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Fantasy Ashfallen Academy

Nenma Takashi

Terribly Terrible
Do you have special powers? Are you not of this world? Do you not bleed red? Are you not human? If you answered yes to any of these questions then you have your answer for why we sent you a letter of invitation. Where to? Well to Ashfallen Academy of course here we teach and train supernatural beings, geneticly altered beings, and the unexplainable. So we welcome you to our school enjoy your stay at Ashfallen were your biggest challenge is making sure you do your assignment.....right?
Alexander reached into his pocket and took out a lighter and cigarette. He lit the cigarette and took put it in his mouth. He leaned into a microphone on his desk and cleared his throat speaking into the mic. "Attention all students please report to the gym for introductions I repeat report to the gym for introductions." He leaned back into his seat then remembered something leaning back into the mic he spoke again. "Oh and Set try to keep your weeb crap under control love you." He leaned back in his chair and closed his eyes that were hidden by the sunglasses on his face.

Setsua sighed as she heard her uncle over the intercom she began to walk towards the gym. Then he came back on and she blushed embarrassed he would say that. "I'm not a weeb I'm an Otaku you cigarette smoking scum!" She mumbled under her breath she was also embarrassed he said I love you over the intercom. "Great I didn't need everyone knowing we knew each other it'll only make it harder to make friends. Heh I loner like me is doomed to this existence I guess." She said posing with her hand over one eye she shook her head. "Damn I went back into shounen mode!" She scolded herself and went back to walking towards the gym.

@verifiedkat -i-t-t-0x-x/" data-mentionid="27031" data-ipshover-target="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/27031-x- xD -i-t-t-0x-x/\?do\=hovercard" data-ipshover="">@x xD i T T 0X x @Dapper Charmer @Deathrattle BB @Dkingow
Atro was sitting in the courtyard when he heard the PA go off "Attention all students please report to the gym for introductions I repeat report to the gym for introductions."

What instructions? Do they think we're too dumb to figure this stuff out on our own? He wondered, however his legs were already making their way to the gym.

Inside the gym, the blonde haired man pulled the hood of his white robe over his head with nimble fingers. He needed to sit and observe first. School can't be that bad, right? I'll just need to lie low, graduate, and wait for the next command. Despite his resolution, he was actually nervous. He played with a loose string on his sleeve. He really didn't like being with large quantities of people.
Horns heavy on his head, Irona moved sluggishly. His head was bent forward slightly, eyes drawn to the floor with a blank and emotionless expression. His only movements were the long slow strides of his legs and soft swaying of his hands. He looked completely and utterly dead and lifeless walking the way he was. His head flickered in an upward direction as the sound of the intercom rang throughout the hallways.

"Attention all students please report to the gym for introductions I repeat report to the gym for introductions."

For a moment it looked as if the teenager's interest was peaked. A slight spark came flooding into his dark eyes, however this quickly changed as he bent his head over and gave out a large huff of emotion. His eyes drained of their touch and went back onto the floor.

However, moving a little quicker this time the child strengthened his strides and strode down the hallways with few quick leaps of faith, hoping to get himself to the gym as fast as he could and sit down.

Avery had been sitting on a tree branch quietly humming a song that was stuck in his head. He wasn't sure where he had heard it from but recently it had just continued playing on repeat in his mind for the past few days. He was trying once again to figure out where he had heard the song when he heard over the loud speaker,

"Attention all students please report to the gym for introductions, I repeat report to the gym for introductions."

Avery jumped down from his tree branch softening his land at the last moment and started walking towards the gym trying to avoid the bigger students. There were so many people that at one point Avery just started hovering above the ground because he got tired of not being able to see where he was going. That and his feet had started to hurt because he wasn't wearing shoes, he had left them in the garden from when he had been climbing the tree. Luckily he was wearing white ankle socks though they were now stained with dirt from the garden outside.​
The tall, muscular half demon Michael had been peacefully napping under a tree when he had been awoken by the announcement.

"Attention all students please report to the gym for introductions, I repeat report to the gym for introductions"

Michael stood up with a yawn, his head almost hitting the tree branch. As he walked to the gym he hopes he'd make a good first impression. He hopes people wouldn't just see him as big brute.

He soon got to the packed gym and sat down, waiting for introductions to start.
Alexander made his way to the gym getting there before others. He let a few students get to the gym before making his next announcement he spoke into a microphone on a stand. "Hello students of Ashfallen welcome I hope you are happy to be here, I'm glad you could all make it." He scanned the crowd nodding his head. "I see potential in many of you now where I come from we have a saying. Words are but noises hearts are truly connected with fist!" He said triumphantly he then chuckled. "With that stand I'd like everyone to ready themselves for we will now be having open battles. Anyone may challenge anyone or you can wait for Mr.Ozpin to pick for you. You all must fight if your not confident then simply forfeit do not be concerned about hurting others but do try and hold back a little." He pointed to Joseph who was in charge of battles.

Setsua could only think one thing. 'Is he retarded!' She looked around at the people here only some seemed they had ever been in a fight. 'Why does he want us to fight and what's that saying he made up no one in the family says that!'

@Angel Lucifer @Dapper Charmer @Deathrattle BB @Dkingow @JayKuro -i-t-t-0x-x/" data-mentionid="27031" data-ipshover-target="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/27031-x- xD -i-t-t-0x-x/\?do\=hovercard" data-ipshover="">@x xD i T T 0X x @verifiedkat
Joe slightly smiled at Alexander's antics, but then got serious. He looked around, scanning the potential of the student's. Alex was right as there were some with potential. He then quietly awaited everyone to chose who they were fighting, taking a swig of wine from a flask hidden in his pocket to pass the time.
Avery didn't particularly want to fight anyone. He knew he didn't have a chance as other people's abilities were much probably stronger than his own. He looked around flying a bit so he could see people's faces and the different qualities about them. He wanted Joseph to choose who he was going to fight, if Avery picked he would probably pick someone much stronger than him and would be beaten within a few moments. He wanted to at least stand a slight chance.

Joe saw a fairy and started scouting out someone who he could fight. He spotted another fairy among the crowd that was the same size as Avery. He walked over to him and told him that he was assigned to fight Avery. He sighed and took a swig from his flask. "That other fairy kid, I sense telekinesis in him. It's not everyday you see that power, especially from a fairy. If I had to bet, I'd put my money on him." He sighed and easily ran up the wall, he then lied down on a support beam near the ceiling.
The blonde- haired man immediately backed to the edge of the crowd of students. Fight?! Are these people absolutely insane? He scanned the crowd. There was a boy who looked like he never aged a day above 9, another guy with antlers, a girl who kept talking gibberish about otakus and such, and two men that made Atro very uncomfortable. They were buzzing with an evil, a sinful energy that sent shivers down the religious boy's spine. If he really had to fight, then he really didn't want it to be either of those two. However, there was not much he could do as he definitely wasn't going to talk to someone and risk rejection. He made a silent prayer to God to help him with a match.
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"I see, he is making contact with my good old friend god. I wonder how he's doing up there. Maybe I should visit soon, haven't seen him in forever now. Hopefully they won't mistake me for Lucifer again, nearly destroyed all of heaven trying to stop them from attacking me." Joe sighed, recalling the 'good' memories of the past.
Setsua sighed she decided to be helpful to someone and looked for someone "weak" she spotted a blonde girl? Setsua couldn't tell if they were a boy or girl she didn't wanna be wrong so she just winged it. "Hey I'm not all that strong and I was hoping neither were you. Wanna fight each other." 'Good job me just show them how cool of an older sister you could've been!' She held her hand out to the blond...person.

Avery turned around and saw another fairy standing only a few feet away from him. Apparently this was who he was going to fight, he wanted to end this quickly Alexander never said how many people you had to fight and Avery hoped he could get away with fighting just one. He quickly used his telekinetics and forced the fairy to the side and into a nearby wall. He turned around and saw that he almost hit a blue haired girl and a blonde haired boy. He gasped,in surprised and quickly yelled an "I'm sorry" from where he was. He had never been able to fully control his telekinetics.

@Nenma Takashi @verifiedkat
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Joe watched as Avery used his telekinesis to throw the Fairy into a wall. A slight smile was shown on his face. "So I was right after all eh?" He stood up and jumped off of the support beam landing on the ground without a sound. "I wonder what Alex has planned this year, whatever it is it better be entertaining as this is the last year I have left in the mortal realm." He sighed, remembering all the 'fun' and 'good' times he had. Getting chased by a demonic hitman, having a corrupt priest try and seal him so he could be immortal, saving an archangel, and many more.
A blue- haired girl approached Atro with the question "Hey I'm not all that strong and I was hoping neither were you. Wanna fight each other?" He looked at her, slightly insulted.

"Why would I fight with you? You'll only hurt yourself-" Just then, a fairy flew by him, pushed by the forces of telekinesis. He fell to the floor and squeaked, totally caught off guard. He rubbed his head in embarrassment. Instead of protesting this time, he just took the blue-haired girl's hand and followed wherever she took him, with his eyes focused on the ground in shame.

@Nenma Takashi
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Alexander caught the kid who was thrown at the wall. "Easy there kid fights haven't started yet!" He yelled to the fairy boy. He snapped his fingers a ring of fire surrounded the fairy boy and pushed others away. He pointed to it for the kid he grabbed to go into it. "The flames won't burn you don't worry."


Setsua didn't flinch as the fairy boy flew she smiled when the blond...kid took her hand. "Let's wait for our turn I'm Setsua by the way you can call me Set."


Avery watched as a ring of fire surrounded him. The others were pushed away and Alexander instructed the fairy from before to walk in it saying that it wouldn't burn him. Was he suppose to fight him again? He thought he only had to fight once and then it would be over with, how wrong he had been.

@Nenma Takashi
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He looked up a bit and stated. "My name is Atro, and I am the messenger of God." His voice tagged an arrogant tone at the end, but it was still quite soft-spoken as usual. They had both stopped, so he lets go of her hand and looks at the ring of fire. The child was now being forced to enter the ring and fight the fairy head on. "How is this in people's interests? Does this not strike people as immoral? Why do people want to fight?" He ponders for a moment before deciding, "This isn't right."

@Nenma Takashi
Michael was surprised by everything that had just happened around him in the last few minutes. One minute he's sitting down in the gym and the next minute two fairies are fighting in a ring of fire.

When he heard introductions he expected...well anything but fighting. But if he hadto fright then he saw as hell wouldn't back down. He just hoped he have a equally strong partner.
Setsua shook her head at the boy's comment. "Fighting in itself isn't wrong. It's the reason behind it that can be viewed as wrong. Right now I don't see anything wrong with it but if it got out of hands then it's wrong." She tapped a finger on her chin. "I fight my siblings but it doesn't mean it's wrong we do it to get stronger and even though that saying that cigarette smoking scum said wasn't a real saying. It did have some truth to it fighting can bring people together or I think it can."


Avery took a few steps back waiting for the okay to begin. He didn't want to have to do this more than necessary, he had acted so quickly that he didn't even know what the other fairy was able to do. Although he did have a good guess, most fairies have mind manipulation or body manipulation, but it didn't work until the target was touched. As long as he wasn't touched he should be fine.

@Nenma Takashi
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Alexander now back at the mic gave the ok. "Let your heats scream!" He yelled into the mic telling the two to go ahead and fight. He made his way to Joseph taking out a cigarette and lighting it. "Smart money is on the telekinesis kid am I right?" He said chuckling.

@JayKuro @Angel Lucifer
Arianna quickly braided her hair as she watched the fighting commence. This was getting exciting. she was so absorbed in braiding and watching that she bumped into a black a haired kid.

"oh im sorry" she said and moved to go around him.

@Dapper Charmer
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Michael smiled at the girl who had bumped into him. "It's no trouble really," he said happily, "you were probably just distracted with the fight." Michael suddenly got an idea, "you wouldn't happen to have a fighting partner would you? Cause if you don't I could fight you." He outstretched his hand to shake hers, "I'm Michael by the way. But you can call me Gargoyle."

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