dressed people walking around. This is because he usually wears much different clothing than the normal uniform. He wears a hat most of the time to make himself look taller. He is described as a “stylish” person, and is also recognized as being very “cute”. However he hates it when people call him that.

I Don’t Really Like Talking About Myself



+ Strong-Willed. Nor does he give up when the going gets tough, he strives to achieve his goals, but really nothing is quite as satisfying to him as rising the challenge of each obstacle in his run to the finish line.

+ Self-Confident. He couldn’t do this if he was plagued by self-doubt, he trusts his abilities, makes known his opinions, and believes in his capacities as a leader.

+ Charismatic and Inspiring. The qualities combine to create an individual who is able to inspire and invigorate others, and this in turn helps him to accomplish his often ambitious goals that could never be finished alone.

- Impatient. Some people need more time to think than others, an intolerable delay to him. He may misinterpret contemplation as stupidity or disinterest in his haste, a terrible mistake for him to make.

- Stubborn and Dominant. Sometimes all this confidence and willpower can go too far, and he is all too capable of digging in his heels, trying to win every single debate and pushing his vision, and his alone.

History: Ichiyou was born in a whopping six member family, including himself. They even had a dog but he passed away from old age a year before he was born so he did not really know about the pet. He had been living quite the normal life, not bothering too much with other people as that would only ask for more trouble, plus he saw his family members as his friends as well. However, as they became older, Ichiyou started socializing more with people outside his family too and made him realize that he missed something great in his life. He became somewhat popular when he was about twelve years old because of the way he dressed himself.

He wanted to find out more about this world and became fascinated by the reactions that people gave him if he said something wrong or out of place, thinking it was a funny thing to witness. However, his school life did not always go the right way as he also made enemies and often got into fights with them as he was not one to back away from a fight. One of those fights made the principal kick him out of the school together with two other which was why he needed to repeat a year and also the reason why he was send to class 3-E, thinking that he should become a better student there. But one did not know how wrong they were about that.

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Marshmallow said:


Ichiyou Komagome



The Small Things That People Know

Name: Ichiyou Komagome.

Nickname: Ichi.

Name Origin: Japanese.

Name Meaning:

> Ichiyou = First clear, bright.

> Komagome = Crowd of horses.

Age: 15.

Gender: Male.

Year: Year 2.

Class: 3-E.

Appearance: Ichiyou is a short boy with blond hair that is parted to the right, shaded with pink, and he keeps the bangs out of his eyes with red bobby pins. His eyes are blue and his ears are pierces. He paints his nails with black nail polish. He is probably one of the most uniquely dressed people walking around. This is because he usually wears much different clothing than the normal uniform. He wears a hat most of the time to make himself look taller. He is described as a “stylish” person, and is also recognized as being very “cute”. However he hates it when people call him that.

I Don’t Really Like Talking About Myself



+ Strong-Willed. Nor does he give up when the going gets tough, he strives to achieve his goals, but really nothing is quite as satisfying to him as rising the challenge of each obstacle in his run to the finish line.

+ Self-Confident. He couldn’t do this if he was plagued by self-doubt, he trusts his abilities, makes known his opinions, and believes in his capacities as a leader.

+ Charismatic and Inspiring. The qualities combine to create an individual who is able to inspire and invigorate others, and this in turn helps him to accomplish his often ambitious goals that could never be finished alone.

- Impatient. Some people need more time to think than others, an intolerable delay to him. He may misinterpret contemplation as stupidity or disinterest in his haste, a terrible mistake for him to make.

- Stubborn and Dominant. Sometimes all this confidence and willpower can go too far, and he is all too capable of digging in his heels, trying to win every single debate and pushing his vision, and his alone.

History: Ichiyou was born in a whopping six member family, including himself. They even had a dog but he passed away from old age a year before he was born so he did not really know about the pet. He had been living quite the normal life, not bothering too much with other people as that would only ask for more trouble, plus he saw his family members as his friends as well. However, as they became older, Ichiyou started socializing more with people outside his family too and made him realize that he missed something great in his life. He became somewhat popular when he was about twelve years old because of the way he dressed himself.

He wanted to find out more about this world and became fascinated by the reactions that people gave him if he said something wrong or out of place, thinking it was a funny thing to witness. However, his school life did not always go the right way as he also made enemies and often got into fights with them as he was not one to back away from a fight. One of those fights made the principal kick him out of the school together with two other which was why he needed to repeat a year and also the reason why he was send to class 3-E, thinking that he should become a better student there. But one did not know how wrong they were about that.

Accepted...Don't cause any trouble >->


Ayane Kozaki

Name meaning/Kanji

Ayane (??)- Colorful sound.

Kozaki (??) - Mountainous god.



Birth-date and Zodiac

November 16; Scorpio








Sometimes, she'll outwardly show that she hates everyone.
Most times, she'll hide her fury behind a poker face or a smile.

Ayane has platinum blonde hair and sky blue eyes, making her look like a foreigner. Although she's only half European, from her mother, she gained most of her mother's looks but most of her father's quirks and habits (including his fashion sense). She stands at 5'4" or about 163 cm, weighing in at 115 lbs, or 52 kg.


Ayane is not a nice person, and this sometimes shows when she's overly emotional (whether incredibly angry or some other emotion) but for the most part it's kept well-hidden and underneath a mask. A mask that is known as her 'personality.' Ayane herself doesn't have much of a personality, if it had to be described it would be; sadistic, sarcastic, intimidating, so on and so forth, essentially a jerk.

Since being a jerk is not a likable trait to have, she adjusts to different situations and acts accordingly. If she needs to pretend to be a shy, innocent helpless girl she will be; if she needs to pretend to be a mysterious, quiet, and independent girl she will be. The list is endless, and though she typically tries to stick with one personality while around certain people this plan often backfires if she's around too many different people at one time, she ends up clashing personalities or finding some excuse to leave. Some people like to say that she has MPD, but that's just them wanting to label her 'problem' without actually dealing with it, not that she cares.


Ayane's intense hatred of other people began when she started elementary school. At first she thought that perhaps she had fit in quite well with the other students whom, just like her, were all innocent and ignorant. That was until they all found out her last name, its writing, and who her parents were, the children didn't wish to distance themselves from Ayane,(nor did they really know what her last name and such meant) but the parents forced them to avoid her after school and before school. Eventually these habits were hammered into the children and Ayane found herself alone, more and more. At first she couldn't understand why all her friends suddenly ignored her and refused to speak with her and she cried and cried and cried.

Her tears and wails fell upon deaf ears, that belonged to people that pretended like she didn't exist, until her mother and father found out, her previous friends began to act like her friends again, or at least they tried. Ayane had none of it though, she did the exact same thing that they did to her, she ignored all of them. Eventually the constant pestering got on her nerves and she ends up snapping and shouting at the other kids, which ends up hurting their feelings and making them cry. The outburst was punished of course, but Ayane herself only wanted to be rid of the annoying 'pests' that followed her around during free time or even tried to bribe her in class or at lunch.

Ayane didn't understand why they were all doing that until one of the kids said that her parents told her to be nice to Ayane or else she would get hurt badly. Ayane still didn't quite understand what they meant and so she asked her parents if they had gotten similar messages, and that's when her dad told her that he had sent those messages out to the parents of the people who had been 'bullying' her. Outraged, Ayane throws a fit and screams and yells at her parents before locking herself in her room and refusing to come out for an entire day, missing school, meals, etc. The next she comes out pale as a ghost, in her school uniform, eats breakfast then leaves without a word to her parents.

She continues to attend school normally, but is wordless and people would think she was mute if the teacher didn't have her be the class leader, or call on her to answer a question. She continued this until her sixth and final year of elementary school where a handful of junior-high students came over as a 'special event.' Ayane, as usual couldn't care less and was determined to ignore those she was supposed to call her 'senpais.' She manages to do so for a while, most of the junior-high students distracted with the large crowd of excited kids and Ayane herself stayed off by herself. A few junior-high students eventually walked up to her, they didn't seem like the others, their uniforms weren't perfect, and they definitely weren't from a prep-school. They tried to get her to join their school or whatever, but she denied them as soon as they tried to speak with her, then glared at them and told them to go away, only half-intimidating them but eventually they leave because a teacher had begun to look their way.

After school, Ayane waits in the classroom because she doesn't wish to get caught up in the chatter and excitement of the rest of the students. Once she stops hearing their incessant chattering from the classroom she packs up her things and leaves the school building. That is until she finds herself surrounded by the group of junior-high students that had tried to speak to her prior that day. She tried to ignore them the best that she could, but once she realized that she was unable to do so she took off running as fast as she could, trying to get into the attention of other people but because they were taller than her, they caught up rather quickly and from there Ayane doesn't remember much. She only knows that they held her still and kept her mouth shut until her chauffeur came to check on her and scared the hooligans away. She also knows that she feels weird whenever other people touch her and physical contact causes shivers and shocks to go through her body, as if it remembers but she doesn't. Ayane only figures that she was hurt in some way, maybe they had made bruises on her but she didn't notice them because most of the events surrounding that are rather blurry for her..but let's just say what happened to her isn't very pleasant and might be triggering. After the event she started getting trained in self-defense, Yakuza style, where she was taught to wield a blade, shoot a gun, properly use tasers to disarm, or even hand-to-hand combat. Ayane disliked the noise that a gun made and quickly ditched the skill and idea of using one, preferring to get up close and personal with her opponents.

Once Ayane started junior-high she was rather lifeless and void of any sign of life, until a few popular girls tried to take her under their wings, and she goes along with it, not finding any of that same fire in her anymore. While she stays within that social group, Ayane adjusts to what they have to say and do, and eventually begins to think they're her friends until she overhears their conversation while she went to go buy drinks for the group. They were trying to whisper to avoid being heard, but Ayane heard every word of it, they were only being nice to her because her parents had bribed them to befriend and hang out with her. This reignited the flame within her but she continued to go along with the act and got revenge in her own way.

Ayane figured out who each girl liked, their frequent hangouts, favorite traits in a person, traits about themselves that they don't like to talk about or even observe, etc. She kept it all in a small notebook, almost like she was stalking them. That was until she put her plan into action, using her newfound way with words that she had learned among her 'social group.' She convinced many of the boys to go out with other girls, and she even started rumors about her 'friends' to mess with them further. Once those rumors reached their guy of choice and they went to try and confess they were rejected, and Ayane watched it all, as if she were a spectator. She just loved watching them suffer while she pretended to care and comfort them, that was until a teacher found her notebook and the notes, plots, etc. written inside. This landed her in the E-Class for 'harassing' the other students, Ayane didn't care and went to the E-Class happily saying she didn't want to be around posers and actors. So, Ayane would have to start her third year of junior-high in the End Class.


Mother- 38 years; Kind, caring, and over-protective of her family. Also an expert in espionage, deceit, and creative about her weapon choices, former assassin. She'd prefer if Ayane was able to lead a normal life rather than one anything like the ones that she or her husband did.

Father- 40 years; Business-man type of attitude, with a confident air around him, also very ruthless to those who have wronged him in any way. Her father often orders people around and allows his daughter to ask the members of the clan to help her with anything. Good with just about any weapon.

Various members of the Yakuza Clan- (age range is about 25-40) Not really friends, but they're connections and people who can get information for her, or even do small tasks.

Extra Information

~Ayane doesn't actually need glasses, she just believes that she must wear them so that people can't look into her eyes and find out who she really might be.~

~She has quite the sweet tooth and often packs many snacks in her bag that she will selectively share with others to seem nice.~

~Ayane prefers to use weapons that aren't too noisy, and hates the sound of guns firing.~

~Ayane's as straight as a line.~

~She's a C-cup. (>u>)~

~Yakuza clan name is Kozagiri rather than just Kozaki.~

~Ayane is a very quick learner, typically catching onto things after seeing it once or twice, such as formulas, atomic make-ups, etc. Though she can only copy others, rather than make her own thing, for example in art or literature she would be terrible since she lacks the creativity to make an original work.~

~Likes: Sweets, silence, being alone, people falling for her act, not being told on, relinquishing her anger and hatred on something or someone, ruining others in various ways.~

~Dislikes: Spicy things, pretty much everyone, big crowds, too many people talking at once, people seeing through her and her act, snitches, trying to hold in her anger at desperate situations, having her plans foiled, physical contact.~


Melee Combat:


Ranged Combat:














<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/d01556f6b69dac2aaea7daa5878330b8.jpg.a09175c374cc14f2bbb957611bbb9a4f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="147068" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/d01556f6b69dac2aaea7daa5878330b8.jpg.a09175c374cc14f2bbb957611bbb9a4f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/a20aba1960b1bd8ad3a9096e886e040f1346605440_full.jpg.478704b3e117185367fed05a324dd474.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="147070" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/a20aba1960b1bd8ad3a9096e886e040f1346605440_full.jpg.478704b3e117185367fed05a324dd474.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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CuppyPotatoes said:

Ayane Kozaki

Name meaning/Kanji

Ayane (??)- Colorful sound.

Kozaki (??) - Mountainous god.



Birth-date and Zodiac

November 16; Scorpio








Sometimes, she'll outwardly show that she hates everyone.

Most times, she'll hide her fury behind a poker face or a smile.

Ayane has platinum blonde hair and sky blue eyes, making her look like a foreigner. Although she's only half European, from her mother, she gained most of her mother's looks but most of her father's quirks and habits (including his fashion sense). She stands at 5'4" or about 163 cm, weighing in at 115 lbs, or 52 kg.


Ayane is not a nice person, and this sometimes shows when she's overly emotional (whether incredibly angry or some other emotion) but for the most part it's kept well-hidden and underneath a mask. A mask that is known as her 'personality.' Ayane herself doesn't have much of a personality, if it had to be described it would be; sadistic, sarcastic, intimidating, so on and so forth, essentially a jerk.

Since being a jerk is not a likable trait to have, she adjusts to different situations and acts accordingly. If she needs to pretend to be a shy, innocent helpless girl she will be; if she needs to pretend to be a mysterious, quiet, and independent girl she will be. The list is endless, and though she typically tries to stick with one personality while around certain people this plan often backfires if she's around too many different people at one time, she ends up clashing personalities or finding some excuse to leave. Some people like to say that she has MPD, but that's just them wanting to label her 'problem' without actually dealing with it, not that she cares.


Ayane's intense hatred of other people began when she started elementary school. At first she thought that perhaps she had fit in quite well with the other students whom, just like her, were all innocent and ignorant. That was until they all found out her last name, its writing, and who her parents were, the children didn't wish to distance themselves from Ayane,(nor did they really know what her last name and such meant) but the parents forced them to avoid her after school and before school. Eventually these habits were hammered into the children and Ayane found herself alone, more and more. At first she couldn't understand why all her friends suddenly ignored her and refused to speak with her and she cried and cried and cried.

Her tears and wails fell upon deaf ears, that belonged to people that pretended like she didn't exist, until her mother and father found out, her previous friends began to act like her friends again, or at least they tried. Ayane had none of it though, she did the exact same thing that they did to her, she ignored all of them. Eventually the constant pestering got on her nerves and she ends up snapping and shouting at the other kids, which ends up hurting their feelings and making them cry. The outburst was punished of course, but Ayane herself only wanted to be rid of the annoying 'pests' that followed her around during free time or even tried to bribe her in class or at lunch.

Ayane didn't understand why they were all doing that until one of the kids said that her parents told her to be nice to Ayane or else she would get hurt badly. Ayane still didn't quite understand what they meant and so she asked her parents if they had gotten similar messages, and that's when her dad told her that he had sent those messages out to the parents of the people who had been 'bullying' her. Outraged, Ayane throws a fit and screams and yells at her parents before locking herself in her room and refusing to come out for an entire day, missing school, meals, etc. The next she comes out pale as a ghost, in her school uniform, eats breakfast then leaves without a word to her parents.

She continues to attend school normally, but is wordless and people would think she was mute if the teacher didn't have her be the class leader, or call on her to answer a question. She continued this until her sixth and final year of elementary school where a handful of junior-high students came over as a 'special event.' Ayane, as usual couldn't care less and was determined to ignore those she was supposed to call her 'senpais.' She manages to do so for a while, most of the junior-high students distracted with the large crowd of excited kids and Ayane herself stayed off by herself. A few junior-high students eventually walked up to her, they didn't seem like the others, their uniforms weren't perfect, and they definitely weren't from a prep-school. They tried to get her to join their school or whatever, but she denied them as soon as they tried to speak with her, then glared at them and told them to go away, only half-intimidating them but eventually they leave because a teacher had begun to look their way.

After school, Ayane waits in the classroom because she doesn't wish to get caught up in the chatter and excitement of the rest of the students. Once she stops hearing their incessant chattering from the classroom she packs up her things and leaves the school building. That is until she finds herself surrounded by the group of junior-high students that had tried to speak to her prior that day. She tried to ignore them the best that she could, but once she realized that she was unable to do so she took off running as fast as she could, trying to get into the attention of other people but because they were taller than her, they caught up rather quickly and from there Ayane doesn't remember much. She only knows that they held her still and kept her mouth shut until her chauffeur came to check on her and scared the hooligans away. She also knows that she feels weird whenever other people touch her and physical contact causes shivers and shocks to go through her body, as if it remembers but she doesn't. Ayane only figures that she was hurt in some way, maybe they had made bruises on her but she didn't notice them because most of the events surrounding that are rather blurry for her..but let's just say what happened to her isn't very pleasant and might be triggering. After the event she started getting trained in self-defense, Yakuza style, where she was taught to wield a blade, shoot a gun, properly use tasers to disarm, or even hand-to-hand combat. Ayane disliked the noise that a gun made and quickly ditched the skill and idea of using one, preferring to get up close and personal with her opponents.

Once Ayane started junior-high she was rather lifeless and void of any sign of life, until a few popular girls tried to take her under their wings, and she goes along with it, not finding any of that same fire in her anymore. While she stays within that social group, Ayane adjusts to what they have to say and do, and eventually begins to think they're her friends until she overhears their conversation while she went to go buy drinks for the group. They were trying to whisper to avoid being heard, but Ayane heard every word of it, they were only being nice to her because her parents had bribed them to befriend and hang out with her. This reignited the flame within her but she continued to go along with the act and got revenge in her own way.

Ayane figured out who each girl liked, their frequent hangouts, favorite traits in a person, traits about themselves that they don't like to talk about or even observe, etc. She kept it all in a small notebook, almost like she was stalking them. That was until she put her plan into action, using her newfound way with words that she had learned among her 'social group.' She convinced many of the boys to go out with other girls, and she even started rumors about her 'friends' to mess with them further. Once those rumors reached their guy of choice and they went to try and confess they were rejected, and Ayane watched it all, as if she were a spectator. She just loved watching them suffer while she pretended to care and comfort them, that was until a teacher found her notebook and the notes, plots, etc. written inside. This landed her in the E-Class for 'harassing' the other students, Ayane didn't care and went to the E-Class happily saying she didn't want to be around posers and actors. So, Ayane would have to start her third year of junior-high in the End Class.


Mother- 38 years; Kind, caring, and over-protective of her family. Also an expert in espionage, deceit, and creative about her weapon choices, former assassin. She'd prefer if Ayane was able to lead a normal life rather than one anything like the ones that she or her husband did.

Father- 40 years; Business-man type of attitude, with a confident air around him, also very ruthless to those who have wronged him in any way. Her father often orders people around and allows his daughter to ask the members of the clan to help her with anything. Good with just about any weapon.

Various members of the Yakuza Clan- (age range is about 25-40) Not really friends, but they're connections and people who can get information for her, or even do small tasks.

Extra Information

~Ayane doesn't actually need glasses, she just believes that she must wear them so that people can't look into her eyes and find out who she really might be.~

~She has quite the sweet tooth and often packs many snacks in her bag that she will selectively share with others to seem nice.~

~Ayane prefers to use weapons that aren't too noisy, and hates the sound of guns firing.~

~Ayane's as straight as a line.~

~She's a C-cup. (>u>)~

~Yakuza clan name is Kozagiri rather than just Kozaki.~

~Ayane is a very quick learner, typically catching onto things after seeing it once or twice, such as formulas, atomic make-ups, etc. Though she can only copy others, rather than make her own thing, for example in art or literature she would be terrible since she lacks the creativity to make an original work.~

~Likes: Sweets, silence, being alone, people falling for her act, not being told on, relinquishing her anger and hatred on something or someone, ruining others in various ways.~

~Dislikes: Spicy things, pretty much everyone, big crowds, too many people talking at once, people seeing through her and her act, snitches, trying to hold in her anger at desperate situations, having her plans foiled, physical contact.~


Melee Combat:


Ranged Combat:















Although this is dead, if I ever remake an assassination classroom RP. You can bring it over there ^-^
[QUOTE="T h e F o o l]Although this is dead, if I ever remake an assassination classroom RP. You can bring it over there ^-^

Okay, I didn't realize it was dead. ^^'

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