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Active [Aslan City] The Ethereal Luminary Entrance Exam Arc Part II

Aureus Albion

Aureus took the hand of the red-haired mage, and slowly incorporated himself. After a small bow of his head to show gratitude, he followed the mage's advice, and should the blue-haired mage comply too, he would link his bracelet to hers. It seemed like introductions were in order, which the red-haired mage started. "Aureus Albion".

As Aureus walked with the group, he sighed when Scarlett asked about combat experience. Might as well be honest. He didn't want to be overestimated, the elf told to himself. "Not anything worth mentioning. I use transmutation, from afar most of the time. Much like Mister Adelhein". Aureus hoped he could hold pull his weight in a fight better than in his previous, and first, adventure.

When the tunnel forked, Aureus glanced briefly in the direction of both paths. Unsure of which way was the better bet, he let the more seasoned people make the wiser choice.

There was no chance for it, however.

A rumble later, the metal door previously hidden, opened and an attack was thrown their way. The second he was aware of the threat coming at him, and being straight in front of it, Aureus ducked down. The elf took advantage of his position to launch a counter-attack. He had a clear path towards the source of the icicles, but he could only see a hand protruding from the portal. Focusing exclusively on the threat beyond their sight, he reeled back one of his arms and pushed it forward with his palm open and aimed at the hidden threat. A blast of small, but quite sharp, rocks flew forward.


1 - Dodge
2 - Obsidian Shower - Transmutation F, Earth Affinity F, Magic AoE F, Magic E, Spell Duration F, Selective Magic F, Alchemy F, Energized E, Magic Targets F, Magic Range F - User fires a barrage of sharp obsidian blades upon selected targets. Up to 30ft away - Grade E - 0 Post Cooldown

Fiddling with her bracelet, Aqua quickly managed to link her bracelet with the others. The unlit part of the device now had a warm amber glow on it. She's just glad that she didn't actually need to do the test alone.

"M-my n-name's Aqua... Aqua Raines." She introduced herself to the group. It's also probably her first time introducing herself with the surname. Most of the time she didn't feels the need to do it but both Scarlett's and Adelhein's name had a somewhat fancy formal aura on them, it's like they're nobles or something like that. Meanwhile her name literally just mean rain water.

As they walk Scarlett asked about their combat ability. Aqua wasn't confident in her skills on that, the last time she tried she ended up running in panic for almost half the length of the dungeon.

"I fought some g-goblins before. I-I don't like fighting though." She said after listening to the other's skills. Everyone had impressive combat skills as she expected, though what she didn't expect was the fact that Aureus was also a transmuter. "M-me too!! I dabble in alchemy and transmutation, especially in liquid transmutation and water magic."

She wanted to talk more about it, maybe discuss about some material structure or something like that as she never find another transmuter her age before this. Unfortunately they're ambushed by some icicle. Aqua raised her staff and launched a bolt of water to hit the icicle coming at her.

1) Water Blast - Magic E, Magic Range F, Water Affinity F, Focus F - Shoot a bolt of water at a target 30 feet away - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown​

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