[Ash and Moonlight] The Campfire [Ash and Moonlight]

Oh shit, my favorite game has been updated. I'm so lost! I'll post as soon as I can. Thank you Doctor, I feel much better now!
Will post this afternoon, Gray, I'mm assuming there are some small farming communities near the city, as it seems unlikely that the city would be completely self-suficient.
I have to re-install some stuff after some computer difficulties. I won’t be posting anything for several more days. I apologize for the inconvenience.
I'll have something up today in the meantime. Still having trouble getting the right words on the screen but IT WILL BE THERE EVENTUALLY.
Righto. I can just start the next thread if people want, so let me know - I just wanted to let you get some establishing scenes in High Lontarn, fun but not vital.
I did intend to engage in some sort of writing about my character exploring the city. If I understood correctly it was an opportunity for solo writing. Not sure if it involved the storyteller or just our imagination. Probably a combination of both, come to think of it.

Grey, you're best off starting the next thread at your convenience. If I don't manage a post in the next day or so, just go on. There will be plenty of chances I am sure.
Shoot Grey one of them newfangled high tech messages you kids use these days, he'll know.

C'mon guys we have to go on an adventure :C
I'd PM GrSorry gang, but my life's been turned upside down, somebody accidently set my roof on fire New Years. Between the cops, it's illegal to set fireworks in city limits, ensurence, and repairs, I've not had time for much else. So, I may not be able to post for a while. Sorry, but I just don't have the time. I'm so, so sorry to do this to you all again My best wishes, Sightless.
phillip1882 said:
is it too late to join? this looks like a fairly recent start up.
Yes indeed, you can join. I thought I had already replied to this...

I will post to move things on tomorrow when I have my laptop back.
Alright, give me a little while to update all my in-progress threads and I'll open the next one for you guys.

Sightless said:
I'd PM GrSorry gang, but my life's been turned upside down, somebody accidently set my roof on fire New Years. Between the cops, it's illegal to set fireworks in city limits, ensurence, and repairs, I've not had time for much else. So, I may not be able to post for a while. Sorry, but I just don't have the time. I'm so, so sorry to do this to you all again My best wishes, Sightless.
Sorry to hear that, Sightless. I hope you're all unharmed and nothing irreplaceable was lot.
You know when you write something and try to be all smart and stuff but it's just a steaming pile of stupid literary devices?

god i feel dirty.

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