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Active [Aslan City] The Ethereal Luminary Entrance Exam Arc Part II


Roleplay Artist
Location: Aslan, Grand Duchy of Roran

Weather: Temperate, gentle cool breeze.

Time: Early Morning

Mention: Maxxob Maxxob

Professor Ward
ねつき (@netukitune) on X.jpg

The professor would give a nod to Adelhein of acknowledgement. “If you’re going to duel someone in magic, you best hope you have the skill to backup your decision, duels outside of the walls of this fine academy can carry much heavier consequences then being seen as lesser than someone else as I’m certain many of us know.”

He would allude to the fact that dueling was something that sometimes took place to the death when mutually agreed upon in more severe circumstances.

“Ah right, since I've seen many new faces around here..I am Professor Ward, and I will be instructing you on the next part of this examination..” The old magic caster spoke out to the group once more.

Scarlett Ashford
Scarlett had been paying attention to the Professor a bit more until she suddenly snapped out of it and looked to Adelhein as he spoke to her. “Oh, yes, I am an Ashford. It’s nice to meet you too Adelhein El-Melloi Von Breyer, I imagine with a name like that you must be a noble no?” She’d inquire with a smile and gave a sort of formal curtsy gesture.

Her eyes lit up a bit when he mentioned the puzzle. “Oh yes I did solve the puzzle actually! You had to move the shapes vertically, the rectangle rune first followed by the Pentagon and then Triangle, but the triangle’s tip had to be facing the top most side of the Pentagon for the magic to work proper-” She’d pause before looking a bit bewildered,

“Wait..did you just say that you beat Nolan Cryros in a duel?...”

Nolan Cryros

It wasn’t all that long after their conversation that yet another orange portal appeared, and low and behold who came out of it, Nolan Cryros coming down to the ground and looking around a tad smug and arrogant looking.

“Nolan you made it!” a female voice could be heard calling from the congregation of students.

“Well of course he did!” Another responded excitedly, the pair oogling him with some others.

“Ah Mister Cryros, I was expecting you, Nice resourcefulness in the face of a challenge congratulations.”

“Well of course I made it, there are only so many descendants of Caden the white afterall. It wasn’t that hard to find someone I Could beat…” He’d look around the area before his eyes would set on Adelhein, narrowing.

“Tch..” His fist would tense up. He’d then walk his way over to Adelhein, as eyes followed him
And he stood between Adelhein and Scarlett.

“Is this guy bothering you Scarlett?” He’d ask, a seemingly genuine tone of concern in his voice as he spoke.

“Just say the word if he is, he’s abnormal and I personally wouldn’t want to touch him with a polearm that has [reach]”

“Why don’t you come over to the other side with me? Maybe if we’re lucky we can be partners for the next part of the exam. I know we aren't supposed to get preferenital treatment but..it doesn't hurt to try sometimes.”
Nolan give a smile her way and put a hand on Scarlett’s shoulder to which she’d move back a bit apprehensive.

“He’s doing no such thing Nolan.” She’d reply a bit curtly, looking back at him and then Adelhein, to which Nolan would give a displeased side eye Adelhein’s way.


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Adelhein El-Melloi von Breyer // Saber Alter // Gilgamesh

Adelhein: [Isekai], [Human], [Adept Magus] Color - #e60e0e
Saber Alter: [Isekai], [Construct], [Adept Swordsman] Color - #470c85
Gilgamesh: [Isekai], [Construct], [Adept Mage] Color - #d3fa5c



Saber Alter's Influence


Gilgamesh's Influence


Taking in the words said by the faculty representative, Adelhein nodded, easily grasping the meaning behind them. “I see, I see. It is only expected that duels can lead to… deadly consequences. Such is the possible result of duels between the mundane, so it wouldn’t be that different between magi.” He concluded, more to himself than anyone else. Albeit, the young magus had not partaken in one-on-one duels previously, he knew those happened in the shadows, away from faculty members back in the Clock Tower. “Refreshing nonetheless…” Speaking silently, an unknown glint appeared behind his crimson eyes.

Professor Ward… Adelhein would commit that name to memory. He wondered if the mage led some specific department within the Luminary academy. Well, why not ask him? “Professor Ward, are you the head of one of the departments in the Luminary Academy? Astromancy or Creation perhaps?” The young magus would ask, saying two departments, which were present where he had studied.

Shifting his attention towards the red-haired girl, Adelhein’s expression was both soft and curious. “Indeed, I’m a noble. I probably was the head of my family for a short while..” His attention would drift for a singular moment, wondering who was leading the El-Melloi back in England. Well, that was water under the bridge. “Considering the deference from the Professor, would I be right to assume you are a noble as well?” The young magus would ask her in turn, a smile appearing on his lips in return to her own.

Giving her his full attention, he would absorb the information about the puzzle. So, not only there was an order, but also the correct orientation to each of them? It appeared he had been much further of solving the puzzle than he had initially thought. Despite being an elitist, Adelhein was visibly impressed. Was it luck that brought him that bold challenger, which ended up guaranteeing his advancement to the next phase of the exam?

Tilting his head sideways a bit, the young magus appeared not quite grasp the surprise on Scarlett’s face, nodding to her question. “Yeah, that is right. He did say something about being of a great lineage… but, well, people lie about those things, right?” Skepticism dripped from his voice as he spoke about Nolan’s supposed heritage.

It wasn’t the portal that made Adelhein’s attention drift somewhere else, but Professor Ward’s voice. Quickly scanning the area, his crimson gaze would fall upon Nolan.

With the left corner of his lip curling up slightly, into a grin, he watched as the spellcaster he had defeated previously marched towards both him and Ashford.

The words that Nolan uttered were met with the grin being kept through and narrowing of eyes. Underneath the surface, however, Adelhein’s temperament bubbled, his right fist clenching and making the leather of his glove groan. It seemed this guy had not learned his lesson the first time around. But that could serve him, in actuality, depending on what happened.

What did make the otherwise cool expression on his face change was the attempted touch on Scarlett’s shoulder and what followed. “It seems that who is bothering Miss. Ashford here would be you, Cryros.” His lips became flat, eyeing the blond-haired man between them as if he were of no consequence. “Maybe it would be best to save face and return over to the other side by yourself? Wouldn’t want the descendant of ‘Caden the White’ to be known as being… ‘pushy’.” His words held a hint of warning, as he observed Nolan’s reaction to it.
Location: ???, Grand Duchy of Roran

Weather: Temperate, gentle cool breeze.

Time: Early Morning

Mention: Maxxob Maxxob

Professor Ward
ねつき (@netukitune) on X.jpg

Professor Ward nodded at Adelhein’s comment about the dueling being refreshing.

“Hm, you must come from an interesting background to have experience with magic academic departments such as those, I am a Professor which works in the defense magic department of the academy actually, should you pass the exam you may very well have me as a mentor given the classes I teach.”

Scarlett Ashford

“Oh I see, head of the family at our age?” She’d comment not particularly meaning the question literally, it was albeit more inquisitive at the prospect.

“But yes actually I’m from the Noble House Ashford, my father is the head, I presume you aren’t a local then, since I haven’t heard of that name until now.”

Her face continued on surprised for a bit as he mentioned that people lied about that sort of thing.

“I don’t think I was expecting to hear anyone beat Nolan in a duel I mean he’s-” Before she could really address that part about the false relationship suggestion, Nolan had appeared and they were back in the present.

Nolan Cryros
Nolan looked back at Adelhein with a very false sounding politeness in his voice, a smile which was very much insincere,

“Surely you jest, Scarlett has known me far longer than she has you, I plan on spending a great deal more time with her too, I hardly think it’s pushy, it’s only natural that a skilled magic user like myself and her would end up working toget-”

“That’s all quite Alright Mr. Cryros The teams were already decided for this next exercise when the last students who could make it appeared here, and you will not be working with Miss Ashford, we are more interested in testing people who are not familiar with one another outside of the institution for the next team portion of the exam.”

Professor Ward spoke naturally.

“Oh, is that so? Well that’s certainly unfortunate, oh well, I suppose I’ll be seeing you later then Scarlett..” He’d say then giving a narrowed side eye and more serious look to Adelhein before he walked off.

Scarlett looked back a neutral look on her face, giving a simple nod.

She then looked forward when Professor Ward continued to speak,

“You will now all receive a formal briefing for the next stage, those of you who will be working together as a team will have the same color appear on the bracelet you were given to wear.

The objective of this test will be to enter the cave and use teamwork to secure the most valuable magic artifact you can manage. They have been strategically spread throughout the cave, and the lower the level you retrieve your item from the higher chance to receive a better score and thus passing grade.”

“You will have a good deal of autonomy in how you decide to act and how you decide to use your magic to approach this challenge, you will be on a time limit which you can check by using the magical interface on your bracelet. Now then are there any questions before we formally begin this portion of the exam?”

And just like that Adelhein and Scarlett’s provided accessories both turned a crimson hue, while others turned different colors, it seemed that most were in duos.

“It..looks like we’ll be working together then.” Scarlett looked back to Adelhein with a bit of a smile once again.
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Adelhein: [Isekai], [Human], [Adept Magus] Color - #e60e0e
Saber Alter: [Isekai], [Construct], [Adept Swordsman] Color - #470c85
Gilgamesh: [Isekai], [Construct], [Adept Mage] Color - #d3fa5c



Saber Alter's Influence


Gilgamesh's Influence


Adelhein nodded, hearing about the department in which Professor Ward worked at. The young magus looked at him in appraisal, wondering for a moment about the skills which the old man could possess. When he is accepted in this university, if Ward ends up being one of his mentors, he would be sure to acquire everything single bit of arcane knowledge that he is able to provide.

Adelhein allowed a full, wide smirk to form on his lips, seeing Nolan’s plans to team-up with Scarlett turn to ashes. “Well, well, well, seems that Fate has different plans in store for you.” The mocking tone on his tone was palpable, as he said those words just after Professor Ward.

“Then again, a highly skilled mage such as yourself will certainly have no problems with a different partner, mmm? Unless your pedigree is lacking, making you a mongrel, rather than a pure-breed. Be sure not to lose so… quickly this time around.” A cruel glint shone behind his crimson eyes, schadenfreude pure and unapologetic.

With his attention being focused back on Professor Ward, hearing the instructions for the next part of the exam. As he heard the information about it, he brought his gloved hand to his chin, falling pensive, already churning with ideas of what would be the best tactic to approach this trial.

Certainly getting an artifact from the very first level of the cave would be ideal, and he assumed there would be quite a bit of competition to secure them. The mention of autonomy made one of his eyebrows raise. I suppose that means that taking artifacts from others is not out of the question. He thought to himself and, even though that wouldn’t be the first tactic he would employ, he had no qualms in employing such. His victory was paramount, after all.

“No questions about it. The explanation was crystal clear.” His eyes darted towards his bracelet, seeing the crimson color of it, matching the color of Scarlett’s bracelet as well. Splendid.

His eyes slid towards the crimson-haired girl, his expression now fully relaxed, welcoming even, a shrewd smile on his lips. “It will be a pleasure to be working with you, Scarlett.”

“Indeed, I am the head and only El-Melloi currently present in Ryke, but I’m not a local.”
Continuing, Adelhein kept a light and inviting tone. “My apologies for not recognizing your lineage sooner.” Giving her a quick neck bow, he offered his hand, palm up, for Scarlett to take it, with the intent to hold hers. “How would you like to approach this trial? It seems it would be wise to remain in the very first floor, searching for an artifact.”
Location: ???, Grand Duchy of Roran

Weather: Temperate, gentle cool breeze.

Time: Early Morning

Mention: Maxxob Maxxob

Nolan Cryros

“It would seem so.” Nolan replied simply with a false gentleman’s smile, clenching his fist.

“Perhaps between us you’d benefit more from the crutch.” He’d reply with an additionally false friendly tone despite the words not being particularly pleasant, the words following after Adelhein’s jab at his pedigree to so speak, however after that he would speak no more on the matter.

After some inconsequential questions, even after Adelhein’s confirmation about the explanation being clear, during Professor ward’s explanations to some of them

Scarlett Ashford

Scarlett would look over to Adelhein and give a nod.

“I mean I’m pretty fortunate to be working with someone who was able to beat Nolan in a duel, at least that’s my understanding of what happened right? He isn’t really the best loser...but that’s besides the point.” She’d say with a smile.

“Ah that would explain it then! Well welcome then.” She’d continue cheerily enough.

“It’s not a problem at all…” She’d accept his hand. “I look forward to working with you too..if you’re to call me Scarlett is it okay..if I call you Adelhein then?” She’d inquire perhaps a bit of pink on her cheeks, before looking away slightly and then back. The lack of formal titles being thrown about and his gesture making her feel like their conversation was a bit more friendly than she was anticipating.

“Oh, the first floor? As in the deepest one counting up? I believe while that is the most dangerous area we would be able to get one of the rarest items and therefore the best possible score..if we’re strategic about it I have no problem delving down there.”

She’d then lean in a bit closer and speak softer to be more discrete, “And while it’s probably a bit mean if we really had too we probably could take one off another pair who finds one down there themselves..there wasn’t anything in the rules forbidding it after all..”
Unfortunately, it didn’t look like the group would be getting a map of the cave. Scarlett would have appreciated that.

That’d make things too easy after all but when all was said and done, suddenly the words “BEGIN” Would appear above the group in blue text signifying the start of this portion of the exam and so would the scramble of potential students attempting to get in first, some spells here and there already being thrown to knock people out of the way and with the chaos ensuing. It wouldn't be long before the familiar spikey ice pieces were being thrown about that

Scarlett would wait momentarily, before looking for an opportunity to get moving…and if Adelhein was willing when she saw the opening she’d pull him along holding onto his hand and heading into the mouth of the cave, and pretty quickly they were faced with three main paths One to the left, one continuing toward the center and one to the right, the center one looking like it started to incline downwards, the left one curving into a sort of staircase and the right one looking more like a stone smooth ramp which headed down, all of the paths dimly lit, the entrances at the very least looking narrow.


“I’m fine with whichever one you think suits us best.” She’d reply, they’d probably want a quick decision while they were ahead so that they weren’t left with whatever was left over.
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Adelhein: [Isekai], [Human], [Adept Magus] Color - #e60e0e
Saber Alter: [Isekai], [Construct], [Adept Swordsman] Color - #470c85
Gilgamesh: [Isekai], [Construct], [Adept Mage] Color - #d3fa5c



Saber Alter's Influence


Gilgamesh's Influence


Adelhein would nod to Scarlett and confirm that indeed, he had defeated Nolan in their short-lived, entrance duel. Deeply inside his mind, he still thought it was bizarre the fact that the blond-haired man was thought to be of a prestigious lineage. Certainly enough, where he came from, not all great families’ magical expertise lent potency for combat. In fact, pure combat magecraft was, sometimes, looked down upon.

With his hand being accepted, the young magus’ crimson gaze looked directly into her violet eyes. “Of course, it makes only sense for us to be in first name basis. Adelhein or Adel would be perfect.” He told her with a relaxed smile on his lips. While he could notice the faint, pink hue on her cheeks, he was none the wiser as to why. Maybe excitement of the oncoming trial?

“Exactly, the lowest level is a good choice. Oh… so this cavern is filled with challenges? This seems to be getting more interesting by the minute…” There was some palpable curiosity behind his eyes, previously thinking that the only obstacles would be the other competitors themselves.

And, while thinking about the other competitors, Scarlett would lean towards him, telling him about a possible plan… which had been the exact same thing he was thinking before. “I’ve thought the exact same thing.” He said back, his tone barely above a whisper. “This partnership couldn’t be more perfect.” A smirk appeared on his lips.

Without thinking twice, as soon as Adelhein felt the tug on his hand by Scarlett, he matched, or at least tried to, her pace, delving into the cave at the perfect opportunity. With a firm grip on her hand, he took the first few steps into the rocky maw, the first challenge appeared before them. His eyes darted between the three options, knowing that time was of the essence, lest they leave that place with empty hands.

Considering how fast they would arrive at the bottom, he took chose the most efficient looking route. “Let’s go through the right one. Seems like that one will take us down the fastest.” The young magus said, looking back at Scarlett for a moment, before focusing on the chosen path once more.
Location: ???, Grand Duchy of Roran

Weather: Temperate, gentle cool breeze.

Time: Early Morning

Mention: Maxxob Maxxob

Scarlett Ashford

“Very well then Adelhein” She would reply, looking like she had been on the precipice of deciding whether to call him Adelhein or Adel, perhaps the even shortened form being even a tad too much for the time being, perhaps when she knew him better it would come more naturally.

She’d nod at him addressing the fact the cavern was filled with challenges. She was also pretty pleased to hear him say that he wasn’t opposed to her more possibly aggressive plan, she generally wasn’t afraid to get her hands dirty if it meant achieving success.

“You think so? I bet your magic must be pretty strong if you beat Nolan, guess I’ll get to see it play out myself.” She’d reply with a smile, pretty pleased with herself all things considered.
In the present thankfully Adelhein went with her through the cave to push their advantage on the other competitors who were trying to make their way through.

Scarlett would give him a nod, a look of determination in her eyes as she kept holding onto his hand and made her way down the right most path, doing the best to keep traction as they went down the stone ramp, after a while of descending and the light turning dimmer.

“Alright, let’s try to get through here quick and dirty if we have too even..” Referencing the fact it’d be perfectly viable for them to knock someone else down who got their first and then head back up fast.

The sounds of the racing footsteps of others and casting becoming more faint as they progressed, it wouldn’t be long until the pair found themselves in a dark stone hallway,

Skeletons #1-#3

In the distance of the hallway however it wouldn’t be long until something a bit problematic started up..the creaking of bones..and suddenly three figures rose up from the distant hallway darkness, skeletons carrying arming swords and shields, began to advance slowly on the duo, not saying a word, the sounds of their steps being heard.

Two Handed Sword Skeleton
Screenshot 2024-09-15 214904.png

In the very back of the three skeletons was another, one of which hooded with a larger two handed sword who seemed to stand still, brandishing the weapon… The skeletons were about 50 ft away, the one in the back about 60.

"Get ready for combat, I gotta get in close to be effective.." She'd say softly.
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Adelhein: [Isekai], [Human], [Adept Magus] Color - #e60e0e
Saber Alter: [Isekai], [Construct], [Adept Swordsman] Color - #470c85
Gilgamesh: [Isekai], [Construct], [Adept Mage] Color - #d3fa5c



Saber Alter's Influence


Gilgamesh's Influence


With Scarlett in hand, Adelhein advanced into the jaws of the unknown, taking the smooth slope offered by the right path. His shoes slid against the rocky terrain of the cave as he attempted to control his descent, being successful thanks to the crimson-haired girl. And, the more he descended, more the dim light gave way to darkness, overpowering and merciless. Yet, was that so different from the moonless nights in which he patrolled the streets of Fuyuki with Saber at his side? Where every shadow lurked the possibility of a combatant, ready to strike when he least expected? His nerves were calm as ever, his eyes, sharp. And nothing would shake his confidence.

Eventually, both his and Scarlett’s descent ended, a heavy thumb against the flat ground where they stood. “Agreed, quick and efficient, regardless of who we have to take down.” He agreed with every bit of his partner’s plan. They had to act swift, decisive, leaving little room for error. Had he been more aggressive in the battles of the distant war, would destiny have taken a different course? His free-hand clenched, making the leather glove creak, every so slightly, a silent promise to never repeat his mistakes.

As they kept walking, the sound of the others participants disappearing were not lost on Adelhein. For him, that could very well mean a boon: a place not reached and untouched by other participants. Who knew what sort of artifact they might end up stumbling around that area? The very thought made one of the corners of Adelhein’s lips curl upwards. A crushing victory in this part of the exam would bode will for both him and Scarlett.

His crimson eyes fixed on the hallway which both were approaching. His eyes narrowed, ever so slightly, taking the sight of the trio of shambling skeletons who guarded the path ahead, as well as the two-hander, just behind them. “Curious… I wonder if that is necromancy or natural occurring skeletons.” Curiosity dripped from his tone, watching the labored march of the creatures towards the pair. While skeletons could make for useful familiars, he would much rather control iron golems.

“Gotcha. Best to wait for them to approach us, perhaps? I can hit them from here.” There was some mirth on Adelhein’s, as he lifted is free hand, turning towards the skeletons with an open palm. Steadying his breath, he began activating the magic circuits on his body, an action so natural, which has already been repeated countless times. With that, mana began flowing through his system, exuding from his form and dripping towards the rocky ground.

Sensing the metallic components of the soil, he had no need to conjure the elements, but could instead use those already present. The ground below the four skeletons would begin to shake, slightly, iron and other ferrous components being brought from the depths of the earth. “Mercurius Venator!” The young magus uttered, as a burst of magical energy is sent from him. In tandem, the ground bursts from under the skeletons, massive ferrous spikes bursting to try and impale each one of the creatures. And, in addition, poisonous, mercury ready to injected into them.

1/2 - Attacked all four skeletons with → (Normal) Mercurius Venator - Magic E, Magic Range F, Magic Targets F, Selective F, Affinity Indirect F, Affinity Deflect F, Affinity Incapacitating F, Affinity Blight [Poison] F, Energized E - After declaring the name of the ability, 5 metallic stakes burst from under 5 targets, seeking to impale them from below with the range of up to 30ft, while also dealing extra poison damage - Grade E 0 Post Cooldown (FLUX) Mercurius Venator - Magic F, Magic Range E, Magic Targets F, Selective F, Affinity Indirect F, Affinity Deflect F, Affinity Incapacitating F, Affinity Blight [Poison] F, Energized E - After declaring the name of the ability, 5 metallic stakes burst from under 5 targets, seeking to impale them from below with the range of up to 100ft, while also dealing extra poison damage - Grade E 0 Post Cooldown
Location: ???, Grand Duchy of Roran

Weather: Temperate, gentle cool breeze.

Time: Early Morning

Mention: Maxxob Maxxob

Scarlett Ashford

Scarlett was pleased to hear Adelhein was agreeable whilist they had been descending. She hadn’t been as perceptive to the sound of others heading away, under the assumption that people could be anywhere thanks to the utility of magic..but nevertheless she was very focused on the goal at hand.

“I don’t think my path of magic will involve controlling too many of those sorts..I’m more than happy to help smash them to bits though.” She’d say a look of determination on her face. She’d nod as far as his words about letting them come to them instead of them rushing in themselves.

“Probably a good call, better chance of not getting surrounded that way.”

Scarlett’s eyes did however widen a bit when suddenly Adelhein was casting something impressive, it wasn’t really quite any sort of style of casting like she had seen before to say the least.

“How..are you?..” She’d trail off as the Magus opened his magical circuits and suddenly a pretty impressive spell went off, as the large spikes of metal broke through the floor and smashed into the skeletons sending the three in the front which had been getting closer up against the ceiling of the hallway, before they fell back down bones cracking and shattering, the poison ultimately dealing tick damage and weakening the areas where they had been hit with it, and for the time being it looked like they were at least all temporarily incapacitated.

The one skeleton which faired better was the one in the back with the large sword, whom instead of dodging suddenly had a sinister purply aura appear over them and adsorb a good deal of Adelhein’s damage, and it was at that point that another figure made themselves known.

Screenshot 2024-09-17 023057.png

It was a young woman in a dark cloak who also had a bracelet like Scarlett and Adelhein which presumably meant she was part of the test too, and it wasn’t long before she snickered, gripping her staff catalyst which looked like it had a skeletal ram like creature’s head as the top.
“You’re gonna have to do better than that if you want to get by me!”

The other question became if she was there then where was her teammate?

Big Sword Aura Skele
Screenshot 2024-09-15 214904.png

Suddenly the purply aura large sword brandishing skeleton began to run forward across the broken hallway floor and was clearly trying to get into range of the duo to strike them.

Scarlett would respond by rushing ahead,

“I’ll try to stall it, you get ready to hit it again!” She’d call out to Adelhein, before she readied her fist back, a determined look on her face as she brought a fiery fist toward the skeleton with the intention to deal some serious damage, while the skeleton then looked like it was getting into a blocking position of sorts with it’s sword as her fiery fist collided with it..and it looked like the sword was actually getting close to breaking.

1. Move as many ft needed to meet skeleton which had rushed forward.
2. Use Failcon Pawnch! on skeleton's sword.
Failcon Pawnch!- Fighting Style [Blast Brawler]F, Blight [Flames]- F Grade F 0 post cooldown
Scarlett delivers a fiery Fist strike into target.
- Fighting Style [Blast Brawler]F, Blight [Flames]- F Grade F 0 post cooldown
Scarlett delivers a fiery Fist strike into target.
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Adelhein: [Isekai], [Human], [Adept Magus] Color - #e60e0e
Saber Alter: [Isekai], [Construct], [Adept Swordsman] Color - #470c85
Gilgamesh: [Isekai], [Construct], [Adept Mage] Color - #d3fa5c



Saber Alter's Influence


Gilgamesh's Influence


Seeing the success of his attack against most of the skeletons, there was an undeniable look of satisfaction in Adelhein’s eyes. And that same look as kept as he heard Scarlett’s astonishment to the magecraft he had performed. “I can tell you all about it after this test is over.” The young magus told her, eyes locking against the last remaining skeleton, the two-hander, which a good part of his attack had been nullified against it.

“Aha… so they aren’t naturally occurring creatures, but rather, someone’s familiars, huh?” He said in a pretty audible voice, taking the side of the woman dressed in the black robes. With the way her staff looked-like, Adelhein ended up making the quick connection that she must be the summoner of the skeletons. “Necromancy… huh? Just like that one magus…” His thoughts shifted to one certain freelancer, which once walked through the expansive halls of the Clock Tower, hired to play a part into something he didn’t exactly know. Yet, the pungent odor of his mana made his specialty clear.

But, since the woman in the black robe was a participant, the bracelet on her wrist being a telling tale of that fact, where was her partner? Had them being defeated? Were they rushing through the cavern to get the artifact? Or… “An ambush?” Adelhein thought to himself, seeing that as a real possibility. He wasn’t a stranger with ambush tactics, having seen them being employed by that accursed spellcaster.

However, those thoughts quickly left his mind as the aura fuelled skeleton began charging towards both Scarlett and him, its supernatural determination clearly unshaken by the young magus’ previous attack. “Got it! I will hit it again!” Adelhein said confidently, releasing the crimson-haired girl’s hand so she could act freely. Internally, while he would rather have been able to dispatch the undead quartet in a single blow, he was certainly eager to behold what sort of magecraft a magus of a proper lineage, such as Scarlett’s, was apt at.

He was surprised to the fact that she went melee against the creature, crimson eyes widening, as a flaming fist met steel effortlessly. Adelhein had not personally met a melee magus back home however, even if he had, he was sure that her methods would be different from theirs. He didn’t expect the physical brawn which Scarlett possessed. There was certainly much knowledge he could partake with her…
Without wasting any additional second, the young magus acted. With his mana still swirling freely throughout his body, he began focusing on five different points around the greatsword-yielding-skeleton: the ceiling and the walls of the stony hallway. Bringing both his hands forth, he began gathering the ferrous components towards the surfaces of the cave structure.

“Mercurius Serpentes!” Adelhein said in a loud voice, bringing both of his hands together, as metal tendrils shot from the surrounding hallway towards the skeleton. Moving with fluid-like motions, akin to whips, the toxic tendrils would hit lash against the undead creature, before their very tips turned into hands, attempting to grasp the creature and hold it in place.

1 - Used against the two-hander skeleton → Mercurius Serpentes - Magic E, Affinity Elemental Metal F, Affinity Blight [Poison] F, Magic Range F, Affinity Indirect F, Affinity Tangle F, Magic Targets F, Energized E - After Adelhein declares the name of the spell, surrounding spots up to 30ft of distance burst with metallic and toxic tendrils, targeting up to 5 different targets, lashing against it like a whip, before turning into hands and trying to constrain the targets - Grade E Cooldown 0 posts
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Location: ???, Grand Duchy of Roran

Weather: Temperate, gentle cool breeze.

Time: Early Morning

Mention: Maxxob Maxxob

Scarlett Ashford

Scarlett simply gave Adelhein a nod at that point, knowing full well there wasn’t really a ton of time to talk about it given everything that was going on at the moment, particularly since the two hander didn’t exactly look like it was going down from the attack, perhaps buff protected by the necromancer.

Whether it was quick and dirty they needed to make good work of these opponents.

Thankfully Adelhein had been quick to do what Scarlett had wanted him too, as she went in for another fiery punch like before, except instead of being able to block the blow with the sword, the one they were teaming up on, the skeleton was held by the hands after being further broken.

However suddenly it became apparent after the aura went away that who they had been beating up on wasn’t a skeleton at all who had tried to swing back at Scarlett, but instead was another tester!

Some blue fancy outfit wearing individual with a top hat and cane with hair that was medium length that obscured the eyes became apparent.

“OW! That actually hurt that time! I thought you said you had strong protection magic” They’d call out sounding exacerbated after being hit by Adelheins attack, on account of probably their teammate’s aura of protection not being strong enough to deal with the continued assault.

“Tch, no matter I’ll get out of this in a jiffy!” However as it looked like they were about to speak and move their cane staff in a limited capacity, Scarlett socked them in the throat, causing the young guy to start a coughing fit, “No..fair!” They’d get out between the gasping, before she ripped the catalyst out of their hand. She’d promptly throw the cane catalyst over Adelhein’s way.

“Alright let’s clean up the rest of them!” She’d crack her knuckles, setting her eyes on the necromancer like figure in the distance, the remaining skeletons still looked like they were taking awhile to get up
Screenshot 2024-09-17 023057.png

The necromancer like woman scowled, “And just how was that moronic slip up following the plan Jaun! You were supposed to hit way harder!” Before she fired off what looked like a spear of bone at Scarlett quickly from her catalyst.

Thankfully it looked like whatever safety precautions had been used for Adelhein’s duel and this part of the test was in effect as well, as rather than dealing actual bodily harm it was more like a symbolic life bar being damaged.
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Adelhein: [Isekai], [Human], [Adept Magus] Color - #e60e0e
Saber Alter: [Isekai], [Construct], [Adept Swordsman] Color - #470c85
Gilgamesh: [Isekai], [Construct], [Adept Mage] Color - #d3fa5c



Saber Alter's Influence


Gilgamesh's Influence


Adelhein's eyes would widen, seeing that the two-hander skeleton had actually been another participant of the exam, rather than an actual undead familiar. His surprise however was momentarily, as soon enough Scarlett would be punching the participant in their throat, making whatever plans they had of counter-attack void. "Right, let's finish them off!" The young magus said with gusto, planning to go all out with his next attack, his hand swiping down to quickly grab the catalyst being thrown at his direction.

Without reason to conserve his mana, he poured everything he had into his next magecraft, this time around targeting the skeletons, Jaun and the necromancer. Once again, spots under their feet were targeted, the impalement through the iron stakes being his objective. "Mercurius Venator!"

However, he didn't stop there. With Scarlett being targeted by the bony spear, he quickly shifted from offense to defense. He would target the crimson-haired girl, liquid metal quickly pooling around his feet, before snaking towards her at a brisk pace. "Magnam Ferro Corpus!" As soon as it would reach her, it would begin to form a wall in front of her, its size just enough to cover her form, yet not big enough to obscure the vision. As the protective measure was formed, its surface was smooth to the touch, just like polished steel. In front of it, a symbol etched on the outer side of it, facing the necromancer.


1/2 - Targeting the three skeletons, Jaun and the necromancer with - (Normal) Mercurius Venator - Magic D, Magic Range F, Magic Targets F, Selective F, Affinity Indirect F, Affinity Deflect F, Affinity Incapacitating F, Affinity Blight [Poison] F, Affinity Elemental Metal F, Energized D - After declaring the name of the ability, 5 metallic stakes burst from under 5 targets, seeking to impale them from below with the range of up to 30ft, while also dealing extra poison damage - Grade D 1 Post Cooldown (FLUX) Mercurius Venator - Magic E, Magic Range E, Magic Targets F, Selective F, Affinity Indirect F, Affinity Deflect F, Affinity Incapacitating F, Affinity Blight [Poison] F, Affinity Elemental Metal F, Energized D - After declaring the name of the ability, 5 metallic stakes burst from under 5 targets, seeking to impale them from below with the range of up to 100ft, while also dealing extra poison damage - Grade D 1 Post Cooldown
3 - Targeting Scarlett with - Magnam Ferro Corpus - Magic E, Energized E, Magic AoE F, Magic Range F, Magic Targets F, Selective Magic [Target Allies] F, Barrier F, Affinity Elemental Metal F - After declaring the name of the spell, Adelhein selects up to five members of his party, up to 30ft. Liquid metal bursts out of the ground, erecting a barrier of extra protection, for a single turn - Grade E Cooldown 0
Location: ???, Grand Duchy of Roran

Weather: Temperate, gentle cool breeze.

Time: Early Morning

Mentions: Maxxob Maxxob Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi

Screenshot 2024-09-17 023057.png

“You’re being such pests!” The other contestant called out as her bone was foiled by Adelhein, by the time he was attacking unfortunately for them, Jaun couldn’t really do anything to stop the metallic spear as he got “impaled” by the full front of the attack and suddenly disappeared in a small flash of ethereal light, presumably being ejected from the trial for taking too much theoretical damage.

Scarlett Ashford

Further unfortunate for the skeleton user, her skeletons looked worse for wear now as they were much more damaged by Adelhein’s casting and then there was her, who she was trying to mount her own counter defense and attack but as she started chanting and the dark aura had started to form around her while she moved her staff around, Scarlett was quick to rush forward, being given the opening with the metallic wall that had protected her.

By the time Adelhein was saying to finish them off quick, and she leapt forward to the side giving the caster a fiery punch so that she’d interrupt her cast, and with that wombo combo the hostile was impaled, and suddenly also disappeared, her skeletons also disappearing in the ethereal light, the catalysts and everything else gone too that they had been using.

Scarlett was panting a bit, coming down from the high energy engagement, before she looked over to Adelhein with a nod, “You did great out there! I didn’t know you had so much magical energy, that casting was something else too! But unfortunately I don't think we have much time to celebrate at the moment.” She’d then take his hand once again and move down the hallway until they got to the end, and what was beyond it was a fairly steep stone windy stair case which went even deeper and got dimmer.

As Scarlett was careful to descend with Adelhein, as quick as they could manage while not being too reckless given the severe terrain, eventually they’d hear the sound of running water which she presumed was a good thing getting closer to the bottom, the stairs ending on a stony cave floor.

What was unknown to them was that someone who Adelhein already knew wasn’t far off, a certain Dryad had been compensated to be part of the trial and serve as a natural obstacle for those who thought they could get one of the more difficult relics by taking shortcuts and had likely knocked out some less combat savvy but stealthy sorts already.

In this more open cavernous area there were a few paths which branched off in different directions, looking more like the lower floor of the cave was built sort of maze-like with how the paths were presented.

Scarlett would let out a soft sigh, wishing the way to go was more obvious. “We’ll just have to pick one again for a lack of a better options, I’m guessing we’ll run into a high mark item soon enough cause we’re getting pretty deep now.”

On the plus side there weren't any more obvious threats around for the time being in that they weren't being attacked nor did there seem to be any signs of other testers having been there before them, but at the breakneck pace they were going at, working efficently together that shouldn't have been too much of a surprise.

If Adelhein didn’t object she’d start making her way toward the stone hallway like path that had some sort of glowing anvil logo looking inscription on the wall, and after moving through the winding path..Scarlett would freeze up and see Demeter in the distance of the dim space.

She’d then take a combat ready stance, not knowing who she was. “It’s go time again.” She’d say to Adelhein softly. Feeling her heart rate pick up again. Hopefully Adelhein would be able to defuse the precarious situation.
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An eerie silence filled the cave as an unknown entity came into view in the dimly lit cave.

Perched atop a large stone and nearly motionless; seemingly staring off into nothing as its sights lingered upon some random portion of the wall. One glance made it clear that it was Fae. Its skin- hard, rough and jagged- was reminiscent of the thick bark that covered many a grand, ancient tree. Its eyes carried a faint yellow glow that hinted at just how comfortable it was down there in the shadows. Branches jutted out from the back of its head like the canopy of a great oak in the dead of winter.

A dreadful creaking sound echoed through the cave as the creature turned to acknowledge their presence; it's amber eyes widening as it caught sight of them.

It kicked off of the rock and fell onto the floor with a loud thud before it charged towards them. Bit by bit, its thick armor began to chip away and fall to the floor as it approached ever-faster. It vanished from Scarlett's sight at that moment; nothing but a faint shadow creeping up past her ankles, almost indecipherable from the natural dimness of the cave, to suggest that the creature had advanced past her and was lunging towards Adelhein. It's hands reached out towards him with every intent to-



-to wrap her arms around him and embrace him.

If she had the strength, she might've picked him up and spun him around at that moment. And, by that point, she'd adopted an appearance that Adelhein was far more familiar with. One could only speculate the sounds that The El-Malloi and The Ashford prodigy might've expected to come from this encounter. But all they'd get was the joyous laughter of a young fae who was overjoyed to reunite with what was likely her best friend in the world.

"I got us another another head to put up on the trophy wall!"

Adelhein and Scarlett were likely both confused by this development.

But, for extremely different reasons.

TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Maxxob Maxxob
Adelhein: [Isekai], [Human], [Adept Magus] Color - #e60e0e
Saber Alter: [Isekai], [Construct], [Adept Swordsman] Color - #470c85
Gilgamesh: [Isekai], [Construct], [Adept Mage] Color - #d3fa5c

TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi


Saber Alter's Influence


Gilgamesh's Influence


A deep, long sigh of relief left Adelhein’s mouth as he witnessed both Scarlett and his own victory, thanks for their joint efforts. Little by little, he felt that his mana output was improving, magic circuits appearing to be growing stronger, more efficient. Was there something in this world that was allowing that rapid development? He couldn’t deny that he was making strides, which he didn’t know it was possible before. For all he knew, only the skies would be the limit.

He would return Scarlett’s nod with one of his own, a smile appearing on his lips. Her words played on his pride and ego, seeds finding fertile ground in the mind of the young magus. “Thank you, but that wasn’t my effort alone. You acted quickly and decisively against them, aside from literally packing quite the punch.” He said, having noticed the physical strength from the crimson-haired girl, clearly bellied her form. His softened expression would turn serious once more, as they still needed to find an artifact… a good one at that. “Yeah, let’s go and find that artifact.” Adelhein moved, trying to keep with Scarlett’s pace, with his hand firmly clasped around hers.

Each step in the descending stony staircase was done in with swiftness, his eyes squinting as the light become more scarce, wandering from side to side, trying to get a glimpse of anything amiss. He knew that even the smallest detail, being caught in advance, could be the difference between victory and defeat.

And, once more, the pair would end up at a crossroads, diverging paths in the labyrinthine cavern probably holding different outcomes. The very sight spurted a thought in the young magus’ mind: would the way back to the surface be an easy one? He certainly hoped so, as he wasn’t looking forward to spending more time than necessary inside cavernous depths. “I’m pretty sure we will find one. Or, at least, another pair that has found one.” Looking at Scarlett with determination etched on his face, he gave her hand a soft squeeze of assurance.

Without any objection on his part, he kept walking towards the hallway at her side, measured steps and unwavering gaze which kept sweeping at every direction. Even with the lack of current threats, Adelhein kept himself in high-alert, ready to spur into action.

Catching the logo of an anvil on one of the walls, his mind raced with possibilities of what it could mean. “Do you think that logo could mean that there is an artifact nearby?” He asked Scarlett with a tone barely above a whisper. The young magus’ companion would be the first one to notice something curious, and he would stop right after Scarlett did.

Adelhein’s gaze would catch the sight of a creature on top of a rock, the danger which it appeared to possess being increased by the lack of light. The gnarly, crown of branches which spurted from the back of its head compounding it even more. As Scarlett’s words reached him, his mind was set in high-alarm and, slowly, his hand began to open, letting the crimson-haired’s one free to act.

Yet, his attempt of not spooking or drawing attention from the yellow-eyed being had been for naught. Soon enough, it was charging towards them both, setting Adelhein’s own heart to a brisk pace. A gloved hand was brought forward, fingers sprawled towards the advancing being.

With mana swirling and being poured outside of him, the El-Melloi’s scion began to focused on the approaching creature, which got bigger and bigger, with each passing second. Every single piece that fell from its tree-like visage felt like the hand of a clock, ticking without stop, announcing its arrival.

“Mercurius V-” The magecraft chant was stopped suddenly, as a known voice reached his ears, his eyes widening as two arms reached for him, the metallic appendages which had spurted off the ground losing their forms, splattering and forming pools against the rocky floor of the cavern. “D… Demeter?” He said in surprise, eyes widening in surprise, while he felt her arms wrapping around him.

It took a few moments, but he would end up easing into the unfamiliar gesture and embracing her back as much as he was able to. And, perhaps being infected by her laughter, he would end up laughing himself, a rare sight for someone so formal as he is.

“Oh, another one?” Adelhein asked Demeter curiously, having to tilt his head upwards a bit to face her. “I took the first one to a taxidermist. It is currently safe at… well, I won’t spoil the surprise.” His tone turned mischievous, wanting to keep a particular thing hidden from now.

Slowly unwrapping his arms from around Demeter, he turned towards Scarlett. “Scarlett, this is Demeter, she is a very close friend and my apprentice.” In turn, he turned towards Demeter. “Demeter, this is Scarlett Ashford, we were assigned to be partners during the entrance exam.” Giving a brief introduction between both of them, he would tilt his head slightly. “What brings you to this cavern, Demeter?”
Aureus Albion

How did Aureus end up here again? Right. After aimlessly wandering from town to town, he stumbled into a place that could better his situation. A magic school. After some preliminary examinations, the next part of the test involved looking for magic trinkets of varying value. He and his partner moved through various tunnels of the cave. But the smooth sailing stopped there. Another duo engaged with them. His partner was knocked out cold by an ice blast, vanishing shortly after. As for Aureus, he managed to distract his opponents and jump blindly into a surprisingly deep stream.

Aureus was quick to regret his choice. The stream rocked him back and forth, dragging him under the surface on a couple of occasions. This awful water ride abruptly ended when the stream took a sharp turn and the elf was thrown off the ledge that stopped the water. Aureus tumbled down a few rock formations before landing on the flat floor of the cave chamber with a wet thud. The dizzying trip and the water invading his lungs distracted him from the trio a few meters away from him.

He simply rolled to lay on his back and tried his best to cough the water out.

A few days after the shenanigans during summoning class, Aqua received an invitation to the academy for a little test. The overjoyed girl didn't think much of it and was simply wait eagerly until the day arrived. She thought the test would simply be solving some problems on a paper or writing essay, a mock murder-death-kill session was definitely something she never thought it would be. Fortunately for her, she didn't need to join the first part of the test so she was safe... for now.

Unfortunately for her, she joined a bit too late that by the time she arrived at the test site the other participants were already started. Her bracelet currently had no color.

Even more unfortunate for her was the fact that she got trapped inside someone's else pit trap. She thought it just a strange lump on the ground when it collapsed under her weight, sending her tumbling down into a series of confusing underground cavern. Aqua lit up a torch and tried to do her best given the current situation: hug the left wall and keep walking forward. For some time the maze just keep going with slight incline downward here and there before her staff hit a wall that sounded much thinner than the other cavern wall so far.

"Bleaching," Tapping the wall with her staff, Aqua used her spell and transmuted the wall into salt, which immediately crumbled down revealing an opening into a bigger cave. At least this cave was larger and had little light coming from above. She could also hear running water nearby and more importantly, people!


People means another mages here, which means potential murder-death-kill battle! She wouldn't win any duel here since she's alone like this. Aqua almost retreated back into he dark maze she was coming from when she noticed the figure that just climbed out of a stream of water and collapsed on the ground. Mage test or not, she couldn't ignore someone in need of help so she rushed to Aureus' side and panicked for a moment. What should she do to someone who was almost drowning? How can she helps? Should she do Heimlich Maneuver? C-C-CPR?? She wasn't even qualified to do those things! Also, he's still coughing so the water should be removed from his lungs soon... probably.

"A-are you okay?" In the end, Aqua simply kneeled next to him and put her torch nearby. He almost drowned so he must be feeling cold, hopefully the torch would give him a bit of warmth.

1) Use [Bleaching] to crumbles the cavern wall
  • Bleaching (alt.) - Magic E, Transmutation F, Magic Range F, Magic Area F, Alchemy F, Focus F - A non-living target within 30 feet away and its immediate area within 15 ft are temporarily transformed into a pile of salt of equal weight - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
Location: ???, Grand Duchy of Roran

Weather: Temperate, gentle cool breeze.

Time: Early Morning

Mentions: Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread Rev IX Rev IX Maxxob Maxxob Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi
Scarlett Ashford

Scarlett was pleased to hear Adelhein share the credit some with her, giving him a smile, however she also appreciated that he didn’t linger too long on pleasantries when they were on a time limit like they currently were, there’d be time for more later so the number they exchanged felt just right as their hands relinked, and they were on their way to get the artifact one way or another.

“Thanks, hitting hard is sort of my thing.” She’d say a bit bashfully momentarily, before also looking more serious and giving a nod. Even if they had to pry it out of someone’s hands like she had ripped that catalyst out she wouldn’t be afraid to do it.

By the time they reached the anvil logo and not much besides their foot steps and the ambient sounds of the cave could be heard, Scarlett gave a nod,

She responded back quietly as well, just on the off chance there was a hostile nearby, matching Adelhein’s tone and volume, “I think these sorts of markings are intentional, this is supposed to be an exam after all, it wouldn’t be strange to mark the right way for a race..of course there’s a chance it’s a red herring, but I think given the circumstances we can hedge our bets that there’s an artifact or two nearby and if anything looks wrong we’ll just deal with it.”

Unfortunately as they were entering through that hall what they ran into next she hadn’t been expecting, some sort of fae creature and then it creaked, amber eyes running, unfortunately it was way too fast, Scarlett immediately lit her fist aflame looking determined like she was about ready to pivot and try to attack the foresty creature too, as Adelhein had started to say his spell, but then she heard a voice which didn’t sound all that hostile at all, causing her to pause, even as her heart was left racing, she accessed the situation…it was..no she was hugging him?!

Her eyes widened a bit “Head? What does she mean head?” Looking to Adelhein wondering exactly what was going on, and how did this fae know him. However she looked a bit relieved when she heard the rest of the context, taxidermy, right, good to know they probably had just killed some animals or something and weren’t some sort of undercover murder duo taking heads as trophies.
This was actually all somewhat a relief when she realized that this probably meant they wouldn’t have to fight her, maybe an ally? Granted it’d depend why Demeter was in the cave to begin with.

After being introduced she'd give a bit of a formal curtsey to Demeter, "Charmed to meet a friend and apprentice of Adelhein, I look forward to working with you then." She said with a smile.

However it became apparent not that long after that it wasn’t just the three of them in the cave.

The echoing from the chamber was obvious as they hadn’t made it THAT far when running into Demeter, causing Scarlett to look back and see the pair, Aqua whose spell use had gotten her to the lower level quicker who was currently assisting the currently water impaired Aureus Albion.

She’d look to Demeter and Adelhein, not wanting to risk leaving whoever was out there unattended knowing full well if they weren’t addressed they could just choose to follow them or attack with their backs turned, so she’d give a nod deciding she was going to take a gamble and make her way over, seeing that Aureus was having a coughing fit Scarlett made her way over by his side and started to do a few precise abdominal thrusts on him to help the get water out, and presuming that was effective and he was able to breathe normally again she’d then look to both of them.

“You two, listen up, we can do this the easy way or the hard way, we’re all on the lowest floor right now which means it’s the most dangerous place to be so why don’t you both join up with us and we can all get out of here with a couple good relics, pretty sure one should be good enough for the both of you."

Worst case scenario this would initiate pvp on her, or they’d try backstabbing them later, but knowing how Adelhein was she assumed if he had a friend like Demeter, who hopefully had the ability to attack well if she was collecting heads, between the three of them they could take care of Aqua and Aurerus if they tried to pull a fast one on them.
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After releasing Adelhein, Demeter sent a light wave in Scarlett's direction. She may not have known anything about her but, if Adelhein decided to keep her around as company, then she must've been good people. And then came the question of why she was down here in the caves.

"I got bored at the hotel after a while and The Adventurer's Guild was offering to pay me to beat people up," she answered bluntly with a nod, "I heard you came this way and was hoping I'd run into you while I'm making some money."

If it wasn't obvious by now, the money was really just a cherry on top for the young fae. She really just seemed happy to be here for all intents and purposes. Scarlett brought up the proposition of the three of them working together with a curtsey and Demeter's brow furrowed for a moment.

"Huh. To be honest, they didn't tell me much about what you guys are actually trying to do down here. They just told me to 'Sit there, look scary and attack anything that moves with lethal intent!'," She paraphrased an unknown orchestrator of this exam with a slightly deeper voice, "Some kinda enchantment in the area that keeps people from dying. Not sure what the goal is, but I'll help! Gotta be more fun than sitting on a rock waiting to attack people, hehe."

Not long after, two more unfamiliar faces arrived. One, pulling himself out of the water and another moving to assist him. Scarlet ran over to help and give them a proposition. Demeter hung back for a moment, her gaze slowly turning back to Adelhein before a smile returned to her face and she extended a closed fist for him to fist bump.

"Let's get you that..." Demeter paused for a moment, eyes narrowing in contemplation, "...p-passing test grade!"

With that, she'd follow after Scarlet to aide in either gathering a few more allies or wiping out the competition.

HP: 3/3
Nat. Heavy Armor: 1/1
-Resilient [F]: Surprise
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Aureus Albion

Aureus tried to control his coughing fit when a figure emerged from the darkness, to no avail. The elf raised his hand towards the figure, but the water ride he was in left him dizzy, so properly aiming a spell was way beyond his capabilities at the moment. The feminine figure seemed more concerned than aggressive, so he opted to simply focus on recovering for now. He couldn't quite die anyway, so there was no need for fear.

Another figure emerged from a different spot on the darkness, making Aureus panic. Forgetting his previous train of thought. Luckily for him, the figure simply tried to make him cough out the rest of the water. Her strength almost made his frail body vomit, but he was able to push the water out while keeping his breakfast in.

"Thank you" Aureus stated after groaning as he sat up, rubbing one of his hands on where the redhead pushed. He stared at her blankly when she proposed an alliance. Right, the exam. The amnesiac glanced towards the first lady who came to his side. She seemed to be a participant as well, but much like him, she was on her own. Aureus looked at the blue-haired lady in the eyes, as if trying to read her. "If she is fine with it, then so am I" He answered.
Adelhein: [Isekai], [Human], [Adept Magus] Color - #e60e0e
Saber Alter: [Isekai], [Construct], [Adept Swordsman] Color - #470c85
Gilgamesh: [Isekai], [Construct], [Adept Mage] Color - #d3fa5c

TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi


Saber Alter's Influence


Gilgamesh's Influence


Seeing the expression of doubt etched on Scarlett’s face as the ‘head’ had been mentioned, Adelhein felt it was best to explain what that was. “You see, Demeter defeated a pretty nasty brown bear in some woods near Ryken during her practice. She decided to keep its head as a trophy and milestone of her learning. I think of it as an important memento.” The young magus added his own thoughts, liking the idea of keeping trophies of their adventures and achievements. He wanted to get some of his own, quite frankly.

Next, focusing on Demeter, he heard intently the reason why she was at that cave. His eyebrow twitched, momentarily, upon hearing part of the reason, bringing a gloved hand to his chin, index tapping against the underneath of his jaw. “I see, so the academy sought outside resources to test the examinees.” Crossing his arms over his chest next, he didn’t know exactly what to think of it. The idea of hiring freelancers to track down rogue magi where he was from was not new, but to participate in the admittance exam sure was.

“Have you come across some blond-haired guy who talks big and uses ice magecraft?” Adelhein would ask Demeter, unable to hide his curiosity beneath his usual composed demeanor, a small smirk tugging at the corner of his lips along with a raised eyebrow. How hilarious would be if the mongrel has already been taken out, not simply by anyone, but his own apprentice? If not, there was a good chance of coming across him again, the young magus thought.

Without a second thought, he was already working on bringing the forest sprite up to speed. “Our objective here is to collect artifacts.” Beginning, he uncrossed his arms, bringing one index forward, pointing it upwards. “Rarer ones are worth more points, thus increasing the chances of passing the exam. Since we are at the lowest, more dangerous level, we are bound to find better ones in here.” Finishing his explanation, his face held a suave smirk in response to the dryad’s smile, looking at the extended fist and tilting his head for a moment, before extending his own arm and fist, joining her in the fist bump. “I will be counting on you.”

Next, his gaze slid towards Scarlett and the two newcomers. He remained silent, watching both the crimson-haired man and the blue-haired girl in appraisal, as if gauging their capabilities. Holding the unrelenting, molten gaze with quiet intensity, the young magus waited their decision of being allies or foes. Neutrality was clearly off the table: better to dispatch unknown variables than to take the gamble.
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The drowned boy thankfully managed to get the water out of his body after a red haired girl helped her. I-if only she was more decisive, she would probably able to help him faster and made him suffer less. Aqua was almost entering her spiraling self-loath mode when the red haired girl propose a cooperation between them. That or probably got her butt kicked by the red hair and her allies. With the drowned man gave her the reign for the decision Aqua quickly raised both of her hands.

"I-I-I-I-I will comply, p-please don't hurt us." She said in panic.​
Location: ???, Grand Duchy of Roran

Weather: Temperate, gentle cool breeze.

Time: Early Morning

Mentions: Maxxob Maxxob Rev IX Rev IX Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi

Scarlett Ashford
Scarlett looked visibly relieved when Adelhein explained that they had just kept the head of a bear as a trophy which they had defeat rather than the alternative which was much more concerning, hunting and keeping trophies was normal the other one was..more than a bit problematic.

It seemed reasonable enough that they might supplement a more difficult free-thinking individual to change up the last floor of the exam space by including Demeter, so her getting hired sounded reasonable enough to Scarlett. If she was taking people out that meant she had been doing her job too.
By the rest of Adelhein and Demeter's conversation she was likely out and about heading over to the other two, and thankfully Aureus recovered after she helped get the water out, it would suck to get eliminated because you choked on water rather than it being caused by someone else's attack, she doubted that would yield a great score if you ended out that way.

Better yet it sounded like he was willing to work with them, she'd then look to Aqua who was very much open to working with them also if she went by her words, she hoped that she'd be able to get back to a state where she was able to focus on the task at hand rather than being so frazzled.

"Right then." She'd offer Aureus a hand up, and pull him up, should he accept it.

She'd then look to Aqua. "Alrighty then get up, we need to get a move on."

"Try using your bracelets to see if you can send partner requests to each other then, it looked like there was something on the menu that might let you."
She said looking between them.

Should Aqua or Aureus interact with their exam bracelets they'd be able to successfully send and accept partner requests should they desire, and the new resulting color on their bands was an amber hue.

"If that works out like I think it should, then we just need two good relics, and then we just gotta get them back to the entrance, one for Adelhein and me, and one for You and..actually what are your names?" She'd ask.

"I'm Scarlett, Scarlett Ashford." She'd then clarify on her end.

Presuming they were ready to go she'd say, "With that settled, follow me and the others this way." Gesturing over to the hallway with the logo outside. She'd go back with Adelhein and Demeter.

The light was somewhat dim in the hallway still and should Aqua and Aureus follow, after traveling for a while and having an opportunity to talk if they desired with relatively little interruption.

"You two got any combat experience by the way? Any skills we should know about? Me? I'm good at getting close and personal with the hostiles."

Eventually toward the end of a long hall, the whole group was met at a t-section. the left way headed into a hallway which had strange multicolored rainbow bricks of marble, the right hallway sort of looked like it was becoming a solid blue stone lapis Lazure with some blue crystals forming above on the ceiling, the darkness obscuring the full lengths of the area.

Scarlett stayed toward the front of the group giving her combat kit, and when they arrived she looked between the two. "Great..another guessing game, hopefully either side will lead us to some area to get some relics.."

"Another decision..I hope that since the environment is shifting it means we're getting close to some artifacts..anyone have a preference which way we g-OO!"
The latter word was extenuated in surprise as her eyes widened when suddenly the whole area started to shake violently, after she stepped onto a tile at the cross section by accident the t-Section was starting to split in front of them revealing something that looked like a metal door but that wasn't' all that was happening.

Suddenly a greenish magical portal opened up in the metal door and a series of 6 E Grade, somewhat familiar looking magical icicles came flying at the group, a hand sticking out of the portal.

[E Grade Attack x6, one heading at Scarlett, one heading at Aureus, one heading at Aqua, one heading at Demeter, and two heading at Adelhein.]

"Watch out!" Scarlett called out quickly, there was still enough time for the group to react.
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Adelhein: [Isekai], [Human], [Adept Magus] Color - #e60e0e
Saber Alter: [Isekai], [Construct], [Adept Swordsman] Color - #470c85
Gilgamesh: [Isekai], [Construct], [Adept Mage] Color - #d3fa5c

TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi Rev IX Rev IX Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread


Saber Alter's Influence


Gilgamesh's Influence


Seeing how the newcomers listened to the voice of reason, and joined Scarlett, Demeter and him, Adelhein visibly relaxed. It was certainly better to have as many resources as possible to ensure their success in the second part of the trial. “I’m Adelhein El-Melloi von Breyer, a pleasure.” The young teenager introduced himself after Scarlett, readjusting his gloves. And, in the very next moment, he was treading along the hallway once more.

He had positioned himself a few steps behind Scarlett, letting the crimson-haired girl take the vanguard. And, with each step, his crimson eyes darted around the hallway, searching for anything out of ordinary. However, as much as he tried to look around, he couldn’t find anything amiss so far. “This reminds me of that cavern back in Ryke. Do you remember that rabid dog, Gilgramfried?” A smirk tugged the corner of his lips as he asked Demeter with a fleeting memory of that maniacal knight. “I still wonder who I would have summoned if that kobold had been used as a sacrifice…” The young magus contemplated what sort of result could he have achieved with the extra mana. Would the result still have been Gilgamesh or someone entirely different?

That wondering brought his mind somewhere else. He began imagining what the two Heroic Spirits were doing in his sudden absence. He could only hope they weren’t causing mayhem or questioning the local Duchy populace about his location too harshly. Worst case scenario, they would have found the Academy and would be butting heads with its staff to find out their Master’s location. The very thought made his eyebrows furrows, but in the next moment, those thoughts were dispelled. And, hearing Scarlett talk about her own specialty for the newcomers, Adelhein thought it was only fitting to do the same. “My specialty lies on magecraft that manipulates minerals. I’m a long-ranged magus.” His explanation was direct to the point.

At the t-section, the young magus couldn’t help but have his attention caught by the crystals of the right passage. Once more he remembered the Tohsaka specialty of gem-crafting and couldn’t help, but wonder if those minerals would have made good recipients for mana. He began walking towards it to cut and collect a few pieces of the lapis lazule, before the whole place began shaking. His eyes widened as he attempted to keep his balance, worried that the ceiling might end up caving in on top of them. That was, until the end of the t-section parted open, and another path had been revealed as a metallic door.

Suddenly, he was under attack by some familiar icicles. “Nolan…” Adelhein said in displeasure, making the assumption about the author. Still, there would be time to find out if his hypothesis was correct after taking care of it. Bringing one of his hands forward, the young magus began concentrating, bringing minerals from the depths of the cavern to its surface. “Fervor Mei Sanguine¹!” Uttering his magecraft, two metallic tendrils would burst out of the ground, moving with liquid-fluidity towards the icicles targeting him, attempting to crush them and then go after the caster’s hand. “Fervor Mei Sanguine²!” The second magecraft were uttered barely a single second after the first one, to the same exactly effect, albeit weaker.

1 - Fervor Mei Sanguine - Magic D, Energized D, Magic AoE F, Magic Range F, Magic Targets F, Selective Magic [Sparing Allies and Environment] F, Affinity Elemental [Metal] F, Affinity Deflect F, Affinity Blight [Poison] F - After declaring the name of the spell, Adelhein selects up to five enemies up to 30ft. Metal tentacles erupt from the ground, moving towards them to pierce them. After the attack, the appendages burst, further dealing Metal damage to other enemies inside a 15ft radius from each original target - Grade D Cooldown 1
2 - Fervor Mei Sanguine - Magic E, Energized E, Magic AoE F, Magic Range F, Magic Targets F, Selective Magic [Sparing Allies and Environment] F, Affinity Elemental [Metal] F, Affinity Deflect F, Affinity Blight [Poison] F - After declaring the name of the spell, Adelhein selects up to five enemies up to 30ft. Metal tentacles erupt from the ground, moving towards them to pierce them. After the attack, the appendages burst, further dealing Metal damage to other enemies inside a 15ft radius from each original target - Grade E Cooldown 0

D 0/1

"Mmm... I ran into a few humans and an elf, but none of them was blonde."

Unfortunately, unless he had recently changed up his look, Adelhein's rival hadn't met his end to a dryad on this day. A fact that would likely linger in his mind as the group advanced. Demeter, on the other hand, focused on grasping the task at hand. Didn't seem to difficult a task. Explore. Find the best treasure. Don't get beat up.

"And beat up anyone with cooler stuff than us so we can take it and win," She added to The El-Melloi's explanation. She turned to the two new arrivals- the cautious boy and the nervous girl- as introductions were made, "Demeter. Nice to meetcha!"

With that out of the way, the group could advance further into the caves. The young fae was feeling rather exited. It would be an exaggeration to say that much had changed since their last adventure together, but Demeter had been practicing daily and she had a few new skills that she was eager to put to the test.

"Yeah, East Empire people are so weird," she replied, her entire opinion on the group borne from a single experience with what might've been the Empire's most psychotic soldier, "Wonder whatever happened to-"

A thought cut short by Scarlett's call to action. The first challenge that Demeter would meet as a participant, and certainly not one that she'd expected from a crossroads.

Not one of reason and discernment, but violence.

Before any of them could choose a path, the path, itself, split. An iron door emerged before them and, from it, a hand. Shards of ice radiated out towards each member of the group, and Demeter responded immediately. At a distance of only 20ft, the enemy was well within her range of all of her spells. Jagged spikes of root would erupt from the dirt below to deflect and
[Counter] the incoming shard of ice before their trajectory shifted forward and rocketed towards the portal with intent to pass through it and skewer whoever that hand belonged to.

Then, she'd extend a hand forward, and two more jagged spikes would erupt from the ground just in front of the portal and rocket towards the concealed figure with just as much lethal intent. It may not meant anything to the other two, but there was one detail that Scarlett would no doubt notice. Despite the dryad striking with living roots and the young magus utilizing cold steel...

...the similarity in the form between their attacks was undeniable.

Actions (3/3):
1) Cast
[Root Eruption] +2 to counter the icicle attack and strike the unknown assailant. Demeter is choosing to spare all of her comrades and the cave walls with her [Selective] core. AOE centered 10ft in front of Demeter.
2 &3) Cast
[Root Burst] twice to combo with [Root Eruption] and enhance its effectiveness by 2.
Root Eruption- Magic E, Componentless Magic E, Darkvision F, Energized E, Magic School F, Deflect (1) E, Indirect F, Blight [Bludgeoning] F, Continuous F, Incurable F, Magic AOE F, Selective Magic F, Magic Range [Metamagic] F- Demeter summons roots spikes from a solid surface to impale foes. These spikes can be summoned from the earth, walls, ceilings or even her own body. Each root is coated in a poison that simultaneously acts as a blood thinner and anti-coagulant; effectively causing a target to hemorrhage an unnatural amount of blood from any wounds taken from this move if not properly treated.- 1 action- 30ft Range- 15ft A.O.E.- 1 post duration- Grade E- 0 post cooldown.

Root Burst- Magic F, Componentless Magic F, Darkvision F, Energized F, Magic School F, Deflect (1) F, Indirect F, Blight [Bludgeoning] F, Continuous F, Incurable F, Magic Range [Metamagic] F- A weaker variant of Root Eruption lacking area of effect that Demeter can cast up to thrice in rapid succession. Often used in combination with Root Eruption.- 1 action- 30ft Range- 1 post duration- Grade F- 0 post cooldown.

HP: 3/3
Nat. Heavy Armor: 1/1
-Resilient [F]: Surprise
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